Hayes School
Hayes School serves the Chestnut Hill neighborhoods and has a population of about 430 students.
Hayes School sets the bar high for students, so it is right that they set the bar higher for themselves as educators. That means leading from a place of collaboration, celebration, love, and an unrelenting drive for providing the highest quality public education for every student who joins us at Hayes.
Educators at Hayes School are engaged in a school-wide conversation around coaching/collaboration, educational equity, mindset, the complex and intricate connections between teaching practice and student outcomes, and how to nurture classroom and school cultures in which students feel in control of their own learning. Families also have a powerful perspective on this work, and the school welcomes their insights on the joys, struggles, and growth their child experiences during the school year.
The school fosters community in many ways, including: school-wide celebrations of learning, showcasing giving back to the community through providing support for the GSA (grades 6-8), hosting a Young Scholars Program for Black and Latinx students (grades 4-8), Young Calculus Project (grades K-4), sustaining a METCO Connections mentoring program (K-8) and by electing representatives (in grades 4-8) to serve on Student Council. Students participate in community service and serve the greater community in myriad ways throughout their years at Hayes.The PTO plays an important role in the school and organizes many events to encourage parent participation. All families are members of the PTO. Hayes School is well supported by families and grateful for their partnership.
The school staff consider themselves craftspeople and innovators who work purposefully to ensure that students see themselves that way, as well. As professionals, the staff model risk-taking and mistake-making and seek to develop a sense of safety in the classrooms so that students will also have the courage to take educational risks in service of deeper learning.
The school also recognizes that risk-taking is not only in service of academic gains; the school strives for equity and social justice, often risky endeavors, at Heath School and use our voices and talents to uplift all in the community. This is the Hayes School's shared vision, our North Star, and the school is relentless in meeting the call of providing a high-quality education for all students.