•  rainbow


    The Roland Hayes School

    The Public Schools of Brookline
    A METCO Partnership School
    Welcome to The Principal's Corner, where you will find regular updates about what is happening here at our school!


  • Want to meet some of the school staff?  Here are links that can help you know our team and our vision for learning:

    Want to learn more about our Student Affinity Groups ? Please enjoy this recording of our conversation (link), or peruse the slide deck (link).

    Zones of Regulation Information

    Inclusion at Hayes School - Message for Families, March 2022

    K-4 Music Website

    Meet the Specialists!

    Middle School "Open House" Slide Deck

    Special Education Virtual Meet & Greet 

    Social Emotional Learning with Ms. O & the Famous and Loved "Baker" 

    RISE at Hayes School Presentation



    Translation: If you need this information translated, please copy and paste it into Google Translate.  The link to Google translate is http://translate.google.com/.  

    Traducción: si necesita traducir esta información, cópiela y péguela en Google Translate. El enlace al traductor de Google es http://translate.google.com/.

    翻译:如果您需要翻译这些信息,请将其复制并粘贴到谷歌翻译中。 Google 翻译的链接是 http://translate.google.com/。

    Tradução: Se você precisar que esta informação seja traduzida, por favor, copie e cole no Google Translate. O link para o Google tradutor é http://translate.google.com/.

    Links to the Community Notes newsletter:

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Roland Hayes School Principal




    April 1, 2022
    Dear Heath Community:
    Happy Friday! And, welcome to a much deserved weekend.  Lots to enjoy in the weekly message, here: 
    Thank you for reading and all of the other things seen and unseen that you do to support this beloved community,
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    March 25, 2022
    Dear Community,
    We think you'll find something in it that you'll like!
    Have a great weekend, everyone -
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    March 18, 2022
    Dear Heath Community,
    A happy Friday to you all!  Will you start the weekend off right by reading this week's missive, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RkezFLIjMGL27j8nGUiIidAOhVNJ200t1cLwRixA0k/edit?usp=sharing?
    In it you'll learn more about MCAS, the Heath School name conversations, how to support LGBTQ+ youth, and many announcements of upcoming events.
    Thanks for checking it out.
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    March 11, 2022
    Dear Heath Community,
    This week's missive is information-rich about big things happening in the lives of our students.  You'll find information about:
    • updates to the masking mandates
    • the Heath School name and possible renaming
    • updates from the middle school science classroom
    • a virtual concert for your enjoyment
    • and much, much more!
    Find the link here: 
    I also want to be sure to invite you to this Wednesday's event when the Hidden Brookline team will be hosting a virtual (zoom) discussion on the Heath family and the history of slavery in Brookline on March 16th at 6pm. Details are in the Community Notes.
    I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend ahead!
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    February 4, 2022
    Dear Heath Community:
    • an update on the Heath School name conversation
    • a celebration of Black History Month
    • science fair information
    • PTO meeting announcement
    • call for volunteers for upcoming events
    • and upcoming events
    Thanks for reading and stay warm today!
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    January 28, 2022
    Dear Heath Community:
    Here is this week's message, full of things that I hope bring you joy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-wIRBrj8YY_9RDnlWT3SHY_B0_cA_c_lQRCeQl8hi_w/edit?usp=sharing
    Stay safe and warm tomorrow during the snowstorm!  
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    January 21. 2022
    Dear Heath Community,
    Here is the link to today's message: 
    Thank you, as always, for reading and attending to the "to-do list" items (hint to 5th grade parents).
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead!
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    January 14, 2022
    Dear Heath Community:
    Happy Friday to you all, and cheers to the long weekend ahead.  The link to this week's Community Notes is here: link  Once again it is brief, but (hopefully) useful.  If there is one message I hope you get through any communication it is this:  we are here, we are all working so hard to keep school humming along, our focus is on the kids, and we all need rest.  The "we" is ALL of us. 
    So, tend to the "we" through nurturing yourself and family. That can certainly contribute to our collective well-being.
    With gratitude,
    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    January 7, 2022

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is the link to today's message: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9rxq09XremaGCejkPkUCI6zCSRHq7RiEsvfMM1A_BM/edit?usp=sharing

    It is brief, as was this week.  I hope to get back into the routines we all crave very soon!

    Stay healthy!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    December 17, 2021
    Dear Heath Community,
    No message next week so that we can all focus on the holidays ahead.  
    We wish you all safe and joyful holidays.  We also thank you for the extra vigilance with staying safe over the break - masks, boosters (if eligible), and staying up to date on how to make the smartest choices for your family can all help us remain a safe place to learn in the new year.  We thank you!
    ~ Asa


    我们祝大家假期安全快乐。 我们也感谢您在休息期间保持安全的额外警惕 - 口罩、助推器(如果符合条件)以及及时了解如何为您的家人做出最明智的选择,都可以帮助我们保持安全的学习场所 新年。 我们谢谢你!

    ~ Asa
    Aquí están las notas de la comunidad de esta semana:
    No hay mensaje la semana que viene para que todos podamos concentrarnos en las próximas vacaciones.

    Les deseamos a todos unas felices y seguras vacaciones. También le agradecemos la vigilancia adicional para mantenerse a salvo durante el descanso: máscaras, refuerzos (si son elegibles) y mantenerse actualizado sobre cómo tomar las decisiones más inteligentes para su familia pueden ayudarnos a seguir siendo un lugar seguro para aprender en el Año nuevo. ¡Te agradecemos!

    ~ Asa
    Aqui estão as notas da comunidade desta semana:
    Nenhuma mensagem na próxima semana para que todos possamos nos concentrar nas férias que virão.

    Desejamos a todos férias seguras e alegres. Agradecemos também pela vigilância extra em permanecer seguro durante o intervalo - máscaras, reforços (se elegível) e manter-se atualizado sobre como fazer as escolhas mais inteligentes para sua família podem nos ajudar a permanecer um lugar seguro para aprender no ano Novo. Obrigado!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    December 10, 2021
    Dear Heath Community,
    A happy Friday to you all!  Here is this week's Community Notes: link  In this week's message you'll learn about:
    • Inclusive Schools Week
    • The upcoming PTO meeting
    • How to support the Staff Appreciation luncheon on the 16th
    • The Book fair next week
    • ... and more!
    Thank you all for all you do!
    ~ Asa

    祝大家五一快乐! 这是本周的社区笔记:链接   在本周的消息中,您将了解到:
    • 全纳学校周
    • 即将举行的 PTO 会议
    • 如何支持16日员工答谢午宴
    • 下周书展
    • ... 和更多!
    ~ Asa​
    Estimada comunidad de Heath,

    ¡Feliz viernes a todos! Aquí están las notas de la comunidad de esta semana: enlace En el mensaje de esta semana, aprenderá sobre:
    • Incluido Semana Escuelas
    • La próxima reunión de la PTO
    • Cómo apoyar el almuerzo de agradecimiento al personal el día 16
    • La feria del libro la semana que viene
    • ... ¡y más!
    ¡Gracias a todos por todo lo que hacen!
    ~ Asa​
    ​Caro Comunidade Heath,

    Uma feliz sexta-feira a todos! Aqui estão as Notas da comunidade desta semana: link Na mensagem desta semana, você aprenderá sobre:
    • Semana de Escolas Inclusivas
    • A próxima reunião do PTO
    • Como apoiar o almoço de Apreciação da Equipe no dia 16
    • A feira do livro na próxima semana
    • ... e mais!
    Obrigado a todos por tudo que fazem!
    ​~ Asa​

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    December 3, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Here is this week's message (click here!) and here is a quick video run down on all the information on offer this week (click here!). 

    Thanks for the time to read, listen, and connect!

    ~ Asa







    Estimada comunidad de Heath,

    Aquí está el mensaje de esta semana (¡haga clic aquí!) Y aquí hay un breve video con toda la información que se ofrece esta semana (¡haga clic aquí!).

    ¡Gracias por el tiempo para leer, escuchar y conectarse!

    ~ Asa


    Caro Comunidade Heath,

    Aqui está a mensagem desta semana (clique aqui!) E aqui está um vídeo rápido com todas as informações disponíveis nesta semana (clique aqui!).

    Obrigado pelo tempo para lerouvir e se conectar!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    November 19, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    The weekend is here and soon it will be Thanksgiving.  Find the missive for the week here: link

    No "Community Notes" next week as we will be on our wonderful holiday break.  But this week's message should have plenty to tide you over, including:

    • travel reminders
    • an announcement on 7th/8th basketball enrollment
    • a big announcement about our our 1st annual "email-free week" next week
    • picture retake day
    • our Thanksgiving Day parade on Wednesday morning
    • ... and more!

    Bitmoji Image

    ~ Asa



    周末到了,很快就是感恩节了。 在这里找到本周的信件:链接

    下周没有“社区笔记”,因为我们将迎来美妙的假期。 但是本周的信息应该有很多东西可以让你渡过难关,包括:

    • 旅行提醒
    • 七、八届篮球招生公告
    • 关于我们下周第一个年度“无电子邮件周”的重大公告
    • 图片重拍日
    • 我们周三早上的感恩节游行
    • ... 和更多!

    ~ Asa


    Estimada comunidad de Heath:

    El fin de semana está aquí y pronto será Acción de Gracias. Encuentra la misiva de la semana aquí: enlace

    No hay "Notas de la comunidad" la próxima semana, ya que estaremos en nuestras maravillosas vacaciones. Pero el mensaje de esta semana debería tener mucho que ayudarlo, que incluye:

    • recordatorios de viaje
    • un anuncio sobre la inscripción del séptimo / octavo baloncesto
    • un gran anuncio sobre nuestra primera "semana sin correo electrónico" anual la próxima semana
    • día de retomar la foto
    • nuestro desfile del Día de Acción de Gracias el miércoles por la mañana
    • ... ¡y más!

    ~ Asa


    Caro Comunidade Heath:

    O fim de semana está aqui e logo será o Dia de Ação de Graças. Encontre a missiva da semana aqui: link

    Nada de "notas da comunidade" na próxima semana, pois estaremos em nosso maravilhoso feriado. Mas a mensagem desta semana deve ter muito para ajudá-lo, incluindo:

    • lembretes de viagens
    • um anúncio sobre a inscrição no basquete 7/8
    • um grande anúncio sobre nossa primeira "semana sem e-mail" anual na próxima semana
    • dia de retomada da foto
    • nosso desfile do Dia de Ação de Graças na manhã de quarta-feira
    • ... e mais!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    November 5, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is the weekly notes: link  In it you will find:

    • Notes on Diwali and Dia de los Muertos
    • Thoughts on kids and the COVID vaccine
    • The school's upcoming events
    • A message from the Brookline Thrives team
    • Ways to donate to the school
    • A few other reminders and tips
    • ... and, believe it or not, more!

    Have a wonderful weekend ahead!


    这是每周笔记: 链接 在它你会发现:

    • Diwali 和 Dia de los Muertos 的注意事项
    • 关于孩子和 COVID 疫苗的想法
    • 学校即将举行的活动
    • Brookline Thrives 团队的消息
    • 向学校捐款的方式
    • 其他一些提醒和提示
    • ......而且,信不信由你,更多!



    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 29, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    A super-brief Community Notes this week, which you can find here: link

    In the memo you'll find:

    • links to photos
    • the "Upcoming Events" calendar
    • reminders about Halloween
    • ... and more!  But not much more.

    Enjoy the long weekend ahead!

    Bitmoji Image



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 22, 2021

    Happy Friday, Heath School Community!

    Find my weekly missive here: link

    The weekend ahead looks perfectly lovely; next week looks like a wet one.

    Be sure to pay attention to the myriad reminders about the upcoming Halloween celebrations - road closures on Halloween, Storybook Costume day, and allergies reminders – in the memo.

    Bitmoji Image


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 15, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    This week's Community Notes is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fQ5g1hAe8K3Kq5SO5LD8JWrDySQLAjw-Kb7X6_XOYoU/edit?usp=sharing

    It is brief, but informative. Enjoy!

    Bitmoji Image


    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    October 8, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    A happy 3-day weekend to you all!  Here, to start you off right, is this week's Community Notes: link. I hope you find the information inside useful and connecting.

    The weekend ahead offers a chance to catch a breath, do something special that fills the soul, and connect with those we love. I hope you are able to do just that.


    祝大家有个愉快的三天周末! 在这里,让你开始吧,是本周的社区笔记:链接。 我希望你发现里面的信息有用和连接。

    即将到来的周末提供了一个喘息的机会,做一些特别的事情来充实灵魂,并与我们所爱的人联系。 我希望你能做到这一点。

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 1, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    At 5pm tonight we'll have our Ice Cream Social.  I hope y'all can make it for this "back to school" celebration.  Be sure to squeeze in a reading of this week's Community Notes, too.  Find it here: click!

    Happy Friday!

    亲爱的希思社区: 今晚 5 点,我们将举办冰淇淋社交活动。我希望你们都能参加这个“返校”庆祝活动。也请务必阅读本周的社区笔记。在这里找到它:点击! 星期五快乐!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    September 24, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is the link to this week's message: click here!  As usual, lots to share, lots to do.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, filled with rest, play, and people that bring you contentment.

    2021 年 9 月 24 日

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    Sept. 17, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    This week's Community Notes is really full.  I made a brief video, but am hopeful you can also skim to make sure you know all the things coming up.  Check the message out here.

    If your family observed Yom Kippur this past week, we hope the day was grounding, connecting, and restorative. May the year ahead be full of only good things!

    Enjoy the weekend, everyone!







    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    September 10, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    My weekly missive is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qgxm9yY-2K3bYyd4f0fXTbSw_UngZPQusGvnaSwytD4/edit?usp=sharing

    Thank you for taking the time to read and support us in this important work – we appreciate you!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    September 3, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    To start the year, I created a quick loom slide deck (click here) to walk you through a few things happening here at the school.  If you don’t want to watch the loom video, then simply scroll through the slide deck without the voice over (click here).

    Upcoming Events:

    •    Monday, September 6th : School Closed: Labor Day Holiday
    •    Tuesday, September 7th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Rosh Hashanah) 

            A sweet new year to you all!

    •     Thursday, September 16th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    •     Friday, September 24th: Back to School Social, Playground, 5:00-7:00pm

    We are so glad to be back, starting the year off together.  Last year we had at least three “first days of school” as we rolled from full remote, to hybrid, to some grades in the building, to everyone one in the building.  This year we have had one good first day, and for that I am thankful.

    ~ Asa



    2021 年 9 月 3 日




       9 月 6 日星期一:学校关闭:劳动节假期

       9 月 7 日,星期二:学校关闭:低出勤日(犹太新年)


          9 月 16 日星期四:学校关闭:低出勤日(赎罪日)

          9 月 24 日星期五:下午 5:00-7:00 返校社交,游乐场


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    June 22, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    One last missive before summer truly sets in, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13dBM2ek1KhaX6gkOEVaB-i5mt3hiJuPqQ1a6Yr8KXtw/edit?usp=sharing

    Summer vacation is a time to be honored.  Young people deserve every minute to play, rest, read, get dirty, stay up late, play video games, and get into a wee bit of trouble.  I hope it is so for all of our wee Hawks! 

    See you all in September!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    June 18th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Happy last Friday of the school year! We are soooooooo close to the end of this memory-making year.

    Here is my message this week (click here!), but I plan to send a final 20-21 message next week, too.

    This week I write about:

    • graduation
    • staffing changes
    • a quick survey
    • when to expect class placements announcements
    • summer learning in math and reading
    • Juneteenth
    •  ... and more!

    Enjoy the beautiful weekend ahead!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    June 11, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is this week's message (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ut1fNx1tvJbpZQigTeJnr-LQ7zhmN3_FriiytN_eatU/edit?usp=sharing); thanks for taking the time to read it!

    Only 6 and a half days left in the year!  It's unbelievable, really.  We got this!

    no one can stop us now

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    June 4, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Here is this week's message: click here!

    Enjoy the reading and the weekend ahead, eveyone!


    happy pride

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    May 28, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Memorial Day weekend is here!  Thanks for taking a moment to check out this week's memo, found here: click!

    In the message, you'll read about: 

    • Pride Month
    • The upcoming "Parenting to Prevent Child Assault" events
    • MCAS
    • Updates from our Student Council
    • Upcoming events
    • ... and so much more!

    Thanks for all you do to keep this community safe and connected.  Take time this weekend to rest and play!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    May 21, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Here is this week's missive  (click here!) with lots of good information on:

    • our retiring teachers and staff
    • updated mask wearing guidance
    • more AAPI Celebration Month resources
    • MCAS
    • the school calendar
    • ... and more!

    Then, enjoy the weekend! And maybe make a trip to H Mart?

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    May 14, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    What a gorgeous day it was today!  So thankful for the warming weather and clear skies as we continue to use our school grounds for outdoor learning and eating.

    Click here for my notes (click!); thank you for the time you take to read them. I know time is precious.

    Enjoy the weekend ahead!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    May 7, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    To begin, thank you all so much for helping to make this Teacher Appreciation Week so special!  Teaching is hard work and your support is an incredible boost!

    Before the weekend really settles in, check out this week's missive, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yOnadE8TazJM1f6SAKLxmonp-TL4U19cE7dbvshUBZI/edit?usp=sharing

    Take care and enjoy the weekend ahead -

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    April 30, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is the link to this week's Notes:


    Here you'll find lots of information on: 

    • Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
    • MCAS
    • Upcoming METCO Connections events
    • Our handy calendar
    • ... and much more!

    Remember, next week is Teacher Appreciation week, so show some love to this amazing crew!

    Enjoy the weekend ahead, y'all.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    April 16th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    We start Spring Break on this snowy, blustery day! Unbelievable!

    Here is this week's missive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IT5vbJu3NwtG1fAmE5D6xxLZ2ykwl2PIB3cRsNoHgaQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Be good to yourself in the week ahead.  Rest! Play! Read!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    April 1st, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here are the Community Notes for this week, one day early since tomorrow is Good Friday and Passover continues.

    Check it out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iha3ufak28yRvrjzyGJjIMo-vdkRHyDBbAVeON_32l4/edit?usp=sharing

    Next week I will send information out to our families with students in grades 6-8 regarding their full-time return to school.  We are busily preparing for their return!

    Have a wonderful 3-day weekend, everyone.  Be good to yourselves and others.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    March 26th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    A briefer note today, but filled with good and helpful stuff. 

    Enjoy it, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AmkkT2FqpvlHONxf4g3brkEnFJX20cjDTT3nEkDfHCA/edit?usp=sharing

    And now for a plea: with so much more activity on our school grounds, more and more trash is building up.  If we all take the time to pick up trash, gather up belongings, and generally clean the campus we can be the most gorgeous spot in town.  Many hands make light work!

    Have a great weekend ... and see our 2nd through 5th graders all in on Monday! 


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    March 19th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Click here for this week's missive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FtQDsUFKBHEuHfMzxCTmDKXKgt4Qp-GqB-fzPjRJxdM/edit?usp=sharing

    The message is chock full, so here is a sneak peek:

    • A message of support for our AAPI friends and families
    • Parent Perspective on Class Placement for next year
    • Heath Family Game Night
    • Volunteer opportunities
    • A chorus performance
    • ... and more!

    Thank you for reading and have a restorative weekend.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    March 12th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:


    Please find this week's missive here: click here!

    Now, more than ever – on this one-year anniversary of COVID closures – take care of yourself and others.


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    March 5th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Hello to all and happy Friday!

    Find my missive here (click!), a little video update, a few links, some reminders, and our calendar of upcoming events.  

    So after a listen and some light reading, enjoy the weekend ahead.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    February 26th, 2021 

    Dear Heath Community,

    It has been a very busy week here – the Science Fair, preparing for our 1st graders to return all in, our new Rainbow Club launch, the change in the weather – and I've tried to capture the spirit of it all for you in one place.

    And for those of you who track the "Now Reading" message in my subject line, you'll see I finally finished that Obama memoir.  Whew.  That felt like a lot of pages.

    What are YOU reading this weekend?

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    February 12th, 2021

    A very happy Lunar New Year to you all!  Find our Lunar New year message here: click!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    February 5th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here we are again ... Friday!  And that mean it's time for Community Notes.  Find this week's missive here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S-IdxLn-I0Q4NSMT9fN6Dg16iRFGkhsmdmqO2zxrFfg/edit?usp=sharing

    In the message this week you see:

    • This morning's PTO presentation
    • Lots of great resources to help you celebrate Black History Month
    • Our PE Newsletter
    • An announcement for a community meeting upcoming

    Remember: Cohort B is in school on Tuesday!

    Thanks for all you do to keep our community safe!

    Bitmoji Image


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    January 29, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    Once again, here is the link to my Friday missive: click here!

    Stay warm on this bitter cold day!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    January 22, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Click here (here!) for this week's missive.  In it I share information on:

    • The Presidential Inauguration
    • The Science Fair
    • Early release days
    • How to support our specialists
    • Supports available in our community

    Have an amazing weekend, friends!

    Bitmoji Image

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    January 15, 2021

    Dear Heath Community:

    Here is this week's missive, full of resources to help you think about the big week ahead – MLK Jr. Day and Inauguration Day are both coming up!

    Click here to read more: click!

    Have an amazing weekend!


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    January 8th, 2021

    Dear Heath Community,

    A happy and healthy new year to you all!

    Here you will find this week's message (click here!).

    Our Professional Development day was a successful one.  Teachers had the space to collaborate, build out new learning experiences across the content areas, and – importantly – examine our school practices through a full-inclusion and anti-racist lens.

    Thank you for the time today, and thank you for the time you take to read the weekly memo. It remains critical to stay connected and we hope these messages can provide somewhat of a bridge for us.

    Enjoy the weekend ahead,

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





     December 18th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,
    The last Community Notes of 2020 – a year for the record books, for sure!
    Look for more in 2021. My next message drops January 8th!
    For now, cheers to very happy holidays and a transformative new year! 

    Bitmoji Image 

     ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    December 11th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Thank you tuning in to this week's memo, once again full of important Heath happenings.  Find all you need to know here (click!).

    Hanukkah has begun!  A time of light and love. May the celebrations happening now sustain us all winter and beyond.

    Be safe, and take care of yourselves.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    December 4th, 2020

    Happy Friday, friends!

    Here is the link to this week's Community Notes: click here!

    I hope the weekend ahead for you all is joyful!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    November 20th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Thank you for taking the time to read this week's message, found here (click!).

    This week is resource rich: parenting tips, Thanksgiving encouragements, and other useful tools.  We hope these help us all navigate tricky waters while staying connected.

    No message next week.  Instead, enjoy the time with family, as you are able and as safely as possible.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    pumpkin pie



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





     November 13, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Lots and lots going on at Heath, as usual.  Here is the link to this week's Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13_61PmStps7xSJXLRPKnoNHJUhGUhsbZjgnoftJH7eo/edit?usp=sharing

    We will also begin offering translations of our messages in both Chinese and Japanese, which is both exciting and overdue.

    Enjoy your weekend! Stay safe, wear a mask, use your best judgment, and stay 6 feet apart.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    November 6th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    We have been holding our collective breath this week, awaiting the results of the Presidential election.  We may know the results very soon, or it may be some time before we can confidently move forward with a final decision.  

    I’m not sure what else to stay about that, but did want to acknowledge this additional layer of anxiety we are all negotiating right now.

    I was speaking with a middle school student yesterday and asked if she was following the election news.  She said that she was even though she shouldn’t be.  I realized she had a phone with her and was actively checking in on election results!  She assured me she’d put the phone away, but in my heart I was pretty excited to know our young people are so actively invested in our elections.  

    As the parent of two young kids (13 and 8), I know they are paying extremely close attention to news updates and to how the adults in their lives are reacting to the news.  This New York Times piece has some good tips on how to talk with kids about the election: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/30/parenting/election-stress-kids.html  I know that in my house, we talk a lot about our core beliefs – both as a family unit and as a collection of individuals, each with our own understandings of the world – and that we vote with our core values in mind.  That helps us all make sense of the world, and ensure that our core values stay present in less stressful times (like who does the dishes, who helps with taking out the garbage, and the like.  We might say, “I know that you don’t want to help right now, but remember that in this family we all help keep the house clean.”)  


    Making Smart Choices During COVID

    While at school, we are working extremely hard to ensure everyone is safe.  That is why we are only welcoming in half of a class at a time, staying 6 feet apart, wearing masks, and following all safety protocols.

    Playdates and “Pod”ding?

    We recognize that many, many families and kids have created learning “pods” or are hanging out together outside of school hours and in many variations.  We ask that you please continue to follow safety protocols outside of school hours or while in “pods” – keep gatherings small, practice safe behaviors, wear masks, enjoy the company of friends at a 6 ft. distance – so that we can keep our school safer for everyone all the time.  


    As the holidays quickly approach and we each begin to plan for fall and winter celebrations, we understand that many festivities will look a bit different this year.  Since COVID-19 can easily spread from one person to another during traditional holiday activities, such as gathering for shared meals or rituals, we ask that our students and staff be extra cautious when making plans this season.  

    Please see the link below in regards to travel, testing, and/or quarantine requirements upon your return into the state should your holiday travel take you outside of Massachusetts:.

    • Follow Massachusetts travel orders requiring quarantine upon return from most locations. Per the travel order issued by Governor Baker on August 1, all families traveling from out-of-state and internationally must self-quarantine for fourteen (14) days or produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to your arrival in Massachusetts. More information can be found here.

    We worked very hard to open our schools in a hybrid model.  Being safe all the time keeps us open longer.  

    We thank you for being an ally all the time.


    Attendance Robo Calls

    We apologize for any issues you are experiencing today with the attendance calls. These were set to start Monday (for most schools) and it seems like there was some sort of glitch happening today that began that calls and also made calls to families of students who were present and virtually present. Our team is looking into this issue and apologize for the inconvenience. 


    PE Newsletter

    Check out the latest news from Ms. Stanton and Ms. Stewart, here:



    PTO Update

    FALL GRANT CYCLE REMINDER!!!  The deadline for submission is Friday November, 13.  Please submit proposals by clicking the following link: https://forms.gle/VyHaU1urFwy2eXNZ8

    No thoughtful idea is too small or large for consideration.  Please keep in mind that the Fall Grant Cycle is much smaller than the Spring Grant Cycle - only 10% of the PTO's annual budget is allocated to fund Fall grants.  Larger requests should be submitted in the Spring Grant Cycle.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, November 10th: Heath Picture Day, Grades 1-8
    • Wednesday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Thursday, November 12th: Parent Teacher Conferences - K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Tuesday, November 17th: Heath Picture Day Retake
    • Tuesday, November 17th: Parent Teacher Conferences - K-8 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, November 18th: Early Release Day: In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 19th: Term 1: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published
    • Thursday, November 19th: Evening Conferences
    • Wednesday, November 25th: Early Dismissal: BEEP at 11:00am; In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at Noon
    • Thursday, November 26th - Friday, November 27th: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
    • Tuesday, December 1st: Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Wednesday, December 2nd: Early Release Day: In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, December 3rd : Parent Teacher Conferences - K-8 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Friday, December 4th: School Site Council Meeting, 8:30-9:45am

    Here’s to a great weekend ahead!  

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 30th, 2020

    Happy Friday, Heath Community!

    Here is my loom video message this week: https://www.loom.com/share/31697b1be8ed4161a6440d60ed56e89f

    There have been so many emails; I hope this video update provides the information you need in a format that works for you.

    Also, here are upcoming events (also in the loom video):

    • Tuesday, November 3rd: School Closed: Professional Development Day
    • Wednesday, November 4th: Early Release Day: In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 5th: Heath Picture Day for Grades 1-8
    • Tuesday, November 10th: Heath Picture Day, Grades 1-8
    • Wednesday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Thursday, November 12th: K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Tuesday, November 17th: Heath Picture Day Retake
    • Wednesday, November 18th: Early Release Day: In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 19th: Term 1: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published
    • Thursday, November 19th: Evening Conferences
    • Wednesday, November 25th: Early Dismissal: BEEP at 11:00am; In person kindergarten students and grades 1-8 remote students dismissed at Noon
    • Thursday, November 26th - Friday, November 27th: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break

    This has been quite a week! So glad to be back together!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 23, 2020


    Dear Heath Community,

    The launch of hybrid in grades 1 and 2 this week was wildly successful!  Our students adjusted well, arrival and dismissal were very smooth, and everyone was safe.  The classrooms are beautiful and the kids truly brought new life to the community.  Our BEEP and Kindergarten kids were definitely wide-eyed as their normal became a new normal with lots more activity in the building.  It took a village, but we did it.

    With the launch of hybrid in grades 3 - 8 Monday, we will do it all again.  


    Hybrid Reminders and Updates

    Arrival and Dismissal Routines

    Our arrival and dismissal routines are changing.  Your child’s class is now assigned to a specific entry point located throughout the school grounds. The map and video here will be your guide to coming and going.


    • The back parking lot closes at 7:45 to allow students to line up and traverse safely.
    • Parents are not allowed in school
    • Arrive as close to 7:55 as possible
    • If your student comes on a bus, they should enter through the front and will wait in the cafeteria.
    • We will have grab and go breakfast available; students can eat in the cafeteria. There will be supervision.
    • If you are dropping off siblings, choose one drop off location. We will help get your other children to their proper classes
    • Pick up children at the end of day in the same location
    • If you are late (after 8am or when the doors are closed), you must report to the Main Office
    • If you are dropping something off for your child (a lunchbox or forgotten item), please leave it on our drop off area in the lobby.  We will then transport it to your child.


    We will have these amazing flags out in the back parking lot outside the 3-8 drop off doors. Find your class, select a socially distant white dot to stand on, and wait patiently to be welcomed in.


    Parents Escort Children to School, K-8

    To ensure a safe arrival for all, we ask that an adult escort the students to school.  Yes, even middle schoolers.  We want this to go right and to ensure we are all safe … and keep our schools open … we need all hands on deck.  Thank you for the support.


    Middle School: A few updates

    Our 6th-8th graders have a slightly more complex day. For the most part, they will stay in one homebase classroom for much of the day.  Homebases are communicated directly in other messages to students and middle school families.  Plus, the whole team will be all hands on deck to help guide.  We will be using spaces in the school that aren’t typically used as classrooms, like our MakerSpace and Library.  Students will transition for Science, PE, Art, and - of course - time outside. We will be studying patterns of movement  and look for new and improved ways to serve our students.

    Eat a good breakfast; lunch is at 12. In past years middle school students have been able to graze throughout the day, snacking and working at the same time. Our safety protocols prevent that now, so a hearty breakfast is good.


    Link to Past Messages About Hybrid

    A good document to review is here:



    Hybrid @ Heath Slidedeck

    Kids in grades 3-8 have seen this (via Community Meetings today), but it would be nice for you to review or to review as a family:



    Picture Day

    Smile! Picture Day is nearing! Please take note of the following picture days based on your school cohort:

    Monday, Oct 26th

    • Beep, Kindergarten, 1st (Cohort A), 2nd (Cohort A) grades during school hours
    • RLA only:  7:00am - 7:45am, and 2:30pm - 4:00pm. Please sign up for a timeslot here

    Thursday, November 5th

    • 1st - 8th grade (Cohort B) during school hours

    Tuesday, November 10th

    • 1st - 8th grade (Cohort A) during school hours

    You can order pictures if you wish by following the steps here. Our longtime photographer, Coffee Pond, will be following the safety guidelines listed here.  A portion of the proceeds is returned to Heath to support our educational activities.

    As is tradition, here is my 6th grade school picture and a picture of me now:


    How it started

    How it’s going






    A Message from Our PTO!

    Communication Update

    In order to minimize the amount of school related emails you receive we have decided to partner with Dr. Sevelius and embed PTO updates within his Friday notes.  Thank you Dr. Sevelius for the partnership!!!! We will also constantly update our PTO Website so please use it often to stay connected with your PTO.

    First Friday Coffee

    First Friday Coffee will be a bit different this year since we cannot meet in person.  We hope to continue this great cadence in the near future, but in the meantime we will host three PTO Community Zoom sessions on 12/11, 2/5 and 5/14 from 8:15 - 9AM EST.  Our objective is to share and discuss major PTO milestones and plans but also give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas.  Zoom details will be shared a week prior to the event and will also be posted on the PTO Website.


    Come Celebrate! When we stand together we are strong!

    Monday morning at 7:50 am (drop-off time), join the Heath community in saluting our educators with a collective expression of applause and support. It has been a long and difficult road leading up to today. Now it is time to celebrate our return to Heath and to make sure that our educators know how much we appreciate their hard work for our kids!

    WHAT: Flash (socially distanced) mob at Heath to support our educators on the first day that all grades will be back to school.

    WHERE: At whatever door you drop-off your child (see map below). Using all doors is one way that we are preventing a large crowd from gathering in one location.

    WHEN: Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7:50 am (morning drop-off)

    HOW: Make a sign! Bring something to make some noise! Simply be present with a smiling face.

    We are all in this together. We look forward to seeing you there!


    Art Class

    We will not have smocks available in the art room. Don't wear your best clothes on the day you have art. 


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, October 26th: Heath Picture Day for Grades PK-2, RLA
    • Wednesday, October 28th: Early Release Day: K-8 Students Dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Tuesday, November 3rd: School Closed: Professional Development Day
    • Wednesday, November 4th: Early Release Day: K-8 Students Dismissed at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 5th: Term 1 Portal Opens for Grades 6-8 Report Cards
    • Thursday, November 5th: Heath Picture Day for Grades 1-8
    • Friday, November 6th: Term 1 Closes for Grades 6-8 Report Cards
    • Tuesday, November 10th: Heath Picture Day, Grades 1-8
    • Tuesday, November 10th: Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Wednesday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Thursday, November 12th: K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm


    Get some rest!  Next week’s gonna be HUGE!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 16th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our 1st and 2nd graders begin in the hybrid model on Tuesday! Our 3rd through 8th graders begin in hybrid on the 26th!

    I know you have questions. Please , click here to be taken to a helpful document called Hybrid Model: The Nuts and Bolts of the Next Phase of SchoolIt is essential reading for all families! We know you have questions and this document can help!

    Monday is a PD day at the school.  So, we'll plan to see you all Tuesday.

    Until then, take deep breaths, read the document, and stay connected.

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    October 9th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Monday is Indigenous Peoples’ Day and schools will be closed for this observance.  Indigenous Peoples Day Massachusetts has additional information on the concept in general and other local campaigns, including a statewide initiative. We hope you’ll explore these resources and make space with your children about the day.

    The Must-Dos: Masks, Health, & Social Distancing

    When school begins in the hybrid model, our individual and collective health and safety will be paramount. Please understand that our safety precautions and protocols are also not negotiable. Please make sure you adhere to the following:

    • Masks are required; masks worn properly work! Still not sure how to wear a mask?  Let our Brookline nurses teach you, here
    • Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer. We will have regular times to wash our hands many times each day.
    • Practice social distancing at all times, even when at play.
    • Sign the Student Health Attestation (required): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeP9SpXyQxVrGkxubR_th1FcIypzwe6cuGYHM8CEJ0Z9ojXRA/viewform
    • Check out this resource and read it with your kids so that everyone has the same understanding, here.

    Staff will remind students, and we expect students to heed our reminders immediately.  Our kindergarten crew is a model of how to do it right! Masks on, clean hands, fun with friends – trust us, it’s possible!


    Managing Expectations: Teaching & Learning in a Hybrid Model

    Based on our experiences with children and from the feedback students and families have provided, our remote start has been successful. We are very proud of this work and are thankful for the traction we’ve made at the start of the school year.  

    As a team, we are busy preparing for this shift to a new, never-before-tried learning model: hybrid learning. While our commitment to high-quality learning opportunities is unwavering, please recognize that this shift will absolutely impact how your child is learning in school.  Children will now have weekly opportunities to be both learning in school and learning remotely.  This will allow children the chance for in-person learning opportunities.  It also may conversely decrease the teacher time each student will receive.  

    Some of you have expressed anxiety about the quality of work and connection children will receive on remote days; worries of “another spring” creeps in. While I do not feel – quite confidently – we will have "another spring" (I mean, in March we truly began teaching remotely during a crisis), as a staff working closely to see the possibilities in the model.

    There is a trade off to everything.  To be clear, the trade off might be time with a teacher.  But the hope is that the quality of time will be a salve to the quantity.

    That said, students will be given learning opportunities every day during school hours.  These sessions will be either asynchronous or synchronous or a combination through the day.  Social touchpoints, rigor, and core content will be prioritized. All children will continue to receive specials.

    Here is what the hybrid schedule looks like:

    Hybrid Day by Day

    During the School Committee meeting on October 8th, the hybrid model was discussed extensively. Here is the slide deck from the meeting (click) and here is the recorded meeting (click).

    The District also has a Reopening Hub (click here) full of great info!

    I plan to send class cohorts to students in grade 3-8 early next week.  Cohorts for grades 1 and 2 went out yesterday.


    Managing All the “Stuff” You’ll Need in School

    When your child returns to school in the hybrid model, they will need to prepare for the day a little differently. Here are some things they will most likely need during the school day:

    • Headphones
    • Chromebooks (fully charged) – need a school-issued CromeBook?  Let us know by contacting our Education Tech Specialist, Matt Durant (matt_durant@psbma.org)
    • In grades 6-8 students will not be using lockers; they will carry belonging in their backpacks. Thus, pack light each day
    • Water bottles, filled each morning at home
    • Lunches, unless you’ll be eating the lunches offered at school (free of charge through December)

    Teachers may have additional needs for your consideration. Please be on the lookout for those updates.


    Shift in Kindergarten School Hours

    Starting on 10/20, school hours for Kindergarten students will align with the school hours for students in grades 1-8.

    • Friday will no longer be an early release day. Kindergarten students will be in school until 2:30 on Fridays. 
    • Wednesday will be an early release day. Kindergarten students will be dismissed from school with students in grades 1-8 at 12:00pm. 
    • Kindergarten students will not have lunch in school on Wednesdays. 


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, October 12th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples’ Day 
    • Tuesday, October 13th: Start Date of Heath After School Activities Program (HASAP) Fall 2020 Session
    • Wednesday, October 14: 2nd Grade Open House (virtual) - see email from teachers
    • Thursday, October 15: 1st Grade Open House (virtual) - see email from teachers
    • Friday, October 16: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Open Houses (virtual) - see email from teachers
    • Monday, October 19th: School Closed: Professional Development Day  
    • Wednesday, October 21: Kindergarten Open House (virtual) - see email from teachers
    • Wednesday, October 21st: Term 1 Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports Published
    • Monday, October 26th: Heath Picture Day for Grades K-2
    • Tuesday, November 3rd: School Closed: Professional Development Day
    • Tuesday, November 3rd: Election Day! 
    • Thursday, November 5th: Heath Picture Day for Grades 1-5

    Have an amazing weekend, everyone!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    September 25, 2020 

    Dear Heath Community,

    Monday is a day off for us all as we hold space for the Yom Kippur observances.  

    Knowing how precious time is, I will keep my messaging short this week. Here is some news you can use:

    Hybrid Opening

    At last night’s School Committee meeting a discussion was launched outlining the tentative dates for opening grades 1-5 in the hybrid model.  The entire slide deck presentation is here:  SC Presentation on 9/24.  The PSB Reopening Hub is also a place where you can go for the latest updates.

    We recognize how important in-person learning is for your family.  Indeed, it is our bread and butter! 

    In preparation for our hybrid opening we are crafting model schedules, retooling class cohorts, considering the tech we can leverage to support learning in-person and remotely, making sure all school areas meet safety measures, and much much more. There is so much to do, but knowing we will soon have more and more students in our midst helps drive us towards excellent and equitable outcomes.

    When we have specifics to share we will.  



    School starts at 8am and very soon thereafter we will be taking attendance. If students need to be dismissed half way through the day (doctor, dentist, early dismissal) please let the teacher know and the Main Office by email or phone call.  Here is our Family Handbook; while some systems have changed during this period of remote learning, most still exist.  Please peep this guide for answers for some of the questions you might have.


    Tech Support!

    Each week, we will send ways to better support online learning at home with tech tips, cool tricks, and updates.

    Canvas for Parents

    As you may know, Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) used by all Brookline middle and high school students.  It can be a valuable resource for parents as well. To support students in remote learning, parents can now access the Canvas parent app for iOS and Android.  This page is a brief overview (and video!) of what parents can do with the Canvas app and also includes instructions on how to link the parent app to your student's accounts.  You’ll be able to monitor your student's work submissions, see feedback from teachers, and view grades.  For more detailed information, check this page.

    Chromebook Troubleshooting Steps

    1. Restart the Chromebook and log back-in. Note: It is best practice to restart your chromebook and log-in before the start of each school day.  If the problem persists, move to the next step.
    2. Update the Chromebooks Operating System (Check for updates yourself).  If the problem persists, move on to the next step.
    3. Is your Internet slow? Do a speed test on your internet. Try the speedtest with one computer and then  add other computers to see what your speed is and if your internet can handle the load. If the problem persists, move to the next step.
    4. Reach out to the student help desk for further assistance (armed with the speed test results). If the problem persists, move on to the next step.
    5. If you have not heard back from the help desk by the next day, we will swap out your chromebook.  
      1. Write a short description of the problem and add the label Heath (ie. In Zoom my audio is very choppy - Heath) on a sticky note and attach it to the chromebook.
      2. Call the school at 617-879-4564 to make arrangements to come to school and pick up a new chromebook. 
      3. Come in at the arranged time to leave your old chromebook and pick up a new one. 

    Zoom - Students, Protect Yourself and Your Classmates

    We want to protect our students and staff while using zoom. In order to do this, all students must:

    1. Log-in with your brooklinek12.org accounts!
    2. Don’t Share The Zoom Link
    3. You May Not Rename Yourself
    4. You May Not Share Your Screen
    5. You May Not Private Chat
    6. You May Not Annotate
    7. Talk About Zoom Bombing With Your Guardian(s)

    More details about the above actions can be found here:



    Room Parents: Seeking Volunteers!

    Thanks to the parents and caregivers who have volunteered as room parents for the 2020-21 school year! We are building a cadre of incredible parents and caregivers, and we need MORE of you! Please consider stepping forth in this critical role. It's understatement to say that "it takes a village," especially in a year like this one. Interested volunteers should send their name, their child's name, and their classroom or grade to Rachel Wexler at rachellevywexler@hotmail.com.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, September 28th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    • Wednesday, October 5th: Heath Picture Day for Grades 6-8 (details forthcoming!)
    • Wednesday, October 5th: Middle School Meet & Greet (details to come!)
    • Friday, October 9th: Heath School Site Council Meeting, 8:30-9:45am
    • Monday, October 12th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples’ Day 


    Next week I will have an update on when our Open House meetings for each class will be. Stay tuned for that!

    Until then, have a good weekend everyone.  Three much needed days.  Use them wisely.


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    September 18, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    To begin, shanah tovah! A wonderful Rosh Hashanah to those who observe the holiday – may the year ahead be sweet.

    The 2020 school year has begun!  And with this new beginning has come both challenge and hope, innovation and back-to-basics, and a hopefulness awash with anxiety.  We all want to be all things to all people all the time; my own inner dialogue compels me in 1,000 different directions at once and I hope I am making the right choice … most of the time.  I think we are all there.

    These past three days we have had the profound joy of welcoming our BEEP and Kindergarten crews to school.  As soon as these children arrived, neatly dressed, a little nervous, and with new backpacks, I remembered all too clearly why we do this work.  

    The school is mostly quiet most of the day. While we have students throughout the school, the typical din of school life is much different. One of my favorite, most surreal moments of the week – perhaps of my career – was when I was walking through an active classroom filled with some of our “First to Return” scholars.  A tiny voice, ethereal like a fairy’s, called my name. I looked around to see where it was coming from and a few desks away I saw a student at home waving and eagerly trying to get my attention.  I came closer to the ChromeBook screen and suddenly I was greeted by a crew of 4th grade kids, all in their own homes, all in their own zoom squares. I sat down and was transported to a virtual classroom. Amazing.

    I am so pleased with the work of the Heath staff. Imagine a boat with many oars and all of us pulling together to head to the same destination. It is effort-full work, without a doubt, but in moments like these the spirit of the community and dedication to craft shines through.


    Ms. O and The Baker are back!

    In this video Ms. O, our school guidance counselor, teaches The Baker how to set up his home desk space so he can do his best learning.  Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYbhhn2sEVk


    Important Updates & Requests

    Videotaping or Photographing Student Learning

    Please do not post pictures of other children on zoom calls and please do not videotape student learning.  Zoom classrooms showcase all students in the class and our teaching staff. Protecting everyone’s privacy is our utmost concern. 

    Playground Use and School Visitations

    While school is in session, we will be using outdoor spaces throughout the day.   All Heath spaces are prioritized for teaching and learning at this point. While school is in session please refrain from sending your children here to play. The park at Eliot is amazing and open for business!  The hope is that we will soon all be together, but for now we do need to ask this of our community.


    “My Internet is Slow!” and Other Tech Challenges

    Take a look at these troubleshooting tips: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mtJzWf3KvycGrQZY8GDm808bgmqcQJxIvoET01MiiXs/edit?usp=sharing


    Need Specific Tech Support?

    Our district has a student help desk that problems should be directed to.  Start all issues there. 

    email: student_help@psbma.org


    ChromeBook Broken?

    Call the school!  We can help!


    Google Classroom: Video Series for Families 

    Get involved with opportunities to see student assignments and check out their student's work.



    Winter is Coming: Need a Coat?

    The Kids Clothes Club is offering winter coats to Heath families who need them. If your child(ren) need(s) a winter coat, please email or call Alissa Ovadia (Kindergarten-2nd Grade) or David Chaet (3rd-8th Grade) in order to access this program. 

    The available sizes are:

    'Boys' Sizes: 3 – 6 Months, 6 – 9 Months, 12 Months, 18 Months, 24 Months, 2T, 3T, 4T, 4, 5/6, 7, 8, 10/12, 14/16, 18, Men’s Small, Men's Medium, or Men's Large

    'Girls' Sizes: 3 – 6 Months, 6 – 9 Months, 12 Months, 18 Months, 24 Months, 2T, 3T, 4T, 4, 5, 6X, 7, 8/10, 12/14, 16, Women’s Small, Women's Medium, or Women's Large.

    You do not need to provide your name or your child(ren)'s name to anyone besides Alissa or myself. However, if you are more comfortable giving the information to another staff member, please do so. This process is completely confidential. 

    The deadline is Wednesday 9/23/19. Once the coats arrive, we will figure out a plan with you for pickup or delivery directly to your student(s). 

    Don't hesitate to email or call with questions:

    David_chaet@psbma.org - 617-879-4547

    Alissa_ovadia@psbma.org - 617-879-4548


    Volunteer Opportunities: Room Parents

    Hello, Heath School Families,

    Happy First Week of School! While this is not exactly the return to school that we have enjoyed in past years, we are excited to be back at Heath and anticipate a good and growth-filled year for all. First, I'd like to thank all of the room parents from last year for their time spent with teachers, students and families. Second, we are now asking YOU, our Heath parent community, to consider volunteering for this important role in the coming year. Our parent volunteers are going to be critical allies to ensure a great year for all. To sign up to be a room parent for the 2020/2021 school year, please email the following information to Rachel Wexler at rachellevywexler@hotmail.com.

    Your email MUST include:

    1. Your name
    2. Your child's name
    3. Your child's classroom for the 2020-21 school year (for example, KF) OR your child’s grade if you are the parent/caregiver of a middle school student (for example, GRADE 6)

     Each class, as well as middle school grade, will be assigned 2-3 room parents on a first come, first serve basis. An official email confirmation (and introduction) will be sent to your inbox once the 2-3 classroom slots are filled. Traditional Room Parent responsibilities are presented below as a representative list. Responsibilities for this year will reflect the school format and MA Covid-related regulations.


    • Meet with the teacher at the beginning of the school year. 
    • Introduce yourselves at the Open House as the room parents to the classroom parents and caregivers. 
    • Consult the Heath online directory for your class lists, parent names, and emails. 
    • Coordinate a class community event (most likely, virtual) or discussion. 


    • Coordinate coffee and breakfast treats for ONE of Heath’s Monthly PTO Meeting 
    • Assist teachers as needed in recruiting volunteers for field trips, in-class activities, etc.
    • Aide communication for families through class specific communications from teacher or PTO leadership. 
    • Check in with the teacher periodically about classroom needs or help. 
    • Coordinate class gifts
    • Communicate any new wish-lists the teachers may create for December and for Spring.


    • 7th grade room parents host the 8th grade graduation reception.
    • 8th grade room parents help to coordinate the communications necessary to support the 8th grade trip and graduation.  Last year the fundraising efforts were shared by parents and 8th grade students. 


    • Reach out to all specialists and Dr. Sevelius at the beginning of the school year. 
    • Introduce yourselves at the Open House as the all - school room parents to the classroom parents and caregivers.
    • Consult the Heath online directory for class lists, parent names, and emails. 


    • Assist front office, specialists and educators as needed in recruiting volunteers for activities, projects, etc.
    • Aide communication for families through class specific communications from specialists or PTO leadership. 
    • Check in with specialists periodically about classroom needs or help. 
    • Coordinate any gifts.
    • Communicate any new wish-lists the specialists may create for December and for Spring.

    Thank you for being involved and have a great year! 

    Rachel Wexler, Room Parent Coordinator


    Upcoming Events:

    •   Monday, September 28th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    •   Monday, October 12th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples’ Day 
    •   Wednesday, October 14th: Heath Picture Day (in-person, details to come!)

    So ... that’s a lot! Very proud of this team, our community, and especially, these kids.  The weekend is here and I hope you are all able to take full advantage of the time with yourself and your families.  Well done!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    September 14th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    We are sooooo close! The new year is practically here. Big, huge shout out to the families who helped brighten our day today with cookies, brownies, and the iced coffee and chai.  A total pick-me-up. Thank you!

     Here are things you need to know to have a smooth launch to the year:


    Heath Family Resource Guide  (COVID-19 Edition)

    We know you have questions; here is a guide we hope can help: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kXLNB079i4jev0RZPpVAT9ammremuUqwFa6Ejzj_7-I/edit?usp=sharing

    This guide also includes a map on where to enter the school if you are in Kindergarten and the “First to Return” crew.



    First Day of School

    Teachers will contact you directly with how the first day of school will launch.  In these missives expect zoom links, links to learning platforms, welcome letters, and more.

    Teachers have been working hard to ensure we are all ready to roll on Wednesday at 8am and their messages reflect this preparedness.


    I am a Kindergarten Family or First to Return Kid! What Door Do I Use to Come to School?

    Glad you asked!  Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb5QkgUtLZ8 


    Middle School Schedules

    Schedules for our 6-8 grade students are ready, but not yet available through the Aspen Parent Portal.  While we are ready to roll, other schools are still in the process of finalizing school schedules.  Once all schedules in the District are finalized, all families will get a message letting you know that schedules are available and with specific directions on how to access them.

    The 6th grade team has already been in contact regarding what the first few days will look like;

    this letter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JCeBQwlkzKT3ZZQFaVagIZn4qAngF0uPm2bHZBgGNmE/edit) explains with 7 and 8 will do on DAY ONE.


    Again, once schedules are ready, we will make sure you have them.


    "First to Return" Students

    We have a small group of “First to Return” students in grades 1-8.  Here is some helpful information if you are a “First to Return” student:

      • Students will be in a mixed age groups, broken up in small clusters (grades 1-3 and grades 4-8). 
      • There will be about 10-12 students in the same class.  
      • Students will need to remain masked and will have an assigned individual work space assigned to them.  So be sure to bring the supplies your teacher recommends for each day.
      • Each child will still be joining their regular class each day, just from here.
    • We strongly recommend headphones!  As 10-12 other students will be in the classroom, it can be noisy if everyone is on zoom at once.
    • We will have recess, lunch, mask breaks.
    • We do not have a teacher conducting class here, rather we have paras facilitating the online support for students.
    • If your child receives Special Education services, those will happen here at school
    • Please drop off students as close to 7:50 as possible unless you have made other arrangements with me or Mr. Patel.


    Log-In Credentials for ChromeBooks

    All students in the Public Schools of Brookline have access to the google suite of educational tools and have accounts to facilitate their use. ChromeBooks are also offered for each student to use, should you need a ChromeBook.  The District's tech team has reached out with news (email sent today at 4:45pm) on how to access resources, but here is the same information again:


    Should you need additional help, please contact our Ed tech Specialist Matt Dureant (matt_durant@psbma.org) or the folks at the Help Desk (helpdesk@psbma.org



    That’s it … for now!  This is a work in progress. Over the next days and weeks and months, we will continue to refine, rethink, and reflect on our practices.  We appreciate everyone hanging in there with us!


    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    Sept. 11, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Here is our weekly Community Notes blast, which – for those new to Heath – I send weekly each Friday at around 4:30.  I'm late tonight, but it has been busy!

    Here it is: https://www.loom.com/share/70c127ec3b344ae881c9f878f076917f

    We will see you all sooner that you realize!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal




    August 29th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    The school year will start before we know it.  At Heath we are working hard to make sure that whether your child is starting in-person or remotely, the experience will be connecting, equitable, of quality, and – above all – safe.

    Next week, teachers will return to work to begin preparing for the return of students.  We are in the process of creating student schedules, finalizing class placements, and redesigning classroom spaces to ensure students in the building (Kindergarten and others with specific needs) are socially distanced.  The PSB team is ensuring all spaces are clean, properly ventilated, and meet all safety standards. In particular, Ms. Millet, our school secretary, Mr. Brandl and Mr. Powers, our custodians, and Ms. Corcoran, our nurse, are all working overtime to ensure that we are ready to roll this school year.

    Between now and the start of school, you will be receiving messages from myriad PSB staff – our Superintendent, other District leaders, teachers, me, and more.  I urge you to read each message and reach out for clarity so that you, as families, feel confident helping your child start the year right.

    For now, here are a few updates from me:

    School Supplies

    Here you will find school supply lists for students: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/domain/805

    The start of this school year may be unlike any other in modern history, but students still crave a sense of normalcy. Some of the routines that mark the end of summer and the beginning of the school year are getting a haircut, going back to school shopping, and buying school supplies.  Some of those rituals are down right difficult or simply seem fruitless in the age of remote learning.  But school is starting and in order to maximize engagement (whether remote, hybrid, or in person), students will need supplies.  Not only do these materials help students fully participate, but the process of selecting and organizing school supplies is a routine that can help provide a sense of normalcy, instill excitement for the new year, and help to make a home learning space complete.


    Welcome! New Staff

    We have new staff joining us this year. Below you’ll see their letters of introduction: 

    Christina Madden, BCBA

    Hi! My name is Christina Madden. I have been the BCBA at Lincoln for the last 6 years. Next year I will be splitting my time between Lincoln and Heath. A little bit about me, I have a one year old son, I recently moved from Boston to Sudbury and enjoy reading and going for walks. I am looking forward to getting to know new colleagues and students!

    Julieta Roz, Math Specialist

    My name is Julieta Roz, and I am originally from Romania. I have been teaching math in various capacities for over 10 years in Boston and Brookline Public Schools as well as in a Boston Charter School, working with elementary and middle school students. For the past three years I worked as a math specialist in Brookline, at Upper Devotion, Pierce and Lawrence schools. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Hellenic College, and a Master’s Degree in Mathematics for Teaching from Harvard University. I always wanted to be a math specialist as I connect with students at different math levels. I had success working with English language learners, since I had the experience of being an ELL myself.

    Theresa Girardi, RISE Teacher

    Hi everyone, I’m Miss G! Before working in special education, I had the opportunity to live in Arizona, and travel and work with students throughout the United States, getting to see all of the awesome work that youth are doing in schools across the country. As an educator, I know that each student has unique experiences and understandings of the world. When I’m in the classroom, my role as an educator is to nurture and foster a learning environment in which my students are recognized for their resilience and their strengths, offering them a space to learn, grow, and process the world around them. Most importantly, I want my students to know how much their teachers love them. When I’m not in the classroom, I’m usually spending time with my family, and snuggling my cat, Sweetie. Looking forward to meeting all of you!

    Rachel Silva, 6/7 Maths

    Hi! My name is Mrs. Silva. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts and although I drove across the country in 2017, I have only ever permanently resided in The Bay State. I graduated from Smith College in 2014 and I have been teaching sixth grade ever since. This year marks my first year teaching at Heath school and what an amazing and unique adventure we get to embark on together! We have so much planned and I can’t wait to get to know each and everyone of you.

    Laura Tanis, BEEP Teacher

    My name is Laura Tanis and I am the new BEEP teacher at Heath. I'm so excited to join your school community! This is my 4th year in the district. I was an assistant in BEEP (2017-2019), and last year I was a Kindergarten assistant at Runkle. I was a certified early childhood/elementary ed. teacher in NJ (2005-2007) and then NY ( 2008-2012) where I taught in an Abbott preschool classroom for the Orange School District (NJ) and a UPK teacher in the Vestal Central School District (NY). I have my Ed.M from Rutgers University. I am also a mom of twins! I am very invested in early childhood education and want very much to be a member of the Heath community. 

    Lucy Verhave, 7/8 Special Education

    Hi everyone! My name is Lucy Verhave and I am thrilled to begin the next chapter of my career at the Heath School. When I graduated with a degree in education, I took on the role of a professional aide in the Belmont Public Schools. This was my first in depth look at working with students with special needs and I loved it. I quickly decided to go back to school and I earned a Master's of Education from Northeastern University with a concentration in Mild/Moderate Special Education. While I went back to my original plan of teaching English after I graduated, my passion for working with students with disabilities never faded. Over the years, I have been more and more involved in the special education program in Belmont and I look forward to continuing my career as a full-time special educator. I greatly value my relationships with students and families and I look forward to working closely with each of you. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions for me! 


    Staff Shifts

    Jasmine Tierney, one of our Special Education teachers, will be on leave this school year.  We are in the process of hiring her one year long term substitute and look forward to introducing that educator to you all soon.

    We may have other staff shifts to announce as we begin the year.  Stay tuned!


    Technology Needs

    The technology team from the Public Schools of Brookline will soon have news for families in need of technology support.  ChromeBooks, hotspots, and more will be available.  Please look out for those messages and be in touch should you need any support accessing learning opportunities this fall and beyond.


    The start of school is not the only thing occupying our head space and heart space. We are heading into the final stretch of our presidential election cycle.  Protests demanding racial justice continue. This morning we awoke to the news that Chadwick Boseman died and, well, that really hurt. We hear news of how other school openings are playing out. And, we still remain isolated, protective, worried, and more as we each forge a new kind of existence during a global health pandemic. 

    All of these things are swirling making American schooling fraught for so many.

    As humans, we have the capacity to endure tremendous loss, engage in loving relationships deeply, and care for the world profoundly. And sometimes we are just exhausted.  In my capacity as a school principal, I commit to you to make space for all of these things, to work to make sure your child is cared for, and to be real with you. 

    The start of the year will be one for the books, without doubt.  But together we can make it a safe and powerful experience for us all.

    Very sincerely,


    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal

    617-879-4570 - Front Desk

    617-879-4543 - Desk


    pronouns: he/him/his





    June 22, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Today is the last day of school.  Mr. Patel and I were at the school today and there was a distinctly different vibe than usual.  Mr. Brandl, our head custodian, was leading a team of folks in the deep cleaning efforts already underway.  A few teachers came in to close their rooms for the summer. A few staff stopped by for a final farewell. All in all, it was very quiet.  A different vibe entirely than the typically joyful chaos that helps us all enter the summer vacation with a song in our heart and spring in our step.   Each person loves the last day of school for their own reasons.  For me, I love the “all hands on deck” efforts at closing shop – kids leaving with over full backpacks,  the end of year popsicle parties, the extra recesses, the dance parties, the lingering that happens in the lobby and playground long after the year has officially closed.

    What can you do today and tomorrow to close the school year in your home?  A special dinner? Reclaim your dining room table by tucking away all the school materials? Take a break from screen time? A trip for ice cream?Whatever it is, young people need ritual.  Take some time to mark the occasion.  Happy last day of school, Heath!


    Summer Learning

    As is typical, each year we have summer reading and math for our students.  In grades 3-8, there are specific summer reading lists. In rising grades 6-8, there are specific maths packets to complete.  For all students there are reading lists and maths opportunities.  All the these materials can be found at the links below:

    I will blast these resources again soon (mid-July).


    Community Conversations: Equity Slide Decks, Continued

    Here it is, the final installment of the three part “Community Conversations” series on Race, Racism, and Privilege.

    The final of the three part series is Interrupting the Cycle of Racism.

    Here are the other two slide decks for your viewing:

    Talking to Your Children About Race and Racism


    Understanding White Privilege


    I want to say, one more time and for the record, that I am not an expert in anti-bias, anti-racist work.  I am learning.  By offering these sessions, I am trying to be a lead learner, modeling what it might look like to take some risks in service of something so much bigger than myself.



    Lost & Found!

    Some of our amazing middle schoolers (and one super mom!) are taking the Lost & Found to the next level.  Are you missing something?  Ever wonder where the lost things go?


    This is a time limited offer which expires on June 30---after that the unclaimed will be donated to Cradles to Crayons.

    — —

    More to Come

    I will soon send out:

    • Class supply lists
    • Class placement letters
    • Staffing updates
    • News on what school will look like in the fall
    • Summer maths and reading resources, again
    • … and more!


    Until then, take good care of yourself and each other.  Now more than ever.


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    Dear Heath Community,

    Here is this week's Loom message: click here. It's the last one of the year!

    If you prefer the slide deck without the voice over, click here.

    You will here from me soon regarding things like summer reading and math, class placement, class supplies, and more.  But for now (heavy sigh), this is my last message of the year.

    Every June as the school year comes to a close, my heart swells with very big feelings ...and this year is no different.  My heart is full.

    Let's stay in touch, enjoy the summer months ahead as best you can, and spread joy.

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    June 12, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Community Notes are ready (click here for message with loom)!

    If you like the slide deck without me talking the whole time, click here.

    7 days left in school!  The sun is shining and I have seen a few of you (adults and kids) zooming from the beach.  There are lots of ways to take care of yourself during these stressful times. Whatever you are doing, I hope your bucket is full.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal





    June 5, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Here, again, is the link to the Community Notes with Loom voice over: here

    And, here is the link to the slide deck without the voice over: here

    It was AMAZING to see so many of you this week. Your support of our school and our teachers is a gift.  We thank you for the love and advocacy.



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal






    May 29th, 2020

    I did it again!  Another Loom presentation with a slide deck. Find it here:click!

    If you'd like the slideck without the audio, click here.

    Some heavier stuff in this week's message; thanks for tuning in and reaching out.

    Take care of yourself and each other.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    May 22nd, 2020

    I tried something new this week!  Instead of a written message I created a slide deck with a Loom narrative.

    Here is a link to this week's message! It's not perfect, but it was fun to try my hand at some new tech skills.

    And here is a link to just the slide deck without Loom narrative: click here.

    10 days to come without rain I hear – water those plants and enjoy the sun.

     ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    May 15th, 2020

    The rain tonight leads to a gorgeous day tomorrow, the perfect time to get outside, activate your body and fill your lungs as you are able, and take in the world outside of your screen. In my own yard this week, I saw a beaver and tracked him to a dam he’s building close to my home, had a giant turkey vulture land right outside my dining room window, and continued to delight in the pair of muskrats in my stream.  Contrary to popular belief, I do not live in the countryside! I live in a suburb.  The country feels like it is coming to me and, franky, I’m not mad about it.

    What are you seeing? Hearing? How are you making sense of what is happening beyond the walls of your home?


    Maintaining the Human Connection

    There is no real substitute for human connection, and the Heath School team are working hard to ensure that each and every kid has a connection with a safe and trusted adult.  From “Art Class Freeze Dance” parties (where kids are breaking a sweat) to zoom meeting PJs & Stuffies events (where a few kids have buried themselves in a mountain of stuffed animals) to Model UN events.

    More events are forthcoming, too.  Madame Kerr will be hosting theatre workshops for our students in grades 6-8 and Mrs. Huntley will soon begin music experiences for students in grades 1-5.

    If you are able, join Heath Literacy Specialist, Ms. Borns-Weil, for a read-aloud of her book, Wisteria, a modern fairy tale with heart and humor, for 8-12 year olds. Sessions will take place on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89476770806?pwd=NmIzRGQ4NmpCLy9qRGhYazFJREpCUT09 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:30-2:00.

    Another connecting experience actually going viral is the youtube segment called “Ms. O and The Baker,” a weekly brief conversation between our K-2 Guidance Counselor Alissa Ovadia and The Baker where the two dig into topics such as facing fears, managing expectations, trying something new, and understanding feelings when everything feels so hard.  I urge you to check it out and guarantee it is a just-right fit for any Heath student.

    Need other ideas on how to support your students at home?  Then check out the HeathStudent Support Website here. It may be a while since you’ve visited; tons of certified fresh content is uploaded regularly, so visit again.


    Honor a Teacher

    Each Spring, the Brookline Education Foundation provides an opportunity for parents and guardians to honor outstanding teachers in their child's life. If you have a teacher, specialist or coach that has gone above and beyond, visit Honor a Teacher to recognize them. Especially now, saying 'Thank you' virtually will mean a lot.  Although this is a fundraiser for the BEF grant programs, no donation is required.


    8th Grade Yearbooks

    The student Yearbook Committee led by Ms. Cusack has been working hard to commemorate the experience of the 8th graders through the yearbook. We will be sending online ordering information soon. Please lookout for an email regarding this.

    We are also working to ensure that 8th grade graduation is a special occasion. Rest assured that we are thinking of our graduates right now.  I have no one in my immediate family graduating this year, but do plan to tune into the nation-wide Class of 2020 celebrations happening online.


    Museums Are Closed. Or … are they?

    We can bring the art to you!  Check out these art padlets from Ms. Hockensmith and our middle school artists.  You’ll be glad you did!


    Birthdays: Woot Woot!

    Happy birthday to our many Heath friends – this week … Sage, Caro, Nathan S., Aya, Tommy, Ryan C., Zachary D., Chiara, Michael Sc., Daphne G., Milo, and Emma L.  We miss you and are sending you a ton of high fives!

    Bitmoji Image


    Technology Tips for Families

    Just a few reminders or tips for families while we all spend more time using devices than we ever could have imagined.

    • When possible, have your children use technology in areas of the house that are more trafficked. It's easier for adults to check in with them and see what's going on. Bedrooms may be necessary for Zoom meetings, for everyone's sanity, but with a set of headphones, most homework probably can be done in a more open or public space.
    • Talk with your kids about their schoolwork and how much time it takes. Suggest taking breaks away from the computer between assignments or every 20-30 minutes rather than endlessly surfing online.
    • To keep students' focus on their schoolwork, have them store their cell phone in a different room while they work, to avoid being distracted.
    • Feel like you would like a little bit more control or understanding of your kids' online time? Check out Commonsense Media's Parents' Ultimate Guide to Parental Controls.

    And please remember to check our Online School Resources, here. We are updating this space constantly and hope you find it useful.


    I will close this week with a reminder: Need help?  Have questions? Feel stuck? Feel lost? Reach out.  Have good news? Feel successful? Celebrating a milestone? Reach out.

    The doors to the school are closed, but we are still a community.  We are the calvary and we have, I think, what we need right here.

    Be well; stay well.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    May 8th, 2020

    Today in a 6th grade class I visited, students discussed the important observances happening now, including Cinco de Mayo, the 75th anniversary of V-E Day, and Asian Pacific Heritage Month. The students discussed why these special months and observances are important.  Students had great ideas, including:

    • To symbolize and mark the important contributions of all kinds of people to our community
    • These folks and experiences are a part of our american culture and these days and months help us to see all the people who make up a shared American culture
    • Keep annual traditions alive and reflect on things we might not know
    • Naming something or someone draws our attention in and helps us learn and remember
    • Because we don’t include all stories all the time, these moments help us to remember to be more inclusive

    How thoughtful are these kids, huh? And, how incredibly on the money are their ideas?


    Teacher's Appreciation from Heath Students

    Heath School Student Council put together a Teacher's Appreciation survey which was shared with students. Based on the responses, Asha H, Sita H, Sophia S, Max P, Zara K, Sophie S, and Leila P brainstormed how to share this with teachers by creating a slideshow 

    Special shoutout to 7th graders Asha H, Sita H, and Sophia S for leading this effort and owning all parts of this project. They worked hard and made us all proud.

    And, here are even more students contributed to these bucket-filling videos from our students and families:

    Seeing this outpouring of support is just what the teachers here needed, now more than ever, Thank you for thanking us.


    Teaching and Learning

    Recently, the Public Schools of Brookline team sent out more remote learning guidance to families; in particular, our learning trajectories for the remainder of the year K-8 were released. At Heath, we have reviewed these documents as individual practitioners, and as teams; we  have mapped the learning for the next 6 weeks, and have designed the priority units of study at each grade level.  While we hope to dig into each area across every content area, we recognize that circumstances being what they are may make it impossible.  Thus, our talented team is honing in on the skills inherent in each content area and working diligently to ensure that any opportunity provided will lock onto a skill your child will be able to take with them in their learning next year.

    Heath is a part of a much bigger network, intrinsically linked to a set of standards set forth by the Commonwealth. My own 7th grader, not a Brookline student, is right now knee-deep in Greek Mythology.  Next week at Heath, I’ll be joining a 7th grade Social Studies class discussing … you guessed it … the Greek gods.  While the content is fascinating, the skills are ruling the day (like, understand democratic systems, ask strong questions and find answers, organize information from multiple sources, distinguish opinion from fact, evaluate the accuracy and reliability of sources, and more).


    Spring Conferences

    Yesterday you received a message from interim superintendent, Ben Lummis, where he shared that K-5 conferences will not be held in their traditional format this spring. It may seem obvious, but I believe it is important to explain why this is the case before delving into how we will proceed this spring. Spring conferences are typically a time for teachers and families to talk about progress across a range of areas both academic and social emotional. Teachers spend time gathering student work products and compiling assessment information to use as artifacts in these conversations. Currently, teachers do not have access to formal or informal assessments about how students were doing academically before the closure as that information remains in the school building. In addition, because of the uncertainty ahead of us, teachers are unable to speak to the upcoming transition (ie, "What's school going to look like in the fall?"). Given the fact that Heath has been closed since March 12, the typical robust conversation you have come to expect is simply not possible.

    In the spring, teachers typically make time and seek appointments with the families of each of their students. We recognize that under current circumstances, not all families would want or be able to accommodate a video or voice call in their schedule. I want to stress that it is completely fine if you choose not to set up a time to connect with your student’s teacher. If you would like to connect, please reach out to your child's teacher.

    In the spring, there are also four days on which students are dismissed early from school in order to create time in teacher schedules for conferences. Like us all, teachers are balancing significant home and professional obligations. To that end, in order for teachers to build in time for parent/teacher video or voice calls, adjustments may need to be made to some online learning activities on a given day/s.

    Please know that our priorities remain the physical and emotional health of our students, families, and staff during this closure. In sharing the details above, my hope is to help provide clarity and not add stress or confusion. We know students and families are doing the very best that they can, and please know that Heath staff are as well. I recognize given the unexpected nature of the extended school closure that so much has happened, been adjusted, and changed over the last several weeks. We are all adapting, managing and working very hard to serve a wide range of needs and circumstances. Our dedicated Heath faculty stand ready to support you and your children in whatever way we are able throughout the remainder of the school year.


    Step Up Day

    An annual tradition at Heath School is “Step Up Day,” a time when students can visit the classrooms they will be in next year and meet their future teachers. This year we can’t conduct step up day as we might typically, but we know your kids have questions!  So … if you are a kid going into K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades, please submit your questions here in this form: click here

    We will do our best to find answers for you!  Stay tuned!


    Young Scholars x BC

    Yesterday, about a dozen of our Young Scholars, led by Ms. Shashoua and Ms. Morales, met up with students and professors from Boston College’s Urban Outreach Initiative for a virtual spoken word session. Together, folks created and presented poetry in real time.

    Students said they felt happy, collected, calm, respected, excited, thoughtful, and contented. When creating poetry, students responded to these prompts:

    • I am …
    • I can …
    • If you only knew …
    • The truth is …
    • Why does …
    • In my community …
    • I will ...

    Will you give spoken word poetry a chance in your home? These simple prompts could lend themselves to some great conversations together.

    Thanks also to Mr. Ikonne and Mr. Patel for being so present and engaged during this session. Our teachers are showing up for our kids in so many ways!



    So many birthdays this week! Happy birthday to Marco, Henry W., Emma Ho., Joseph Ho., Henrique, Max Gu., Alexa, Sydney, Morgan, Zhiyan, Charlotte, Margot, Sofia V., Bennet, Saige, Dylan F., Avery, Zachary, and Nina



    What’s This COVID-thing? Videos Just for Kids … and Kids at Heart

    Enjoy these video messages from one of my personal heroes, Heath School Nurse Gail Corcoran:

    And my other hero, Lego Batman, explains COVID-19, in his own special way!  click here


    Going to a Private School? Moving? Let Us Know!

    If you applied to private schools and have heard back, can you send me a private message with your decision for next year. I am 1) eager to know and 2) we want to get a sense of who is returning for enrollment purposes. A private email would be appreciated.

    If you are moving and won’t return to Heath in the fall, can you let me know that, too?

    We will help you navigate the withdrawal process and make sure you have everything you need for a smooth transition to your next home school.


    And, that’s all for now. It’s a lot. I know these messages are long, but – per usual – there is just so much going on at Heath. 

    Mother’s Day is Sunday.  Three cheers to all the moms out there, most of whom are doing triple duty each day ... classwork monitor, busy professional, line cook, comforter-in-chief. So if you are a mom or you are mothering someone right now, you are enough.

    Be good to yourself … and others. Send more letters, wave more frequently, and keep spreading  the love.


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



     May 1st, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Each week here I try to deliver a message that can, hopefully, connect us all to one another and our school community. Sometimes, the messages come easily; other times, the messages come hard.  Today is one of those days when the well feels dry.  

    It is hard to explain why, though. I have been a part of many warm and collaborative meetings with teachers this week, I've visited classrooms and seen some really great learning, and today we had our first Zoom faculty meeting with 60 of our staff all together.  These moments have filled me up! 

    In my own home, my kids have worked extra hard this week, my daughter submitted most of her work on time, and my son is really getting the hang of counting coins! 

    I can count the victories and I can see all of the good effort starting to take root.

    But this is also so very exhausting. So tonight I am giving myself permission to turn off. And, I extend that permission to you, as well. But before you also “turn off,” I want to send this message, from me to you: “You did it! You really did it.  You didn’t think you could do it, but you did. And it was messy, but you put your heart into it and, well, it happened. Nobody got hurt and you had a few laughs along this way and now it is time to rest.”

    Only you, dear reader, know what it is that you did.  Only you know how dry your well is right now. And only you can extend yourself the grace to rest and rejuvenate.  I hope you will.


    Now Available! The Day the Crayons Quit & the sequel The Day the Crayons Came Home  

    These books are a hit with the K-2 set ... and don’t be surprised if your middle schoolers want to read along, too.  Check out some of our amazing teaching & learning staff read these modern classics, here and here.  


    From Our PTO Leadership Team: PTO Grants

    Dear Heath Parents, Guardians, Faculty and Staff,

    Through the generosity of the Heath Community and the success of the Heath Hawk Fund, the Heath PTO is currently accepting grant proposals for the 2020-2021 Spring Grant Cycle.  We know that this has been a stressful time for everyone, and hope that you can take a moment to imagine the future of our school. 

    We invite members of the Heath Community to submit proposals that support the mission of the Heath PTO, which is to help create the best learning environment possible for our children.  If you have an idea for Heath or notice an important need that could be fulfilled with some funding, please do not hesitate to submit a grant proposal.  And don't be deterred by the term "grant proposal"  -  applying for funding is a simple process.  Please click on the link below to access the grant form:


    No thoughtful idea is too small or too large for consideration. Please note that while there is a subsequent grant cycle in the Fall, we allocate 90% of the PTO's annual budget through the Spring Grant Cycle. Hence, larger requests should be submitted in the Spring.  

    The deadline for submission is 5:00PM on Monday May 11th.

    Wishing all of your families good health.

    Warm regards,

    Your PTO Leadership Team.

    Nancy Donahoe and Masu Haque-Khan, Co-Presidents & Brenda Bickham and Marcos Lopez, Co-Treasurers


    Birthdays Shout Outs!

    Happiest of happy birthdays to Herman, Johmar, Ryan M., Ethan A., Max P., Madeline S., Nathan Fa., Giulia, and Ben K.  We’re so happy you were born and that we know you!



    Going to a Private School? Moving? Let Us Know!

    If you applied to private schools and have heard back, can you send me a private message with your decision for next year. I am 1) eager to know and 2) we want to get a sense of who is returning for enrollment purposes. A private email would be appreciated.

    If you are moving and won’t return to Heath in the fall, can you let me know that, too?

    We will help you navigate the withdrawal process and make sure you have everything you need for a smooth transition to your next home school.


    Nurse’s Day, May 6th!

    Unbelievably, we have just completed our seventh week of remote schooling in this time of COVID-19. In the days leading up to the school closings, the anxiety, worry, and fear was palpable – truly all consuming. In those days, I was leaning on one person more than any other: our school nurse, Gail Corcoran.  Since the school closings, Ms. Corcoran has remained deeply involved in the safety of our community, volunteering with the Department of Public Health and checking in on staff and families regularly.  Just yesterday I had a question for her and within minutes Gail was helping me connect the dots with a family.

    On May 6th, I hope you’ll take a moment to reach out via email to Ms. Corcoran to share your thanks, especially in these times, but also to say thank you for all the little things she does for us – making sure a kid has their daily meds on time, running out to the field when a “future football star” has a sprained ankle, checking insulin levels, offering a safe space to just talk and be heard – that helps to make Heath School the place it is today. 


    From Ms. Stanton and Ms. Stewart!

    We are excited to announce that National Field Day is Friday, May 8th.  Students, families, and Physical Education teachers throughout the country are participating in the event!  There are so many cool activities! 

    How does it work? 

    Go to the Heath Physical Education Website. Click on the remote learning resources for your child’s grade and then click on the Google slide titled Remote Learning Choices.  The physical activities provided for week 7 will help you practice the skills you need to participate on Field Day.

    On Friday May 8th, Click on the remote learning resources for your child’s grade and then click on the Google slide titled #NationalFieldDay.  Pick 4 activities! Descriptions and videos of how to do each activity are on the slides!

    Exit Ticket! Send us an email with your answers to the questions on the last slide!  We’d love to see pictures and videos of you participating in the activities!

    Physical Education Teachers, 

    ~ Kelly Stanton and Lauren Stewart


    National Poetry Month and Poem in Your Pocket Day are in the books.  COVID-19 could not stop our librarian, Ms. Carney, from celebrating this Heath traduition.  The rain may have washed away the chalk poetry on the sidewalks around the school, but for a brief moment the words were there, calling all of us in to look and listen just a little bit more closely.

    Be well, stay well, and take care of each other.

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    April 27th, 2020

    Ramadan Mubarak! Today is the start of Ramadan! We recognize that there are aspects of Ramadan observances, especially for older middle schoolers who may be fasting at this time, that require particular consideration.  For example, if students are fasting, it may be hard to rise up each morning for an early online session with a teacher. We want to be able to honor your needs at this time, so please reach out to teachers and let them know how we can help.  

    In past years, Muslim families in Brookline have hosted community members in an evening celebration, prayers, and a feast. Heath School staff and I hope very much to partake in this event NEXT year. Until then, be well this Ramadan. 


    Finding Closure

    With the news that school buildings will be closed the rest of this school year comes many questions. We are currently working behind the scenes so that we can find ways, practical and celebratory, to get true closure on the school year, like:

    • Getting into the actual building – to get stuff in lockers, musical instruments, student projects, winter boots and coats, and more. When it is safe, the district will establish protocols for retrieving such items.  We’ll have to continue to be patient on this front.
    • 8th Grade Graduation – while this milestone event won’t happen in the same way it always has, we fully intend to mark the auspicious occasion. Details to follow.
    • 5th to 6th transition – the transition from elementary to middle school is an important time at Heath School. We’ll reach out with details on how we hope to smooth this transition for these kids so that come the fall they can feel safe and prepared to enter middle school.

    It is so important that in each classroom we find ways to celebrate the end of the year while helping our students look forward to what is to come.  The launch of the new school year will offer many, many new challenges, but for now we’ll focus on what is immediately ahead.


    From Our Specialists

    From our School Librarian, Ms. Carney!

    Hello Heath Families!

    April is National Poetry Month, and to mark this occasion we have been posting a "Poet of the Week" feature on the K-8 Library Website. If you and your kids have not had a chance to visit the site, the Poet of the Week page can be found here: https://sites.google.com/psbma.org/library-remote-learning/home/poetry/poet-of-the-week?authuser=0. The site also has many other resources for students. Please take a look!

    One of our Heath traditions during this month is to participate in a national celebration called Poem in Your Pocket Day. This year, this special day will be next Thursday, April 30. We hope you and your family will celebrate at home. I've posted information for your own, home-grown Poem in Your Pocket Day here: https://sites.google.com/psbma.org/library-remote-learning/home/poetry/poem-in-your-pocket.

    I miss seeing everyone in the library and wish you all the best!

    Ms. Carney

    From Our Art Teacher, Ms. Hockensmith

    Special Art Opportunity Alert: Create motivational artwork for patients recovering from Covid-19 at Boston Hope Field Hospital!  Selected artwork will be placed in the physical therapy space to inspire and motivate patients. Read more here and email amanda_hockensmith@psbma with any questions.  


    Online Meeting Expectations

    With all the virtual meetups, it is best that parents know our online meeting expectations, which are:

    • Be kind and respectful to everyone
    • Participate: listen, focus, and/or contribute to the discussion
    • Keep your microphone off 
    • When you are called on to share, unmute your microphone so everyone can hear you
    • When your class uses the Chat sidebar, write answers to teachers’ questions or ask questions related to the lesson
    • There are student jobs and teacher jobs, and the teacher will help you to know which is which. For example, sharing your screen is a teacher’s job, a teacher will let you know if you can share or draw on the screen

    We hope these guidelines help YOU, the adult, know how best to support your student so that they can engage positively in an online environment. 


    Important Websites

    • Here, again, is the link to our Online Learning & Our One-Stop Shop webpage, where you will find all of the expected learning*** at every grade level for each week: click here 
    • If YOU need help with the social-emotional tidal waves happening in your home right now, please try the resources here on our “Student Wellness” webpage.
    • From the Public School’s of Brookline, resources during the CV-19 school closings: click here  
    • And for online resources and guidance from the Town of Brookline: click here

    *** Please note that while Learning Opportunities are technically optional due to inequities in our social structures and due to the fact that we are experiencing a global health pandemic. In our community, we have families and staff experiencing technical challenges (like, one computer and three students in the home), food insecurities, a lack of consistent adult supervision, and more.

    • If you are NOT consistently facing these challenges, we expect students to fully engage in the learning opportunities we have on offer.
    • If you need help, please let a teacher or staff member know and we will work hard to help you meet your needs.



    It is time to celebrate these Heath kiddos who have made yet another lap around the sun – Krish, Bianca, Abby S., Inigo, Cooper C., Mateo G-U, Matthew Ri., Nick J., Mira, Celena, Cora P., Gwyneth, Riley, Emily M., and Emily W.!  Happy birthday, friends!!!



    On Animal Husbandry, Plant Care, & the Awakening Earth

    Before leaving school, I loaded up the hermit crab tank and the gecko enclosure. I also grabbed a ton of plants from around the school. These are the things I tend to with frequency, along with my own dog, two lizards, and children. I guess that’s why I found this New York Times article so fascinating.  I hope you and your kids do, too!  By the way, Pinchy or Snappy the Hermit Crab and Hawk the Gecko say, “Hi!” They miss their REAL caretakers – Cora, Henry, Joshua, Ms. Fay, and many more – very much.

    Also, so many of us are feeling the Earth come back to life in ways that are unexpected.  From reading about the returning bears to Yosemite to recognizing the abundance of birds in our own environs, something is stirring.  Read A Way Back if you’d like to linger a bit in the realm of what’s possible in our natural world. 

    And speaking of animals, one of my favorite sayings is: “This ain’t my first rodeo!” Welp, guess what … being a principal during a pandemic? This IS my first rodeo.  Same for the teachers, same for you.  Were just getting good at this, so be kind to yourselves, share the kindness broadly, thank your teachers warmly, and know that much of the time we are all feeling like this: click


    Stay well, stay connected, and uplift our community any way you can – now more than ever.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    April 17th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Monday is a holiday; please take it.  And, the entire next week would have been Spring Break. It’s like “opposite world,” with lots of disappointment to help your children navigate.  Not only are they having to understand profound disappointment, but they also need to manage feelings of loneliness, fear, longing, and stress … all incredibly complex emotions, most of which they have never felt before.

    My own son, during an evening scooter ride recently, became upset after an ambulance came flying by our house – sirens blaring, lights on. He turned to me and said, "Oh, no. Someone got Coronavirus." So this is what he thought might happen when someone first fell ill. I tried to explain how the virus works in a way that provided some measure of comfort, but that felt ridiculous.  I did my best.

    If YOU need help with the social-emotional tidal waves happening in your home right now, please try the resources here on our “Student Wellness” webpage.


    Online Learning & Our One-Stop Shop Webpage

    Here, again, is the link to our student resources webpage, where you will find all of the expected learning at every grade level for each week.  

    Bookmark this link: https://sites.google.com/psbma.org/heath-online-resources/home?authuser=0

    This is the one-stop shop where teachers and specialists upload their learning plans, resources, webpages, links, print-outs, videos, schedules, and more. We recognize this is overwhelming (as I write my 13-year old is doing math and my 8-year old is writing his small moment for the week,so we are navigating myriad platforms and so many content-areas, too). We strive to make this avalanche of information as accessible and clear as possible.

    Please note that while Learning Opportunities are technically optional due to inequities in our social structures and due to the fact that we are experiencing a global health pandemic. In our community, we have families and staff experiencing food insecurity, technical challenges (like, one computer and three students in the home), food insecurities, a lack of consistent adult supervision, and more.

    • If you are NOT consistently facing these challenges, we expect students to fully engage in the learning opportunities we have on offer.
    • If you need help, please let a teacher or staff member know and we will work hard to help you meet your needs.


    Wednesday is Secretary’s Day

    I’d like to take a moment to recognize Ms. Jaliz Millet, our tremendous school secretary, who is – let’s be honest, shall we? – the real backbone of our team. While you cannot hug her neck or otherwise thank her in person this year, please feel free to send her a virtual appreciation at jaliz_millet@psbma.org. She’d be glad to hear from you and the kids, all of whom she knows so well.


    MCAS Testing Cancelled this Spring

    Per the Department of Education, the MCAS testing cycle will not take place this spring state-wide. From Commissioner Jeff Riley:

    "We previously requested and received a waiver from the federal requirement for annual statewide student assessment. Now, with the state legislation enacted, the MCAS testing requirement is waived for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. 

    As a result of these federal and state actions and in light of the on-going health crisis, I am cancelling this spring’s regular administration of grade-level MCAS tests for students in grades 3-10. 

    In addition, the legislation allows the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, upon my recommendation, to modify or waive the requirements of the competency determination for high school graduation in order to address disruptions caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 or the state of emergency. I am considering various options, and further guidance will be forthcoming." 


    Birthdays Greetings!

    Big celebrations this week for Connor C, Noah, Astrid, Rowan, Lily S., Willow, Mae, Ben D., Daria, Ellis, Neil, Kareem, Davy, Erin P., Sara S., and Arina! Let’s make this one for the memories –someday you’ll tell your grandchildren, “Well, when I turned your age, I was in quarantine and celebrated with friends and family over Zoom.”  And then they will say, “Oh, grandma (or grandpa!) … you tell me that story every year. Now, just get into the flying car so we can go out for my birthday cake on Mars.”

    Bitmoji Image


    Class Placement Process (2nd Announcement)

    Although schools are currently closed due to the COVID-19 health pandemic, it is still time for us to look ahead and begin planning for the 2020-2021 school year.  Parents occasionally often ask how class placements are made and what role families may play in the process. This letter is meant to answer those questions and explain the process used at Heath (and in the Public Schools of Brookline). Each spring, teachers, staff and administrators work to form classes for the following school year.  We invite you to join this process at home. While it is not necessary, nor is it expected that parents communicate regarding class placement, if you have information about your child’s social-emotional or learning needs that you think we do not know, please complete this google form (“Class Placement Parent Perspectives, 20-21”) by May 1st


    George Saunders, American author, kinned this moment in time, during a conversation with Cheryl Strayed, to that feeling you get when you start to fall and before you hit the ground.  You know you are falling, but there is no time to plan.You’re all reaction and a strange mix of calm and fear at once.

    That’s where we are right now. In that moment of falling.

    Many of us are here, too (warning, one swear word): https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/06/parent-as-a-verb-quarantine-edition

    Wherever you are physically, psychically, or spiritually … you are doing enough – you are not failing yourself or your children, you do not have to workout everyday or keep an immaculate house or eat every meal at the table.  Every night CAN be movie night! And every morning can include cartoons. There is no shame in big feelings. There is no shame in feeling fear. You are ok. Your kids are ok. We are all in this together, even when we feel very alone.

    Stay healthy, tip big, express gratitude openly and often, donate as you can, accept help when you must.



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    April 9th, 2020

    It has been a treat to see so many Passover seders on my Instagram feed – bearing witness to how so many of my friends as they are figuring out how to make do with what they have in the pantry, set up grandma so she can zoom in, and scanning the pages of the one Haggadah the family has and emailing the pages out so everyone can participate.  For those of you doing this and more in your own homes, chag sameach.

    Easter also approaches and I am sure that I will continue to be floored by the many creative celebrations that unfold virtually. If you celebrate, please do so from home. The easter Bunny can, of course, come in!

    There will be many more celebrations ahead, big and small,  so for now I’ll say: “Next year, in person.”


    PSB Remote Learning Guidance 2.0

    Late Sunday, Superintendent Lummis sent out the PSB Remote Learning Guidance document to families (here).  It is critical that you take the time to read this important document and seek clarity, ask questions, and get help when necessary.  



    We are building a whole-school landing page where you can find every webpage from each teacher. The initial page is here; while the broad strokes are laid out, we will continue to polish this page.  Already the 6-7-8 Learning Opportunities page is up and running and being updated weekly.  We want to make accessing all of the remote sites as easy as possible for families, and so we hope this one-stop shopping experience can really help! Parents, please bookmark these pages!


    Class Placement Process

    Although schools are currently closed due to the COVID-19 health pandemic, it is still time for us to look ahead and begin planning for the 2020-2021 school year.  Parents occasionally often ask how class placements are made and what role families may play in the process. This letter is meant to answer those questions and explain the process used at Heath (and in the Public Schools of Brookline). Each spring, teachers, staff and administrators work to form classes for the following school year.  We invite you to join this process at home. While it is not necessary, nor is it expected that parents communicate regarding class placement, if you have information about your child’s social-emotional or learning needs that you think we do not know, please complete this google form (“Class Placement Parent Perspectives, 20-21”) by May 1st


    Supporting Basic Needs

    School Counseling Website

    Be sure to bookmark this link to the district's School Counseling Website.  This website houses Basic Needs and Mental Health resources (food, housing, crisis information, etc), as well as SEL, Wellness, Self-care, etc.  The site is regularly updated with new information so you good folks can save it as a favorite to return regularly.

    Food Assistance During School Closures

    From Brookline Thrives/The Brookline Food Pantry:

    The Brookline Food Pantry started home delivery of groceries last week, using a network of volunteers. Recipients of home delivery do not need to be current Pantry clients; however, we are not able to deliver to everyone. The Pantry can provide home delivery for households meeting the following conditions:

    • Meets low income guidelines (BHA resident, receive SNAP/SSI/Medicare/Medicaid, or have received previous home delivery (Meals on Wheels, etc.))
    • Disabled or High Risk due to age, compromised immune system, or other medical condition
    • Lives in Brookline
    • Referred from a local social service agency (optional)

    We realize there are many individuals/households who are able-bodied but fearful to be out and about. We are hopeful that those of you who have direct relationships with families can assist us in allaying some fears by talking with families about the Pantry's emergency protocols put in place to keep clients (and volunteers) safe. Of course, if any of you know of families who meet the above home delivery guidelines, the Pantry can definitely work directly with you or the individual/family to arrange for food delivery. Information on who/how to contact is in the attached flyer.

     Brookline Food Pantry's emergency protocols:

    • No shoppers are allowed inside the Pantry locations.
    • No personal shopping. All shoppers receive 3 bags of prepacked groceries: 1 bag of refrigerated dairy (milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, butter) and frozen meats and vegetables, 1 bag of produce, and 1 bag of nonperishable foods and toiletries.
    • Very short wait time. Unless a shopper arrives before and immediately at the time a pantry location opens (when we have the most people at once), the typical wait time is less than 10 minutes from check-in to walking away with groceries.
    • Strict social distancing enforced. We have even set up traffic cones to designate waiting spaces that are at least 6 feet apart from each shopper.
    • No documentation is required to shop.
    • Limited number of volunteers are allowed in the Pantry at any one time. All volunteers are screened for health issues, and handwashing/glove wearing is strictly enforced.

    The flyer (see link here) also has information about receiving free & reduced meals from the schools. Currently, PSB has not received a large volume of orders. It is our hope that having the flyer handed out at our pantry locations and with a wide word-of-mouth effort by many support services, more families will utilize the school meal service.

     Brookline Thrives continues to make bags available at all our Pantry locations during operating days/times, and distributes at the High St Vets community room on Friday afternoons from 3-5pm. However, our primary focus right now is transitioning families to Pantry usage, as full groceries are probably more useful.

    Kim Kushner

    Program Director, Brookline Thrives

    a program of the Brookline Food Pantry


    (917) 734-4695

    Here, again, is the link to all of the one-page flyers, filled with useful information in a wide range of languages.


    April 4th was  National School Librarian Day – we send our thanks and admiration to our school librarian, Colleen Carney! Every April is Ms.Carney’s time to shine as it is also National Poetry Month, culminating in ‘Poem in Your Pocket Day.”  

    So, to celebrate, dig into some poetry! My faves are the confessionalists (Plath and Sexton), the naturalists (Oliver, Frost, and Berry) and the love warriors (Jordan and Lorde). Who are the poets you love to read?


    Birthdays Are Happening Next Week!

    A super happy upcoming birthdays to our dear, dear friends Giorgos, Ezra, Sofia P., Kyle, Luka G., Phoebe, Miriam, Michael T., Sofia U., and Mia S.


    Happy Birthday


    Perspectives: Reading and Listening and Thinking

    This week I’ve read and listened to a lot of perspectives on COVID-19 and our collective state of being right now. Two pieces that I thought twice about have been COVID-19: The Reason You're Exhausted Is 'Moral Fatigue' - Rolling Stone and Why Are There Bad Days and Why Are There Good Days

    This week, I have rarely left my house. Each morning I take a long walk around my town, and each eveningI do the same. These offer me a chance to twice daily clear my head while staying active. When I do leave my house and venture out into public, it is because I must: I must go to the grocery store, I must go buy live crickets for the 3 geckos in my house, I must drop something at my in-laws place, I must drop something off for  Heath family in need. Otherwise,  I am home.

    What a privilege. 

    There are those amongst us who cannot exercise such privilege. Essential workers, health care providers, our custodial crew who are now cleaning firehouses and other Brookline buildings, folks with chronic health care needs, the working poor, the folks who gather up our garbage, and so many more unseen amongst us. Some of you are trying to balance “home school” while also figuring out how to pay this month’s bills. We have homes where the oldest child is now in charge. There are people we know and love who are sick.

    I am thinking very carefully about these systems that allow me to stay at home while others are without choices. Sending loving kindness their way seems so … seems so … seems like it's just not enough. 

    In closing, Ram Das, recently deceased, said: “Start from where you are, not where you wish you were. The work you are doing becomes your path.” Perhaps that is enough. Perhaps we are all enough.

    Use your privilege for good, stay home if you can, and stay well.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal

     PS - For all you Hamilton fans out there, here's BHS and Hamilton alum Nik Walker – watch this!


    April 3rd, 2020

    Hello Heath Community!

    What a great event we had tonight at our community Show and Tell, hosted by our Student Council and Service Learning Club (with special thanks to Fabian and Daniela for hosting). We will definitely continue to plan more of these events so that we can stay connected even while apart.

    I, personally, did not plan to bring anything tonight to the event, but did end up showing my pet gecko, Bob Ross, to everyone.  I also created this LEGO Show and Tell with my special guest … Charlie! I hope you enjoy it!

    April is Autism Awareness Month and now, more than ever, we should all be considering ways to make sure students with Autism are included in our virtual social connections. Online meet-ups, stopping by on an early evening walk to wave through a window, emails of love and encouragement go such a long way for all of us, and especially for kids on the Autism spectrum, so be sure to reach out.

    Also, while we are not physically together in the building, the team at Heath continues to plan and prepare for the launch of an early childhood RISE program at our school. Our intention remains unwavering: to create a beautiful, intentional, high-quality learning environment where all children can thrive, especially those with Autism.


    Learning Opportunities 

    Heath teachers, specialists, special educators, and service providers have all made learning opportunities available to students. Students: 

    • now have access to web platforms that are being updated regularly, 
    • have been meeting virtually with many staff and tons of friends over the course of the week, 
    • are becoming more internet savvy as they learn to toggle, meet, log in, and access learning.

    You, too, are adapting to how to support your children as they try new things each day.  While attending a second grade online read aloud with Mrs. Wheeler, a student said, “I have to go!  I have another meeting! Bye!” I swear I saw her parents take a deep, cleansing breath in the background.

    This is a lot.  Sometimes we are going to feel like, “we got this!” Other times we won’t.  If you have questions, please ask your child’s teacher, Mr. Patel, or myself.  We will seek answers, clarify our intent, and help you manage expectations.

    Trust that the Heath staff is working to ensure students are engaged; we are also taking care of ourselves physically.  I want to recognize that people are starting to get sick – while we are working so hard to stay healthy, we know it may prove impossible.  Just like you, we are taking things day by day and making strides towards tomorrow.


    Student Support Website

    Members of the Heath School team (Guidance Counselors David Chaet and Alissa Ovadia & Psychologists Marissa Sloane and Jen Watkins) created a student support website! They will be updating the site regularly with video read alouds, mini reminder lessons, and messages to stay connected with the Heath students. Check it out here


    Passover and Easter

    The springtime high holidays approach. April 10th was scheduled as a school closure day and we will continue to honor the day. Do not expect work assignments or online offerings from Heath staff. April 10th remains a day of observance, rest, (remote) connections, and celebration ... no matter the circumstances and weight of the world. 

    *** I do not have guidance re: Spring Break, but when that comes expect a message from our Interim Superintendent, Ben Lummis


    Social Media Connections!

    Be sure to send your pictures of how you are spending your time to Mr. Patel, who can post on our instagram and twitter pages @staysafeheath. And, post your own pictures with the hashtag #staysafeheath. And, be sure to subscribe!


    How Can I Make Sense of What Is Happening Right Now?

    I listen to The Daily on my morning walks, and that helps me feel smarter about the COVID-19 pandemic and how to stay both safe and sane. A dear friend recommended Brene Brown’s podcast episode on FFTs (beware: swear words!), and this NPR Comic was a gift. 

    With so much information overload, be kind to yourselves and let in positive messages that help you grow as much as possible. Our emotional bandwidth is precious; save what little you have for the stuff that fills you up, not lets you down.


    Happy Birthday Wishes!

    Birthday shout-outs to Victor, Sophie F., Aiden K., Jackie T., Jiun-Yu, Morris, Justin, Wils, Sofia A., Suvi, and Destin! May your birthday be a day filled with exactly what YOU need!


    sending good vibes


    Parent-Teacher Conferences Postponed or Cancelled; Update of Assessing Student Outcomes

    As you might imagine, parent-teacher conferences this spring are postponed (or, potentially, cancelled). As we move through the month of April we will, hopefully, have a better understanding about how to fairly and accurately report out on student growth over the year.  

    These types of decisions are made collaboratively, with the Commissioner of Education Jeff Riley, School Committees, and Superintendents and Central Office leaders all contributing to decision-making. I remain engaged in conversations on these topics – and more! – and when I have any additional information I will share it with you.


    International Night: Thank You

    While International Night has been cancelled, I would be remiss if we did not thank Rina Kaul and the hearty crew who has put on the event for years and years now.  This is Rina’s last year as a parent at Heath (her child is in 8th grade) and we cannot thank you enough for nurturing International Night into one of the best nights of the year, year after year.


    A Poem for Spring:

    Spring is a start of blooming.

    April showers bring May flowers.

    In the spring sometimes it snows.

    Then it rains afterwards.

    Then all the flowers bloomed.

    In the spring the sky is bright

    The birds are always chirping in the morning

    In spring the leaves on the trees grow back.

    Look outside in spring.What do you see?

    ~ Kareem, Grade 3


    So, in closing, here’s to our first responders, our health care professionals, and to those who are putting their lives on the line everyday. I am thinking of you and you and you and you and …  the radiologists, the medical researchers, the hospitalist, our police officers, the nurses, the home health care providers, and the pulmonologists in our midst. I very much look forward to saying thank you in person. We all do.


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    March 31st, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    As you know, last Thursday, Education Commissioner Jeff Riley shared updated recommendations for school districts following Governor Baker’s announcement of extended school closures through May 4, 2020. Yesterday morning, our Interim Superintendent Ben Lummis followed up by highlighting how the Commissioner’s updated recommendations will impact the work we have begun here at Heath School and within the Public Schools of Brookline. He further noted that the updated recommendations will be implemented starting the week of April 6, 2020. This key guidance, along with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Brookline Educator Union and School Committee, is shaping how – as a community – we will move forward through the now extended period of school closures.

    Last week was a whirlwind of teacher activity, seen and unseen. The learning opportunities and virtual meetups offered to your children were the ongoing culmination to tons of teacher collaboration and planning.  These are certainly uncharted times, as I have said before, and we seek first to connect by maintaining healthy connections, and then to stay connected moving forward, ensuring everyone is safe ...and stays safe.

    That said, I recognize that there are many feelings about what online or “remote” learning should look like. Many may feel that teachers should be teaching new content and creating virtual classrooms. Others are simply trying to manage the schedule of multiple children at different grade levels without becoming overwhelmed. While I understand the desire to help students move forward in their schooling, I also know that this concept in theory looks very different when executed. 

    This week, teachers have continued to work together in order to offer online learning opportunities for students in the way that was done last week, with any necessary minor tweaks. After April 6, Heath staff will be supporting students to engage in learning for approximately half the length of a regular school day as recommended by the Commissioner of Education. Learning opportunities will be meaningful and productive, and this learning can take place via a combination of educator directed learning and student-directed learning. Online learning opportunities may be asynchronous or synchronous, and ultimately teachers will determine what form(s) of remote learning will work best for their students. Teachers will create opportunities for students to connect with educators throughout the week and access to multiple hours per day of academic content coordinated by educators.

    The safety and well-being of students and staff is our top priority. We also recognize that the COVID-19 crisis disproportionately affects our most vulnerable students. Please know that we are working carefully to determine how we can best deliver on our PSB core value of educational equity, while keeping students engaged in meaningful learning.

     I thank you, we thank you, for your continued support, partnership, and understanding.  We are truly all in this together.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    March 27th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    With the announcement this past week that school’s would not be in session again until fingers crossed) May 4th, many of you probably experienced a mild panic.  I think that is a typical response; I know I felt that way. Also this week, you experienced an incredible uptick in emails, links, learning opportunities, and more. Perhaps this also led to a spike in anxiety? Regardless of all the feelings you are feeling, know that you are not alone and that while physically apart, we are working to connect with your students in so many new and innovative ways.  

    As our Math Specialist Ms. Demont wrote to me yesterday, “I am experiencing the steepest learning curve of my life! I am very energized learning new technology and excited to connect directly with students and colleagues again. There is an urgency to this work which adds to the stress of learning as quickly as possible. Three months remaining to my forty-year career and here I am Zooming around, feeling that this moment in time is the absolute pinnacle of my professional life. At no time ever have I felt such responsibility, nor had the opportunity, to do such good for children. I am so proud, and feel so fortunate, to be a teacher.”

    I, too, often feel quite rudderless while also on the precipice of amazing growth.  I miss the connections very much; I mean, the community is, in so many ways, an anchor in my own life. So, in the spirit of innovation,  I made a couple of videos for your kids (and you, too!) as a way to connect. Check them out:


    District-Wide Extended Learning Links

    Here is the link to the Extended Learning for PSB Families, a webspace chock full of links, suggestions, and opportunities – a one-stop shop to partner with the resources classroom teachers are also sending your way. 


    News Your Heart Can Use

    A Student Council + Service Learning ZOOM mash-up happened Thursday afternoon and there were so many of us in attendance and so many good ideas bouncing around that I think we broke the internet! Stay tuned to hear their good ideas for community gatherings!

    • One student thought it would be cool to have everyone do the pledge of allegiance in their homes each Monday at 8:05am; another student really wants to be able to blast the “Today is Recycling Day!” announcement into everyone’s homes each Thursday morning. 

    The GSTA crew met Wednesday and 18 kids attended! Mrs. O’Shea said it was such a treat to see all the students and to see their bedrooms, posters, trinkets, and things that make each of the students uniquely them!  

    • A strange, but cool bonus of so many Google Meet and ZOOM meetings is that we get a glimpse into everyone’s lives and homes, or at least the parts we can see behind each of our heads in our screens.  For me, I’ve built a desk in the basement so lots and lots of people have seen the unfinished ceiling of my basement. #itiswhatitis



    Birthdays, March 27-April 3rd

    Happy birthday to so many Heath kids! Luke B-W, Luke L., Zephan, Ylan, Molly, Talia C., Rian V., Meredith A., and Eric 


    Essay Contest Winners

    Congratulations to A Woman Who Inspires Me winners -Sonia W. and Adithi J.! Both were First Place in their age groups!


    Continued Cancellations

    Open Music Classes

    If we do indeed return on May 4th, we will still cancel this year’s K-5 Open Music classes. There simply won’t be enough time to prepare. But, there are still ways to bring music into your house; here is the link to the “Heath Music Goes Online!” site: https://sites.google.com/psbma.org/heathmusic/home

    Parent Affinity Groups

    We had hoped to host parent affinity groups for Latinx and Asian-American families, but without the time to properly plan it feels better to hold space for these critical conversations in the new year (September and October)

    7th and 8th Grade School Play

    This may be the first time in 50 years that we’ve cancelled the Heath School play. When we left school a few weeks ago, we were just half way through auditions.  To continue auditions, practice, build sets, and more – with integrity – feels like a long-shot. We will plan now for a school play in the fall instead.


    And, finally, a reminder:

    I Cannot Control

    I thank each of you for all that you are doing, seen and unseen, to stay afloat, celebrate the small victories, and care for one another.

    I am sending love to you all!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


     February 28th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Before break, we experienced a few more (positive!) changes in our cafeteria, including reusable trays and compostable silverware, clean-up crews, and new bathroom routines.  Many of these ideas came directly from students themselves, especially members of our student council, who identified ways to be more green.  Some of the ideas, like Clean-Up Crews, came from the adults. Needless to say, these changes created quite a stir with students. I sat with students during lunch this past week to hear their thoughts.

    On the new, reusable, heavy-duty trays, student report:

    • The trays are better for the world, the oceans, and keeps the sea animals from dying from so much trash. (Jaymin)
    • It means we’re more reusable now! We spend out money better! (Mason)
    • It’s exciting student council helped make this change happen for us. (Tycho)
    • The trays are about better because we aren’t throwing out so much stuff. The Earth is better now. (Jude)
    • A lot better, easier to carry.  I don’t drop my food anymore. (Armani)
    • They don’t fall apart! (Wils)
    • 5th grade girls in 5 Mac give the changes thumbs up all around.
    • They help the earth … and a nice color. The trash isn’t overflowing with trays. (Meredith)
    • No more soggy trays! (Sophia)
    • The trays are bigger and have more sections, so can hold more stuff. (Kylie)

    On the new Clean Up Crews* (small groups of kids who help with the hustle and bustle of clean up after a lunch period, like an extra wipe to tables and light work with brooms)

    • I love it. Well, I like to clean and I like to see things clean.  I don’t like seeing food on the ground. (Fatima)
    • I think it’s a good idea, but I won’t know what I really think until it is my turn to be on a clean up crew. (Hudson)
    • I feel like a lot of people think they can just leave their mess behind; the clean up crews can help. (Natalia)
    • I see that 6th, 7th, and 8th graders can do a better job helping keep the cafeteria clean (Mateo)
    • It’s cool, although 6th, 7th, and 8th need to do more to keep it clean. (Haley)

    * Students do not miss recess time and most of the work is done before all the kids have made it out the door after lunch is over.

    • I also think the bathroom thing is pretty cool, too! (shares Kylie, in regards to our new two kids only in the bathroom at a time rule)

    Asking about these changes over the weekend or when asking “How was your day?” Will open up all kinds of great at-home conversations.  Try it!


    Heath Family Game Night

    Our 2nd Annual Heath Family Game Night was this past Wednesday. I hope everyone had a wonderful time!  News on the street Thursday in school was that this fun-filled event was a total blast.

    We thank Rasheedah, Akeisha, Charlene, Sarah, and Debra to going above and beyond in their organizing and planning efforts. And to all the families who volunteered during the event, thanks!


    One Heath: Session Notes

    The One Heath group met earlier this month. Here is our agenda and notes.  I hope you take a minute to check it out … and consider joining us the next time we gather.

    “One Heath” Community Conversation

    February 3rd, 2020



    Acceptance Speech


    Video: Are You a Racist? ‘No’ is not a good enough answer


    Video: 5 Tips for Being an Ally



    White kids, racism and the way privileged parenting props up an unjust system

    Guiding Questions:

    • What does an anti-racist community feel like like…?
      • Safe for everyone’s expression
      • Valued: i am contributing, I can make a difference
      • We lean into discomfort in order to have difficult conversations about race, identity, and equity
      • empowered/empowering
      • Each individual has a sense of belonging in the community
      • Less exhaustion for people of color
      • Safe to challenge others, take risks, expose yourself = be vulnerable!
      • Authentic!
      • Understanding how and why people of color are code-switching 
      • Everyone is seen as a whole person
      • One person does not feel they have to represent their entire race
    • What does an anti-racist community sound like like…?
      • Classroom conversations about race in all PreK-8 classrooms
      • Families sharing their culture and experiences
      • People challenging each others ideas and practices
      • Families are engaging in complex conversations about race at home
      • Calling people “in” to have hard/uncomfortable conversations about race and equity
      • Music across culture, representing the broad and varied interests of our children
      • Multiple languages spoken in hallways, at recess, in classrooms = heritage languages are uplifted and allowed
      • Conversations about the policies and structures of racism and how to disrupt/rewrite/amend/change racist policies
      • Teach for understanding
      • Understand the concept of “code switching” and why some folx do it, how, and its value
      • Calling out racism, aggressions (macro and micro)
      • Kids and adults comfortable talking about racism in a safe, accepting way and supporting each other to get better at these kids of talks
      • Constant use of unbiased language – language that is inclusive for everyone
      • White students need to understand their roles in uplifting systems of oppression … and learn how to disrupt these systems!
      • Empower voices! Keep going! Don’t stop!
      • Build these conversations into all  content areas; don’t see this work and knowledge as “extra”
      • Hold space for large group conversations
    • What does an anti-racist community look like like…?
      • Late bus for K-2 students on all school days so these students can participate in afterschool activities, too
      • Diverse classroom libraries
      • Interracial friendships
      • Affinity groups in class placement decisions
      • Inclusive playdates after school
      • Dig into student discipline data and Special Education data.  What trends do we see re: race
      • Meaningful relationships with multiple adults
      • More teachers of color!
      • More people at One Heath meetings
      • Cultural celebrations
      • Anti-racist curriculum
      • All families feeling like they belong
      • Increased Afrocentric curriculum and thinking (and less centering of the white American experience)
      • Posters, signage, etc. that represents the students and families in our school
      • Multi-lingual representations (posters, songs, etc) in the school
    • Possible Extension Readings:


    The Heath School Service Learning Club 

    … is proud to present ...

    Our Annual Brookline Emergency Food Pantry Community Drive!

    What can my family donate?

    PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade

    • Kids snacks
    • Canned food items
    • Sugar, flour, oil, and spices

    Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade

    • Toiletries (toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, deodorant)
    • Dry breakfast items (instant oatmeal, cereal)
    • Dry beans
    • Canned Vegetable and Fruit (low sodium and no sugar added products)

    Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, and Eighth Grade

    • Boxed pasta
    • Instant coffee and tea
    • Mixes for desserts


    Announcement: MCAS Dates

    Here is the link to the calendar: MCAS Schedule

    As we get closer to the actual testing dates, we will have more information to share.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, March 2nd : Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 3rd: Event: Life at Brookline High School for 8th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians, BHS Auditorium, 7:00-9:00pm
    • Wednesday, March 4th: 5/6 Math League Competition, Ridley School, 1:00-4:00pm 
    • Wednesday, March 4th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, March 5th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, March 6th: First Friday PTO Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, March 6th: METCO Connections Event in the Makerspace, 1:40-3:30pm
    • Monday, March 9th & Tuesday, March 10th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Monday, March 9th : Event: Introduction to Athletics for 8th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians, BHS Auditorium, 7:00-9:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 10th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, March 11th: METCO Connections: Middle School Pizza Lunch, 10:45-11:20am
    • Thursday, March 12th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, March 13th: Kindergarten Rhyme Time Play!, Auditorium, 8:00 – 9:00am
    • Friday, March 13th: Grades 6-8 Progress Reports for Term 3 Published to the Parent Portal
    • Thursday, March 19th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 19th: Variety Show #1 Dress Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, March 19th: Special Event: K-8 Family Math Night with Dr. Bolker and Ms Demont, Heath Cafeteria/Auditorium, 7:00-8:30pm
    • Friday, March 20th: Heath School Site Council, 8:15-9:45am
    • Friday, March 20th: Variety Show #1 - Grades K-3, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm

     Field Trips: 

    • Thursday, March 5th: Grade 5 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:15pm

    Enjoy the weekend ahead, everyone!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    February 7th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Today our Interim Superintendent Ben Lummis joined us at our First Friday Coffee. He reaffirmed our core values, spoke to the initiatives ongoing (math program review, educational equity work, and more), gave brief updates on building projects, and much, much more. Mr. Lummis also discussed the District’s budget, and reviewed staffing throughout the schools and at all levels.  Community members had a chance to ask questions and hear directly from Ben and myself.

    I am thankful to be in a school where folks listen and speak with both passion and civility, and work to collectively ensure Heath School maintains its vision for excellence.


    February is Black History Month

    Each year, Black History Month opens up space to consider deeply the ways Black history is our shared history. There will be lots of events to join (try:

    https://www.puppetshowplace.org/weethepeople), narratives to listen to, and resources to tap into. Below is a collection of resources that teachers in Brookline are employing in their practice. We urge you to consider them, too, and start here:

    Beverly Daniel Tatum's piece It's Not So Black and White is a solid guide if you're looking for how to enter difficult conversations about race-related issues.

    Origins of Black History Month

    A nice grounding piece by Daryl Michael Scott, Professor of History at Howard University, that covers Carter G. Woodson's ideas behind the celebration and the origins of the celebration in Negro History Week.

    Teaching Tolerance

    One of my first stops when I am looking for support for teaching social justice. Their key piece for this year encourages us all to "go beyond trauma and struggle to examine the liberation, civic engagement, creativity and intersecting identities of Black people during Black History Month." In this piece Teaching Tolerance links to a wide range of supporting materials that could be useful as teacher background and for use with students.

    The 2019 Article is also quite rich.

    Facing History & Ourselves

    Another reliable organization for material on social justice, Facing History put together a specific resource collection for Black History month including materials on reparations, continued segregation, and intersectional Black issues. There is also extensive guidance on using Eyes on the Prize.

    The National Museum of African American History and Culture

    The online collections are outstanding. and highly varied. This could be an opportunity to engage with artifacts from various periods in Black American History. The digital collection includes photography, documents, images of artifacts, and a host of other materials. I recommend browsing by theme using the link above. (Example: LGBTQ+ Collection)

    We thank Gabe McCormick, the K-8 Social Studies Coordinator, for the resources. Gabe is a tireless advocate for equity and anti-racist pedagogies and works so hard to ensure we have high-quality material in our hands when working with students. 


    Be on the Lookout: Residency Verification

    The Brookline School Committee, in its admissions policies, has tasked the Office of Registration and Enrollment (ORE) with ensuring that only Brookline residents attend the Public Schools of Brookline. Given the team’s small staff, they are unable to ask every PSB family every year to provide verification documents. In an effort to be equitable, the ORE ask all of our grade 8 families before the transition to high school next year.

    The ORE will be in contact with 8th grade families soon.  The process is intended to be quick and easy, but if you have questions please do reach out.


    THANK YOU!!!!!

    This week the Service Learning Club hosted our “donuts and a coffee” fundraiser and many, many parents came to support our efforts in raising money for the wildlife of Australia after the recent and divesting fires.  We raised $604.41!  While Brookline’s Wellness Policy prevents us from selling sweet treats during school hours to children, the adults were more than happy to partake.  One student told me that it should be illegal to have so many donuts in the school! Anything for a good cause!


    Announcement: MCAS Dates

    Here is the link to the calendar: link 

    As we get closer to the actual testing dates, we will have more information to share.


    Heath Family Game Night!

    Beat the winter blues at Heath Family Game Night!

    • Wednesday, February 26th
    • 6-8pm
    • Heath School cafeteria

    Bring the entire family for a night of games, like Twister, Jenga, Cornhole, Family Feud, and much more!

    Pizza and treats will be served. Mark your calendars now.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Thursday, February 13th: 8th Graders to BHS: Performing Arts Presentations, 8:30-11:00am
    • Thursday, February 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, February 13th: Old Lincoln School “OLS” Informational Night for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, 6:00-7:00pm
    • Friday, February 14th: SEPAC Monthly Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, February 17th - Friday, February 21st: No School: February Vacation
    • Wednesday, February 26th: CAP Program in 3L, 9:45-11:15am
    • Wednesday, February 26th: Heath Family Game Night, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Thursday, February 27th: CAP Program in 3F, 12:00-1:30pm
    • Thursday, February 27th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, February 27th: Variety Show Auditions, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, February 28th: CAP Program in 3H, 9:30-11:00am
    • Friday, February 28th: Variety Show Auditions, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm

    Field Trips: 

    • Tuesday, February 11th: 8th Grade Trip to MIT Museum (8-1 - 9:00am-12:00pm), (8-2 - 10:00am-1:00pm), (8-3 - 11:00am-2:00pm)
    • Thursday, February 13th: Grade 3 Trip to Wheelock Family Theatre, 10:00am-1:00pm
    • Wednesday, February 26th: Grade 1 Trip to Boston Children's Museum, 9:15am-1:45pm
    • Thursday, February 27th: 7/8 Math Team to Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:00pm

    No message next Friday!  We’ll be headed off to February Break – see you next week, have a happy break, and see you on the 24th.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    January 31st, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Today was Half-Way Day at Heath School, marking the … well … half-way point of the year. Days like these are considered major holidays in young children’s lives. Yesterday I was regaled by so many kids who enthralled me with their elaborate plans for being half of something. Half sports fan gear, half pajamas. Half combed hair, half messy hair. Half of one color, half of another color. Needless to say, teachers get in on the fun, as well. Schools should be a place everyone WANTS to be. Days like today are a part of the total gestalt – the vibe, the je ne said quoi, the “this place feels like a family” feeling we should all have while in school and we rejoice in holding space for these joyful days.

    So my advice to you is to start planning now for the next National Holiday: The 100th Day of School.


    First Friday Coffee: February 7th

    Next Friday, Interim Superintendent Ben Lummis will join us at our First Friday Coffee.  This will be a great opportunity to be in conversation with Mr. Lummis bout our work and shared vision for schooling in Brookline. I hope many, many of you will be able to join us!


    Announcements Worth Repeating:

    “One Heath” Meeting: Coming Up!

    On February 3rd, from 2:45-4:15 in our library, the One Heath crew will be meeting to discuss how Heath can become a more equitable school, so all can thrive while in our collective care. Through discussion, readings, and videos we will engage in a conversation that asks big. Bold questions like:

    • What does an anti-racist community look like/feel like/sound like…?
    • How will we know when we start to embody these characteristics and live these tenants?
    • What is YOUR/MY/OUR role in making this vision a reality?

    If you are a regular in these conversations or want to join for the first time, we welcome you!


    Service Learning Club: Announcement

    Our spunky Service Learning club members are busy planning their next service to the community.  The week of Feb. 3rd-7th, we will be launching TWO initiatives: 1) a drive for the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry and 2) a donuts and coffee (adults only!) fundraiser each morning to support fire relief efforts in Australia.  So, bring your donations and some dollar bills for the causes! This crew is thinking so creatively about how to help people and animals near and far. Your support is so appreciated!


    Heath Family Game Night!

    Beat the winter blues at Heath Family Game Night!

    • Wednesday, February 26th
    • 6-8pm
    • Heath School cafeteria

    Bring the entire family for a night of games, like Twister, Jenga, Cornhole, Family Feud, and much more!

    Pizza and treats will be served. Mark your calendars now.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, February 3rd: One Heath Meeting: A Conversation About Race & Equity, 2:45-4:15pm
    • Monday, February 3rd: Overview of Special Education Services and Programs for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, BHS Library, 6:00pm
    • Monday, February 3rd: BHS Curriculum Night for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, BHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: All Town Chorus Concert, BHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, February 5th: METCO Connections Breakfast/Game Morning, Room 209, 7:30am
    • Wednesday, February 5th: Grades 5-6 Math League Competition, Florida Ruffin Ridley School, 1:00-4:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Heath/Baker Orchestra Concert, Baker Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Friday, February 7th: First Friday PTO Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, February 7th: World Language Roadshow Presentation for Grade 8, Auditorium, 1:00-1:40pm
    • Friday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Term 2 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
    • Thursday, February 13th: 8th Graders to BHS: Performing Arts Presentations, 8:30-11:00am
    • Thursday, February 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, February 13th: Old Lincoln School “OLS” Informational Night for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians,6:00-7:00pm
    • Friday, February 14th: SEPAC Monthly Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, February 17th - Friday, February 21st: No School: February Vacation

      Field Trips: 

    • Friday, February 7th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Tuesday, February 11th: 8th Grade Trip to MIT Museum (8-1 - 9:00am-12:00pm), (8-2 - 10:00am-1:00pm), (8-3 - 11:00am-2:00pm)
    • Thursday, February 13th: Grade 3 Trip to Wheelock Family Theatre, 10:00am-1:00pm

    Enjoy the weekend aheead, folks!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    January 24th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    The Lunar New Year is here! Here’s to a year filled with luck, prosperity, and good health. And, it is the year of the rat – my favorite because, well, I am a rat! Other rats include students born in 2008, many of our 5th and 6th graders. This is your year, kids!

    It was recently announced that beginning next school year, the Lunar New Year will be observed as a “day of low attendance” and we will have the day off from school to observe the holiday. Hearing this news, I was filled with a warmth for our community and very proud of the families in Brookline advocating for the recognition.

    Want to learn more about the holiday? Try: https://chinesenewyear.net/


    “One Heath” Meeting: Coming Up!

    On February 3rd, from 2:45-4:15 in our library, the One Heath crew will be meeting to discuss how Heath can become a more equitable school, so all can thrive while in our collective care. Through discussion, readings, and videos we will engage in a conversation that asks big. Bold questions like:

    • What does an anti-racist community look like/feel like/sound like…?
    • How will we know when we start to embody these characteristics and live these tenants?
    • What is YOUR/MY/OUR role in making this vision a reality?

    If you are a regular in these conversations or want to join for the first time, we welcome you!


    Service Learning Club: Announcement

    Our spunky Service Learning club members are busy planning their next service to the community.  The week of Feb. 3rd-7th, we will be launching TWO initiatives: 1) a drive for the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry and 2) a donuts and coffee (adults only!) fundraiser each morning to support fire relief efforts in Australia.  So, bring your donations and some dollar bills for the causes! This crew is thinking so creatively about how to help people and animals near and far. Your support is so appreciated!


    Heath Family Game Night!

    Beat the winter blues at Heath Family Game Night!

    • Wednesday, February 26th
    • 6-8pm
    • Heath School cafeteria

    Bring the entire family for a night of games, like Twister, Jenga, Cornhole, Family Feud, and much more!

    Pizza and treats will be served. Mark your calendars now.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, January 27th - Thursday, January 30th: HASAP Winter 2020 Session Begins
    • Tuesday, January 28th : Heath 5-8 Band Concert, Driscoll School Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, January 29th: Grade 2 West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, January 30th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals at the end of the school day
    • Thursday, January 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, January 30th: 8th Grade Parent Transition to BHS Information Night (parents only, please), Heath School, 6:30-8:00pm
    • Friday, January 31st: Heath School Site Council, 8:15-9:45am
    • Monday, February 3rd: One Heath Meeting: A Conversation About Race & Equity, 2:45-4:15pm
    • Monday, February 3rd: Overview of Special Education Services and Programs for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, BHS Library, 6:00pm
    • Monday, February 3rd: BHS Curriculum Night for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, BHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: All Town Chorus Concert, BHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, February 5th: METCO Connections Breakfast/Game Morning, Room 209, 7:30am
    • Wednesday, February 5th: Grades 5-6 Math League Competition, Florida Ruffin Ridley School, 1:00-4:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Heath/Baker Orchestra Concert, Baker Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Friday, February 7th: First Friday PTO Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, February 7th: World Language Roadshow Presentation for Grade 8, Auditorium, 1:00-1:40pm
    • Friday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Term 2 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
    • Thursday, February 13th: 8th Graders to BHS: Performing Arts Presentations, 8:30-11:00am
    • Thursday, February 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, February 13th: Old Lincoln School “OLS” Informational Night for 8th Grade Parents/Guardians, 6:00-7:00pm
    • Friday, February 14th: SEPAC Monthly Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am

      Field Trips: 

    • Friday, January 31st: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Friday, February 7th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Tuesday, February 11th: 8th Grade Trip to MIT Museum (8-1 - 9:00am-12:00pm), (8-2 - 10:00am-1:00pm), (8-3 - 11:00am-2:00pm)
    • Thursday, February 13th: Grade 3 Trip to Wheelock Family Theatre

    Enjoy the weekend ahead, everyone!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    January 17th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Monday is the day reserved to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King and to recommit to pursuing ongoing collective activism towards true equity in our schools and beyond.  I am proud to be a school striving daily, in actions large and small, to be a place Dr. King and the activists of the past, present, and future would find a safe harbor. Thank you for being a part of those collective efforts, making a difference for all of right here and right now. 

    If ever in doubt of your own ability to lead this work in your life, with your children, and in your community, remember Dr. King's advice to “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

    Wondering “what can I see/read/listen to this long weekend to help me think differently or more deeply?”  Try:

    And, explore MLK Day events in our fair city, like:

    But, most of all, recommit to leading from where you are at right now with radical love and intentional courage.


    Executive Functioning Event: Resourses

    This past week we hosted the team from Cognitive Connections, thanks to our PTO, for a parent evening on “360 Thinking: Introducing Executive Functioning Skills at Home.” The feedback from parents in attendance has been fantastic.  Attached you’ll find the handouts from the evening for those who couldn’t attend.

    Executive Functioning handouts


    Service Learning Club: Announcement

    Our spunky Service Learning Club members are busy planning their next service to the community.  The week of Feb. 3rd-7th, we will be launching TWO initiatives: a drive for the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry and a donuts and coffee (adults only!) fundraiser each morning to support fire relief efforts in Australia.  This mighty crew is thinking so creatively about how to help people and animals near and far. Your support is so appreciated!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, January 20th: No School: MLK Jr. Holiday
    • Tuesday, January 21st: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Thursday, January 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 24th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Learning - Gr. 5, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Monday, January 27th - Thursday, January 30th: HASAP Winter 2020 Session Begins
    • Tuesday, January 28th : Heath 5-8 Band Concert, Driscoll School Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, January 29th: Grade 2 West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, January 30th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals at the end of the school day
    • Thursday, January 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 31st: Heath School Site Council, 8:15-9:45am
    • Monday, February 3rd: One Heath Meeting: A Conversation About Race & Equity, 2:45-4:15pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Tuesday, February 4th: All Town Chorus Concert, BHS Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, February 5th: Grades 5-6 Math League Competition, Florida Ruffin Ridley School, 1:00-4:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday,  February 6th: Heath/Baker Orchestra Concert, Baker Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Friday, February 7th: First Friday PTO Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, February 7th: World Language Roadshow Presentation for Grade 8, Auditorium, 1:00-1:40pm
    • Friday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Term 2 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal

      Field Trips: 

    • Wednesday, January 22nd: 4O Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Friday, January 24th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Friday, January 31st: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Friday, February 7th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, Wachusett Mountain, 2:30-10:35pm


    So, on this 3-day weekend, be well and do your best in all things.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    January 10th, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our first full week in 2020 is in the books.  And, wow! It was full-tilt boogie around here … so much learning has launched us right into the new decade. From the “Great Pharaoh Debates” in 7th grade Social Studies to the 5th/6th math league competition to basketball games (one victory, another a very close loss) to prepping for adult professional learning groups … this place is relentless in its pursuit of excellence, connection, and joy.


    Student Council Presentations

    This morning at our PTO First Friday Coffee, student council leaders – Marco, Dhevin, Christa, Daniela, and Nilou – presented on the wide ranging projects they are leading here at Heath. These included launching a student newsletter, renovating and refreshing the Lost & Found, collecting data on student perception about the cafeteria, and starting a composting program here!

    A common refrain about school lunches, not just in Brookline, but across the country, is that they are a big “thumbs down.”  That said, I like to think we are working hard here to break that stereotype. Our staff here, led by Marie Leamey, hustles to ensure quality, creativity, and ample palette pleasers. I see clean plates abound during lunchtime, especially amongst the 5-10 year old set. 

    But I was curious as to why the perception lingers about school lunches and found this gem from the New York Times – check it out.


    Congratulations, Ms. Corcoran!

    We want to congratulate Gail Corcoran, our esteemed school nurse, on becoming a Nationally Certified School Nurse (NCSN).

    This credential is granted to registered nurses who meet educational and employment criteria and who successfully pass the national examination. The credentialing standards of the National Board of Certified School Nurses meet or exceed industry standards for certification. The NCSN examination reflects the knowledge expected of the proficient school nurse.

    Congratulations on this significant achievement, Ms. Corcoran! We are glad you’re OUR nurse!


    Available Now: Specialists’ “Wish List”

    Many of our specialists are in need of things for their classrooms.  Below is a Sign Up Genius link.  Thank you on behalf of our Specialists!  Please drop off items to the main office (labeled with which teacher the items are for).  Thank you for supporting our Specialists.



     Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, January 14th: Executive Functioning with Cognitive Connections – Parent Night @ Heath, Auditorium, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Wednesday, January 15th: Freelance Troupe Show, Auditorium, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, January 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Monday, January 20th: No School: MLK Jr. Holiday
    • Tuesday, January 21st: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Thursday, January 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 24th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Learning - Gr. 5, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Tuesday, January 28th : Heath 5-8 Band Concert, Heath School Auditorium, 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, January 29th: Grade 2 West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, January 30th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals at the end of the school day
    • Thursday, January 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 31st: Heath School Site Council, 8:15-9:45am

      Field Trips: 

    • Wednesday, January 15th: 4B Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Thursday, January 16th: 4OC Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Thursday, January 16th: 7/8 Math Team to Oak Hill Middle School, 3:00-6:00pm
    • Friday, January 17th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Wednesday, January 22nd: 4O Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Friday, January 24th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Friday, January 31st: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm

    So, that’s it for this week.  Enjoy the weekend ahead and treat yourself to something that fills up your heart and soul.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    January 3rd, 2020

    Dear Heath Community,

    To begin, happy new year!  Here is to a productive, connected, enlightening 2020.

    Before we headed off to our Winter Break, our PTO and families hosted a phenomenal staff luncheon for the Heath crew. These gestures nourish us in ways well beyond our bellies. To walk into the Staff Room and see the tables overflowing with delicious, healthy foods and piles of homemade desserts … imagine a feast at Hogwarts and that is a pretty close understanding of the gift you give.  We thank you. Trust me, this tradition does not get old.

    Cafeteria Updates

    While we were away for break, a few important changes happened in the Cafeteria. The way we serve food changed, moving all of the routine – from selecting food items to paying for it – moved into the food serving area. This reduces the noise and creates a new flow for student movement, opening up more space in the main dining hall.

    More excitedly, we have added acoustic sound panels in the main dining hall. These panels will absorb some of the noise during lunchtime and are pleasing to look at, to boot. We hope both of these moves will help to create a calmer, quieter, and more accessible space for all of our students.


    Available Now: Specialists’ “Wish List”

    Many of our specialists are in need of things for their classrooms.  Below is a Sign Up Genius link.  Thank you on behalf of our Specialists!  Please drop off items to the main office (labeled with which teacher the items are for).  Thank you for supporting our Specialists.



    Student Pick Up Plans

    We are thankful so many of you feel that Heath is a safe space for your students after school - our HEDP and HASAP programming is second to none!  That said, once students are dismissed from school, they must be supervised while on school grounds after school hours, be picked up in a timely manner, or have safe plans to walk or ride from school to home.  We have had some students stay in the building unsupervised and not enrolled in programming for hours after dismissal, awaiting parent pick up. This had led to some scary situations where kids are here well after dark, unable to get home independently and unable to contact their families. We recognize all families have an emergency once in a while and we are happy to support during those times. Otherwise, please have a plan for your child after school hours.


    Local Robotics Champs!

    Heath School students are enrolled in many activities outside of school, especially Lego robotics. Here are some updates from their parent/coaches (and even the kids themselves) on how these teams are faring:

    The Smarties Robotics Team

    The Smarties are a team of eight 4th grade girls from Heath, and in their first year participating in FLL they qualified for the state championship tournament. They were mentored by their big sister team the Pixi Stix, made up of Heath 7th graders, who also qualified (and there are at least two other FLL teams that include some Heath students). The Smarties are very proud of their accomplishments and have already donated their Teamwork award to the trophy shelf in the Heath School office. The Smarties and the Pixi Stix will be participating in their state championship this weekend at WPI, and are excited to continue the fun.

    Robotics in Brookline is growing with support from an increasing number of interested students and engaged parents and community members.


    - Eli Silk (Smarties Coach; parent of Hailey in 4th grade)

    - Jaime Burke (Smarties Coach; parent of Lily in 4th grade)

    - Ben Linas (Pixi Stix Coach; parent of Violet in 4th grade and Eloise in 7th grade)

    The Lego My Eggo Robotics Team

    The Heath Lego my Eggo robotics team had a fantastic experience at the state finals this weekend. We finished 7th out of 48 teams in robot scoring. We finished second overall in the "Lightning Round", which is a competition where two teams, randomly assigned to one another, compete together against the 24 other 2 team- teams. 

    Perhaps most reflective of the team, and Heath, is that for the second year in a row the Eggobots won the Overall "Gracious Professionalism" award.  According the FLL rubric:

    Gracious Professionalism®

    This award recognizes a team whose members show each other and other teams respect at all times. They recognize that both friendly competition and mutual gain are possible, on and off the playing field.

    We were so proud of the kids. As you likely know, robotics coaching is an intense time commitment. However, on the day of the competition, the coaches step back completely. Coaches are not even allowed on the fields of play. All presentations, judging, robot missions are organized and run entirely by the kids. On one of our missions, the kids realized that the judges had awarded our team too many points. It would have been easy to ignore this, pretend they hadn't noticed, or accept the error in their favor. Instead, the team talked it over and decided to ask a coach to accompany them to report the error to the central judging station. This was a scoring error that would have advanced the team higher in the final standings. Reporting a scoring error that resulted in a revised lower score (the judges did decrease our point total) is evidently an exceedingly rare occurrence.

    We are so proud of them.

    From the kids:

    States is a great experience! You get to watch some teams who have the best robots in the world. It was really fun to present our app project because we did so much research, and printed beautiful slides, and got to tell the judges our ideas. We loved the social time with our friends at the state competition day.

    Education is a team effort. We are glad to be on the Heath team!

    If you are interested in joining a team or learning more, please reach out to one of these parent-coaches.



    The Freelance Players is bringing a fun, family musical to Heath! Join us and the Extended Day program as the Driscoll Troupe performs "Tortoise vs. Hare" on Weds. Jan. 15, 4pm in the theater! The cast of 3rd-6th graders includes Heath students  Sana K., Sydney D., Leila A. and Ilana P.

    The Driscoll Freelance Troupe and the Freelance Players are now enrolling students for the spring session. Both Freelance companies rehearse and produce an original musical each season. Freelance provides quality youth theater, building inclusive communities and teaching creative expression through musical theater. All are welcome!

    The Troupe is for  3rd-6th graders and rehearses at Driscoll on Fridays, 3:30-5:45pm. The Players is for students 7th grade and up and rehearses on Wednesdays, 4:00-6:30pm. For more information call Kippy Dewey: 617-274-6065. The Freelance Players is a program of the nonprofit Rehearsal for Life, Inc. https://rehearsalforlife.org/freelance-players/


    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, January 7th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Thursday, January 9th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 10th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Physical - Gr. 5, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Friday, January 10th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings @ Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, January 10th: Deadline for Progress Reports to be Completed in Aspen by Classroom Teachers for Cycle 1
    • Tuesday, January 14th: Executive Functioning with Cognitive Connections – Parent Night @ Heath, Auditorium, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Wednesday, January 15th: Freelance Troup Show, Auditorium, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, January 16th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals at the end of the school day
    • Thursday, January 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Monday, January 20th: No School: MLK Jr. Holiday
    • Tuesday, January 21st: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Thursday, January 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 24th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Learning - Gr. 5, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Field Trips: 
    • Friday, January 10th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Wednesday, January 15th: 4B Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Thursday, January 16th: 4OC Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Thursday, January 16th: 7/8 Math Team to Oak Hill Middle School, 3:00-6:00pm
    • Friday, January 17th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm
    • Wednesday, January 22nd: 4O Trip to Peabody Museum at Harvard, 8:10am-1:45pm 
    • Friday, January 24th: Heath Ski/Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:35pm

    Again, welcome back and see you Monday!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    December 13th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This will be my final Community Note of 2019 – next Friday we’ll all be scattering so that we may begin our winter vacation. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season – Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! A joyful Kwanza! – and a very peaceful new year. May the time away from school be spent with those you cherish, doing things you love, eating food nourishes your body, and reading books that feed your soul. No matter how you celebrate, or if you chose not to celebrate at all, we are sending love, light, and peace your way during this quiet time of the year.



    It is with equal parts sadness and celebration that we say good-bye to Tanya Gregoire, our ECS teacher and long-time faculty member. While we will miss her presence and widely felt influence in our community, we have to rejoice in her retirement. I know I'll be hugging her neck before she leaves and I hope each of you can make the time to thank her for her years and years and years of dedication to cutting-edge, student-centered teaching.

    We also say good-bye to my outstanding intern, Sophia Ahmed. She has been a daily gift to me and I know that she has been a strong partner to many of you in her short time here. Her next adventure will be in San Francisco, where she will use her savvy, smarts, and warmth to surely make a positive impact on students in the City by the Bay. Go get 'em, kid.


    Season of Giving: Toy Drive

    The Student Council is proud to help support the Town Hall Toy Drive. For the twenty-fifth year, the Town Hall in Brookline is collecting holiday gifts for Brookline children in need. If you would like to donate a gift this year, please bring your unwrapped donation to Heath School by Wednesday, December 18th, 2019. For more information, please call Town Counsel’s Office at 617-730-2190. Thank you & Happy Holidays! 

    Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Linen Drive for heading Home! The Service Learning Club thanks you!


    Lost & Found

    Next week will be the last chance to find what has been misplaced in our Lost & Found.  After the holidays we will start the collection of lost things anew, but over the break will pack up things left behind and donate them if able.  PLEASE check out the racks of things in the lobby … and make a new year’s resolution to label your children’s clothes!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, December 16th: Music Performance by Ezekiel's Wheels Klezmer Band, Auditorium, 8:15-9:00am (PreK-2), 9:10-9:55am (Gr. 3-5), 10:05-10:45am (Gr. 6-8)
    • Tuesday,December 17th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 5:30-6:30pm
    • Thursday, December 19th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, December 19th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports for Term 2 Published in the Parent Portal
    • Friday, December 20th: School Site Council Meeting, Principal’s Office, 8:15-9:45am
    • Monday, December 23rd-Wednesday, January 1st: School Closed: Winter Break
    • Thursday, January 2nd: Students Return to School from Winter Break
    • Friday, January 3rd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

      Field Trips: 

    • Wednesday, December 18th: Grade 4 Trip to Larz Anderson Skating Rink, 9:00-11:30am


    Very tragically, this past week we bore witness to yet another targeted shooting of Jewish people in America. While moments like these lead us to feeling helpless and in many ways hopeless, please remember that each of us has within them the power to heal and transform. The simple act of checking in on a Jewish friend, classmate, or neighbor can be a salve to one person and a light unto the world.  Please remember that now and when moments like this happen again in any community. And, strive always to cultivate community where this kind of injustice is intolerable and unthinkable – in your homes, in your places of work, where you play, and where you pray. Your children’s children will thank you generations from now.

    Be good to yourselves and each other. Peace in 2020.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    December 6th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This morning at Heath, students led another Climate Action Strike, demanding to be heard and sending a loud call-to-action to the adults in their lives and beyond. Protest is a legitimate form of expression and we hold safe spaces like this for students to build the skills necessary to change their worlds for the better. But this call-to-action isn’t an academic exercise – this is truly life or death and our students know it.  Indeed, they are watching the adults to see how we respond to their pleas.


    Season of Giving: Linen Drive and Toy Drive

    Linen Drive:

    The Heath School Service Learning Club is again partnering with Heading Home during this season of giving. Last year we hosted a wildly successful toy drive; this year Heading Home is hoping to fulfill every client’s wish for new bedding (twin comforter and sheets) and a set of towels. This amazing organization has 200 sets to fill (out of 500) and would be thrilled if Heath School community members would be able to help with at least 40-50 sets. 

    Here is Heading Home’s Amazon Wish List with items identified.  They will have their big pack-a-thon on Saturday, December 14th, and it would be sensational to have these items to them by then!!!

    If you’d like to drop items to the school, please plan to do so by next Thursday!

    Toy Drive:

    The Student Council is proud to help support the Town Hall Toy Drive. For the twenty-fifth year, the Town Hall in Brookline is collecting holiday gifts for Brookline children in need. If you would like to donate a gift this year, please bring your unwrapped donation to Heath School by Wednesday, December 18th, 2019For more information, please call Town Counsel’s Office at 617-730-2190.

    Thank you & Happy Holidays! 


    One Heath Event Monday

    Don't forget: on Monday from 2:45-4:15 we will host a "One Heath" conversation. You'll find the agenda here. I hope to see many of you there.  We'll meet in the Library.


    ModelUN at Heath

    On November 23rd, the Heath Model UN club spent the day at Northeastern University. Seventh grader Tom P. shares his perspective here:

    As I walked through the doors to my first Model UN conference at Northeastern University, I was excited and nervous, gripping the folder that contained my position paper and opening speech. I saw many groups of kids from different schools and recognized familiar faces from Heath. Along with Deep, my partner, we found our spot in the conference room, where the placard of Bangladesh proudly stood. We delivered our opening speech, and participated in many moderated caucuses, a fancy name for a time that countries could use to deliver their opinion. As we progressed through the conference, we created alliances with other countries and began to write our resolution, which was basically the law we were trying to pass. We ate a buffet lunch at the cafeteria, talking with other Heath students about our ideas and how the conference was going, and shortly after, returned to the meeting room. We submitted our resolution to the chair, and were ecstatic when it passed by one vote! After the conference, we headed back to the auditorium for the awards. We squirmed in our chairs waiting for the results and were happy to see that Deep and I, along with Dylan and Eric, both won the public speaking awards for our committees. After spotting my dad and thanking Ms. Terry, I went into my car feeling good about the experience I had just had.


    Science Fair!

    We are excited to announce the very first science fair for Heath students! The Heath Science Fair (grades K-8) will be held on the morning of Saturday, February 29th, 2020. The Science Fair will be an educational experience where students will create projects on a topic that interests them, research, investigate, and create a final presentation. Projects can range from simple demonstrations and experiments to more complex models and prototypes. There will be workshops in January and February to support students for the science fair.

    K-4 students will have the opportunity to present their projects at the fair and will receive certificates! For grades 5-8, the fair will be a friendly competition with winners, including special prizes! There will be science presentations, activities, food available for purchase, and more!

    • Date: Saturday, February 29th, 2020
    • Time: Grades K-4 = 8:30am-10:00am / Grades 5-8 = 9:30am-12:00pm
    • Who: K-8 Heath students
    • How: Pre-Register free online here now! (you can pay the $10 registration fee later, at the Science Fair)

    For more information, contact Elinor Rosen elinor.rosen@gmail.com. We are looking for volunteers! Please contact Elinor for more information on how to get involved and support this wonderful initiative. 


    Science Fair Committee


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, December 9th: One Heath Meeting: A Conversation About Race and Equity, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Tuesday, December 10th: Picture Retake Day
    • Tuesday, December 10th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-2:15pm
    • Wednesday, December 11th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, December 11th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 5:30-6:30pm
    • Thursday, December 12th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 13th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, December 13th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Deafness - Gr. 4, Auditorium/Cafeteria, 8:00-11:00am
    • Monday, December 16th: Music Performance by Ezekiel's Wheels Klezmer Band, Auditorium, 8:15-10:55am
    • Wednesday, December 18th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 5:30-6:30pm
    • Thursday, December 19th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, December 19th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports for Term 2 Published in the Parent Portal
    • Friday, December 20th: School Site Council Meeting, Principal’s Office, 8:15-9:45am
    • Monday, December 23rd-Wednesday, January 1st: School Closed: Winter Break
    • Thursday, January 2nd: Students Return to School from Winter Break
    • Friday, January 3rd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 22nd, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This past week, while I was helping out with lunch duty, a second grade student approached me in the cafeteria. She had a concern and needed help.  She told me an elaborate story of being in the bathroom earlier that day and noticing that a student had written something in black marker on the stall wall. In very small letters, she told me, someone had written “I hate school.” She had been thinking about it all morning and just couldn’t understand why someone would write such a thing. She herself loved school! I told her that I did, too! “That’s why I work in a school,” I said, “because I love school!” I asked her to help me look around the cafeteria to see if we could spot someone who looked like they hatred school. And could use some help After strolling around the noisy tables filled with students merrily eating their lunch, we agreed … we did not see anyone who looked like they hated school.

    While this story warms my heart, and hopefully yours as well, there are indeed students at Heath for whom school is hard most of the time.  For most children, though, school is “some days good, some days ‘meh,’ and some days hard.”  If your student finds school mostly hard, please let us know how we can help. And, if your student comes home and shares a joy, don’t hestitate to reach out with that news, too!

    It is a pleasure to know your children and all the ways they experience school.

    We cleaned the graffiti off the stall wall, by the way.

    Understanding Our Differences and Similarities program

    A remarkable moment today during this program, as Jeannine Schroder, parent and UOD&S volunteer, attests. She writes:  "Today, students from the 4th grade class participated in the Understanding our Differences & Similarities program, learning about the spectrum of hearing. The program concluded with two guest speakers from Horace Mann High School for the Deaf in Boston. The discussion, which unfolded through Q&A, was rich and full of respect and curiosity as the high school students shared their personal stories about leaving their native countries for the United States in pursuit of better lives and access to education. The layers of learning could not have been more authentic and transcended hearing abilities, allowing the space to learn about what a detention center is, how a green card works, and how adjusting to a new language (yes, even in sign language!) and culture impacts these young adults every day. I was proud to be part of a community that remains open and curious to life as it shows up, and certainly proud of the 4th grade students for their courage to ask these questions and thoughtfulness in receiving the responses."

    We are proud to be a place where this quality of conversation can occur and visitors can feel safe enough to tell their stories.


    The “Quintessence” of Heath

    We are thrilled to let you know that Heath 5th grader ASTRID YOUNG was our BEF Spelling Bee winner this year! The winning word was "quintessence." Additionally, one of the 3 runners-up was Rui-han Ji also from Heath.

    Many congratulations to Heath on these outstanding spellers!!!


    Celebration of Reading Week!

    Thank you to all who volunteered and participated in our celebration of Reading Week!  Our family night was such a success, with books being bought, an author reading and book signing with a “real-life author,” and a poetry slam.  The event felt cozy, connected, and fun … just like a good book. We had a Book Trivia Quiz, too! Three winners of the Book Trivia Quizzes from Celebration of Books Family Night were:

    • K-2: Elizabeth Huang
    • 3-5: Sierra Reimer
    • 6-8: Maya Silk

    Their parents can collect their Brookline Booksmith gift cards  by emailing masuhaque95@gmail.com.



    Private School Recommendations

    If you are in the process of completing private school applications, please send 2 stamps per school application. This will help speed up the process and get reports to the respective schools sooner.

    “One Heath” Events

    I wanted to – again –enthusiastically invite you to join our “One Heath” meetings this year.“One Heath” is a volunteer committee comprised of teachers, parents, and school leadership to help further our knowledge, awareness, and practice of one of our core values here at Heath School: educational equity. Equity in education means that personal or social circumstances such as race, ethnic origin, gender, or family background, are not obstacles to achieving any student’s full educational potential.  The "One Heath" initiative is intended to unpack and study our community’s strengths and growing edges in the area of educational equity and  bring us all – parents, students, and teachers – closer together as a community as we seek to understand the existing barriers to equity in education and implement impactful solutions. It is our hope that this work will make us an even kinder community of depth and understanding and that student members of our community will share this learning wherever and with whomever, as it is needed as they travel through life.

    We will have four "One Heath" gatherings this year:

    December 9th – 2:45-4:15

    February 3rd – 2:45-4:15

    April 13th – 2:45-4:15

    June 8th – 2:45-4:15

    I encourage you to put these dates into your calendars now, and am hopeful that many of you will join us in a shared and constructive conversation about race and equity here in our school.

    Teachers and other school staff will also be attending, making this an especially rare occasion in which we can talk about who we are and what we are all about together.

    Please respond to this rsvp if you plan to attend. If you forget to rsvp, the session will remain open to you.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Wednesday, November 27th: Early Dismissal: BEEP at 11:00am and K-8 @ Noon
    • Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
    • Wednesday, December 4th: Brookline Booksmith Night! Please shop at The Booksmith and support our school!, 6:00-8:00pm 
    • Thursday, December 5th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, December 5th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 8:30-9:30am
    • Friday, December 6th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, December 6th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 8:30-9:30am
    • Friday, December 6th: Heath Family Skate Night!, 5:00-7:30pm
    • Monday, December 9th: One Heath Meeting: A Conversation About Race and Equity, 2:45-4:15pm
    • Tuesday, December 10th: Picture Retake Day
    • Tuesday, December 10th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-2:15pm
    • Wednesday, December 11th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, December 11th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 5:30-6:30pm
    • Thursday, December 12th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 13th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Deafness - Gr. 4, Auditorium/Cafeteria, 8:00-11:00am

    No missive next week – we wish you and yours a connected, warm, filling Thanksgiving!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    November 15th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our Celebration of Reading Week is next week! We have many events scheduled for next week, including:

    • Our Used Book Fair – before and after school beginning Tuesday afternoon through Friday
    • Celebration of Books Family Night from 5-8 pm on Wednesday the 20th featuring a presentation by visiting author Rajani LaRocca who will have copies of her books for sale; free craft making, book trivia quizzes, a student poetry slam, most creative costume prize, and pizza sales benefitting the 8th grade and a bake sale benefitting the PTO.

    There is still time for you to:

    1) bring in used books we can sell and deposit in bins at front of school, and

    2) have kids dress as their favorite literary character/author or in keeping with a particular literary theme on Wednesday and Wednesday evening at out Family Event

    Interested in helping out? Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4eaba723a7f94-volunteers OR donate baked goods or crafts https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4eaba723a7f94-celebration


    “One Heath” Events

    I wanted to – again –enthusiastically invite you to join our “One Heath” meetings this year.“One Heath” is a volunteer committee comprised of teachers, parents, and school leadership to help further our knowledge, awareness, and practice of one of our core values here at Heath School: educational equity. Equity in education means that personal or social circumstances such as race, ethnic origin, gender, or family background, are not obstacles to achieving any student’s full educational potential.  The "One Heath" initiative is intended to unpack and study our community’s strengths and growing edges in the area of educational equity and  bring us all – parents, students, and teachers – closer together as a community as we seek to understand the existing barriers to equity in education and implement impactful solutions. It is our hope that this work will make us an even kinder community of depth and understanding and that student members of our community will share this learning wherever and with whomever, as it is needed as they travel through life.

    We will have four "One Heath" gatherings this year:

    • December 9th – 2:45-4:15
    • February 3rd – 2:45-4:15
    • April 13th – 2:45-4:15
    • June 8th – 2:45-4:15

    I encourage you to put these dates into your calendars now, and am hopeful that many of you will join us in a shared and constructive conversation about race and equity here in our school.

    Teachers and other school staff will also be attending, making this an especially rare occasion in which we can talk about who we are and what we are all about together.

    Please respond to this rsvp if you plan to attend. If you forget to rsvp, the session will remain open to you.


    Volunteers Needed! Understanding Our Differences and Similarities program

    The 4th grade Understanding Our Differences and Similarities programs kick off with Hearing presented on November 22nd and Vision presented on December 13th. Parent volunteers make this program possible. To date, we have two parent volunteers. The actual time commitment for each program is one hour in the cafeteria leading small group activities. The training can be done over the phone or in-person if meeting after drop-off or before pick-up is more convenient, and takes only 15 minutes. The time commitment is small relative to the huge value this program offers the students. Please reach out to Jeannine Schroder at jeannineschroder@aol.com or Danielle Dykeman at danielledykeman@yahoo.com to volunteer. Thank you! 


    Fish Tacos on Tuesday!

    On Tuesday November 19th the PSB Food Service Department has invited a local fisherman from Red’s Best Seafood to the Heath Elementary School during all K-8 lunches!  They will be serving up Catch of the Day Baja Fish Tacos and offering other fun, interactive activities! Any questions regarding allergies or other information, please contact the food service department or our great school nurse, Ms. Corcoran.


    Family Skate Night Coming Up!

    Friday, December 6

    5:00-6:00pm & 6:30-7:30pm

    Jack Kirrane Rink at Larz Anderson Park

    Ice time generously provided by Heath PTO! Thanks!

    Skate rentals and concessions available for purchase.


    Jolly Jaunt 2019!

    Join Heath School teachers and participate in the Jolly Jaunt this December! Some of us are running others are walking, heck ... Ms. Watkins, one of our amazing school psychologists,  might even dance through parts of the 5K. No matter what your movement style is, we will have fun and can meet for a group photo pre-race and snacks post-race!

    Lets come together as a community to raise money for Special Olympics by participating in the Jolly Jaunt! The Jolly Jaunt is a 5K run/walk. This year’s Jolly Jaunt will be taking place on Saturday, December 7th at 9am at the Boston Common. To join this great team:

    Visit the Jolly Jaunt website at to join the Heath School Team:  https://specialolympicsma.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=5556

    This event is SO much fun! Ugly sweaters and holiday accessories encouraged! We can't wait to run/walk/dance/crawl with many of you!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, November 18th: BEEP Parent Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:45am
    • Monday, November 18th - Friday, November 22nd: Heath School Book Fair Celebration of Reading
    • Monday, November 18th: ADL Training, Select 7th & 8th Graders, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, November 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: Book Fair Family Night, 5:00-6:00pm
    • Thursday, November 21st: Evening Conferences
    • Friday, November 22nd: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Sight, Grade 4, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Friday, November 22nd: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
    • Friday, November 22nd: 5th-8th Grade Chorus Members performing at the Providence Bruins Game at 7:05pm, Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, RI
    • Wednesday, November 27th: Early Dismissal: BEEP at 11:00am and K-8 @ Noon
    • Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
    • Thursday, December 5th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, December 5th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 8:30-9:30am
    • Friday, December 6th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, December 6th: 2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Information Session, School Committee Room on the 5th floor of Brookline Town Hall, 8:30-9:30am


    Candy Drive: Winner!

    And to end, congratulations to 2A for donating the most candy during our candy drive last week.  The Service Learning Club had really hoped to offer a donut party to the winning class, but Ms. Arsenault and I will be working together to make sure the celebration meets the needs of all learners in her class.  Thanks again to all for the donations!

    Happy, well-deserved weekend!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    November 8th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Today was our Professional Learning Day. We had the good fortune to learn both deeply and broadly together. The Wee the People team spent the morning with us talking about the ABCs of Racism, and teacher presenters guided small groups in very deep and personalized learning throughout the day. We take our craft very seriously and days like this provide the time and space needed to refine our practice. Know that we seek new knowledge and strategies that we can implement right now in service of our students.

    Monday is Veteran’s Day. As the child of an Army Lt. Colonel, I know first hand what it means to serve. I have seen the enormous pride inherent in those who serve or have served. I also know the ramifications of war, and the impact it can have on a soul. StoryCorps does a nice job capturing these stories.  I hope you’ll give some a listen.


    No more candy, please. I mean, really. 300+ pounds is enough.

    All of the donated candy has been sent on to the Wellesley Dental Group for weighing.  This Service Learning Club effort was a major success, with over 300 pounds of candy received. On Tuesday, the SLC weighed and sorted the candy by class.  These are NOT the final numbers, but do show a whole-school commitment by parents to coax the halloween candy from their children and get it out of their houses. All kidding aside, it was wonderful to see so many students give so freely, with our PreK crew coming in to give small zip lock bags with 3 or 4 pieces, to older kids bringing in garbage bags full – so many kids gave so openly and willingly to the cause. I am proud of us.


    Kindergarten Enrollment



     Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Tuesday, November 12th: Evacuation Drill, 9:00-10:00am
    • Thursday, November 14th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, November 15th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, November 18th: BEEP Parent Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:45am
    • Monday, November 18th - Friday, November 22nd: Heath School Book Fair Celebration of Reading
    • Monday, November 18th: ADL Training, Select 7th & 8th Graders, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, November 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: Book Fair Family Night, 5:00-6:00pm
    • Thursday, November 21st: Young Scholars Meeting, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, November 21st: Evening Conferences
    • Friday, November 22nd: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Sight, Grade 4, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Friday, November 22nd: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
    • Wednesday, November 27th: Early Dismissal: BEEP at 11:00am and K-8 @ Noon
    • Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break

    See you all Tuesday! 



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 1st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    To begin, a happy (belated) Diwali to our Hindu families who celebrate this important festival of lights! Let light prevail over darkness this season and all year round.  May it be so!

    We are a community of learners. It is our “bread and butter,” so to speak. This week we were able to host various forums in which we could learn more deeply about one another and from one another, including:

    Our First Parent Affinity Group Meeting

    This past Wednesday morning in the library, we hosted our first Parent Affinity Group for African American parents and caregivers, a place where these folks of a shared identity joined in rich, open discussions, speaking from primarily their common point-of-view. Several of our wonderful Heath staff members were also present to listen and contribute. This affinity groupNot only did our parents and caregivers leave feeling a greater connection to each other, but also unanimously expressed a desire to meet again. Affinity groups help us join with our peers to share our knowledge and thoughts in a space that is both safe and comfortable. Here at Heath, we love when our families are able to lean on each other for support and a listening ear! As our “North Star” states, when we feel safe and supported, we are able to learn and grow. We are excited to see more Parent Affinity Groups for other shared identities in the near future to help continue growing our relationships. 

    Rise @ Heath

    Recent news shared by the Brookline SEPAC shared that "Ben Lummis [Interim Superintendent] discussed the multiple steps required to create an additional RISE program outside of Runkle, and that this program would potentially be located at Heath School."  I want to confirm that we are indeed in the very early stages of planning to bring a RISE program to Heath. RISE stands for Reaching Independence through Structured Education and serves primarily, but not exclusively, students on the Autism spectrum. Should Heath prove to be a best-fit location for this programming, we will move thoughtfully, carefully, and with great care for how to establish such a program with integrity, collaboration, and faithfulness to the charge and needs of the students, staff, and families.

    Today, at our First Friday Coffee, Brookline staff – Casey Ngo-Miller, Deputy Superintendent of Student Services; Melissa Devine, Directory of Autism and Inclusion Programs; Regina Watts, BEEP Interim Principal; and myself – met with families to discuss RISE and the promise and potential inherent in bringing such a program to Heath. It was a robust conversation; I am thankful to those who participated, including families with children in the Runkle RISE program.  Here is today’s PowerPoint and here are resources you can use right now to talk with your children about those living with Autism.

    Please know that this is just the start of a bigger conversation. Expect to hear about more opportunities to learn more about the program, hear from other parents, and support the launch of this critical work.

    Candy Drive

    Today we launched our candy drive and the support was overwhelming!!! Remember: the Heath School Service Learning Club has launched its first action of the year: a candy drive for the troops.  Candy collection will be held between 1st - 7th November 2019. Candy from this drive will be sent with oral hygiene kits from a local dental practice (Wellesley Dental Group) to deployed troops around the world through the non-profit local organization CarePacks. Many, many schools will be participating. The school who donates the most candy, by weight, will win $1,000.00, money we can put to use right away for things like recess balls and more!  If after Halloween, you are overrun by a glut of candy, please consider making a donation.  Pack up left over/excess candy in sealed bags and write your students class on them and bring them to the Main Office.  We ask that candy does not go to classrooms so that students with allergies are made to feel safe.

    Thanks for the consideration and Go Hawks!

    ~ The Service Learning Club

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, November 5th: ADL Training, Select 7th & 8th Graders, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, November 5th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Thursday, November 7th: Young Scholars Meeting, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, November 8th:  School Closed for Students; Teachers and Paras Report
    • Monday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Thursday, November 14th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, November 15th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, November 15th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Sight, Grade 4, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am
    • Monday, November 18th - Friday, November 22nd: Heath School Book Fair Celebration of Reading
    • Monday, November 18th: ADL Training, Select 7th & 8th Graders, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, November 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, November 20th: Book Fair Family Night, 5:00-6:00pm
    • Thursday, November 21st: Young Scholars Meeting, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, November 21st: Evening Conferences
    • Friday, November 22nd: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to Parent Portal

    Thank you for all you do to help create and build this incredible community!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    October 25th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our School Site Council met at the end of last week, spending our time together looking at a range of data sets on how we are doing in ensuring our children – all of the students who are at Heath – are thriving, or not.  The role of the School Site Council is to engage in critical conversations about the health – academically and culturally – of the school and to create the School Improvement Plan. Our current SIP is coming to an end and together we will craft a new one that will carry us through the next three school years.  I am thankful for these parents and educators for their insights, commitment, and help.

    There are so many ways to contribute and engage here at Heath. Speaking for myself, I have a very hard time trying new things. I wonder, Will I like everyone? Will everyone like me? Will I enjoy what’s happening? Why do I feel so anxious? All of those questions swirl in my mind before I step into a new opportunity. If you’re thinking, “That’s just like me!” then think about joining with a friend! For example, our “One Heath” meetings will start in December.  This might be just the right time for you and a friend to try something new! If you are interested in joining One Heath meetings (see my missive from last week, below), please RSVP here. We are eager to start planning, so if you'd like to share thoughts on the upcoming conversations, please let me know via the form. If attending a First Friday Coffeeis more your jam, come on down! Saving your best for parent-teacher conferences? Sweet! No matter how you contribute, we want to connect with you. You are your child’s greatest champion, first friend, and fiercest protector and we want to get to know you, too.



    At Heath, we do not go all-in at Halloween, though we recognize that the Halloween spirit is in the air. Individual classroom teachers determine if costumes are permitted in class on Halloween. If a child chooses to wear a costume, weapons, masks, gore, or scary things are forbidden – after all, we are a PreK through 8 school and we want everyone to feel safe (i.e., not scared!). Truth be told, the vast majority of student do not wear costumes, saving the fun for Halloween evening.

    Halloween Candy and Nut Allergies

    Before we know it, Halloween will be here! During this time, there is a glut of candy and students are eager to bring it to school to eat.  We ask that all candy stays at home and that, in particular, candy that contains nuts doesn’t come into the building. While we are not a nut free school, many of our classrooms are nut free and plenty of our students have mild to severe allergies. Please take the time in the coming weeks to talk with your child and reiterate our needs to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy.  Gail Corcoran, our nurse, will send guidance as we get closer to Halloween. 

    Street Closures

    For the 5th consecutive year, the streets around Heath School will be closed to motor vehicles on Halloween night to allow for safe trick-or-treating in this very popular neighborhood!  From 6pm-8pm, you will not be allowed to drive onto Ackers Ave, Loveland Rd, or Doran Rd.  We encourage you to walk over to this neighborhood on Halloween, or you may park your car on Eliot Street or other neighboring roads.  Thank you, and we hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween!


    The Settlement Neighborhood Association

    On Making Informed Costume Choices:

    Dressing up is the best part of Halloween, for sure, but this selection of articles can help us gain perspective on why some costume choices are not actually choices.  Race, religion, identity, gender, mental illness … these are core parts of individual’s identities and definitely not costumes. Check out these articles and this one (warning: scary picture), too, for some broader perspectives.


    Cross Country Results

    Congratulations to all the students who participated in today's crosss country meet! Heath had an excellent showing, including 1st Place in the 7-8 combined girl's team! While we await official times from today's cross country meet, I am very happy to share this:



    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, October 29th: Art Barn Performance for Grades 1-3 & 4O, Auditorium, 8:30-9:15am
    • Tuesday, October 29th: Art Barn Performance for Grades 4-6, Auditorium , 9:45-10:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: Parent Affinity Meeting for African-American Parents and Caregivers, 7:30-8:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1S, 8:45-9:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1R, 10:15-11:00am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1OC, 12:30-1:15pm
    • Thursday, October 31st: Heath Science Fair Committee Meeting, 8:00-8:30am
    • Friday, November 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, November 5th: ADL Training, Select 7th & 8th Graders, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, November 5th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Friday, November 8th:  School Closed for Students; Professional Day for Staff
    • Monday, November 11th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day Holiday
    • Thursday, November 14th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, November 15th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, November 15th: Understanding Our Differences & Similarities: Spectrum of Sight, Grade 4, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:00-11:00am


    May the weekend ahead be exactly what you need it to be!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    October 18th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    I wanted to enthusiastically invite you to join our “One Heath” meetings this year.“One Heath” is a volunteer committee comprised of teachers, parents, and school leadership to help further our knowledge, awareness, and practice of one of our core values here at Heath School: educational equity. Equity in education means that personal or social circumstances such as race, ethnic origin, gender, or family background, are not obstacles to achieving any student’s full educational potential.  The "One Heath" initiative is intended to unpack and study our community’s strengths and growing edges in the area of educational equity and  bring us all – parents, students, and teachers – closer together as a community as we seek to understand the existing barriers to equity in education and implement impactful solutions. It is our hope that this work will make us an even kinder community of depth and understanding and that student members of our community will share this learning wherever and with whomever, as it is needed as they travel through life.

    We will have four "One Heath" gatherings this year:

    • December 9th – 2:45-4:15
    • February 3rd – 2:45-4:15
    • April 13th – 2:45-4:15
    • June 8th – 2:45-4:15

    I encourage you to put these dates into your calendars now, and am hopeful that many of you will join us in a shared and constructive conversation about race and equity here in our school.

    Teachers and other school staff will also be attending, making this an especially rare occasion in which we can talk about who we are and what we are all about together.

    Please respond to this rsvp if you plan to attend. If you forget to rsvp, the session will remain open to you.

    Thank you for considering the invitation!


    School Safety

    At Heath, we pride ourselves on being a safe and connected community, a place where we prioritize relationships and looking out for one another. But this kind of community takes tending to, caring for, and deliberate maintenance.  A few weeks ago, we had an incident in the school in which some of our young students were made to feel unsafe by a known adult in our community.  Adults – parents and staff, alike – intervened and we activated to manage the concerns immediately. After the intensity of the moment seemingly subsided, what arose in its place was a need to do deep listening to the children involved, their families, and each other. Moments like these help to define us as a community. The easy path rarely bears true gifts; it was the hard work of connecting with each other when real understanding and a greater sense of moving forward began to take root.  Safety – physical, emotional, and spiritual – is a top priority at Heath and creates the soil in which those psychic roots can take hold.


    Evelyn Pertoski’s Retirement

    Our cafeteria manager for many, many, many years – Ms. Evelyn Petroski – has announced her retirement after 25 years of service to Heath and the Public Schools of Brookline.  We wrap e thankful for her dedication to our students and their well-being for so many years and will miss her very much!

    Ms. Marie Leamey is currently serving as our cafeteria manager until we hire our next team member.


    Student Council: Update

    From our Vice Principal, Mr. Patel:
    The Heath Student Council is a body of elected students that work to make Heath better year after year. It is an outstanding tradition with high student engagement. Heath School launched the Student Council a few weeks ago. There was great excitement in the 4th and 5th-grade classrooms with many students running for class representative positions.
    The middle school students were just as eager to run for Student Council. The pie charts below are very telling of Heath culture. 

    We asked 6th and 7th graders if they were interested in running for student council rep, more than a 1/3 said yes! 

    27% of 8th graders were interested in running for leadership positions.

    Today, 8th-grade candidates delivered their speeches to 4th and 5th-grade students. On Monday, they will do the same with middle school students and after voting is complete, Student Council will begin its work for this school year. 
    Screen Shot 2019-10-18 at 1.29.14 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2019-10-18 at 1.30.10 PM.png


    Upcoming Events:

    • Friday, October 18th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports are Published to the Parent Portal
    • Tuesday, October 22nd: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Grades 5-8 Town Wide Cross Country Meet
    • Friday, October 25th: Art Barn Performance for Grades 1-3, Auditorium, 8:30-9:15am
    • Friday, October 25th: Art Barn Performance for Grades 4-6, Auditorium , 9:45-10:30am
    • Friday, October 25th: Rain Date: Grades 5-8 Town Wide Cross Country Meet
    • Tuesday, October 29th: Rain Date: Art Barn Performance for Grades 1-3, Auditorium, 8:30-9:15am
    • Tuesday, October 29th: Rain Date: Art Barn Performance for Grades 4-6, Auditorium , 9:45-10:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: Parent Affinity Meeting for African-American Parents and Caregivers, 7:30-8:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1S, 8:45-9:30am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1R, 10:15-11:00am
    • Wednesday, October 30th: CAP Program: Part 2 in 1OC, 12:30-1:15pm
    • Thursday, October 31st: Heath Science Fair Committee Meeting, 8:00-8:30am
    • Friday, November 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, November 8th:  School Closed for Students; Teachers and Paras Report

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Grade 6 Waterworks Museum Trip, 9:00am-1:45pm


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    October 11th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    It is National Coming Out Day in America – and, yes!, coming out matters.  AND, how you respond when someone comes out to you MATTERS. Indeed, if someone comes out to you (and it might be one of our students … one of your kids) they are letting you into their lives. Please consider it an honor and a responsibility. 

    Yesterday was World Mental Heath Day, a day put aside recognize the myriad strengths of those in our community of all ages who live with mental health needs. The Heath School student support team is a gift to us all; they are the folks I lean into each and every day as we strive to provide safe passage for our students who have mental health needs. And to our families who support these amazing kids, we see you and are so thankful for all you do to make sure they are in school each day.

    And Monday is Indigenous People’s Day. Our Social Studies Coordinator, Gabe McCormick, and Dr.Kalise Wornum, our Senior Director for Diversity & Inclusion, have generously harvested a ton of teaching resources for us to employ in our classrooms this time of year … and year round … to support our learning about and recognition of the lives of Indigenous folks. Gabe writes, “As you are likely aware, the Town of Brookline passed Warrant Article 20 in November 2017. This warrant article establishes the 2nd Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day in Brookline. The Town of Brookline also has an official celebration organized by the Indigenous Peoples Celebration Committee. Indigenous Peoples Day Massachusetts has additional information on the concept in general and other local campaigns, including a statewide initiative. In addition to establishing the day, the Warrant Article states that: ‘The Public Schools of Brookline are to observe this day, with appropriate exercises and instruction in the schools around the time of Indigenous Peoples Day, to the end that the culture, history, and diversity of Indigenous Peoples be celebrated and perpetuated.’”

    We hope you will join the Indigenous People's Day celebration Monday at Coolidge Corner School from 1-3!

    We are so very proud to be a part of a community that supports our teachers, families, and students in a collective effort to honor the lives of all people. Importantly, we seek to ensure every student has an opportunity to understand, learn, and – especially – challenge the narratives and stereotypes that have sewn the seeds of disharmony and, often, ignorance. We do this work with an open heart and ask that you join us, today and every day.


    Other Notes:

    Going Outside for Recess- 6/7/8

    I will be direct, dear reader – the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are not showing up for school ready to go outside and play. Yes, I know that these young people often wear shorts year-round, but we are still going to send them outside to play.  Please help us and remind them of this fact as they are leaving for school?  You might not be able to get a coat or long pants onto them, but at least we can say, “We told you so.” My own 12-year old daughter thinks ripped jeans are the perfect balance of warm and cold, so … [insert exasperated emoji].

    Science Fair!

    "We are excited to announce that this year, Heath will be holding it's very first Science Fair! All K-8 students are encouraged to develop individual or team projects, participate, and win prizes! The Fair will be held on Saturday, February 29th. More details on registration, workshops, and guidelines coming soon! If you are interested in helping with the science fair, please contact Elinor Rosen at heathsciencefair@gmail.com"


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, October 14th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples Day
    • Friday, October 18th: School Site Council Meeting, 8:15-9:45am
    • Friday, October 18th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports are Published to the Parent Portal
    • Tuesday, October 22nd: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Grades 5-8 Town Wide Cross Country Meet
    • Friday, October 25th: Rain Date: Grades 5-8 Town Wide Cross Country Meet
    • Wednesday, October 30th: Parent Affinity Meeting for African-American Parents and Caregivers, 7:30-8:30am
    • Friday, November 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, October 18th: 7th Grade Trip to Hammond Pond, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Grade 6 Waterworks Museum Trip, 9:00am-1:45pm
    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Rain Date: 7th Grade Trip to Hammond Pond, 8:15am-1:30pm


    Thank you for everything and see you all Tuesday!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    October 4th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    We had a wonderful PTO First Friday Coffee this morning – thanks to all the families who were able to come.  We know that all families are not able to attend all events all the time … we all contribute to the school in so many ways.  For those of you who could not attend, we spoke about:

    • Allergies and school policies around food
    • Concussions and concussion care
    • MCAS scores (for families in grades 4-8, those scores will arrive in mailboxes next week)
    • Opportunities for student involvement, such as Model UN, Math League, Service Learning Club, Yearbook, Student Council, and more! We truly value student involvement and hope more and more students take up the mantle of leadership here at Heath School and beyond.
    • Building projects
    • Field Day (What an awesome day we had here!)
    • Volunteering opportunities
    • … and more!

    Please take the time each week to read the updates from our wonderful PTO leadership to learn more. Again, there are so many ways to contribute to the life of our school – from the hard work of getting your children here on time and ready to learn to running Mayfair. We all contribute and we are thankful.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, October 8th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 9th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    • Thursday, October 10th: Evacuation Drill, 9:00-10:00am
    • Friday, October 11th: Heath School Picture Day!
    • Friday, October 11th: SEPAC Monthly Meetings at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, October 14th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples Day
    • Friday, October 18th: School Site Council Meeting, 8:15-9:45am
    • Friday, October 18th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports are Published to the Parent Portal
    • Tuesday, October 22nd: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 23rd: Grades 5-8 Town Wide Cross Country Meet

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, October 18th: 7th Grade Trip to Hammond Pond

    Fall is here! Enjoy the beautiful weekend ahead!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 27, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Rosh Hashanah is here! L’Shana Tova! If you observe the Jewish new year, we wish you a wonderful, joyful celebration. The new year means a day off from school.  See everyone back here Tuesday morning.


    I want to thank our staff and families for our Open House events - the attendance was robust and the teachers and staff worked so hard to help you have a full understanding of the work that happens here each and every day. I truly believe that the Heath team is second to none; hopefully you have a sense of that after your Open House session. Being a part of this crew brings me tremendous pride. I hope it does for you, too.

    During the Open House sessions (except in grades 2 and 6-8) I shared a presentation called “Our Vision and Efforts Toward Deepening Equity & Opportunity.” I hope you will all take a moment to check it out on your own, ask questions, and ask “How can I help?”

    Also, thanks one thousand times over to our first grade parents who made our back to school barbecue another success. It took a village to get the grills going, but once we did … the burgers were flying.  I hope everyone had a wonderful time.  We’ll have many more opportunities to volunteer and to celebrate together all year, so always stay tuned to our Upcoming Events section of this missive.


    Quick Links and Updates

    In an effort to help you stay informed and connected, check out these resources:


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, September 30th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Rosh Hashanah)
    • Tuesday, October 1st - Thursday, October 3rd: Start Date of HASAP Fall 2019 Session
    • Thursday, October 3rd: Field Day
    • Friday, October 4th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, October 7th: Field Day (rain date)
    • Tuesday, October 8th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 9th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    • Friday, October 11th: Heath School Picture Day!
    • Monday, October 14th: School Closed: Indigenous Peoples Day
    • Friday, October 18th: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports are Published to the Parent Portal

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, October 18th: 7th Grade Trip to Hammond Pond


    Enjoy the beautiful weekend ahead,


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    September 20, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    In just a little while, our Back to School Bar-B-Que will begin! The grills are warming up and the food is overflowing. This event is such a wonderful way to start the year and we are excited to see as many of you as possible on this perfect late-summer night.

    Hispanic Heritage Month has Begun! September 15 - October 15

    Hispanic Heritage Month gives us lots to celebrate and consider, here at Heath and beyond. The City of Boston has a slew of events to join (https://www.boston.gov/national-hispanic-heritage-month) and Latinx writers abound (https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/books/a29094239/latinx-a-thon-hispanic-heritage-month-books/).

    Last year, out 4th graders (now 5th graders) went to the Edward Kennedy Institute last year for an immigration field trip, we were joined by a reporter from NPR's Latino USA and she produced a story that highlighted many of our students. It's a long listen, but really cool. Play it on the background while you do something else!


    Enjoy the explorations and celebrations!


    SEPAC: Meet the Specialists Breakfast

    Dear Families of Children on IEPs, 504s and/or interested in learning more about special education at the Heath School,

    You are invited to the Meet the Specialists Breakfast on Friday, September 27 at 8:00 a.m. in the Heath auditorium.Come meet other Heath parents and the specialists who make a difference in your child’s life.

    Questions? Please reach out to Heath's SEPAC Liaisons, Miriam S. Pappas (miriampappas@yahoo.com) and Mei-An Tsu (Andersonfamily221@gmail.com)


    Student Action for Climate Change

    Today at Heath, students held a rally on our school steps to demand action on climate change. Collectively, we were able to listen to and consider the critical perspectives of our students, one as young as seven!, who walked out of classes today to spotlight the climate change crisis happening NOW.

    I know that when I lay awake at night, my worries are about the earth, my own behaviors, and my children's very near future struggles should nothing change. Consider a few things you can do right now to make an impact. As Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Think that you alone are not enough to make a change? Watch this video.


    Service Learning Club

    Dear 5th-8th graders!

    If you are interested in joining an after school club focused on service learning and we invite you to apply! The Heath service learning club is for students who desire to give back to the community by working in their community for causes decided upon student participants. Students will have the opportunity to  select issues that resonate with them and outline plans of action - all of this led by Dr. Sevelius.

    The club will meet this year roughly every other Tuesday from 2:30-3:15 at the school. While Dr. Sevelius will lead the club, we hope to have other parents and staff come and support us, as well. We'll explore the many ways you can contribute to our community and beyond. You will led new efforts in our quest to give back to Brookline. If this sounds like a good fit for you, and your parents agree, please fill out this brief questionnaire. We look for ward to hearing from you!

    Space is limited! Apply here: https://forms.gle/MoPEmTn35SnccnCs5

    If you were in Service Learning Club last year, you do not need to re-apply.


    Ball Drive for Recess

    An important message from a Heath School 7th grader:

    “Dear Heath Parents, 

    We know that your kids are always complaining about the absence of balls and equipment at recess. We have decided to do something about it! We have gotten a grant from the PTO to buy a storage box for the playground. But we need your help filling it up! Starting on Monday 9/15, we will be having a BALL DRIVE to collect balls for the playground. Send in old/used/new jump ropes, footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, whatever you have lying around the house. The storage box will be set up in the lobby on Monday 9/15. Put your supplies in it. All the Heath students thank you! 


    Riley Ament (7th grader) and Mr. Kirtan Patel (Vice Principal)”


    Reminder! Open Houses

    Next week is flush with Open Houses. The schedule below (in Upcoming Events) let’s you all know when our Open Houses will be held.

    We’ve had tremendous parent turn-out thus far; hope to see many more of you next week.


    Worth Repeating: Lost & Found

    Already tons of personal items – coats, hats, lunchboxes – are being found all around the school. If these things hold value to you (and I know they do!), please label items!!!! If there is a name on the item, we find the owner. If not, these items languish in our Lost & Found.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, September 23rd: Third Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Fifth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Grades 6-8 Open House, 8:00-10:00am
    • Wednesday, September 25th: Second Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: Fourth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: CAP Parent Meeting, Cafeteria, 8:15-9:15am
    • Friday, September 27th: METCO Connections Welcome Back Breakfast, Room 209, 7:30am
    • Monday, September 30th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Rosh Hashanah)
    • Tuesday, October 1st - Thursday, October 3rd: Start Date of HASAP Fall 2019 Session
    • Thursday, October 3rd: Field Day
    • Friday, October 4th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, October 7th: Field Day (rain date)
    • Tuesday, October 8th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:15pm
    • Wednesday, October 9th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Yom Kippur)
    • Friday, October 11th: Heath School Picture Day!


    See you at the party tonight!


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 13, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our first full week is in the books – I bet your kids are exhausted. I know we are! Last week I wrote what a great start of the year it has been, and this Friday I repeat that sentiment – what a strong, connected start it has been.  Indeed, today a substitue teacher described his experience here as, "Exquisite!" I'll chalk that up in the win column, for here!

    Hawk Returns!

    We have several beloved school pets who live in our main office: our two hermit crabs, Pinchy and Snappy, and our crested gecko, Hawk. Hawk vacationed this summer with the Matthews family and we are so thankful for how well he was cared for and to have him back in our midst! Thanks, Matthews crew!

    Please come by to meet our uncuddly trio of pets! While folks love to meet the crabs and the gecko, these critters will – in turn – remain very neutral about meeting you.


    Support for Field Day

    We are looking for some supplies for our upcoming Field Day.  Please sign up below.  Field Day is scheduled for Wednesday October 2nd (rain date Monday October 7th).  It would be really helpful if supplies could be brought in by Tuesday Sept. 24th.  This will allow us to prepare for the big day.  Supplies can be dropped off in the main office or in the Physical Education office located in the gym.  We really appreciate your generosity.  Go Heath!

    See our sign up genius below! 



    Ball Drive for Recess

    An important message from a Heath School 7th grader:

    “Dear Heath Parents, 

    We know that your kids are always complaining about the absence of balls and equipment at recess. We have decided to do something about it! We have gotten a grant from the PTO to buy a storage box for the playground. But we need your help filling it up! Starting on Monday 9/15, we will be having a BALL DRIVE to collect balls for the playground. Send in old/used/new jump ropes, footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, whatever you have lying around the house. The storage box will be set up in the lobby on Monday 9/15. Put your supplies in it. All the Heath students thank you! 


    Riley Ament (7th grader) and Mr. Kirtan Patel (Vice Principal)”


    Reminder! Open Houses

    Our next Open House is next Friday at 8am for 1st grade families. 

    The schedule below (in Upcoming Events) let’s you all know when the other Open Houses will be held.


    Homework Club

    Homework Club will begin soon! It is a great space for your students (Grade 4-8) to get real help on homework twice a week after school.  But in order to participate, we must have a completed packet, found here.


    Service Learning Club

    Dear 5th-8th graders!

    If you are interested in joining an after school club focused on service learning and we invite you to apply! The Heath service learning club is for students who desire to give back to the community by working in their community for causes decided upon student participants. Students will have the opportunity to  select issues that resonate with them and outline plans of action - all of this led by Dr. Sevelius.

    The club will meet this year roughly every other Tuesday from 2:30-3:15 at the school. While Dr. Sevelius will lead the club, we hope to have other parents and staff come and support us, as well. We'll explore the many ways you can contribute to our community and beyond. You will led new efforts in our quest to give back to Brookline. If this sounds like a good fit for you, and your parents agree, please fill out this brief questionnaire. We look for ward to hearing from you!

    Space is limited! Apply here: https://forms.gle/MoPEmTn35SnccnCs5

    If you were in Service Learning Club last year, you do not need to re-apply.


    Lost & Found

    Already tons of personal items – coats, hats, lunchboxes – are being found all around the school. If these things hold value to you (and I know they do!), please label items!!!! If there is a name on the item, we find the owner. If not, these items languish in our Lost & Found.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Friday, September 20th: First Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 20th: Back to School Barbecue, Playground, 5:00-7:00pm
    • Monday, September 23rd: Third Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Fifth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Grades 6-8 Open House, 8:00-10:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Faculty Meeting, Cafeteria, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Wednesday, September 25th: Second Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: Fourth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: CAP Parent Meeting, Cafeteria, 8:15-9:15am
    • Monday, September 30th: School Closed: Day of Low Attendance (Rosh Hashanah)
    • Thursday, October 3rd: Field Day
    • Friday, October 4th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, September 17th - Wednesday, September 18th: Grade 6 Trip to Thompson Island
    • Thursday, September 19th: 8th Grade Trip to Blue Hills State Reservation, 8:15am-1:30pm 

    Enjoy the weekend ahead!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 6th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    A huge, warm, wonderful welcome to you all! We have had a terrific start to the new school year. While summer vacations are nice (and necessary) being together brings a whole new energy!

    During these first few days, I was able to visit every classroom, sometimes twice or more. What I saw was careful teaching, purposeful relationship building, and cross-school connections that I knew – from my 30,000 foot view – strengthened the fiber and foundation of our school. In my journeys I observed such good practice, including:

    • I visited a 6th grade maths class where students were practicing using silent signals to communicate understanding. I then spent time in a Kindergarten classroom where students were practicing the exact same thing!
    • In a science lab, I observed 8th grade students building their own thermometers and coming to understand the difference between “messing around” and purposeful, scientific play. Around the corner, a kindergarten teacher was talking with students about how to use color pencils in a way they might not have tried before.
    • I was able to listen to a teacher beautifully unpack complex issues of identity, belonging, and relationships in the context of what it means to be an American, while in French students cobbled together new language learning to describe themselves.
    • One teacher spent a class period harvesting student ideas as to how math class should feel, sound, and look. One student said, “I want to feel like my participation is necessary,” while another wants to feel “accomplished.” Don’t we all crave those feelings of personal success and connectedness?

    Open Houses

    Soon after school starts, we open our classroom doors and invite parents in for a morning with the teachers, specialists, and school administrators to learn more about the upcoming school year.

    Here are the upcoming dates for each Open House:

    • Friday, Sept. 13 – Kindergarten
    • Friday, Sept. 20 – First Grade
    • Monday, Sept. 23 – Third Grade
    • Tuesday, Sept. 24th – Fifth Grade
    • Tuesday, Sept. 24th – Grades 6-8
    • Wednesday, Sept. 25 – Second Grade
    • Thursday, Sept. 26 – Fourth Grade


    • Open Houses begin at 8:00 am and go for about 1 hour (30 minutes in classrooms, 30 minutes with administration and specialists), except …
      • … Middle School Open House which is about 90 minutes
    • Please report to your child’s classroom when the second morning arrival bell rings (at 8:00)
    • All students in those classes remain in the cafeteria during open house (ie, 1st grade stays in the cafeteria during 1st grade Open House)
    • Parents will have time to hear from specialists and school administrators, as well, after the classroom presentations (in the Auditorium)

    Huge Thanks to Our PTO and Families!

    Once again, the back to school luncheon you provided for our staff here was a gift. Thank you for the wonderful meal, the good spirits, and for all you do to prepare to feed this huge group of educators. This meal nurtures us time and time again and we are so very grateful.

    This Thursday! PTO Welcome Back Meeting

    Our PTO will host a PTO Welcome Back to School Parents' Night on 9/12 from 6-7:30. Come and meet other parents and learn more about the school and our opportunities for parents here. We hope to see many of you here!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, September 10th : Bus 1 Evacuation Drill
    • Tuesday, September 10th: Faculty Meeting, Cafeteria, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Thursday, September 12th: Storyteller, Time/Location TBD
    • Thursday, September 12th: PTO/Parent Welcome Back to School Night, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Friday, September 13th: Kindergarten Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 20th: First Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 20th: Back to School Barbecue, Playground, 5:00-7:00pm
    • Thursday, September 23rd: Third Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Fifth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 24th: Grades 6-8 Open House, 8:00-10:00am
    • Wednesday, September 25th: Second Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: Fourth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, September 26th: CAP Parent Meeting, Cafeteria, 8:15-9:15am

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, September 17th - Wednesday, September 18th: Grade 6 Trip to Thompson Island
    • Thursday, September 19th: 8th Grade Trip to Blue Hills State Reservation, 8:15am-1:30pm 


    I would be remiss if I did not give a public shout out to Riley, Haley, and Jasper. They kept our school grounds clean all summer and cared for the beautiful flower beds, weeding and watering.  Thank you!  And thank you for the friends you brought with you to help. You are a gift to our community!

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    June 21st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    In the immortal words of Alice Cooper, “School’s out for summer.” And so it is.

    A brief message today to say:

    Rejuvenate. We are so proud to be here at Heath School and to work so closely with your children. Indeed, the work is an honor and to be here is a privilege. It is also exhausting;  rest assured, the team here will spend the summer restoring themselves so that come September we’ll be ready to do it all over again. Your children work so hard, too, so please help them invest in things that will nurture and restore them, as well.

    Expect a post-school slump. When I woke up this morning, I thought I’d have a spring in my step!  Even principals get excited about summer vacation, believe me! Instead, I was in the Blue Zone. Saying good-bye to friends, routines, teachers, class pets … it’s hard. Keep a watchful eye out and don’t be surprised if your child also spends some time in the Blue Zone. When they do, be a good listener, know this is typical, validate how important school is, and remind them that September will be here soon enough.


    Upcoming Events:

    September 5th: First Day of School*

               * That’s only 74 days.  Make each one count!


    Thank you all, once again, for a fantastic year! In the weeks ahead, be good … but not too good.  ;)

     ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    June 14th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    At the end of each school year, the PTO graciously approves of funding that provides Summer Reading Books for our staff members.  Teachers have a wide variety of books to choose from that help to provide a wider lens on the world, stretching out own horizons and allowing us insights in to lives we might not otherwise learn about so intimately. This summer’s titles include:

    • The Bold World: A Memoir of Family and Transformation by Jodi Patterson
    • We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates
    • We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power, and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation by Matthew Riemer
    • NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children by Po Bronson
    • Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen by Jose Antonio Vargas
    • Safe Is Not Enough: Better Schools for LGBTQ Students by Michael Sadowski 
    • Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
    • Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving
    • The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

    Please consider picking up on or two of these books to read along with us!  All are available at local booksellers. Again, we are thankful to YOU who donated so generously to our annual appeal and to the PTO for providing the funds to support literary traditions like these at Heath.

    Last Day of School!

    Rejoice! Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon on Friday, June 21 and no lunch will be served.

    Class Placement Announcements

    Class placement announcements, along with summer reading and class supply lists, will be announced on or before June 28th. Please stay tuned for an email from the school then!

    Luncheon Thanks

    The Staff Appreciation luncheon was, once again, a game changer in our week.  Thank you to everyone who donated and filled us up with good food and good vibes. The team here work so hard and gestures like these help us to feel seen and cared for so well. A mighty thanks to all the parents who make this happen for us. The linens, the real plates and silverware, the mountains of desserts … it goes a long, long way. Thank you.

    Staff Changes: Hello/Good-Bye

    Each year we say good-bye to staff and say hello to others. This year is no different. Here are just a few:

    We say goodbye to Mr. David Fleming who has served us wonderfully as our 6th/7th grade Social Studies teacher (one-year long term substitute). Next year, Mr. Fleming will be teaching at TechBoston Academy in Dorchester through Teach Next Year, a Master's degree program at UMass-Boston that prepares educators to teach in urban schools. Mr. Fleming will teach 11th grade History at TechBoston Academy during the day and attend classes toward his Master's degree at UMass-Boston in the evening. Mr. Fleming felt his calling was teaching when he started here in the fall; he leaves here knowing it is true. We are proud of his work here and fully expect he’ll serve his students in Boston as valiantly as he served us here. 

    With Mr. Fleming leaving, we’ll welcome Ms. Elyse Terry as our new 6th/7th Grade Social Studies teacher. Ms. Terry has been teaching history in Chelsea for four years and has served as a student support team leader with the Harvard Summer Academy. She has her Master’s from Harvard and her undergraduate degree from Bowdoin in History. Ms. Terry writes:

    “Hello to the Heath community! My name is Elyse Terry and I have been teaching in New England for the past eight years. I grew up in Concord, Massachusetts, so I have had a deep love of history since I was a student myself! I am thrilled to be joining a school that is dedicated to empowering both teachers and learners, and I look forward to collaborating with your students to build deep understandings about history that help us see ourselves, and the world around us, in new ways.” 

    Ms. Kelly Stanton will join us as our new Physical Education and Wellness teacher.  Ms. Stanton is well known at Heath as she has taught a class here this past year. Ms. Stanton studied at Bridgewater State and has considerable experiences working with students with wide-ranging physical and emotional needs. Ms. Stanton writes:

    “I’m very excited to join Heath as a full time Physical Education teacher. This year I have been teaching PE at Heath on a part-time basis. Prior to coming to Brookline, I was a paraprofessional in the Therapeutic Program in the Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District for 9 years. My vision for the students at Heath is to prepare them to lead a healthy and physically active lifestyle. During my brief time here, I noticed a strong sense of community and I am looking forward to being a part of Heath’s team.”

    We say good-bye to Mr. Tim Gill, who was serving as a one-year long-term substitute in PE. Mr. Gill has given 110% to everything he does here at Heath and has built really strong relationships with kids along the way. Mr. Gill will be accepting warm-wishes and high 5s from all of us during the last week of school.

    Ms. Rachel Hayashi, who has been teaching ELS in 7th and 8th grade here since 1993!, will become a full-time literacy coach, working with teachers and no longer teaching a section of ELA. This has been some years in the works and we are glad to finally announce this shift!  But we should all take a moment to celebrate Rachel’s teaching for the last two decades and more. Well done and onward!

    Several paraprofessionals will be leaving, including Filiz Coskunuzer (1S). Ms. C. is the kind of teacher that does such steady, good, heart-felt work … and does so with ease and grace … that I just know that replacing her will be heavy lifting.

    Dr. Allison Weinstein, currently out on maternity leave, will not return to Heath in the fall, BUT will work with BEEP students, so let’s not say good-bye.

    And, finally. We say good-bye to Ms. Noorjehan Khan, one of our outstanding 5th grade teachers. She moves very soon to Salt Lake City where she will constantly think about Heath School and miss us desperately. Or maybe it’s just me that will do the missing. Regardless, we had you here for two good years, Noorj. Ya done good, kid.

    Not Too Late to Join!

    On behalf of the ELE and METCO staff, we would like to invite you to join us this Friday for our annual Family Fest event. This year's event will be held on Friday, June 14, 2019 at the Coolidge Corner School from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. 

    We will have a variety of performances, activities, games, and demonstrations as well as a balloon artist and magician. Brookline Police, Brookline Fire, and Fallon Ambulance will also be joining us for a touch-a-truck experience. If you're hungry, check out our food trucks. This year we're having a 3-point basketball contest with two-time NCAA champion and former Boston Celtic, Wayne Turner. And let's not forget our DJ who is sure to keep the energy up! 

    Our event will be spread throughout the cafeteria, gym, multipurpose room, and outdoor fields. Anyone who attends is asked to use the Stedman Street entrance. If you're free, please join us! We're excited to bring this event to our ELE and METCO families. 


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, June 17th: Art Show! 4-6pm
    • Thursday, June 20th: 8th Grade Graduation, Little Field Park, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, June 21st: Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal
    • Monday, June 24th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, June 17th: Grade 1 Trip to Fenway Park, 8:15am-10:00am
    • Monday, June 17th: 8th Grade Trip - Trampoline Park & Laser Tag, 9:00am-1:00pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Kindergarten Trip to Fenway Park, 9:30am-11:00am
    • Tuesday, June 18th: Grade 3 Trip to Plimoth Plantation, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Tuesday, June 18th: 7th Grade Trip to George’s Island, 8:15am-2:50pm
    • Tuesday, June 18th: 8th Grade Trip to Boda Borg + Picnic, 9:00am-12:00pm

    We are in the final stretch. Hang in there!

     ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    June 7st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    To begin, a very warm congratulations to Mrs. Chari Dalsheim, Heath School 2nd Grade teacher. She is celebrating 30 years in the Public School of Brookline this year! When I learned that Chari had been teaching in Brookline and at Heath for 30 years, I texted her immediately to see if it was true.  I mean, surely there was a mistake. She didn’t act like someone who was 30 years into the job.  I needed clarity. This is what she texted back: “I still love teaching and actually find joy igniting children’s passion for learning.” And this is evident each and every day. We are grateful to Chari for all she has given generations of Heath student and families over the years, too many to count! May each of us find the passion in our daily work as she does. When you see Mrs. Dalsheim, feel free to congratulate her!

    Thank You to Gaelle From, Outgoing PTO Co-President

    Today was out last PTO First Friday Coffee of the Year. At the end of the year, we say good-bye to Gaelle From, our PTO Co-President.  Her son graduates soon and she’ll focus on other work beyond the green grasses of Heath. I am so thankful to Gaelle, who has been a constant and affirming presence, working tirelessly for the betterment of all Heath students, just not her own children. She has held a strong vision of quality, connection, and joy and brings all of that to anything she touches. Our thanks, Gaelle!

    School Play: SNOOPY!

    What an absolute treat! I am so proud of our school play director, Alison Kerr, who made something remarkable happen in two short months. Our students rose to the occasion, practiced for countless hours, memorized hundreds of lines, and beautifully danced and sang for the Heath community. While Alison was working with the theatre and technical crew, art teacher Amanda Hockensmith wonderfully lead a group of students in creating the stage set and props.  The arts are very alive at Heath!


    HASAP is Seeking New Leadership

    HASAP is looking for new leadership!  After 4 years, the current HASAP leadership team will be moving on.  We have loved overseeing Heath’s after school enrichment program (HASAP), and watching the kids enjoy the various activities available.  HASAP provides classes to Heath School students in grades K – 8, and is run independently from the Heath PTO. 

    HASAP offers programs in both the Fall and Winter, along with a limited set of Spring classes for the upper grades with Heath teachers only.  Overseeing the program has been incredibly rewarding.  It has allowed us to get to know many Heath families along the way, and we are grateful for the opportunity to be involved.  We very much hope that this program can continue to prosper and grow under new stewards, as it is both enriching and valuable for our students.  If you might be interested and seek additional information, we are happy to discuss what is involved (it’s not as much as you think!).  Many processes have been streamlined and automated, so the time commitment is manageable. 

    HASAP responsibilities include:  Programming, scheduling classes, minor website updates, managing the finances and program oversight.  In addition, our excellent HASAP Coordinator is on-site when classes are in session, and she is quite familiar with our program.  

    For a link to the HASAP website, please click here:  https://heath.schooltwist.org/

    For more information, please email us at:  heathafterschoolactivities@gmail.com

    Thank you kindly for your consideration,

    The HASAP Team

    • Nancy Lee (parent to 3rd & 5th graders)
    • Monique Appleton (parent to 3rd & 4th graders)

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, June 10th: 5th grade transition to 6th grade parent meeting, Auditorium, 8:15-9:30am
    • Monday, June 10th: Heath Grades 4-8 Spring Band Concert, Runkle School, 7:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 11th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 12th: Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch, 11:00am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, June 13th: Heath Grades 5-8 Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: ELE and METCO Family Festival Event at Coolidge Corner School, 4:30-6:30pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Art Show! 4-6pm
    • Thursday, June 20th: 8th Grade Graduation, Little Field Park, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, June 20th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals
    • Friday, June 21st: Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal
    • Monday, June 24th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, June 12th: 8th Grade Trip to Six Flags, 8:30am-5:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: 8th Grade Trip - Ziplining, 8:30am-1:00pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Grade 1 Trip to Fenway Park, 8:15am-10:00am
    • Monday, June 17th: 8th Grade Trip - Trampoline Park & Laser Tag, 9:00am-1:00pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Kindergarten Trip to Fenway Park, 9:30am-11:00am
    • Tuesday, June 18th: Grade 3 Trip to Plimoth Plantation, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Tuesday, June 18th: 8th Grade Trip to Boda Borg + Picnic, 9:00am-12:00pm 

    Happy PRIDE, y'all!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    May 31st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    June. It’s here. Unbelievably. When we return on Monday, we’ll have 15 days left together this school year. There is something profound about the end of the year – both joy and sadness in conversation with each other. Bittersweet, I think, is the right word. For students, June can be an anxious time. Change is hard and saying good-bye to friends and teachers and routines and class pets and … and … and … It’s hard.  Stay super connected with your kids these next few weeks, listening carefully for what might be causing them some heart pains. What seems like surmountable obstacles to us grown-ups may instead feel like insurmountable odds to our students … of all ages.

    For many, June is celebratory. It is Pride Month! – a time when the LGBTQ community and our allies come together to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, exactly 50 years ago this year, and to honor and celebrate our resilience, our existence, and our contributions to US and global achievement. The Boston Pride Parade is next Saturday; come celebrate!

    Whatever June may bring, let’s stick together.

    Spirit Week Starts on Monday!

    • Monday: Pajama Day
    • Tuesday: Twin or Triplet Day – come dressed like someone else … perhaps even your favorite Principal or Vice Principal?
    • Wednesday: Character Day (no masks, fake body fluids, or fake weapons please)
    • Thursday: Wacky Day
    • Friday: Heath Spirit Day

    Most importantly, have fun! Our students love Spirit Week … and many of our staff take it the distance!  Let’s see who has the most school spirit next week!

    Time Sensitive: Kindergarten Dismissal on Tuesday

    Reminder – our Peek & Practice for our incoming Kindergarten students is on Tuesday. Our current kindergarten students will dismiss from the school’s Auditorium on Tuesday. Please adjust your pick up schedules accordingly. If your K student goes home on one of our buses or attends Extended Day, they will dismiss to the right spots as usual.

    Art Show!!!!

    Mark your calendars – June 17th, 4-6pm – we’ll host our annual Art Show!, a showcase of student work from all classrooms and an opportunity to see what a school that cherishes the fine arts can do with some supplies, high-quality instruction, and good ideas. Join us!


    HASAP is Seeking New Leadership

    HASAP is looking for new leadership!  After 4 years, the current HASAP leadership team will be moving on.  We have loved overseeing Heath’s after school enrichment program (HASAP), and watching the kids enjoy the various activities available.  HASAP provides classes to Heath School students in grades K – 8, and is run independently from the Heath PTO. 

    HASAP offers programs in both the Fall and Winter, along with a limited set of Spring classes for the upper grades with Heath teachers only.  Overseeing the program has been incredibly rewarding.  It has allowed us to get to know many Heath families along the way, and we are grateful for the opportunity to be involved.  We very much hope that this program can continue to prosper and grow under new stewards, as it is both enriching and valuable for our students.  If you might be interested and seek additional information, we are happy to discuss what is involved (it’s not as much as you think!).  Many processes have been streamlined and automated, so the time commitment is manageable. 

    HASAP responsibilities include:  Programming, scheduling classes, minor website updates, managing the finances and program oversight.  In addition, our excellent HASAP Coordinator is on-site when classes are in session, and she is quite familiar with our program.  

    For a link to the HASAP website, please click here:  https://heath.schooltwist.org/

    For more information, please email us at:  heathafterschoolactivities@gmail.com

    Thank you kindly for your consideration,

    The HASAP Team

    • Nancy Lee (parent to 3rd & 5th graders)
    • Monique Appleton (parent to 3rd & 4th graders)

     Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, June 3rd - Wednesday, June 5th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 3:00-6:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 4th -  Friday, June 7th: Used Book Sale, Lobby, drop off/pick up only
    • Tuesday, June 4th: Heath School Peek and Practice, Auditorium, 1:30-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 4th: Elementary Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Tuesday, June 4th: Grades 4-8 Heath and Baker Strings and Orchestra Concert, Baker School, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Thursday, June 6th   - Friday, June 7th : 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 4:00-5:30pm
    • Thursday, June 6th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Heath Families, Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Friday, June 7th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Grades 3-5, Auditorium, 8:15-9:30am
    • Friday, June 7th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Heath Families, Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Monday, June 10th: 5th grade transition to 6th grade parent meeting, Auditorium, 8:15-9:30am
    • Monday, June 10th: Heath Grades 4-8 Spring Band Concert, Runkle School, 7:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 11th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 12th: Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch, 11:00am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, June 13th: Heath Grades 5-8 Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: METCO Inaugural Family Festival Event at Coolidge Corner School, 4:30-6:30pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Art Show! 4-6pm
    • Thursday, June 20th: 8th Grade Graduation, Little Field Park, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, June 20th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Conference Room, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, June 20th: PSB will publish the K-5 Progress Reports as PDFs to individual Parent Portals
    • Friday, June 21st: Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal
    • Monday, June 24th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, June 12th: 8th Grade Trip to Six Flags, 8:30am-5:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: 8th Grade Trip - Ziplining, 8:30am-1:00pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Grade 1 Trip to Fenway Park, 8:15am-10:00am
    • Monday, June 17th: 8th Grade Trip - Trampoline Park & Laser Tag, 9:00am-1:00pm
    • Monday, June 17th: Kindergarten Trip to Fenway Park, 9:30am-11:00am
    • Tuesday, June 18th: Grade 3 Trip to Plimoth Plantation, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Tuesday, June 18th: 8th Grade Trip to Boda Borg + Picnic, 9:00am-12:00pm


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    May 24th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This Monday we will not be in school. Monday is Memorial Day. The day marks a time when we pause and consider the lives lost in service to our country. I was raised in a military family, traveling from base to base for much of my childhood. I was raised in the military tradition – parades, formations, highly manicured grounds, armed soldiers at the base gates, flag ceremonies, the sound of Taps being played - and Memorial Day was always a somber time. I feel very fortunate that my father and brother both came through their service relatively unscathed. But on Monday, spare a moment for our service members who did not make it or have been left with heavy burdens to carry. A book I read a few years ago, Redeployment by Phil Klay, was powerful and gave me a perspective I needed at the time. Perhaps you’ll check it out, too?

    Ramadan, Eid al Fitr, and a Community Iftar

    Our Muslim families are in the middle of Ramadan observations, a time when our Muslim friends observe the holy month through reflection, fasting, celebration, and devotion. It is a time of prayer and a time spent in community with one another. The month of Ramadan ends with the Eid Al Fitr celebration, this year in early June, a time when folks celebrate the ending of the fasting period. This year, once again, Muslim families in Brookline hosted a Community Iftar, or the meal eaten after sundown during Ramadan. A slew of Heath staff were able to attend. We learned all about Ramadan, heard the call to prayer, broke fast with our Muslim families and students at sunset, and ate a very fine meal together. We thank our hosts for the opportunity to gather together last Sunday and look forward to next year’s Iftar!

    Ramadan Mubarak!

    Mayfair Thanks!

    Many thanks have been sent out already. So here is another! Mayfair is a chance for the whole school to play together and this year was no different. But this chance could not have happened without our fearless parent volunteers, to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. While they are tending to shrug off appreciation like it was nothing, making a safe, connected, healthy, and fun place for us all to come together matters. It matters a lot.

    So, once again, here’s to Abby Wilson, MaryAnne Hunter, Lauren Post, Yen-Lin Chen, Saloni Choudhry, Melissa Palermo, Imanol Iturrioz, and Annemieke Atema. Well done!

    In other MayFair news:

    The board used for the Pie in Face game at Mayfair last weekend is missing. If anyone has information about it's whereabouts, please contact MaryAnne Hunter at maryanne.hunter@gmail.com. We borrowed the board from another school in Brookline and we'd like to return it to them as quickly as possible. 

    Thank you to Mr. Bruce Green, 6/7 Math Long-term substitute

    Today is Mr. Green's last day at Heath. We are so thankful he could come and join us as our 6/7 math teacher while Valia has been out on leave. You've done well by us, Bruce, and we are appreciative!

    Ms. Bourmpoula starts back on Tuesday; please be surety welcome her back warmly!


    HASAP is Seeking New Leadership

    HASAP is looking for new leadership!  After 4 years, the current HASAP leadership team will be moving on.  We have loved overseeing Heath’s after school enrichment program (HASAP), and watching the kids enjoy the various activities available.  HASAP provides classes to Heath School students in grades K – 8, and is run independently from the Heath PTO. 

    HASAP offers programs in both the Fall and Winter, along with a limited set of Spring classes for the upper grades with Heath teachers only.  Overseeing the program has been incredibly rewarding.  It has allowed us to get to know many Heath families along the way, and we are grateful for the opportunity to be involved.  We very much hope that this program can continue to prosper and grow under new stewards, as it is both enriching and valuable for our students.  If you might be interested and seek additional information, we are happy to discuss what is involved (it’s not as much as you think!).  Many processes have been streamlined and automated, so the time commitment is manageable. 

    HASAP responsibilities include:  Programming, scheduling classes, minor website updates, managing the finances and program oversight.  In addition, our excellent HASAP Coordinator is on-site when classes are in session, and she is quite familiar with our program.  

    For a link to the HASAP website, please click here:  https://heath.schooltwist.org/ 

    For more information, please email us at:  heathafterschoolactivities@gmail.com

    Thank you kindly for your consideration,

    The HASAP Team

    • Nancy Lee (parent to 3rd & 5th graders)
    • Monique Appleton (parent to 3rd & 4th graders)

    BGSA Tree Identification Walk, Coming Up!

    “Is that an Oak, Maple, Tuliptree or Zelcova?”
    Thursday, June 6, 5:30 - 6:30 pm 

    Join the Brookline GreenSpace Alliance for a street tree identification walk led by a member of the Brookline Tree Planting Committee.
    Brookline has over 50 tree species on its streets. Our urban forest plays an important part in our environment's health; learn to identify at least 10 of the most common street trees and their value to the community. The 1-mile walk starts at the Heath School on Eliot Street. Children 10 and over are welcome.
    RSVP to info@brooklinegreenspace.org

    As you learn to appreciate the value of trees to our environment - providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, supporting wildlife – do you wish you knew more about the trees in your neighborhood?  You can request a tree ID walk in your section of town.  Write info@brooklinegreenspace.org for more information. And have fun!


    Attention Current 8th Graders! Interested in cheer? Like to lift, dance or tumble? Want to try something new?

    The BHS Fall Cheer team will be holding tryouts for this upcoming fall on June 10 - 13th from 3:30-5:50pm in Tappan Gym #2 (#66 Tappan St). There will be a post-tryout Families Meeting on Thursday June 15th from 6-7pm. To be cleared to tryout, your student must be registered on FamilyID and submit a recent copy of a physical to the BHS Athletics Dept. No experience is necessary to tryout, and all incoming 9th graders are invited to try out for our co-ed team! Email Meaghan_Cells@psbma.org with questions or for more information. Welcome to BHS, and Go Warriors! 

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 27th: School Closed: Memorial Day
    • Tuesday, May 28th: Grades 5/6 Track & Field Meet, 8:30am-1:45pm
    • Tuesday, May 28th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 28th  - Friday, May 31st: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 29th: Grades 5/6 Track Meet Rain Date
    • Thursday, May 30th: Grades 7/8 Track & Field Meet, 8:30am-1:45pm
    • Thursday, May 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 31st: Grades 7/8 Track Meet Rain Date
    • Monday, June 3rd - Wednesday, June 5th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 3:00-6:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 4th: Heath School Peek and Practice, Auditorium, 1:30-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 4th: Grades 4-8 Heath and Baker Strings and Orchestra Concert, Baker School, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Thursday, June 6th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, June 6th   - Friday, June 7th : 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 4:00-5:30pm
    • Thursday, June 6th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Heath Families, Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Friday, June 7th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Grades 3-5, Auditorium, 8:15-9:30am
    • Friday, June 7th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Grades K-2, Auditorium, 9:45-11:00am
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Grades 6-8, Auditorium, 11:30am-12:45pm
    • Friday, June 7th: 8th Grade Play Performance for Heath Families, Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Monday, June 10th: 5th grade transition to 6th grade parent meeting, Auditorium, 8:15-9:30am
    • Monday, June 10th: Heath Grades 4-8 Spring Band Concert, Runkle School, 7:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 11th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, June 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, June 13th: Heath Grades 5-8 Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: METCO Inaugural Family Festival Event at Coolidge Corner School, 4:30-6:30pm

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, May : METCO Connections Trip to Franklin Park Zoo, 1:40-4:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 12th: 8th Grade Trip to Six Flags, 8:30am-5:00pm
    • Friday, June 14th: 8th Grade Trip - Ziplining, 8:30am-1:00pm


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    May 17th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Mayfair! Mayfair! Mayfair!  The party of the year is tomorrow!  We can’t wait to see you all here starting at noon.  The Mayfair team has been pulling out all the stops to ensure this is an event to remember.  The sun will be shinin’ and the dough will be a’fryin’. 

    There is something very special about this community and Mayfair represents what is best about us. It is volunteer run, from start to finish. The work that happens behind the scenes is profound and manifests itself so positively on the big day. The efforts are all in service of students, our kids.  And when it is all over, we clean up the mess, making sure our school is a good neighbor in the community.

    See you all there!


    Attention Current 5th Grade Parents: 5th to 6th Grade Transition Meeting COMING SOON!

    We know what a big deal it is to move out of 5th grade and into our middle school!  5th graders face exciting opportunities and unique challenges and you – their families – need to know a lot about the transition, too, so that you can be a support during this time!  

    A 5th grade parent meeting is scheduled for the morning of Monday, June 10th, beginning at 8:15. At this meeting, the 6th grade team will discuss what to expect in 6th grade, and a student panel will share their perspectives on the shift, and you’ll learn more about how to navigate our online learning platform, CANVAS.

    We'll meet in our Auditorium.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Saturday, May 18th: May Fair, Heath School Playground, 12:00-4:00pm
    • Monday, May 20th : MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 1
    • Monday, May 20th : 4M Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:30am
    • Monday, May 20th : 3F Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Monday, May 20th-Friday, May 24th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 2
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 2D Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:35 – 1:15pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 4O'C Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:45 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 1S Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:50 – 9:30am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: IR Open Music Time, Music Room, 10:15 – 10:55am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KBK Open Music Time, Auditorium, 11:20am – 12:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 4B Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:15 – 1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KC Open Music Time, Auditorium, 12:30 – 1:10pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KF Open Music Time, Auditorium, 1:20 – 2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 3L Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd - Thursday, May 23rd: MCAS: Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 1C Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:25am
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 3H Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Progress reports published for Grades 6-8
    • Friday, May 24th: 2A Open Music Time, Music Room, 9:30 – 10:10am
    • Friday, May 24th: 2S Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:00 – 1:40pm
    • Friday, May 24th: MCAS: Math Window Closes
    • Monday, May 27th: School Closed: Memorial Day
    • Tuesday, May 28th: Grades 5/6 Track & Field Meet, 8:30am-1:45pm
    • Tuesday, May 28th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 28th  - Friday, May 31st: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 29th: Grades 5/6 Track Meet Rain Date
    • Thursday, May 30th: Grades 7/8 Track & Field Meet, 8:30am-1:45pm
    • Thursday, May 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 31st: Grades 7/8 Track Meet Rain Date

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, May 20th: Grade 6 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1S Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 9:00-10:20am
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 3rd Grade DPW Trip, 10:00am-12:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1R Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 10:20-11:40am
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1C Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 11:40am-1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: Grade 6 Trip to Boda Borg, 8:30am-2:15pm

    Enjoy the bouncy castle!

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    May 10th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    It has been Teacher Appreciation Week in the United States. Frankly, one week is not enough. Every single day the Heath School staff produces an admirable quality of work, connects with students in an enviable way, leans into complexity and risk-taking … and does so with humor and compassion. Our team pours 365 days of learning into 180 days. It is exhausting work and it is deeply rewarding – and, yes, both of those things can be true at the same time.

    Community Conversations About Race, Racism, and Privilege: Resources

    This spring, Dr. Kalise Wornum, Senior Director of Educational Equity, and I have been co-facilitating community conversations about race, racism, and privilege.  We are thankful to all the folks who joined us for these opportunities to learn together. I am hoping that many, many more of you are interested in deepening your knowledge and growing your perspectives in regards to these complex issues. Here you will find the slide decks, readings, and other resources from these talks.  We hope you’ll take a look!

    Shifts in Special Education Staffing, Grades 5-8

    An important announcement regarding our amazing Special Education staff:

    • Kelly Breen will loop up to work with the 7th and 8th graders
    • Elizabeth Stearns will loop up and become our 6th grade LC teacher
    • Chima Ikonne will begin his work in the 5th grade LC

    These shifts allow for a greater continuity of care for students while allowing our staff to stretch in new directions. I am excited for these shifts and hope you are, too! If you have any questions, be sure to ask.

    8th Grade Fundraiser SATURDAY: Car Wash and Yard Sale!

    It's warming up and that means it's time to get your car washed! Come to our upcoming fundraiser. The 8th-grade students and parents will be hosting a Car Wash + Yard Sale.  

    When: Tomorrow! This Saturday, May 11th, 9am to 1pm

    Where: Heath School front parking lot

    Why: Funds raised will go towards supporting student activities. 

    Student Council Fundraiser: Soccer Goals

    Our Student Council fundraisers – a bake sale + can drive – have been in service of raising money for soccer goals for our field. The student council members researched the material type, size, and best product for our climate. While it might be easy to simply go out and purchase soccer goals for our school (they might even be available on Amazon!), we are prioritizing the process of figuring out solutions to a problem and finding home-gown effortFULL ways of giving our students the power to make a positive change in our community.  It takes a while longer to reach a goal, but the learning is truly invaluable.

    For Families of Current Kindergarteners: Change in Schedule June 4th

    On June 4th we will be welcoming our next cohort of Kindergarteners for our annual Peek & Practice! Our current kindergarten cohort – your kids! – will not be in their classrooms that day (from 1:15 to end of day) so that the incoming students can visit KF, KC, and KBK. Instead, your kids will be in our Auditorium watching an educational video (like Magic School Bus) or, if the weather is nice, will have some extra recess.  Please plan to pick your student up from the Auditorium that day at 2:30, unless they are on the busier in after school.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 13th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Monday, May 13th -  Friday, May 17th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 14th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 1
    • Wed. May 15-  METCO Connections Breakfast and Games in room 209, 7:20-7:55 am
    • Wednesday, May 15th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 16th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 2
    • Thursday, May 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 17th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Friday, May 17th: Kindergarten Earth Day Celebration!, Auditorium, 8:00-9:00am
    • Saturday, May 18th: May Fair, Heath School Playground, 12:00-4:00pm
    • Monday, May 20th : MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 1
    • Monday, May 20th : 4M Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:30am
    • Monday, May 20th : 3F Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Monday, May 20th-Friday, May 24th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 2
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 2D Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:35 – 1:15pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 4O'C Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:45 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 1S Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:50 – 9:30am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: IR Open Music Time, Music Room, 10:15 – 10:55am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KBK Open Music Time, Auditorium, 11:20am – 12:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 4B Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:15 – 1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KC Open Music Time, Auditorium, 12:30 – 1:10pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KF Open Music Time, Auditorium, 1:20 – 2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 3L Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd - Thursday, May 23rd: MCAS: Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 1C Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:25am
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 3H Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Progress reports published for Grades 6-8
    • Friday, May 24th: 2A Open Music Time, Music Room, 9:30 – 10:10am
    • Friday, May 24th: 2S Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:00 – 1:40pm

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grade 5 Trip to Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, 8:15am-1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grades 6-8 GSTA Trip to Museum of Fine Arts, 9:00am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grade 4 Trip to The Edward Kennedy Institute, 9:00am-2:15pm
    • Monday, May 20th: Grade 6 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1S Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 9:00-10:20am
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 3rd Grade DPW Trip, 10:00am-12:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1R Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 10:20-11:40am
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 1C Trip to Ward’s Pond at Olmsted Park, 11:40am-1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: Grade 6 Trip to Boda Borg, 8:30am-2:15pm


    And, to all the mothers out there, happy Mother’s Day! There are a million or more ways to “mother” in the world, all of them worth celebrating. We mother through the many sweet times and we mother through times when we are deeply confused by how much time our tweens are spending in the bathroom. There are times when a dad might reach out to ask, “How do I French braid my daughter’s hair?” and suddenly the sphere of mothering has expanded. We care for our children fiercely, and love our children’s friends like our own.  There may also be times when you think, “How did I get into this mess …?” – please know that is a normal thought to have about the child you love with your whole heart. “To mother” is a verb. It is also a celebration, a devestation, a “keep you up at night” commitment, an endless pile of laundry, and unending trips to the grocery store. It is a passion.

    Everyday you make sure your children are here, are ready to learn, and are good people. And that work, to us, is heroic.  Thank you.


    Be well,


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    May 3rd, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    It has been Yom Hashoah, Holocost Rememberence Week; over the week I have spoken to several of you about your family's experiences – the memories of those who survived (and thrived!) and those who did not. One parent sent me a poem I have read a few times in the past few busy days, a reminder to stay present in the now and listen with a whole heart when given the opportunity. Today, on my commute in, I heard this Story Corp piece and knew that, once again, I'd share it with you all. Send your love into the universe, listen with an open heart.

    May is also Asian-American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. After college, I was able to live abroad for three years in Nagoya, Japan. The experiences was, and this is an understatement, transformative. Many of my core beliefs were shaped during this period of my life: an insatiable curiosity, a compassion for human difference, a profound understanding of our interconnectedness, the courage to find my way and have courageous conversations, the capacity to exist in both chaos and calm. I am the person I am today because of my time in Japan. One of the treasures of Heath School is our robust representation of families of Asian-American & Pacific Islander heritage. We hope that no matter who you are or where you're from, whether a new family from Japan or a multi-generational member of our neighborhood, that your children can also have their core beliefs shaped by their experiences here.

    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!



    Co-Facilitated by

    Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School


    Wednesday, May 8th, 6-7:30 pm

    Session Three:

    Interrupting the Cycle of Racism


    All conversations will take place at Heath School with a  goal to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one conversation or come to all!

    IF YOU NEED CHILDCARE FOR THIS EVENT, Please contact Aneesa at aneesakazi@me.com or Masu at masuhaque@yahoo.com

    Heath School Family Survey: Results In!

    Here are the results of the Family Surveys. Please take a look at the data. For me, one questions stand out more than any others: If a friend were looking for a school to send their children to, how likely would you be to recommend this school to them?(Page 9, Question 14) 86% of you would be quite or extremely likely to recommend Heath to a friend. And that, my friends, is a good feeling.

    I encourage you to take a look at the data. We are a work in progress, for sure, and thankful for the feedback. It matters.

    Demystifying Final Day of School: For 8th Grade Students & Families

    In past years, 8th graders have been released from school several days earlier than our K-7th graders. This year, we will not be releasing our 8th grade students earlier and will hold graduation on June 20th. We have come to understand that the 8th graders are quite upset about this new way of doing business; we'll be talking with them early next week. Unfortunately, I think our VP, Mr. Patel, is getting the blame for this; I might be, too!
    The reality is that we have been out of compliance with State law for years and years. No longer can we simply release the 8th grade students many days early just "because we always have." Students must be given the opportunity to complete 180 days of school each year (with 12th grade having an exception). 
    If you hear your children complaining, this can help them understand our decision-making more deeply.
    That said, I can imagine that from the student's perspective it STINKS to the the class who gets to start this new tradition. So, I am sympathetic, for sure.  We were all 14 once upon a time ...
    Maker Day: Coming Up!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 6th: MCAS: Grades 3 & 6 Math Part 1
    • Monday, May 6th-Friday, May 10th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 7th: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 Math Part 1
    • Tuesday, May 7th: Brookline Annual Town Election, Gym, 7:00am-8:00pm
    • Tuesday, May 7th: 7th Grade Urban Improv, Auditorium, 9:00-10:00am
    • Tuesday, May 7th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 8th: MCAS: Grades 3 & 6 Math Part 2
    • Wednesday, May 8th: “One Heath” Parent Event, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, May 9th: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 Math Part 2
    • Thursday, May 9th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 10th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Friday, May 10th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, May 13th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Monday, May 13th -  Friday, May 17th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 14th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 1
    • Wednesday, May 15th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 16th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 2
    • Thursday, May 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 17th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Friday, May 17th: Kindergarten Earth Day Celebration!, Auditorium, 8:00-9:00am
    • Saturday, May 18th: May Fair, Heath School Playground, 12:00-4:00pm
    • Monday, May 20th : MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 1
    • Monday, May 20th : 4M Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:30am
    • Monday, May 20th : 3F Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Monday, May 20th-Friday, May 24th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 STE Part 2
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 2D Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:35 – 1:15pm
    • Tuesday, May 21st: 4O'C Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:45 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 1S Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:50 – 9:30am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: IR Open Music Time, Music Room, 10:15 – 10:55am
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KBK Open Music Time, Auditorium, 11:20am – 12:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 4B Open Music Time, Music Room, 12:15 – 1:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KC Open Music Time, Auditorium, 12:30 – 1:10pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: KF Open Music Time, Auditorium, 1:20 – 2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: 3L Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd - Thursday, May 23rd: MCAS: Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 1C Open Music Time, Music Room, 8:45 – 9:25am
    • Thursday, May 23rd: 3H Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:50 – 2:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, May 23rd: Progress reports published for Grades 6-8
    • Friday, May 24th: 2A Open Music Time, Music Room, 9:30 – 10:10am
    • Friday, May 24th: 2S Open Music Time, Music Room, 1:00 – 1:40pm
    • Friday, May 24th: MCAS: Math Window Closes

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grades 6-8 GSTA Trip to Museum of Fine Arts, 9:00am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grade 4 Trip to The Edward Kennedy Institute, 9:00am-2:15pm
    • Monday, May 20th: Grade 6 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Wednesday, May 22nd: Grade 6 Trip to Boda Borg, 8:30am-2:15pm


    And, May the 4th (tomorrow) be with you ... pew! pew!


    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    April 26th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This year we have learned of the departure of a few terrific and beloved staff members, including, but not limited to, Noorjehan Khan and Jane Leo. While their absence will have a tremendous impact on our school, I am confident that our search processes have yielded outstanding candidates to fill these positions.

    It pleases me very much to announce that Ms. Kim Sontag, an outstanding educator currently in the 1st grade position as a long-term substitute, will stay on with us a permanent hire and on our 1st grade team. Her presence on the 1st grade team will continue to add a real strength and depth for our early learners. A few of the hallmarks of her practice are building community, establishing strong routines, setting (and meeting) high expectations, and parent communication and connection. She has been fully present in any role she takes on at Heath and is so well regarded by our staff. I hope you’ll take the time to congratulate her!

    It also brings me great joy to announce that Ms. Emily MacNeil, currently serving as our long-term substitute in 4th grade, will remain at Heath as our new 5th grade teacher. This past year, Emily has impressed the school community with her willingness to take risks, her growing expertise in differentiating instruction to meet the range of learning needs in her classroom, and ability to nurture a compassionate classroom community.  I am proud of her work and know you are (and will be!), too. She’ll gladly be accepting your warm wishes and high-5s.

    Like Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker/Spiderman: With great power comes great responsibility. We take hiring very seriously at Heath and with these two new staff members we feel we can nurture children for years to come, allowing them to use their power to make responsible choices in our community and beyond.

    Stay tuned for news on our other searches: PE and 6th/7th Social Studies!

    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!



    Co-Facilitated by

    Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School


    Wednesday, May 8th, 6-7:30 pm

    Session Three:

    Interrupting the Cycle of Racism


    All conversations will take place at Heath School with a  goal to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one conversation or come to all!

     Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, April 29th: MCAS: ELA Makeup Tests
    • Monday, April 29th-Friday, May 3rd: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, April 30th: Kindergarten Pineapple Project, Library, 8:00-11:00am
    • Thursday, May 2nd: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, May 3rd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, May 6th: MCAS: Grades 3 & 6 Math Part 1
    • Monday, May 6th-Friday, May 10th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 7th: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 Math Part 1
    • Tuesday, May 7th: Brookline Annual Town Election, Gym, 7:00am-8:00pm
    • Tuesday, May 7th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 8th: MCAS: Grades 3 & 6 Math Part 2
    • Wednesday, May 8th: “One Heath” Parent Event, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, May 9th: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 Math Part 2
    • Thursday, May 9th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 10th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Friday, May 10th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, May 13th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 1
    • Monday, May 13th -  Friday, May 17th: 8th Grade Play Practice, Auditorium, 2:45-5:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 14th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Tuesday, May 14th: BEF Celebrating Teachers Reception, 3:30-5:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 15th: MCAS: Grades 4 & 7 Math Part 2
    • Wednesday, May 15th: Portal Opens for Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports “IPR”
    • Thursday, May 16th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Thursday, May 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, May 17th: MCAS: Math Makeup Tests
    • Friday, May 17th: Kindergarten Earth Day Celebration!, Auditorium, 8:00-9:00am
    • Saturday, May 18th: May Fair, Heath School Playground, 12:00-4:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, April 29th: 3F Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Tuesday, April 30th: 3H Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 1st: 3L Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 15th: Grades 6-8 GSTA Trip to Museum of Fine Arts, 9:00am-2:00pm


    I'm off to the movies! Avengers: End Game drops tonight and I'll be there! I'd love to hear what you think of it, too! For the record, I'm also available to discuss Game of Thrones or Netflix's "Special."

    Rejoice in the good things,

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    April 12th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    The week before vacation is always brings with it excitement and exhaustion.  The heightened energy can lead to children taking unnecessary and often unwelcome risks. Needless to say, our staff – including me – engage children in complex conversations around safety, unexpected behavior, decision-making, and more. What is the most often unspoken, yet critical, element in any of these conversations is the act of forgiveness. Children need to know that no matter the act, we seek to know them deeply as people, hear their story, make a plan to repair/replace/apologize/learn, activate on the plan, seek forgiveness, and to then be forgiven. The act of forgiving – from all involved – allows children to re-enter the community with some dignity and some grace.  When I reflect on this past week, I certainly look back with a greater sence of connection, understanding, and compassion. We have truly been working so hard and a break will do us all good. Be good to yourself these next 9 days.

    Some Good Advice: Setting Limits on Teen Technology Use At Home

    In a recent article in Time (“Put That Phone Away – Now” by Jean Twenge in Time, April 1, 2019, no e-link; Twenge can be reached at jtwenge@sdsu.edu), psychologist Jean Twenge (San Diego State University) says there is credible research linking heavy technology use with the surge in depression and other mental health issues among adolescents. Here are the limits she has established with her three children:

    -  No phones or tablets in the bedroom at night; the kids use real alarm clocks to wake up.

    -  No use of devices within an hour of bedtime; the blue light and psychological stimulation interferes with sleep.

    -  Device use is limited to two hours of leisure time a day, plus legitimate use for homework.

    Thanks to The Marshall Memo for this article!


    WANTED!  Clean Baby Food Jars with Lids!

    We need them for our Makerspace.  If you have them, we’ll take them!


    BHS Expansion Project Begins this Summer

    This summer the BHS expansion project will get fully underway as it enters the construction phase. This exciting project will include a new building at the 111 Cypress Street site, a new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) building to replace the building at the corner of Tappan and Greenough Streets, renovations to the 3rd floor of the main building and the Tappan gymnasium, as well as improvements to Cypress Field. Last week, the BHS Building Committee reviewed the latest versions of the site plans, phasing timelines, and site logistics. For a complete update on the project and to review last week’s presentation please visit the BHS Project Website


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th: School Closed: April Vacation
    • Monday, April 22nd -Friday, April 26th: MCAS: ELA Makeup Tests
    • Tuesday, April 23rd: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 24th: K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Thursday, April 25th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8
    • Thursday, April 25th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, April 25th: Evening Conferences, 2:30-6:00pm
    • Monday, April 29th: MCAS: ELA Makeup Tests
    • Tuesday, April 30th: Kindergarten Pineapple Project, 8:00-11:00am
    • Thursday, May 2nd: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, May 3rd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, April 24th: Grade 6 Trip to Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, 8:40am-12:20pm
    • Monday, April 29th: 3F Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Tuesday, April 30th: 3H Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 1st: 3L Trip to Frederick Law Olmsted, 8:30am-2:00pm

    The celebrations of Passover and Easter have begun. Sunday is the Hindi holiday of Rama Navami. May your celebrations be joyful!

    Peace ,

    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    April 5th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Tonight is the night! International Night! Come and learn about over 80 countries – each of which represents a family or group of families that help to make up the fabric of our community. Food, music, performances, games … it is all here tonight 6-8pm. See you there!


    MCAS Testing Has Begun

    This past week was the launch of our MCAS testing cycle. While we do not “teach to the test,” we do work hard all year to set students up for success – no matter the task. This year, Mr. Patel created a video filled with test taking tips to help students keep their eye on the prize … and his beard. The response was incredible! Check it out yourself, here. Perhaps some of these tips can help you, too!


    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by

    Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School


    Wednesday, April 10th, 6-7:30 pm

    Session Two:

    "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" and White Privilege


    All conversations will take place at Heath School with a  goal to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one conversation or come to all!


    Save the Date for the Public Schools of Brookline Maker Day

    Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 11, 12-4pm at the Coolidge Corner School for an afternoon to celebrate innovation and creativity. Bring your imagination to this fun, family event and discover what is possible at our district makerspaces.

    • Experiment with hands-on activities

    • Explore an exciting showcase of student work across grades K-8

    • Learn about the development of PSB makerspaces

    Volunteers are also needed to help make the event run smoothly. Sign up to volunteer at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a49afae2da31-psbmaker

    We hope to see you there!

    Made possible by the Enrichment and Challenge Support program (ECS), in collaboration with the Parent Advisory Committee for Innovation (iPAC) and the PSB K-8 PTOs


    Maker Day

     Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, April 8th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 9th: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: Heath School Site Council Meeting, Collaboration Space, 8:15-9:45am
    • Wednesday, April 10th: “One Heath” Parent Event, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 11th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, April 11th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 12th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th: School Closed: April Vacation
    • Monday, April 22nd -Friday, April 26th: MCAS: ELA Makeup Tests
    • Tuesday, April 23rd: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 24th: K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Thursday, April 25th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8
    • Thursday, April 25th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, April 25th: Evening Conferences, 2:30-6:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, April 11th: Grade 6 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am
    • Friday, April 12th: Grade 7 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am
    • Wednesday, April 24th: Grade 6 Trip to Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, 8:40am-12:20pm

    Have fun tonight and see you Monday!

    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    March 29th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    8th Grade Kinetic Sculpture Showcase

    On Thursday we witnessed the unveiling of this year’s Kinetic Sculpture Showcase. 8th graders spend weeks upon weeks creating kinetic works of art using found materials, applying principles of design and engineering, and building simple (yet so complicated!) machines that serve a purpose. Tea makers, candy dispensers, music boxes, bats and dragons that actually fly, s’mores cookers… the sky was truly the limit! Students, under the wise guidance of Mr. Goldner and Ms. Hockensmith and the other Heath staff, learned how to build safe with power tools and discovered the fine balance between form and function. The delicate creations blew our collective minds; we are proud to be a school where this level of work is possible.


    Autism Awareness Month

    April is Autism Awareness Month and April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. We are in solidarity with students, families, and staff who are living a life informed by Autism. Here are resources that can help you grow in solidarity as well:

    • Autism Speaks website
    • Our own Heath Shool webpage! We have books you can read with your kids to help inform and educate at a just right level!
    • And from StoryCorp )one of my faves!) some great personal stories worth listening to: here, here, and here.

    Serving all students, knowing them and loving them, is the work of our lives. Moments like this give us a chance to grow together and care more deeply.


    Humans of NY Special Olympics Showcase

    Have any of you been following the series that is unfolding on the Humans of New York page? Photographer and documentarian Brandon Stanton has been at the Special Olympic World Games in Abu Dhabi listening to and capturing the stories of this year’s competitors and their families. I hope you’ll take a look at this remarkable treasure trove; I know that it has given me life these past few weeks, broadened my perspective, and informed my thinking profoundly.


    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by

    Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School


    Wednesday, April 10th, 6-7:30 pm

    Session Two:

    "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" and White Privilege


    All conversations will take place at Heath School with a  goal to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one conversation or come to all!


    Brookline Celebrates National Public Health Week 2019, April 1-6

    Conversations with prominent Boston-based physicians and Brookline residents, Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, Dean, Boston University School of Public Health;  and Suzanne E. Salamon, MD, Gerontologist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; highlight Brookline’s celebration of  National Public Health Week the first week of April.   Dr. Galea’s informal talk examines:  “How the Trump Administration is Shaping Your Health; Dr. Salamon will discuss “How to Age Well.”  The week’s events are listed below. (Flyer attached.) 

    Coupled with these events will be a Brookline Department of Public Health Facebook (FB) feature offering climate-conscious dinner recipes worthy of a try. Join Brookline in protecting the planet by reducing meat consumption. Beginning April 1, a delicious recipe will be posted weekdays during the month at www.facebook.com/BrooklineHealth

    Monday, April 1. Service Animals and the Law: Do You Know the Facts? Attention all Brookline Restaurants and Retail Food establishment owners, managers and employees! Attend an informational and hands-on workshop covering essential rights and responsibilities when hosting a service animal in your establishment. Coolidge Corner Library, 31 Pleasant St., 2:00-4:30 PM.

    Tuesday, April 2. How to Age Well.  Join prominent Brookline physician, Suzanne E. Salamon, MD, Division of Geriatrics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for an informal talk about how food, exercise, friendships, and your mind affect how your body ages.  It’s never too late to start.  Brookline Senior Center. 93 Winchester St., 1:00 - 2:00PM. Refreshments.

    Wednesday, April 3. A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens. Talking to your kids about sexting, drinking, drugs and other things that FREAK YOU OUT.  Back by popular demand, Brookline High School PTO presents local expert on parent-teen relationships, Joani Geltman, MSW, offering strategies and insight for parents of middle and high school students. Please register for this free event at https://joanigeltmanteenlife.eventbrite.com . Brookline High School Auditorium. 115 Greenough St. 7:00-8:30 pm 

    Thursday, April 4. How the Trump Administration is Shaping Your Health. The Impact on You, Your Community, and the Planet.  An informal conversation with Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH, Dean, Boston University School of Public Health, and Brookline resident. Multi-Purpose Room, Coolidge Corner School, 345 Harvard St. 6:00 – 7:00 PM.  Co-sponsored by Climate Action Brookline.

    Saturday, April 6. Youth Climate Adaptation. Come to Pierce School where Brookline students with a passion for science and art are invited to create and present new ideas that address current climate change challenges. Participants with the most innovative ideas will receive certificates. Pierce School, 50 School St. 11:00AM – 2:00 PM.  A joint program with Climate Action Brookline.

    Brookline Public Health and Human Services’ mission is to preserve, protect & promote the physical, mental, and environmental health of the Brookline Community.  We collaborate with partners to reduce health inequities and respond to emerging public health challenges. For additional information, contact Lynne Karsten, Director of Community Health, Brookline Department of Public Health, 617-730-2336; lkarsten@brooklinema.gov. Also, please join our Twitter discussion: @BrooklineHealth, Facebook:www.facebook/BrooklineHealth, or Instagram: Brooklinehealth.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, April 1st: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: Service Learning Club, Room 204 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: K-8 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 4th: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 2
    • Thursday, April 4th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 5th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Friday, April 5th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: International Night, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Monday, April 8th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 9th: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: Heath School Site Council Meeting, Collaboration Space, 8:15-9:45am
    • Wednesday, April 10th: “One Heath” Parent Event, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 11th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, April 11th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 12th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th: School Closed: April Vacation

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, April 4th: 7/8 Math Team Meet # 5 to Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: Grade 6 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am
    • Friday, April 12th: Grade 7 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am


    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    March 22nd, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    So much happening at Heath School! What is highlighted here each week is TRULY the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It is our hope that your children come home and tell you all about the wonderful things happening here each day, but as a parent I know what you might hear instead is, “School was good.” If only your eyes could see what ours see!

    Coming Soon! Heath School's International Night

    Friday, April 5th, 2019, 6:00pm-8:00pm

    International Night would not be possible without all the wonderful parents, students and teachers who volunteer. Volunteers, nation guides, everyone who brings in a dish for the dinner buffet and everyone who dresses up in their traditional attire will be granted free admission!  Please help us make International Night a success!

    To volunteer, click on the link, here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080c4ea9ac28a02-international4

    The International Night Team

    ~ Aneesa, Daniela, Kelly and Rina

    Congratulations! Brookline Commission for Women’s “A Woman Who Inspires Me” essay contest winners! 

    Two Heath students – Molly L. in 8th grade and Eva B. in 5th – did very well in this year’s Brookline Commission for Women’s “A Woman Who Inspires Me” essay contest. Molly placed 1st of all Brookline 8th graders; Eva placed second amongst all Brookline 5th grade students who entered. So proud of these amazing, articulate, and inspiring scholars.  Congratulate them when you see these two!

    Coming Soon! Our Second Community Conversation about Race and Racism

    We’ll gather again as a community to talk about white privilege in our lives on April 10th from 6-7:30pm. Our 8th graders will once again offer kid-sitting.

    Our first learning session last week, “Talking with Your Kids about Racism,” was powerful. We expect this upcoming session to be just as compelling. Again, the sessions will be interactive, focus on building skills and understanding, and be co-facilitated by Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity, and me.

    I’m a Good Person! Isn’t that Enough? Author-talk at Runkle School

    Many Heath families were present Monday night at Runkle School to hear local author Debby Irving discuss her memoir Waking Up White (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLz-8IwL3_M). Our childhoods and how we are raised leaves each of us filled with myths, misconceptions, and omissions about other people. The rest of our lives offers us each the possibility to rewrite the software installed in our heads by our families, our culture, our schooling to include ideas and realities that are different - not better or worse - than our own. The author referenced the American master Norman Rockwell and shows like Father Knows Best as seminal influencing factors that defined what was “right” and “good” in her world, and pretty universally in the U.S.  Ms. Irving shared with the audience her journey to understand more deeply her own whiteness, how she was socialized, and how she undid a lot of the ways of seeing that were hardwired in her psyche early on. She let us know that you are a good person AND it is not enough.

    Staff Updates

    Ms. Stewart on Leave

    Ms. Stewart, our PE Teacher, is on leave for the next few weeks. We congratulate her and her wife on the arrival of their second baby!  All are well and enjoying some nesting time while they can.

    Staff Departure: Jane Leo

    We have learned that long-time and well-loved 1st grade teacher, Jane Leo (who has been on a one-year sabbatical this past year) will not be returning to Heath. Ms. Leo was such an integral part of our team for so long; the school will certainly feel like a different place without her. Ms. Leo sends along this message for her former students (and … let’s face it … us adults, too), here:

    Dear Parents and Students,

    After 16 years at Heath, I’m leaving teaching to pursue other interests. I’m heartbroken, and hopeful at the same time. Since I may not see you in the near future, I’ll leave you with a few words of advice. Students, I have kept many of the drawings you made me. Sometimes you drew me shorter than you in your pictures of us. Sometimes you drew people with legs that bent the wrong way to fit between tables and chairs you had already lovingly drawn. Your pictures didn’t look realistic as maybe you’d hoped, but they were uniquely your creations and I love them for that. As you grow up and dream of what your life will be like as an adult remember these drawings and how easy it was for you to create a world that was yours according to you. Try as much as you can to create a life for yourself according to your vision, not someone else’s. Don’t expect it to without a lot of hard work. The adults in your life will probably unknowingly find a way to step on your dreams just a little. Forgive them and hold onto the wonder and curiosity that you had when you were young because if you lose it, you will spend much of your adult life trying to get back what came so easily at age 6. In fact, my favorite part of being a teacher was watching these magical moments of discovery when you realized you didn’t need my help at all. I loved being your teacher and I’ll remember you all, you just might have to reintroduce yourself because when we meet again because you might be a lot taller than you are now and I might not recognize you. Until we meet again, you can reach me at jaheleo@yahoo.com.


    Ms. Leo

    Thank you, Jane. You’ll be missed.


    April Service Learning Club Action: Cradles to Crayons

    The Heath School Service Learning Club, in collaboration with the BHS Service Crew, is spotlighting Cradles to Crayon (insert hyperlink!) for this month’s collective efforts. Here is our plea (thanks Rowan and Owen for writing this blurb!):

    Dear Heath School Families,

    Greetings! This year Heath School is holding an annual Cradles to Crayons clothing drive, from April 1 through April 26. Cradles to Crayons is an organization that collects items such as toys, clothing, and books for kids ages 0 to 12 in the Greater Boston Area. Over 268,185 children under the age of 12 in Massachusetts are living in poverty or near-poverty, and many are home insecure. Let’s help!

    We will have collection bins in the lobby for you to donate your (gently worn and clean) clothes in. Here are our guidelines:

    Bottoms, tops, outerwear, accessories in good condition ( NO rips, stains, or holes)

    Children’s sizes 0-20, adult sizes S-M

    NEW (still in package) socks, underwear, pajamas

    Thank you so much,

    The Heath School Service Club and the Brookline Cradles to Crayons Club!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Thursday, March 28th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 28th: Kinetic Sculpture Showcase, 8:00-9:30am
    • Monday, April 1st: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: Service Learning Club, Room 204 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: K-8 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 4th: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 2
    • Thursday, April 4th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 5th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Friday, April 5th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: International Night, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Monday, April 8th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 9th: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: MCAS - Grades 5 & 8 ELA Part 2
    • Wednesday, April 10th: Term Closes and Portal Opens for Grades 6-8 Report Cards
    • Wednesday, April 10th: “One Heath” Parent Event, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 11th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, April 11th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 12th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th: School Closed: April Vacation

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, March 28th: Grade 2 Trip to Boston Children’s Museum, 9:00am-1:30pm
    • Friday, March 29th: METCO: Skate Field Trip, 1:40-4:00pm
    • Thursday, April 4th: 7/8 Math Team Meet # 5 to Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm
    • Thursday, April 11th: Grade 6 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am
    • Friday, April 12th: Grade 7 ELA Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-10:45am


    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    March 15th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Each year the Variety Show helps us all to see the unbelievable, most often unseen gifts in our community. When children stand before us, shaking and nervous, then then do something astounding – like an singing an impassioned rendition of Despacito, pounding away on their drum kit, nailing a solo dance, or performing close-up magic – we get to hold for that wee little moment a piece of their soul. And all feels right with the world.

    A huge thank you to our parents and MCs who have managed this annual tradition. We have another show for you next Friday, the 22nd! Come early to get a good seat! The shows are usually standing room only!

    Parent Talk: Raising Resilient Children in an Age of Anxiety

    Steven Schlozman, M.D. is co-director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (HMS), and course director of the psychopathology class for the MIT-HMS Program in Health, Sciences and Technology. Dr. Schlozman practices child and adult psychiatry at MGH.

    Presented by Brookline Early Education Program (BEEP), Tuesday April 9, 7:00 PM, Town Hall (School Committee Room)

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, March 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 21st: Parent Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, March 21st: Young Scholars Workshop with Wee the People, Room 209, 2:00-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 21st: Variety Show #2 Dress Rehearsals - Grades 5-8, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, March 22nd: Variety Show #2 Performance - Grades 5-8, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Thursday, March 28th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 28th: Kinetic Sculpture Showcase, 8:00-9:30am
    • Monday, April 1st: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: MCAS - Grades 4 & 7 ELA Part 1
    • Tuesday, April 2nd: Service Learning Club, Room 204 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: K-8 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, April 3rd: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Thursday, April 4th: MCAS - Grades 3 & 6 ELA Part 2
    • Thursday, April 4th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, April 5th: MCAS - ELA Make Up Tests
    • Friday, April 5th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, April 5th: International Night, 6:00-8:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, March 28th: Grade 2 Trip to Boston Children’s Museum, 9:00am-1:30pm
    • Thursday, April 4th: 7/8 Math Team Meet # 5 to Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm

    Not a long message this week.  It’s a wee bit warmer and a few crocuses are poking out around the neighborhood. It is a good afternoon to roll down the windows, turn up the music, and roll home to be with my kids. I hope you are going to do the exact same thing.


    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    March 8th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Women’s History Month

    Women’s History Month each March offers us another opportunity to celebrate the lives of women; at Heath we take this work seriously and strive to ensure women’s work and lives are at the fore each and every day. But during March, we take extra care to celebrate. When your students walk into our school library, they are met with hundreds of books highlighting the lives of women - from the famous to the ordinary - that our librarian, Ms. Carney, has curated for them to read. During the 8th grade Civil Rights presentation yesterday, guests learned from our students about the lives of myriad Americans who have worked for civil rights. Of particular interest were the student products showcasing Black women, gay women, women in politics, women who fought and are fighting for equal pay, women who have worked for reproductive freedom, women who have been disobedient, women who have been leaders in non-violence, academics and scholars, leading feminists voices (past and present), and more. At Heath School, we are, essentially, a community of women; 85% of our staff members are women.

    Everyday at Heath we are modeling for our students and each other what real, honest, dedicated, intelligent, and passionate work looks like. Women are doing the emotional and professional work that cements our emerging reputation of being one of the leading schools in the Commonwealth.  And we are doing it while uplifting the lived experiences of women – past, present, and future. This Women’s History Month let us remember the daily work of the women in our community and beyond, reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that the girls in our community are profoundly prepared to fully participate in the world around them, and offer our resounding thanks and solidarity.

    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity & Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School

    Our goal is to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one or come to all!

    Wednesday, March 13th, 6-7:30pm. Our first session will be “Helping parents be more intentional when talking with children about racism.” We are eager to engage with you!


    Community Days!

    Today we gathered to celebrate Community Day at Heath. Several times a year, all the kids and staff pile into the Auditorium to celebrate our hard work, share out our successes and failures, highlight our clubs (like the ADL, student council, Kindness Club, and Service Learning crew), and learn new things about each other. Today Ms. Corcoran read to the students a book about peanut allergies (The Princess and the Peanut Allergy), the Service Learning crew presented a slide deck highlighting their work this year, 2nd grade led us in a call and response song, 5M showcased their Southern Colonies projects, Mr. Cook led a “How well do you know your teachers?” Quiz show, and Lucia R. sang for us! Student Council members served up entertainment between presentations.

    Thanks to Mr. Patel for harnessing all of this talent!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Wednesday, March 13th: “One Heath” Community Event, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: 2nd Grade Genki Spark Japanese Drumming, Cafeteria, 8:00-10:30am
    • Thursday, March 14th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Variety Show #1 Dress Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Interim Progress Reports Published for grades 6-8
    • Friday, March 15th: Kindergarten Play: Rhyme Time, Auditorium, 8:00-9:30am
    • Friday, March 15th: Variety Show #1 Performance, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 21st: Parent Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, March 21st: Young Scholars Workshop with Wee the People, Room 209, 2:00-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 21st: Variety Show #2 Dress Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, March 22nd: Variety Show #2 Performance, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Thursday, March 28th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, March 13th: Grade 5 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:00pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Grade 8 Trip to Huntington Theatre, 9:00am-1:45pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Grade 1 Trip to Children’s Museum, 9:15am-1:45pm
    • Thursday, March 28th: Grade 2 Trip to Children’s Museum, 9:00am-1:30pm

    Happy Friday!  See you at Captain Marvel


    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    March 1st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Heath Family Game Night!

    What a fun evening we had at our first annual Heath Family Game Night – Family Feud, corn hole, Twister, pizza, jingo, checkers! All the games were there, and so many families coming out to play together. A huge shout out to the Heath Boston Family Connections committee (Rasheedah, Charlene, Akeisha, Debra, and Sarah!) who hustled for us and made the night such a joy to be at. I am very proud of their hard work, the humbleness in which they served us all, and the beauty of their efforts.

    Wanted! Plant Donations

    We need some plants for the big terrarium our students are building. It occurred to us that plants, cuttings, pots, growing material etc might be something the Heath community might donate - you know, like from your own house plants and overstock - recycling plants al la Marie Kondo. Does that succulent just not spark joy anymore? If not, we’ll take it!

    FYI: The BIG terrarium project is causing all sorts of offshoots to sprout up all over the place and we now have many kids interested in creating smaller terrariums.

    Your help can help many dreams come true here in the Heath School Makerspace!

    Parking at Heath, from Mr. Patel & the Students in 5K (blasted from Mr. Patel’s desk earlier this week, but definitely worth repeating):

    “I am sure most of you have noticed the new parking system we have implemented in the front drop of lot (by the main playground). This was in response to many parents stopping their car by the curve, then causing a traffic jam and angry honking. Ms. Khan invited me to share this problem with her students. As they were working on coding skills using Scratch, they animated a map they were given and created an awesome PSA made for parents. They were eager and jumped at the opportunity to use their skills for a real-world application and helped solve a big problem. I am sure most of you have noticed the new parking system we have implemented in the front drop of lot (by the main playground). This was in response to many parents stopping their car by the curve, then causing a traffic jam and angry honking. Ms. Khan invited me to share this problem with her students. As they were working on coding skills using Scratch, they animated a map they were given and created an awesome PSA made for parents. They were eager and jumped at the opportunity to use their skills for a real-world application and helped solve a big problem.”

    And, PLEASE!  No idling. 


    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity & Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School

    Our goal is to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children. Come to one or come to all!

    (ATTENTION: New Date!!!!!) Wednesday, March 13th, 6-7:30pm. Our first session will be “Helping parents be more intentional when talking with children about racism.” We are eager to engage with you!


    Urban Improv Comes to Heath

    This week the theatre troupe Urban Improv came to work with our 8th grade crew. It was a powerful learning session for our students and staff. Who better to tell more about the event than a student, I ask? Thank you to the amazing Bihan Dasgupta for her perspective, here:

    “On Monday, February 27th, the Heath School invited the Urban Improv to discuss racism with 8th graders. They started off with an improvisation skit, where a black man and a white woman played the role of two modern day teenagers. The act began with them expressing their annoyance with doing reports on Black History Month. Shortly after that, they went to a diner and had milkshakes. Suddenly, after drinking them, the scene changed, and they seemed to have time traveled back to the 1950s. The black waiter was replaced by a white one, who said to the black teenager, “You can’t be here.” The teens, realizing they weren’t in 2019, started freaking out, and took another sip of the magical milkshakes transporting them back to present day. The act finished off with the white teenager saying, ‘I’m so glad we’re back in 2019, where racism doesn’t exist anymore!’

    After watching the first improv act of the assembly, we were asked whether or not we agree with that statement. Though some students weren’t sure, most of us disagreed. We all came to the conclusion that though racism isn’t as frequent and obvious as it was in the 1950s, it still happens. Later in the assembly, we got together with our classes and were asked to discuss a few questions. I think the conversation we had was very real, and we shared our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we wouldn’t have known or heard about if we hadn’t had this gathering. Overall, even though our school is very liberal and tries to accept everybody, I feel like this was a good eye-opener for us. After the discussion, some students even started to realize that maybe they weren’t as inclusive of Heath minorities as they thought they were, a memory of that thing they said or thought about someone a few weeks ago coming back to them. This assembly was a beneficial reminder that racism still exists, and a very important awareness check on how the things we say/said or even think/thought inside our heads can/could’ve impact the community around us.”


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, March 4th: 8th Grade Civil Rights Presentations, 8:15-9:30am
    • Monday, March 4th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 5th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, March 6th: Heath Grades 5-8 Winter Band Concert, Runkle School, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, March 7th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 7th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, March 8th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Wednesday, March 13th: “One Heath” Parent Event, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm (New Date!)
    • Thursday, March 14th: 2nd Grade Genki Spark Japanese Drumming, Cafeteria, 8:00-10:30am
    • Thursday, March 14th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Variety Show #1 Dress Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, March 14th: Interim Progress Reports Published for grades 6-8
    • Friday, March 15th: Kindergarten Play: Rhyme Time, Auditorium, 8:00-9:30am
    • Friday, March 15th: Variety Show #1 Performance, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 19th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 21st: Parent Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, March 21st: Variety Show #2 Dress Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, March 22nd: Variety Show #2 Performance, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Wednesday, March 6th: Grade 3 Trip to Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, 8:30am-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, March 13th: Grade 5 Trip to Museum of Science, 8:15am-2:00pm

    Go forth and do good things, always!

    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    February 15th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Our celebration of Black History Month continues at Heath! Our Young Scholars had the brilliant idea of sponsoring a door decorating contest, with the winning classroom receiving a pizza party.  Today was judging day and – believe me – this school was filled with winning entries. Here are just a few of our doors: click here and enjoy!

    One door was particularly powerful, I thought.  The crew in 1C made a door honoring Ruby Bridges and her first day of school experience (immortalized by Norman Rockwell). These first graders wrote out the messages Ruby SHOULD HAVE received on her first day of school, but didn’t. See their door here!

    I often think of the young Ruby Bridges and how the courage she and her family had transformed the American schooling landscape inexorably. I think of Ruby’s teacher, Barbara Henry, and the way she stood up in a time when most others sat down. But the person in the school desegregation narrative I think about the most is the principal of the school Ruby Bridges attended and how he did nothing to protect, honor, or love that 6-year old child. For me, as a school leader, that has been the most powerful lesson, a lesson of who not to be.


    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by

    Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School

    Our goal is to provide community members with tools and strategies to engage in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their children.

    Come to one or come to all!

    • Wednesday, March 13th, 6-7:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 10th, 6-7:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 8th, 6-7:30pm

    Our first session on March 6th will beHelping parents be more intentional when talking with children about racism.

    We are eager to engage with you!


    Call for Submissions!  The Spark/La Chispa

    Calling all artists, poets, and writers! It is the time of the year again to indulge your imagination, creativity, and self-expression. Share your masterpieces with your friends on The Spark/La Chispa, Heath’s literary and arts journal. Be it your favorite animal, an unforgettable visit to the doctor’s office, or the extraordinary sunset your saw during your vacation, we’d love to hear about it! We look forward to 100% student participation this year. Submission deadline is April 12, 2019. Submission guidelines are available on the Heath PTO website at: https://heathpto.membershiptoolkit.com/assets/02246/TheSparkLaChispa/spark_2019_guidelines_2page.pdf). Electronic submissions only. Students and their families are responsible for preparing, proofreading, and submitting items according to the guidelines. Direct any questions to Anne Spencer (anne.spencer@gmail.com) or Evelyn Shen (evshen@verizon.net). 

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, February 18th-Friday, February 22nd: School Closed: February Vacation
    • Tuesday, February 26th: Grade 4 NAEP Testing
    • Tuesday, February 26th - Thursday, February 28th: Variety Show Auditions, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Wednesday, February, 27th: CAP Program presentation in 3L, 9:30-11:00am
    • Wednesday, February, 27th: Heath Family Game Night (sponsored by Heath Boston Family Connections), Cafeteria/Auditorium, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Thursday, February 28th: CAP Program presentation in 3H, 9:45-11:15am
    • Thursday, February 28th: CAP Program presentation in 3F, 12:00-1:30pm
    • Thursday, February 28th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, March 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, March 4th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Tuesday, March 5th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, March 6th: “One Heath” Parent Event, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 6:00-7:30pm
    • Thursday, March 7th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, March 7th: Variety Show Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Friday, March 8th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, February 28th: 7/8 Math Team Meet #4, Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm

    Finally, we know there have been prolonged power outages this week in your homes. We so appreciate the work you have done as parents to make sure your kids are here and ready to go each day. We are happy to have the lights on for you all at school. Even if the lights weren’t on at heath, we’d still be here to serve. That’s what community does, it helps each other at just the right time.

    Enjoy your February break.  See you on the other side!

    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    February 8th, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    This past week we celebrated the Lunar New Year here at Heath and around the world! The year of the pig begins! My fortune shine upon you now and all year.

    We also recognize and celebrate Black History Month. Indeed, as educators and parents it is our responsibility to ensure our collective history enshrines, promotes, and uplifts the lived experiences and contributions of Black folks in our country and in the African diaspora. Additionally, we must focus on the present and find ways to prioritize the experiences of our young Black scholars so that they may play an integral role in the shaping of our shared future. Each of us holds the past, present, and future within us – at Heath we can be a place where we nurture the whole child so that they each know the inherent worth and value of their everyday contributions to the collective good.

    As for me, I continue my year of reading books by authors who challenge my perspective and help me grow. Some touchstone books in my life have been the works of JRR Tolkien and the Harry Potter series. Needless to say, I have devoured the Game of Thrones books, too. So when I heard about Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James, I knew this was going to be a book that challenged what I believed to be true about an entire genre of literature I have taken comfort in my entire life. What will you do to broaden your perspective?  How are you doing that already?  Who are you telling? What’s making you think differently?


    The “One Heath” Education Equity Committee Welcomes You!


    Co-Facilitated by Dr. Kalise Wornum,  The Public School of Brookline’s Senior Director of Educational Equity & Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal of Heath School

    • Wednesday, March 6th, 6-7:30pm
    • Wednesday, April 10th, 6-7:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 8th, 6-7:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 5th, 6-7:30pm

    Come and participate in a shared conversation about important topics, like talking with our children about race and racism, some ways to interrupt the cycle of racism, and more!

    More information to come, but for now mark your calendars!

    A Terrific Piece on Girls, Bravery, and the (Pointless) Quest for Perfection

    For Girls, Failing And Building The 'Bravery Muscle' — Leaving Perfection Behind

    Brave Girls from On Point (WBUR)


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, February 11th: BHS Curriculum Night for 8th grade families, BHS Auditorium, 7:00-8:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Heath Grades 5-8 Winter Band Concert, Runkle School, MPR, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, February 14th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, February 14th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 15th: Grade 6 Narrative Writing Share Out, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, February 18th-Friday, February 22nd: School Closed: February Vacation
    • Tuesday, February 26th: Grade 4 NAEP Testing
    • Tuesday, February 26th - Thursday, February 28th: Variety Show Auditions, Auditorium, 3:00-5:00pm
    • Wednesday, February, 27th: Boston Connections Dinner, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 6:00-9:00pm
    • Thursday, February 28th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, March 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    Thursday, February 28th: 7/8 Math Team Meet #4, Brown Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm


    Be good to yourself!  Be good to others!

    ~ Asa 

    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    February 1st, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    I was able to spend Wednesday with a team of Brookline practitioners to learn about Social Emotional Learning through the exSEL Network (https://www.renniecenter.org/exSELnet). Together, we were able to learn deeply, think collaboratively about our collective work in Brookline, and begin to establish a vision for what next generation social-emotional learning can look like PreK-12 for our students. While it is hard for me to be out of the building, I get very excited when any chance to learn more deeply comes my way. That’s the spirit I hope to imbue community wide and know our faculty and our students feel the same way!


    Our Inaugural Heath School National Geographic GeoBee

    Students from the Heath School participated in the school-level competition of the National Geographic GeoBee today. Jane Robinson, an 8th-grade student, won first place, with Tom Pogorelec, a 5th-grade student, winning second place. This is the first year that Heath School has participated in the GeoBee.

    “I’m excited to launch this amazing opportunity at Heath School and thank the Heath PTO for the grant that made it possible,” said Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal, Heath School. “Not only is the GeoBee a tremendous opportunity to learn more about the world around us, but it fosters the risk-taking spirit we strive to encourage at Heath. Congratulations to Jane and to all our finalists.”


    School champions, including Jane Robinson, will take an online qualifying test; up to 100 of the top test scorers in each state then become eligible to compete in their State GeoBee. The winners of the State GeoBees receive an all-expenses-paid trip to National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington, D.C., next May to participate in the GeoBee national championship, competing for scholarships, cash prizes, and an all-expenses-paid Lindblad expedition to the Galápagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavour ll. Learn more at www.natgeobee.org.

    About the National Geographic Society

    The National Geographic Society is a leading nonprofit that invests in bold people and transformative ideas in the fields of exploration, scientific research, storytelling and education. Through our grants and programs, we aspire to create a community of change, advancing key insights about our planet and probing some of the most pressing scientific questions of our time while ensuring that the next generation is armed with geographic knowledge and global understanding. For more information, visit www. nationalgeographic.org.


    Ongoing Food Drive!  Please donate!!!

    Our Service Learning Club crew urges us all to participate in the food and toiletry drive for the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry. The BEFP is in need of particular items at this time, especially:

    • Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, body and hand lotions, shaving cream)
    • Pastas
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Pasta sauces
    • Soups
    • Canned meals such as ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs
    • Canned fruits and vegetables
    • Cereals (including oatmeal)

    Our Service Learning Crew is so excited to lead these efforts and send a huge thank you to everyone for the support.


    Need a February Break Opportunity for Your Child? Brookline SmartVacations!

    “February is just a few days away, which means that February school vacation is right around the corner! Looking for something fun and educational for your child, ages 5-12, during that week? Join, Brookline SmartVacations, offered through Adult & Community Education, February 19-22, 2019. Whether your child enjoys cooking, arts, computers, theatre, sports, or science—we have a little something for everyone.”

    For more information, check out their website https://tinyurl.com/smartvacationfeb2019


    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, February 5th: Grades 6-8 All Town Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to the Parent Portal
    • Thursday, February 7th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, February 11th: 8th Grade World Language Presentation, Auditorium, 9:50-10:45am
    • Monday, February 11th: BHS Curriculum Night for 8th grade families, BHS Auditorium, 7:00-8:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Heath Grades 5-8 Winter Band Concert, Runkle School, MPR, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, February 14th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, February 14th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 15th: Grade 6 Narrative Writing Share Out, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, February 18-Friday, February 15: School Closed: February Vacation

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, February 7th: 8th Grade to MIT, 8:00am-2:00pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm


    So, in closing, never forget why we do what we do – we believe that a high-quality, free and fair, truly inclusive, and joyful public education is a fundamental human right. We need a safe place for our children to learn deeply. Together, we are ensuring Heath is just that place. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of that vision and work. I hope you are, too.



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    January 25, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    In the United States, schools are the hub of our communities and Heath is no different. We pride ourselves in offering you authentic, safe, and challenging ways to get involved and stay involved.  It takes courage to join groups, try new things, or connect with others deeply; I applaud all of you who find your inner superhero each day when you contribute to our school and seek ways to stay connected with your (incredible) children. Here are just a few ways to get involved in the community right now:

    Food Drive to Support the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry

    The Service Learning Club will be launching our winter food drive for the Brookline Emergency Food Pantry on Monday. The BEFP is in need of particular items at this time, especially:

    • Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, body and hand lotions, shaving cream)
    • Pastas
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Pasta sauces
    • Soups
    • Canned meals such as ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs
    • Canned fruits and vegetables
    • Cereals (including oatmeal)

    Our Service Learning Crew is so excited to lead these efforts and send a huge thank you to everyone for the support.

    Annual Appeal has Launched

    Our PTO has launched the heath School Annual Appeal and is already hearing from so many families who are generously contributing.  Heath teachers, through PTO micro-grants, have benefited so much for so long thanks to your contributions. If you’d like to hear about how these grants have impacted teaching and learning at Heath, simply ask a teacher. I am sure they’ll enjoy telling you their story.

    “One Heath”: Invitation and Updates

    The One Heath crew, a group of parents, staff members, and school administrators, meets monthly to discuss issues of race, equity, and learning at Heath School. For the past few months we have been reading the book So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo; we invite you to read it, too!  We also invite new voices to the table and our next meeting is February 14th from 7:15-8:30 here at the school.

    Right now we are planning a series of community conversations to be held this spring. Together we will be exploring topics like understanding privilege, how to talk with your children about race and racism, interrupting the cycle of racism, and intersectionality. We will announce dates and topics soon and provide resources for you all to read, watch, and review before coming to the school to talk with other folks about these critical conversations. Thank you and stay tuned!

    Thanks to a grant from the Heath School PTO, for the first year ever, the Heath School is participating in the National Geographic GeoBee! On Wednesday, January 30 at 1:15 p.m. in the Heath auditorium, eight finalists from grades 5 through 8 will compete to become the Heath School champion. We invite family and friends to join us for the event.
    Following the Heath GeoBee, the Heath school champion advances to the next level of competition, a qualifying test to determine state competitors. Up to 100 of the top test scorers in Massachusetts become eligible to compete in the state GeoBee. The winner of the state GeoBee receives an all-expenses-paid trip to National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington, D.C., in May to participate in the GeoBee national championship, competing for cash prizes, scholarships and an all-expenses-paid Lindblad expedition to the Galápagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II.
    Need more information?  Please contact David Fleming, Gr. 6 & 7 Social Studies (david_fleming@psbma.org), or Kirtan Patel, Vice Principal  (kirtan_patel@psbma.org).

    “Video Gaming Addictions in Young People” Parent Talk: Coming Up!

    In collaboration with BPEN, we are hosting Dr. Alok Konojia, Psychiatrist at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School, who will be addressing parents on the important topic of video gaming addiction. 


    • When: Wednesday March 6th from 7-8:30 PM
    • Where: Coolidge Corner School 345 Harvard Street
    • This event is free of charge, please register at Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/video-game-addiction-tickets-553403605
    • The event is free of charge and open to all Brookline parents. 

    For more information on the speaker, please see below:


    For more information on the topic, please see below:



    REMINDER! Winter Gear & PE Class

    A quick announcement from the Physical Education department, as winter is here many students are now wearing boots to school. Please send your child with a change of sneakers on the days they have Physical Education. By wearing sneakers to class your child will be able to participate fully and safely in Physical Education. Thank you!

    Your PE Teachers,

    Lauren Stewart and Tim Gill 

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, January 28th - Thursday, January 31st: HASAP Winter Session Begins
    • Tuesday, January 29th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, January 30th: Parent Event: Transitioning to 8th Grade, Art Room, 6:00-7:00pm
    • Thursday, January 31st: 2nd Grade West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, January 31st: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, January 31st: Grades 4-8 Heath & Baker Strings and Orchestra Concert @ Baker School, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Friday, February 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, February 5th: Grades 6-8 All Town Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, February 7th: Snow Date: 2nd Grade West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to the Parent Portal
    • Thursday, February 7th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Monday, February 11th: 8th Grade World Language Presentation, Auditorium, 9:50-10:45am
    • Monday, February 11th: BHS Curriculum Night for 8th grade families, BHS Auditorium, 7:00-8:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Tuesday, February 12th: Heath Grades 5-8 Winter Band Concert, Runkle School, MPR, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, February 14th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, February 14th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 15th: Grade 6 Narrative Writing Share Out, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, February 18-Friday, February 15: School Closed: February Vacation

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, January 29th: 4OC Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Wednesday, January 30th:  4M Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Friday, February 1st: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm
    • Thursday, February 7th: 8th Grade to MIT, 8:00am-2:00pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm


    January 18, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    With us in spirit this weekend, and always, is the miracle that was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life; we take time this long weekend to remember his legacy and how he makes us feel. Our personal relationships to his legacy depend very much on which part of King's life you most relate to: the non-violent protester? The father? The fierce preacher? The resistor? The organizer? The conflicted hero? How do we synthesize his impact in light of the times we live in now? Who are we because of him? Please take time this weekend to engage your children in complex conversations about Dr. King, the civil rights movement, and the ways we can pursue his legacy – especially now – in our own school community.


    We all need a little help from our friends sometimes, so this week’s missive is all about outside supports that help make our collective work stronger.  Please read on!

    We Want Your Input! Please complete our Family Feedback Survey

    Please keep an eye out for our annual Family Feedback Survey. These surveys are a great opportunity for you to let us know what is working and what can be improved at Heath School. Last year we had 18.8% of our families respond. This year our goal is to have all families respond; we want every family’s voice to be heard. These surveys provide valuable and helpful feedback about the climate, culture, and leadership at our school and around the district. Our teachers and leaders need to hear what you think the school is doing well and also what we can improve.

    The surveys open for your input on January 22. Please look for an email from Panorama Education on January 22 with a link to the survey. We urge all of our families to participate!  

    Inspo:Expo!  Monday!

    More than ever, actions count. Looking for a way to make an impact? Join us at the 2nd Annual Inspo:Expo Brookline Action Fair sponsored by the Town of Brookline on MLK Day (12-3pm, 1.21.19) at Kehillath Israel (384 Harvard Street). “Inspo” means “something that serves as inspiration,” such as all the ways Brookline residents strive to make a difference. Learn about over 65 service projects and even do one of several volunteer projects at this free, family-friendly event. For more information, please email Hadassah Margolis, Founder, at inspoexpo.brookline@gmail.com. Get inspired. Volunteer. Take a stand.

    Follow along at

    • Facebook: @InspoExpo
    • Twitter: @InspoExpo
    • Instagram: @inspoexpo.brookline

    Need Help? Try the The Brookline Tutor Mentor Program (BTMP)

    The Brookline Tutor Mentor Program (BTMP), a free tutoring program for middle schoolers with the goal of connecting high-schoolers and middle schoolers both through academics and through a supportive mentor system. We also specifically try to reach low income middle school students who cannot otherwise afford one on one tutoring.

    The Brookline Tutor Mentor program collaborates with the Brookline Teen Center, which provides guidance, outreach, and a home base for our program. Tutors and students will be meeting year round and every Sunday from 1-3pm at the Teen Center beginning on Sunday, December 9th. There are a few exceptions to this meeting time, and students will be made aware beforehand. During this time, tutor mentors will spend approximately one hour and fifteen minutes helping their students with their academic work. For the remaining 45 minutes, tutors and their students are free to play games and run fun activities to strengthen their mentor-student bond. If for some reason tutors or students are not available to meet during this time, but still wish to participate in the program, exceptions will be made.

    The Brookline Tutor Mentor Program is looking for any middle schooler who is in need of tutoring in specific areas or classes. If students are struggling with homework, tests, or projects at school, this program will be the perfect opportunity to create better habits and improve their academic strength.

    If anyone is interested, all they have to do is apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/dRTRo1mgSGhVIt202

    A Thank You, From Heading Home Senior Director of Development, Suzanne Picher:

    “As we look back on 2018, the Heath School partnership over the holidays stands out as a highlight!  Thank you for adopting Heading Home for your Community Service Club’s toy drive and for the amazing abundance we were able to share with our families as a result! 

    I was honored to be a guest at Heath and was so impressed by your students’ insight and intentionality in their comments. 

    Thank you, Heath School, for your impressive contributions to raising our next generation of leaders.”

    Check it out! New Tween Center at the Public Library in Brookline Village!

    Starting in 2019, the Public Library of Brookline’s Brookline Village location will have a new space and a new collection to offer our younger patrons. In early September we hired a Tween Librarian, Abbey Stephens, in order to better serve our middle-school-aged patrons (grades 5-7), and come January we’ll have a separate space and collection just for them. The lower level communal space, known as the Commons, will be reserved for our tween patrons Monday-Friday from 2-6 PM. They’ll have access to robust fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novel collections, as well as weekly programming designed just for them. Starting in the spring of 2019, the Coolidge Corner and Putterham locations will both have corresponding Tween sections as well. 

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, January 21st: School Closed: MLK Jr. Holiday
    • Thursday, January 24th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 25th: 5th Grade Understanding Our Differences & Similarities - Learning Unit, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am
    • Friday, January 25th: METCO Connections Event: Cooking, Staff Lounge, 1:40-2:45pm
    • Monday, January 28th: Tanglewood Marionettes Performance, MPR, 8:15-9:05am - (Grades 2, 4, & 5), 9:20-10:10am - (Grades 6-8), 10:25-11:15am - (Grades Pre K-1 & 3)
    • Monday, January 28th - Thursday, January 31st: HASAP Winter Session Begins
    • Tuesday, January 29th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, January 31st: 2nd Grade West African Drumming Workshop, Cafeteria, 8:30-9:30am
    • Thursday, January 31st: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, January 31st: Grades 4-8 Heath & Baker Strings and Orchestra Concert @ Baker School, 7:00-8:00pm
    • Friday, February 1st: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Thursday, February 7th: Grades 6-8 Report Cards Published to the Parent Portal
    • Thursday, February 7th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, January 24th: 4B Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Friday, January 25th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm
    • Tuesday, January 29th: 4OC Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Wednesday, January 30th:  4M Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Friday, February 1st: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm
    • Thursday, February 7th: 8th Grade to MIT, 8:00am-2:00pm
    • Friday, February 8th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm


    And, finally, we said goodbye to the quintessential American poet Mary Oliver yesterday. Her poems, along with the writings of Wendell Berry, are the ones I turn to when I need solace or reconnection with the natural world. As a undergraduate studying English in what felt like the middle of nowhere Indiana, I tried on all the poets and all the styles. And as I have aged, it is these straight-ahead poets and their gentle, yet soul crushing musings on the inner life and the sweetness around us that I am compelled to read and re-read.  Mary Oliver was 83. She left us with this (and so much more): “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”

    May it be so.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    January 4, 2019

    Dear Heath Community,

    Happy new year, friends!  And welcome to the second half of what is shaping up to be a great year!

    Superintendent’s Forum

    We closed this brief first week of 2019 with a First Friday Coffee with Superintendent Andrew Bott. We discussed K-8 math programming and the math program review process, restorative practices, and dug in a bit into the ongoing conversation around space and building projects in the district. 

    As for math, we haven’t, as a District, reviewed our math programming since 2004. While we as a school community consider ourselves to be math innovators, what we are doing is specific for Heath much of the time, providing a very different experience for students in different teacher’s classes (particularly twins) and certainly across the other eight K-8 schools.  Without a deep dive into math programming, we are asking teachers to be resource finders and content developers. Here, I feel extremely fortunate to have teachers deeply committed to innovative, process driven, hands-on mathematics teaching and learning – and our results speak volumes. With a program review, we can begin to align our thinking with other practitioners, creating a more universal and high-quality experience for all. This is a process we are all taking very seriously; Heath is well represented on the decision-making committees and in the decision-making process by a range of outstanding staff with deep expertise and a passion for the subject.

    Mr. Bott also spoke briefly about the BHS expansion process, sharing the timelines for building construction and demolition. We discussed the plans for rising 9th graders and the expectations for students over time. We learned about the state of the art facilities headed our way through this complex process. Hearing all of the plans for the kind of opportunities these facilities will bring to Heath students makes me feel really good about what is in store for students. All children have a right to beautiful spaces in which to learn, play, and explore and these plans help us all envision this possibility for our kids for years and years to come. Keeping our eyes on this prize will help us all manage our stress and confusion over the next two years. Stay informed, stay engaged, and stay excited! To learn more, check out this slide deck.

    We also spent time discussing restorative practices. Mr. Bott spoke about the idea that when kids feel connected - really connected - to each other, to the teachers, and to their environment, we have safer and stronger communities … with a reduction in destructive habits (like bullying, exclusion, racism, homophobia, and more).  We urge you to join us here at Heath on January 22nd from 6-8pm for our Restorative Justice Family Meeting, co-facilitated by staff from the Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice. Please consider coming. You’ll be glad you did – I guarantee it.


    As you may have seen in the news (or have heard directly from your children), vaping is a growing issue among our nation’s youth and we are not immune to it in Brookline. As this is becoming more prevalent we wanted to share this important information with you:

    Vaping Information for Parents

    There is no quick or simple solution for preventing teen drug use. But research shows parents have a big influence on their teens, even when it doesn’t seem that way. Talk openly with your children and stay actively engaged in their lives. As a part of our preventative work at Heath, students continue to learn about healthy behaviors and drug abuse prevention in health classes in the middle school years.

    Join Us! Makerspace Winter Warmer

    What? Winter Warmer - Coffee and STEAM

    When? Friday January 18th, 8:00-9:00 in the STEAM room

    You are invited to learn about the Heath School Makerspace. Come enjoy some coffee, participate in a creative and collaborative design activity, and see the future potential for all students. Sponsored by the Enrichment & Challenge Support (ECS) department, supporting all students through innovation.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Wednesday, January 9th: Grades K-5: Progress Reports Published for Cycle 1
    • Thursday, January 10th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 11th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting @ Town Hall, 5th Floor, 8:30-10:00am
    • Tuesday, January 15th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, January 16th: Freelance Troupe Performance, Auditorium, 4:00-6:00pm
    • Thursday, January 17th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, January 17th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 18th: 5th Grade Understanding Our Differences & Similarities - Physical Unit, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am
    • Monday, January 21st: School Closed: MLK Jr. Holiday
    • Thursday, January 24th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, January 25th: 5th Grade Understanding Our Differences & Similarities - Learning Unit, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, January 11th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm
    • Monday, January 14th: Grade 5 Trip to McAullife Center, 8:10am-2:10pm
    • Thursday, January 17th: 7/8 Math Team Meet #3, Oak Hill Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm
    • Friday, January 18th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm
    • Thursday, January 24th: 4B Trip to Harvard Peabody Museum, 8:15am-1:30pm
    • Friday, January 25th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 2:30-10:30pm

    Happy weekend! Happy new year!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    December 14th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    This will be our last missive before we head off to winter break. Let me take this time to wish you all a wonderful winter vacation, and – to those of you who celebrate – a merry Christmas, wonderful Kwanzaa, and a peaceful New Year. These celebrations of light come when the northern hemisphere is at its darkest. These celebrations remind us to pause, take a breath, connect with community, and give and receive with an open heart. I am thankful to be in a community that makes the space for caring and compassion. I hope you are, too.

    Continuous Learning

    This week our staff met with a facilitator from the Riverside Trauma Center to learn more about how to be a trauma-informed school, gaining the skills necessary to support our students who have experienced trauma and/or are living with mental health issues.  In our learning, we understood how to change the way we, as adults, engage with students so that we promote healing and not harm. To be truly trauma and mental health sensitive, we must move away from the antiquated idea that something is wrong with a child and move into a mindset that something may have happened to a child. Many of our community members, including and especially our students, experience toxic stress, a prolonged activation of stress without supports to mitigate the stress. Knowing our students come to us in these ways, we seek to become a more understanding, more aware, and infinitely safer school. The research shows that by creating these spaces of care, of safety, and of support that every single child can find the space to thrive. With a strong sense of safety, loads of predictability, and a belief that each of us is in control, we can make Heath really sing for everyone!

    Volunteers Needed! Alert! Alert! Alert!

    The Heath PTO wants to ask all parents and caregivers to consider donating time or tastiness to the end of term Faculty/Staff appreciation lunch coming up this Wednesday, December 19.  Click the sign up genius link below to help! 


    Pre-thanks for the wonderful spread you will be presenting the staff here this coming week!  I have been here long enough to know that what you present for us is a real and true and kind … and one of the highlights of our year!

    Congrats, Robot Champions!

    The Heath community has TWO robotics teams who have advanced to the WPI state competition. The state competition is this weekend! To the engineering crews – a team made up of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders (called Lego my Eggo) and the Pixie Stix all-girl team – good luck and do your very best!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades 6-8, Auditorium, 10:00-10:30am
    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades 3-5, Auditorium, 10:40-11:10am
    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades PreK-2, Auditorium, 11:20-11:50am
    • Tuesday, December 18th: Kindergarten Registration Information Session, Brookline Town Hall, School Committee Room (5th floor), 5:30pm
    • Wednesday, December 19th: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Staff Lounge, 11:00am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, December 20th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, December 20th: Grades K-2 Community Day, Auditorium, 8:15-8:55am
    • Thursday, December 20th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 21st: Grades 3-5 Community Day, Auditorium, 8:15-9:05am
    • Friday, December 21st: Grades 6-8 Community Day, Auditorium, 1:00-1:40pm
    • Friday, December 21st: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports Published to the Parent Portal
    • Monday, December 24, 2018 - Tuesday, January 1, 2019: School Closed: Winter Break; Return on January 2, 2019
    • Field Trips:
    • Friday, December 21st: METCO Connections Field Trip to Urban Nutcracker Boch Center, 8:30am-1:30pm

    Again, happy holidays. Be good to yourself and each other.


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    December 7th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    This week has been the celebration of Hanukkah – Chag Chanukah Sameach! Many, many, many of our students get so excited during these celebratory days: the food, the family and friends that help celebrate, the games, and presents. Each family brings their own traditions to their Hanukkah celebrations, and we get to hear all about them here at school. This excitement brings a light all of its own and it is a joy to behold.


    Thoughts from Today’s METCO Directors’ Association Conference

    Today I had the privilege of attending the 34th Annual Conference of the METCO Directors’ Association.The theme was Brown and Black Children: Hidden in Plain Sight. The onus for this theme came after educators listened to students enrolled in the METCO program who shared that they very often feel invisible in the hallways of our schools. Student ambassadors shared the need to see adults who look like them in the school, the need to be seen and heard beyond their race while also being affirmed as whole people which places value on their racial identity, and more. I have said it before … if you need to learn the inner workings of a school, understand what is clicking or what is falling short, ask a kid.

    We also had a chance to hear from the dynamic and thoughtful Dr. Dena Simmons of Yale University. She asked us to consider who we are as a nation as we experience increasing wealth gaps, increasing racial and identity diversity, increased political rhetoric that pours into our classrooms, and more. Our context, our location, and our times “shape and guide our behaviors” and also how we seek solution for emerging problems (and problems we can not predict are forthcoming). But one thing we can do to ensure our community stays welcoming and safe, no matter the times, is to know each other and make space for each of our stories – enshrine opportunities to know each other deeply. There are many ways to be visible, but how do we ensure a child is truly seen?

    Truly feeling like you belong in a community is the essential ingredient for any child’s success in school. As adults, it is what keeps us coming back to our own work everyday. When we force each other to disguise who we are as our most authentic selves, we ensure that children disappear around us – hidden in plain sight. They become psychically homeless, not at home in many communities because of the ways we ask children to assimilate to cultural standards they they had no voice or role in establishing in a school that does not represent their (our) American history or that only represents the history of Black folks through the study of slavery or the civil rights movement. Essential learning, yes – but, in isolation, learning that is reactive, revisionist, and limiting.

    Dr. Simmons urges us “to teach children to love themselves, to expose them to role models from marginalized backgrounds, eradicate false narratives from our classrooms, and to be in true partnership with families.” No child at Heath should feel like an imposter, like they don’t belong. Instead, we must allow the space for listening, sharing, and connection. Dr. Simmons left us with the quote by Mary Lou Kownaki, “Engrave this upon your heart; there isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you heard their story.” May it be so.


    Toy Drive: Thank You for Our Service Learning Club

    There is still time to donate  to our toy drive. Toys will be picked up on December 18th!

    We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Heath School Toy Drive.  This toy drive was the Service Learning Club’s project first ever! The SLC crew made signs, identified a partner organization, and set a goal of supporting children in the Boston-area that couldn’t afford toys otherwise. The SLC wants to thank Heading Home for partnering with us and making this possible! We received many toys due to your generosity and kindness and we would not have been able to accomplish this without the help from the Heath community – you!

    Some of the items we received were:

    • Remote control cars
    • Board games
    • Educational games
    • Arts and crafts
    • Building blocks and legos
    • Dolls and action figures
    • Science kits
    • … and way more!!!

    We are sure many children will enjoy receiving gifts this holiday season thanks to your generosity!

    The Heath School SLC is committed to helping kids in needs, making kids happy, and contributing to ending homelessness.

    Be sure to look for our upcoming projects and events, including a food drive, school-wide clean up, and drive to support a local animal shelter!

    ~ Great thanks from the Service Learning Club


    Upcoming Events:

    • Wednesday, December 12th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, December 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 14th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, December 14th: Providence Bruins National Anthem - Grades 5-8 Chorus
    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades 6-8, Auditorium, 10:00-10:30am
    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades 3-5, Auditorium, 10:40-11:10am
    • Monday, December 17th: Street Corner Symphony Performance for grades PreK-2, Auditorium, 11:20-11:50am
    • Tuesday, December 18th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, December 19th: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Staff Lounge, 11:00am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, December 20th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, December 20th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm




    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 30, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    I extend my very sincere thanks to all the parents who have so generously contributed their time and talent this week to ensure our book fair was, yet again, a smashing success. Hannah Parker, Gaelle From, Anne Spencer, Kathryn Murphy, and the many of you who came to help at Family Night or took a shift during the day – thank you. I am myself a book junkie (and former book slinger at Borders Books … shout out to now shuttered store #115 in Bloomington, Indiana!) and love the vibe of the school when the book fair is here. Our parent team does such a wonderful job and we are grateful.

    Please keep the book buying fever alive by shopping at the Brookline Booksmith next Wednesday night, Dec. 5th, from 5-8pm. 20% of the total sales from the evening will come back to Heath! Tell your friends!!!

    Now for some upcoming important events for your consideration:

    7th and 8th Grade Parent Meeting Coming Up!  Health Curriculum

    Informational meeting about the 7/8 Get Real Sex Education program at Heath will be Tuesday, Dec. 11th, 8:00-8:30am in the library. Hope to see a lot of parents there! Katie Goldring, our Health educator, will be able to answer your myriad questions.

    Heath Family Skate Night

    All family members and caregivers are invite to join the Heath community in a magical evening of outdoor ice skating with friends and family.

    • When: December 7, 2018, 6-7:30pm
    • Where: Kirrane Ice Skating Rink in Larz Anderson Park, 25 Newton St, Brookline

    Ice skate rentals and concessions available for purchase.

    Ice time generously provided by Heath PTO! Thank you!

    Kindergarten Registration Information Sessions

    As we prepare to welcome our class of 2032 in September 2019, the Public Schools of Brookline is hosting five informational sessions for parents and guardians looking to register their children for Kindergarten in 2019-2020:

    • Wednesday, December 5 - 8:30 a.m., Brookline Town Hall, Room 111
    • Thursday, December 6 - 5:30 p.m., Brookline Town Hall, Room 111
    • Wednesday, December 12 - 11:30 a.m., Brookline Town Hall, School Committee Room (5th Floor)
    • Thursday, December 13 - 8:30 a.m., Brookline Town Hall, Room 103
    • Tuesday, December 18 - 5:30 p.m., Brookline Town Hall, School Committee Room (5th Floor)

    These sessions are open to the general public - no RSVP required! Brookline. For any questions, please direct families to contact the Office of Student Affairs at (617)-264-6492 or email studentaffairs@psbma.org.

    We encourage families to stop by any of the sessions to learn more about PSB, the registration process, school options, application deadlines, and connect with other families. It is an exciting time for families as their child gets ready for kindergarten, and we look forward to seeing them.

    Upcoming Parenting Workshop

    Teaching Our Children to be Good Digital Citizens: Working Together to Prevent Cyberbullying and Sexting

    • For whom? Everyone! This is a presentation for parents/guardians of children in grades PreK-12
    • About what? Figuring out how to thoughtfully and safely live with digital technology is a challenge for many families today. At this presentation, Dr. Englander will discuss the myths that might be draining your parenting confidence. Discover concrete, useful strategies that will help you guide your children as they learn to use the internet and social media in a respectful and healthy way.
    • When? Monday, December 10, 2018 from 6:00—8:00 p.m.
    • Where? Brookline High School Auditorium
    • Who is leading the discussion?  Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Director of Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and Professor of Psychology at Bridgewater State University. Dr. Englander is a nationally-recognized expert in the areas of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology. This is a no-cost event open to all parents, guardians, and staff of the Public Schools of Brookline.

    No registration is required. Any questions about this event can be directed to Dr. Maria Letasz Director of Guidance and Clinical Services maria_letasz@psbma.org

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, December 4th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, December 6th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Friday, December 7th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, December 7th: Heath Family Skate Night, 6:00pm
    • Wednesday, December 12th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, December 13th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 14th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting at Town Hall, 8:30-10:00am
    • Friday, December 14th: Providence Bruins National Anthem - Grades 5-8 Chorus
    • Tuesday, December 18th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Thursday, December 20th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, December 20th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, December 21st: Grades 6-8 Interim Progress Reports Published to the Parent Portal
    • Monday, December 24, 2018 - Tuesday, January 1, 2019: School Closed: Winter Break; Return on January 2, 2019

    And, if you have made it this far, here is a gift from Southern Poet Wendell Berry:

    “When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

    ~ Wendell Berry, The Peace of Wild Things

    Be well,


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 16, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    A hearty crew of Heath and BEEP educators were able to be together, learning and growing, at the 14th Annual Educators Forum for Supporting Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities sponsored by the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress this past Tuesday.

    To start the day we heard from a wide variety of advocates and allies, including student self-advocate with Down Syndrome who shared her highlights of her life as a student. Not surprisingly, she included a wide-range of activities including theater, yearbook committee work, choir, soccer, lunch and recess, coursework across the disciplines, and swimming in her academic and social highlights. It is always remarkable to hear directly from the students we serve; as educators, it is an opportunity we, frankly, don’t get often enough.

    At Heath, we are a full inclusion school,  meaning that we do not have sub-separate classrooms for any students. That said, how do we visualize and actualize greater inclusion in our classrooms and community? I have said it before, but it bears repeating: we know our kids. AND we have a long-term vision for their success, beyond 8th grade. We seek to imbue all of our students with the belief that they matter, as humans and as scholars, and have absolute access to any coursework and any program. We keep resilience, advocacy, collaboration, and reflection as our foundations. We ask ourselves when planning lessons or selecting read aloud books, “Who am I including? Who have I excluded? What is my hidden bias?”

    As teams, we are transparent about our own strengths and growing edges. We are practitioners, not professors. We exist in real classrooms in real time and everyday are confronted with behaviors from children that we have never experienced before. In those moments we leverage our solid teacherly practices and at the end of the day we turn to one another to seek advice about how to best dig in and try something new tomorrow. We also put in the hard labor of getting smarter through reading, research, professional development, and coursework.

    And, often most importantly, we listen to families. After all, what we have been doing with one child, that family has been doing for so much longer … and deeper … and better … and with infinitely more sleepless nights. The work of uplifting any child, and particularly a child with special rights, is empty without parent partnership.

    We are thankful for the generous funding for us – 9 educators total! – to attend this conference. With the school’s Annual Appeal launching, I would be remiss if I didn’t send a shout out to our parents who give so much so that we can innovate and learn together.

    A stated goal of the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress is to expand the network of adults for whom our students can depend on, and we feel we are now better able to do just that.


    Important Notice!

    Did you lose money on Election Day?  If so, please contact the main office at 617-879-4570.


    Recap of Our Professional Day

    Last Friday was a day off for students, but a day on for staff. We are thankful for this time to be together and learn together deeply.

    During the day the Heath School crew dove into Restorative Circles (https://www.edutopia.org/article/building-community-restorative-circles), exploring this powerful way of being together, holding space to problem solve, and think differently about how each of us understands they belong in this community. By asking very simple questions – like “Share a time when you felt you really belonged …” – and telling our stories to others who are  listening deeply to our experiences, we felt very connected to one another. We were able to consider how our own experiences of belonging or not belonging translated to our students’s experiences while at school.

    We also explored big ideas like looking for and understanding hidden curriculum, intrinsic racial bias, understanding what we can control in our students’s lives and what we cannot control and how to tell the difference, and more.

    Through the magic of iMovie, we heard from a wide range of students and learned about their perceptions of how Heath is for them. Overall, the feedback was positive and powerful. When students had some concerns, they let us know that, too. It makes me proud to know we are a community where students can speak truth to power.

    Again, the time afforded us was priceless.



    Restorative Circles, From our Superintendent, Mr. Andrew Bott:

    Dear Brookline Families and Staff,

    As part of a careful review of the district’s Code of Conduct/Discipline Policy, the Public Schools of Brookline is embarking upon a multi-year effort to implement restorative practices throughout our schools.  Restorative practices prioritize healthy relationships and promote positive discipline in schools by creating safe learning environments through community building and repairing harm.  These practices have been shown to reduce, prevent and improve harmful behavior; repair harm and restore positive relationships; resolve conflict by facilitating reflection and understanding of our impact on others; and hold individuals and groups responsible for their choices.

    We have started this important work this year, and the process is off to a strong start. This first year will focus primarily on foundational education to ensure that we establish a common understanding about what restorative justice means, and how to incorporate restorative practices into our day-to-day interactions between adults and young people. We will build on this foundation in the coming years with more specific school-based professional learning.

    To this end principals, high school deans, and many central office administrators attended a training in July, followed by a second training in August which was attended by many vice principals and high school educators. This month we currently have two trainings scheduled: one for all the school counseling staff and the other for vice principals and educators from across our schools.

    While our first year emphasis is on the foundational education of restorative practices and is designed to build connections and relationships, Brookline High School opted to be an early adopter site.  Other schools, as well, have already begun sending their staff to training.  The principals and staff that attended the July and August trainings have started using the skills learned to begin the important work of solidifying relationships among adults and are applying them in practice in various ways including faculty meetings and teacher team meetings.

    Generous funding from the Brookline Education Foundation is allowing us to accelerate the number of training opportunities and provide specific additional support to the large number of staff at Brookline High School. Additionally, BEF funding is allowing us to retain key consulting support from the Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice to help ensure a thoughtful and sustainable rollout.

    In addition to the trainings, the district has scheduled community information sessions that will be co-facilitated by staff from the Suffolk University Center for Restorative Justice.  These sessions are open to all district staff, families, students, and the public so that many stakeholders have a chance to learn about restorative justice.  One session is scheduled at each school building from 6:00 to 7:30pm, along with two additional sessions that will be held at Town Hall and the Public Library.  Please feel free to attend any session; you are not limited to attending the session at your school.

    The complete schedule of these meetings is below.  The start time for each meeting is 6:00pm.

    Wednesday, 10/24/18         Town Hall, School Committee Room
    Tuesday, 11/6/18                   Driscoll School
    Tuesday, 11/13/18                 Baker School
    Tuesday, 11/20/18                 Brookline Main Library, Hunneman Hall
    Tuesday, 12/4/18                   Lincoln School
    Wednesday, 12/5/18             BEEP at Town Hall, Room 103
    Wednesday, 12/12/18           Lawrence School
    Tuesday, 1/15/19                   Coolidge Corner School
    Tuesday, 1/22/19                   Heath School
    Tuesday, 1/29/19                   Runkle School
    Tuesday, 2/5/19                     Pierce School
    Wednesday, 2/6/19               Brookline High School

    We look forward to fully implementing restorative practices in the school district in the coming years, and reaping the benefits of this comprehensive and healthy approach to student conduct and discipline.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Maria Letasz, Director of Guidance and Clinical Services (Maria_Letasz@psbma.org or 617-730-2460 ) or Gabe McCormick, Director of Professional Development (Gabe_McCormick@psbma.org or 617-730-2354).

    Andrew J. Bott


     Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, November 19th: 5th Annual Thanksgiving Pie Drive, Lobby, 7:30-8:30am
    • Tuesday, November 20th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, November 21st: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 22nd-Friday, November 23rd: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
    • Monday, November 26th - Friday, November 30th: New and Used Book Sale, Lobby
    • Wednesday, November 28th: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Wednesday, November 28th: Book Fair Family Night, 5:30-8:00pm
    • Thursday, November 29th: Evening Conferences, 2:30-6:00pm
    • Thursday, November 29th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, November 30th: Grade 4 Understanding Our Differences & Similarities, Spectrum of Deafness, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, November 29th: 7-8 Math League Meet #2, Oak Hill Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm


    There will be no message next week. We wish you a very, very happy and connected Thanksgiving!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 8, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    This past week was Diwali, the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain celebration of light and goodness, providing relief from darkness and evil-doing – a time when everything in illuminated! Each day offers a chance to bring the light and the Diwali tradition reminds us all of that possibility.  Happy Diwali!

    Service Learning Club

    This year, Heath has launched our first ever Service Learning Club. The SLC crew is really, really, really stoked to host opportunities for the community to become more involved in giving and service while at Heath. Our first major endeavor will be a Toy Drive in partnership with Heading Home (http://www.headinghomeinc.org/), an organization committed to ending homelessness in Massachusetts for good.

    An Amazon Wishlist Heading Home has created can offer guidance in shopping for toys to donate this holiday season – though we are sure families know better than anyone what the ‘in’ toy is this year! The wishlist highlights some of the highly requested items from children in the Heading Home program this year. Older children (teens and up) tend to ask for gift cards, so the list focuses primarily on toys.

    We will have the collection basket out in the lobby on Tuesday to begin gathering the new and unwrapped toys then. Thank you!!!


    Help Launch a Heath School Science Fair?

    The Heath PTO is endeavoring to put on Heath's first Science Fair for enrolled Heath students in grades 4-8 and is looking for a few parents to volunteer to be committee members.  If you are interested in helping, please email PTO VP/Secretary Masu Haque-Khan, masuhaque95@gmail.com

    As you hopefully know, Heath's PTO hosts a coffee once a month on a Friday to help keep parents and caregivers abreast of our school community's goings on, initiatives and more.  PTO Leadership sent a newsletter this past Tuesday following the November coffee sharing the meeting's highlights, but you will only have received it if you have signed up/joined the new Heath PTO website/directory.  If you haven't done so, feel free to now - please find the link here: https://heathpto.membershiptoolkit.com/heath_pto_news


    Pie Drive

    Heath’s SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE is holding it’s 5th Annual Thanksgiving PieDrive on Monday 11/19 from 7:30-8:30 am.  We are hoping to collect 250 home-baked or store bought pies to deliver to the Brookline Food Pantry which will distribute them to local families in time for Thanksgiving.  We hope you can participate!  Simply drop-off a pie with a list of ingredients that Monday morning in the Heath lobby and the Social Action Committee will take care of the rest.  

    We will have pie boxes and note cards on hand as well as on Friday 11/16 after-school to make storage and transport easier.

    Thanks very much,

    Ashley Mason

    Chair, Heath Social Action Committee


    Book Fair

    Greetings Heath Community! 

    This is a reminder that we have a number of activities planned for that week, and we need YOUR help to make it a smashing success. Below are some important things you can do to help:

    • VOLUNTEER:  Can you spare a couple of hours? A list of class visits will be available soon via email and on the PTO website. You will see when your child's class visits the Book Fair and you can volunteer to be present at that time using a Sign Up genius that will circulate soon!
    • USED BOOK SALE: time to de-clutter your bookshelves and donate to the Used Book Sale. We will start collecting adult and children books on Tuesday November 13th in a bin in the Heath main lobby. The long weekend ahead might be an excellent time to de-clutter your book shelves! Your donations will benefit the Heath PTO but more importantly help another child find their next great read! 
    • FAMILY NIGHT: It's not Family Night without Families! Please make time in your busy week to bring the family by on Wednesday, November 28, from 5:30-8:00pm for pizza and snacks, arts & crafts, a reading from our Vice-Principal Mr. Patel and... buying books—for yourself, your family, and your teachers. Food and beverages will be available for sale from 5:30 until 7pm. Proceeds will be used towards 8th grade graduation.

    GO GREEN: Please bring your own bags on Family Night and be prepared to stock up!

    Please note that Heath is partnering with a local vendor this year—BestBookFair, and, as before, 20% of the proceeds go directly to support Heath PTO.  As for the Used Books, 100% of proceeds go directly to support Heath PTO. Leftover books will be donated to a local charity.  

    For Families that are entitled to receive a gift voucher to purchase books, please see with our guidance counselor David Chaet.

    New and Used Book Fair hours:

    • Monday, November 26           1:00pm – 3:15pm
    • Tuesday, November 27          7:30am – 3:15pm
    • Wednesday, November 28     7:30am – 3:15pm
    • Wednesday, November 28     5:30pm – 8:00pm FAMILY NIGHT!
    • Thursday, November 29        7:30am – 3:15pm
    • Friday, November 30            7:30am – 11:00am

    The Book Fair and Used Book Sale Committee,

    ~ Kathryn Murphy, Hannah Parker, Anne Spencer and Gaelle From


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, November 12th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day
    • Tuesday, November 13th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, November 14th: Picture Retake Day, Library
    • Thursday, November 15th: K-6 Early Dismissal at 12:40pm
    • Thursday, November 15th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8
    • Thursday, November 15th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, November 15th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, November 16th: 4th Grade Understanding Our Differences & Similarities - Spectrum of Sight Unit, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am
    • Monday, November 19th: 5th Annual Thanksgiving Pie Drive, Lobby, 7:30-8:30am
    • Tuesday, November 20th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, November 21st: K-8 Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
    • Thursday, November 22nd-Friday, November 23rd: School Closed: Thanksgiving Break

    Enjoy the four day weekend ahead!

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    November 2, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Many of us celebrate Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, a time to remember the dead and celebrate the living. Tonight in Copley Square you can visit a public ofrenda covered in marigolds, a first for Boston. Learn more here: Boston Globe and venture forth!


    The Public Schools of Brookline is conducting its first math program review since 2005.  We are seeking parent/caregiver feedback about our PreK-8 math program and asking all parents of students in our PreK-8 schools to take an online survey.  Parent/caregiver feedback is essential to help us to understand from the parent/caregiver point of view what is working and what is not working with our PreK-8 math programs.

    We will use your responses to inform our review and to establish a set of recommendations for our committee to use during our 2nd phase of the review "Planning," which will begin in January 2019.  

    If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact Andresse St. Rose, Senior Director for Research, Evaluation and Policy at cceresearch@ccebos.org. If you have questions about the PreK-8 Math Review, please contact either Meg Maccini, Senior Director of Programs at meg_maccini@psbma.org or Kathleen Hubbard, Curriculum Coordinator, preK-8 math at kathleen_hubbard@psbma.org

    Thanks for your participation! 
    PreK-8 Math Review Committee

    Link to the Parent/Caregiver survey:  

    Parent survey for PreK-8 Math Program review 2018


    Voting Tuesday @ Heath

    Heath School is a polling place, making voting on Tuesday so convenient for you!  While we hope that so many folks will be voting on the 6th that traffic will be backed up for miles, the actual traffic additions tend to have a minimum to moderate impact at pick-up and drop-off congestion.

    We will have police presence at the school Tuesday, which is typical on any Election Day, and plenty of folks out front holding signs for the various campaigns ongoing here in Massachusetts.

    This election cycle has been pretty exciting. We are trying to ride the wave and will be hosting our student council elections in the upper grades on Tuesday, too. Perhaps you have seen the signs around the school? We are very proud of all the students who have campaigned, made speeches, and mustered up the courage to speak publicly about the things that really matter to them about our great school.


    Now I want to talk about something hard.

    It has been almost one week since the massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh. In the same time frame, a gunman opened fire in a Kentucky grocery store killing two after being thwarted from entering a predominantly Black church nearby.  We hear over and over language that belittles and vilifies the immigrant experience in our country. Day after day, we are asked to make meaning of behaviors that are often not congruent with our own personal values and worldview.

    For myself, I have recognized that I am living with a constant grief. It's like a ghost that visits. Sometimes the ghost of grief appears and I shrug it off, refusing to pay it any mind. Other times, the ghost of grief gently comes up behind me, laying a shawl over my shoulders and I am overcome. 

    I was asked a few days ago by a Heath teacher, "How are you taking care of yourself?" I had to admit the truth: I'm not doing a great job of it. (Please, do not follow my example. I am trying to get better at self-care. Really, I am … ). Instead of taking my lead, can you share with each other in your daily conversations what you do to bring yourself pleasure. Is it riding your bike to school? Is it time in your studio, making art? Is it going to the movies? Time with your dog? Building lego kits with your kids? Running? Walking? Finding a silent place and lingering there? 

    When you connect with yourself, you remember who you are at your core. You can tend to the garden that lives there, helping yourself bloom and renew. Renewed, you can then help one other person, be more present, be ready to help, and be a light unto the world.

    In times like these, we need as much light as can be brought forth. The ghost of grief is ever present – always has been, always will be. Grief can teach us so much about love and about living. The light and the darkness often go hand in hand. Don't be afraid to hold grief's hand and with your other hand lift up the light. Abide no hatred.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, November 6th: Election Day
    • Wednesday, November 7th: 8th Grade Parent Potluck, 6:30-8:30pm
    • Thursday, November 8th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, November 9th: School Closed: PD Day for Teachers & Paras
    • Monday, November 12th: School Closed: Veteran’s Day
    • Tuesday, November 13th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, November 14th: Picture Retake Day
    • Thursday, November 15th: K-6 Early Dismissal @ 12:40pm
    • Thursday, November 15th: Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8
    • Thursday, November 15th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, November 15th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, November 16th: 4th Grade Understanding Our Differences & Similarities - Spectrum of Sight Unit, Cafeteria/Auditorium, 8:15-10:45am

    Field Trips:

    Thursday, November 8th: 4OC Field Trip to Arnold Arboretum, 9:15am-1:00pm

    Now, more than ever, be good to yourselves and to each other.

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    October 26, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Election season is upon us. In grades 4-8, we are in the midst of our student council elections, fostering democratic processes with some of our most eager-to-make-a-change kids. Our students have big ideas and big hearts and are excited to vote for their classroom student council representatives. It is our hope that this engagement and sense of excitement continues as they grow into adulthood. A good opportunity to instill some of that excitement at home, and model civic engagement yourselves, is through early voting – now open weekends!

    If you have not already done so, please consider early voting.  Find your early voting site here: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/EarlyVotingWeb/EarlyVotingSearch.aspx and let your children see us in action! If not early, be sure to hit your polling place on the 6th. Your voice, your vote, matter.


    Cross Country Meet A Success!

    A huge congrats to all 90 Heath runners for their participation at the town-wide cross country meet yesterday.  We are so proud of each of you! There will be a link available in the next couple of days on coolrunning.com (the link is not available yet). When the link is live, we'll let you know.  Also, listed below is the information regarding the upcoming Massachusetts State meet.  If your child is interested in competing at states please see the information below (Please note the deadline to register is today). 

    10th Annual Massachusetts Middle School State Cross Country Invitational

    When: Saturday, November 3, 2018
    Where: Willard Field, Devens MA

    Hosted By: USA Track & Field New England
    Sponsored By: the Boston Athletic Association






    Halloween: Costume Expectations, Safety, and Road Closures

    Costumes at School

    At Heath, we do not go all-in at Halloween, though we recognize that the Halloween spirit is in the air. Individual classroom teachers determine if costumes are permitted in class on Halloween. If a child chooses to wear a costume, weapons, masks, gore, or scary things are forbidden. Truth be told, the vast majority of student do not wear costumes, saving the fun for Halloween evening.

    Halloween Candy and Nut Allergies

    Before we know it, Halloween will be here! During this time, there is a glut of candy and students are eager to bring it to school to eat.  We ask that all candy stays at home and that, in particular, candy that contains nuts doesn’t come into the building. While we are not a nut free school, many of our classrooms are nut free. Please take the time in the coming weeks to talk with your child and reiterate our needs to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy.  Gail Corcoran, our nurse, will send guidance as we get closer to Halloween. 

    Halloween Road Closures

    • Happy Halloween! For the 5th year in a row, the following streets will be closed to to cars on Halloween night between the hours of 6pm-8pm: Ackers Ave, Ackers Terr,  Doran Road, and Loveland Road. The residents of this neighborhood welcome everyone to walk over and enjoy Halloween! If you need to drive, you may park freely on Eliot St or the other streets around Heath School.  These street closures allow everyone to have a fun and safe night in this very popular neighborhood for trick or treating!  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, 

    ~ The Settlement Neighborhood Association

    P.S. “The Settlement” got its name from the original Irish immigrants who settled in the area between Chestnut and Hill and Fisher Hill in the mid-1800’s. Several of the original, modest cottages still stand. The area took on its present configuration and character beginning in the late 1890’s and up to the pre WWII period. The character remains much as it was in 1940, with its triple deckers, two families, and small single family homes. (From the Brookline Neighborhood Alliance website.)


    Wanted: Tech Consultant!

    A few hours a month can really support our PTO as we launch new and innovative tech structures. Can you help?  Please let me know or your PTO team know! 

    Upcoming Events:

    •  Tuesday, October 30th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Thursday, November 1st: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Thursday, November 1st - Friday, November 2nd : Caine’s Arcade in Grade 5
    •  Friday, November 2nd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    •  Friday, November 2nd: KC Parent Potluck, 6:30-8:30pm
    •  Tuesday, November 6th: Election Day
    •   Wednesday, November 7th: 8th Grade Parent Potluck, 6:30-8:30pm
    •   Thursday, November 8th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •   Friday, November 9th: School Closed: PD Day for Teachers & Paras

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, October 30th: 4B & 4M Field Trip to Arnold Arboretum, 9:15am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, November 8th: 4OC Field Trip to Arnold Arboretum, 9:15am-1:00pm

    Be good to yourselves and to each other.

    ~ Asa


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    October 19, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    If there is something a student, staff member, or parent needs to feel, it is that you are important as a learner … and as a human. A very wise teacher once told me that while content is so important to master, what we really need to be doing is simply leaving the child wanting more so that they come back joyfully the next day. And the day after. And the day after.  That work, in itself, is complex and worthy. It is also impossible without bearing witness to the inherent dignity in all people. We are, all of us, in relationship with one another, hyper-dependent on each other whether we like it or not. Whether we know each other deeply or not at all, any learning we attempt is without value is we do not see the human in front of us.

    The folks in the Natal Tribe in South Africa greet each other with sawa bona (“I see you”) and respond with sikhona (“I am here”). While we greet each other here with a high-five, welcome back, handshake, quick hello, or a wave, what should be happening – and is! – is the feeling of seeing and being seen

    So, when someone extends their hand for a high-5, don’t be afraid to give it your all. There is no better sound in the world than a solid high-5. The touch, the sound, the impact, that connection all contributes to seeing and being seen. 


    “One Heath” Book Selection

    The One Heath group, a group of folks – parents and staff – who meet monthly to discuss race and equity issues at Heath School, have begun our conversation this year. In an effort to guide our conversations, we will be reading So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo (https://www.sealpress.com/titles/ijeoma-oluo/so-you-want-to-talk-about-race/9781580056779/). We welcome you to read along with us, even if you are not able to come to the meetings (always announced in Upcoming Events section and on some Thursday mornings here at the school). We are excited about this book and are considering it for our second One Heath school-wide book group. Happy reading!


    Cell Phone and Media Use By Students

    A reminder: online games like Krunker and Fortnite are not permitted in the school. Children have attempted to play these on personal devices. Please know that staff will interrupt any student playing these games, or other first-person active-shooter games, in the school. Also, we will take their tech and deliver it to the office for administration follow-up.

    What are you talking about, Dr. Sevelius? I’ve never heard of these in my life. Well, read on or try it yourself, here:

    From our handbook:

    “We recognize that our students have cell phones at school. Our practice has been and remains that the use of these phones during school hours is forbidden. There are times, however, that a teacher might ask students to use a phone during class in service of learning (to document a project with a camera phone, for example) – this is rare as we prefer to use the technology we have in-house for such uses. If a child needs to contact a parent during the day, they must report to the office to do so. Please do not call or text your child during the day; if you need to reach your child, please call the office. We’ll be happy to connect you with your child.  When we see phones in use at lunch, at recess, in halls, or in class without teacher permission staff will take the phone from the child and give it to office staff to hold for the remainder of the day. Most often we will return the phone to the student at the end of the day. If necessary, we will return the phone only to parents.”


    Please join us! MakerSpace Workshop & Coffee

    Brought to you by Enrichment and Challenge Support (ECS) team - Innovative Learning for All Students


    • Where: Heath MakerSpace
    • When: Friday, October 26, 8-9 am

    Learn about the role of the Enrichment and Challenge (ECS) department in your child’s class! Find out about the exciting work being done in the Pierce MakerSpace! Engage in “Maker-Learning”! Meet Tanya Gregoire ECS Specialist and Matt Rosenthal ECS Coordinator!

    Upcoming Events:

    •  Thursday, October 25th: Grades 5-8 Cross Country
    •  Thursday, October 25th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 26th: Grades 5-8 Cross Country (Rain Date)
    •  Monday, October 29th: K-2 Literacy Collaborative PD Day, 8:00-2:30pm
    •  Tuesday, October 30th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Thursday, November 1st: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Thursday, November 1st - Friday, November 2nd : Caine’s Arcade in Grade 5
    •  Friday, November 2nd: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    •  Friday, November 2nd: KC Parent Potluck, 6:30-8:30pm

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, October 23rd-Wednesday, October 24th: 7th Grade to Thompson Island
    • Thursday, October 25th: 7-8 Math Team Meet, Oak Hill Middle School, 3:00-6:30pm
    • Tuesday, October 30th: 4B & 4M Field Trip to Arnold Arboretum, 9:15am-1:00pm


    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    October 12, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    At Heath, we want students and staff (and parents!) to know that they are – YOU are! – capable of anything. But, what does that mean when absolutely no one is perfect and no one person can be good at everything? It means that within each of us is infinite possibility and that with guidance, commitment, deep and growing interests, and the safety to try new things capabilities emerge. I often think about the Michael Jordan quote, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Preach.  But what happens when anxiety rears it head, when negative self-talk creeps in, when failure casts its pall? Then what? We offer more opportunities to take those shots. We get deeper into relationship, we know each other better, we tailor the challenge so the shot is more manageable, ramp it up slowly, foster independence, and then stand back to marvel at a child’s success … or our own.

    I read years ago that the reason the United States is not a hot spot for soccer is because we play the game all wrong. Statistically, we should be an international soccer powerhouse. I have sat on the sidelines and watched my own son in the massive swarm of other young players – I know many of you have, too. Literally every kid in my town plays soccer, or at least it feels that way. So, surely talent on a grand scale should emerge en masse with those kinds of numbers. So what happens? I hear it is because we play the game all wrong. We drill too much, getting in lines to kick into the goal or doing drills in formation. What the experts say is that kids simply need more touches on the ball, to play, to struggle, to become more and more capable in the arena. More touches on the ball.

    How are we giving kids touches the ball as scholars? Today the 8th grade spent the day in the field, gathering their own data. This morning, a crew of kids spent their time before school building mathematical patterns in the dark using glow sticks. We are bringing experts in particular fields of study into provide perspective, we are offering opportunities for service through our new Service Learning Club, we are allowing space in our classrooms to converse about hard things, and we are spending our time in compassionate communities when bad things happen. We are becoming more capable – not in service of perfection, but rather in service of instilling that feeling deep in the heart and mind of every child who can whisper to themselves, “I can do anything.”


    When Driving Around the Neighborhood…

    Please be considerate of our Heath School neighbors and obey traffic signs. Ackers Avenue and Eliot Crescent are one way. Parking is only allowed on one side of Doran Rd. and Ackers Ave. Please don’t block driveways or intersections. Let’s keep everyone safe!


    Call for a Parent Volunteer

    Do you believe deeply in rigorous, relevant, engaging learning for all students? Are you interested in supporting the Public School of Brookline’s Strategic Plan Goals? Are you passionate about furthering innovation in our schools? If you answered “yes” to these questions, we have a volunteer opportunity for you! Heath School is seeking representatives for the Enrichment & Challenge Support (ECS) Parent Advisory Committee for Innovation (iPAC).

    The ECS iPAC has representation from each K-8 school plus other district leaders. Meetings take place 4 times during the year, rotating locations through different schools or the Town Hall.

    Our meetings this year are on the following days, 8:15 - 10:00 AM:

    • Wednesday October 3, 2018 - recently took place
    • Thursday January 10, 2019
    • Tuesday March 5, 2019
    • Friday May 10, 2019

    Each school also hosts an information coffee for parents some time in the fall. For Heath, that will take place on Friday October 26th.

    This document describes the mission of the ECS iPAC in greater detail.

    ECS is for all students, and continues to focus on innovative teaching and learning experiences such as STEAM integration, design thinking, and makerspaces. For examples of ECS work in action, please visit our website http://ecsbrookline.weebly.com and follow us on Twitter @ecsbrookline.

    If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact

    Matthew Rosenthal, ECS Coordinator




    Upcoming Events:

    •  Tuesday, October 16th: Evacuation Drill 9:00-10:00am
    •  Tuesday, October 16th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Thursday, October 18th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group 7:15-8:30am
    •  Thursday, October 18th: SEPAC, Meet the Specialist Meeting 8:00-9:30am
    •  Thursday, October 18th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 19th: WL Release Day: All WL Teachers
    •     Friday, October 19th: Artbarn Performance for Grades 4-6, 9:45-10:30am
    •  Friday, October 19th: Connections Field Trip: Viking Sports, 2:00-4:00pm
    •  Thursday, October 25th: 5-8 Cross Country
    •  Thursday, October 25th: 7-8 Math League Meet #1, 2:30-5:30pm
    •  Thursday, October 25th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 26th: 5-8 Cross Country (Rain Date)


    Field Trips:

    Tuesday, October 23rd-Wednesday, October 24th: 7th Grade to Thompson Island


    Be well and enjoy this weekend with your friends and family!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    October 5, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    If one thing is true, it’s that struggling is a part of learning. A critical part of our work here is that we normalize struggle, provide the safety to make mistakes, and forgive what children sometimes feel is unforgivable. If there is a message I regularly give to children it is that everyone makes mistakes. We all get angry, we lose our temper, we scribble on our hard work when frustrated. We all say and do things we regret. We all get stuck, need help, feel helpless, hit a barrier. We all meet a task that seems unsurmountable.

    The poet Wendell Berry wrote this piece that says it more beautifully than I ever could:

    It may be that when we no longer know what to do, 
    we have come to our real work 
    and when we no longer know which way to go, 
    we have begun our real journey. 

    The mind that is not baffled is not employed. 
    The impeded stream is the one that sings.

    "The mind that is not baffled is not employed." Wow. Let that sink in for a minute. As educators, we are always seeking that sweet spot between support and baffle, leaning into what educational theorist Lev Vygotsky calls the zone of proximal development (https://www.simplypsychology.org/Zone-of-Proximal-Development.html). From PreK-8th grade, we hope students grow to see the goodness in productive struggle that moves them towards those ah-ha! moments of delight and discovery … and that they feel truly supported along the way.

    SEPAC-Meet the Heath Specialists Breakfast

    Thursday, October 18 in the auditorium after morning drop-off

    What is a Specialist?

    If your child is on a 504 plan or has an IEP (Individualized Education Program), they work with specialists in the areas of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Physical Therapy, Assistive Technology, and many other areas to hone their skills. Come meet these dedicated professionals who work with our children and ensure that all children access the curriculum and make meaningful progress.

    Indigenous People’s Day

    On November 14, 2017, Town Meeting members voted in favor of Warrant Article 20 establishing that the 2nd Monday in October would now be commemorated as Indigenous Peoples Day in the Town of Brookline.  Coming after a robust community debate, the vote to make the change was 165 in favor, 14 against, and 23 abstentions.  

    Indigenous Peoples Day grew out of a San Francisco protest against the city's celebration of the 500th anniversary of Columbus's first voyage to the Americas. Since then, other cities such as Boulder, CO have followed, along with states like Alaska and Hawaii.  As for Massachusetts, Brookline now joins Cambridge, Northampton, and Amherst in celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day the 2nd Monday in October.

    The history of Columbus Day and the movement to switch to the recognition of indigenous people is interesting.  It raises good questions about national identity, how we remember the past, and the impact the past has on the present.  The following are a couple of interesting articles that can help enrich your understanding of some of this history.  I encourage you to look at them and to discuss them at home.  We are also making time in our classrooms to discuss these issues and ideas. 

    Should We Celebrate Columbus Day? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

    How Columbus Sailed into US History (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

    The History Behind the Movement to Replace Columbus Day With Indigenous Peoples' Day (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


    Upcoming Events:

    •  Monday, October 8th: No School: Indigenous People’s Day
    •  Tuesday, October 9th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Meeting @ Town Hall, 6:30-8:00pm
    •  Thursday, October 11th: Interim Progress Reports Published for Grades 6-8
    •  Thursday, October 11th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 11th: School Site Council Meeting, Conference Room, 8:15-9:45am
    •  Tuesday, October 16th: Evacuation Drill, 9:00-10:00am
    •  Tuesday, October 16th: Service Learning Club, Room 204, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Wednesday, October 17th: Brookline Fire Annual Safety Presentation for Grades K-2 in the Cafeteria (Grade 1 at 8:30am, Grade 2 at 9:15am, and  Kindergarten at 10:00am)
    •  Thursday, October 18th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Conference Room, 7:15-8:30am
    •  Thursday, October 18th: SEPAC, Meet the Heath Specialist Meeting, Auditorium, 8:00-9:30am
    •  Thursday, October 18th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 19th: Artbarn Performance for Grades 1-3, Auditorium, 8:30-9:15am
    •  Friday, October 19th: Artbarn Performance for Grades 4-6, Auditorium, 9:45-10:30am

    Field Trips:

    • Friday, October 19th: METCO Connections Field Trip: Viking Sports, 2:00-4:00pm

    See you all on Tuesday!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 28th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    “You are responsible for your learning” is another tenet here at Heath School. I firmly believe that we can only control one thing – our own selves – and that all relationships and learning flow from that place of self-reflection and understanding.  Each and every day we are making offers of learning to our students and are working hard to hook them into the learning. A component of all lessons is helping children understand how they learn, why they learn, and to ultimately take full responsibility for that learning. We love to see them grow in this process and it is my privilege as a school leader to interact with students of all ages in all parts of this learning continuum.

    Hispanic Heritage month offers a perfect opportunity to take responsibility for our learning! There is so, so much information out in the world about the lived experiences and histories of the Hispanic diaspora. The City of Boston and Brookline are hosting tons of events to celebrate the month – a quick google search brings up art making events, salsa classes, an evening of Tropicalia music, themed days at the MFA, and more. And, turn your nightly reading into a celebration with these picture books: https://www.readbrightly.com/picture-books-celebrate-hispanic-heritage/

    The world is an amazing place and we are thankful for the riches all of our community members bring to it. 


    Parent Program: “The Truth About Vaping” Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Brookline High School Auditorium

    FREE and open to all PSB parents. Parents of middle and high school students are particularly encouraged to attend. Caron Treatment Centers’ Education Alliance will provide an educational presentation on vaping and e‐cigarettes for parents/community members in Brookline. This program is intended for an adult audience. For questions or further information about this program, please contact: Maria Letasz, Ed.D. Director of Guidance and Clinical Services Public Schools of Brookline maria_letasz@psbma.org P: 617‐730‐2460


    Homework Club Begins Monday!

    The Homework Club is a great place for students grades 4-8 to get a jump on assignments and  direct help from our talented team. The Homework Club meets after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sessions are hosted by Jennifer Harty, 3rd grade teacher, and  Kathleen O’Connell, 4th grade teacher, and our Northeastern Collaborative student, Mia Narciso. We know how much families could use a little help with getting homework done – we’re happy to help! Download an application here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/2202


    HELP! The Makerspace is looking for:

    • Egg Cartons (1 Dozen Size)
    • Baby food jars and tops
    • Empty Aluminum Foil Cardboard Rolls

    Upcoming Events:

    •   Monday, October 1st: Picture Day
    •   Tuesday, October 2nd: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:30pm
    •   Wednesday, October 3rd: Field Day
    •   Thursday, October 4th: Field Day - Rain Date
    •   Thursday, October 4th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
    •  Friday, October 5th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    •  Monday, October 8th: No School: Indigenous People’s Day
    •  Tuesday, October 9th: Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Meeting @ Town Hall, 6:30-8:00pm
    •  Thursday, October 11th: Interim Progress Reports Published for Grades 6-8
    •  Thursday, October 11th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm

    Field Trips:

    Friday, October 12th: 8th Grade Trip to Blue Hills, 8:00am-1:30pm


    Enjoy this weekend – get out there and explore!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 21st, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    As I have said before, we are a work in progress. One thing we are working on is making sure everyone feels safe and loved. It is not enough to simply open our doors and teach (the good news is we, as a teaching staff, are VERY good …). To truly feel safe and loved, our students need content that connects with them, culturally relevant social curriculums, a wide variety of staff that not only know their names BUT can also pronounce it correctly, and spaces that message that all identities and orientations are valid and real. So much of our work is done with very small children who have no idea who they will grow up to be – a part of our job is to make sure they know they can be be authentically themselves as they grow through the grades.  Safe Space stickers on all classroom doors, knowing not only the children but also their families and the complexities within, calling out a welcome to folks by name, providing fist bumps/high fives/hugs a’plenty, and meeting children and adults alike where they are at in the learning – these are ways we hold safety at a premium and message love.

    Homework Club

    We would like to offer your child the opportunity to join the after school Homework Club at Heath. The Homework Club will be available Monday and Wednesday afternoons, from 2:35 – 3:35, beginning October 1st, 2018 and is offered to children in grades 4-8. It’s free!

    Applications can be found here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/2202

    Open Houses

    So far, our Open Houses have been a terrific success.  Next week we will have more (see Upcoming Events below in red). We hope to see many, many families here for these events. Remember, if you cannot come to Open House, we are always able to talk during Office Hours or through a scheduled meeting to talk about our work here and how your child is doing. Parent-teacher partnerships are the cornerstone of our work at Heath.

    Routines & Expectations

    We are still working on our routines and expectations and will continue to do so for weeks to come. Some ways you can support the work in the classrooms is to review, as a family, our Voice Level chart, Cafeteria Expectations chart, and Bathroom Expectations. These are routines children see and learn about while in school (and these might just work in your homes as well). Thank you for joining the conversation. (See attachments in email sent 9.21.18)

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, September 24th: 6-8 Open House, 8:00-9:30am
    • Tuesday, September 25th: First Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Wednesday, September 26th: Fourth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Wednesday, September 26th: CAP Parent Meeting for Grades 1, 3, and 5
    • Thursday, September 27th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, September 28th: Fifth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, October 1st: Picture Day
    • Tuesday, October 2nd: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, October 3rd: Field Day!!!
    • Thursday, October 4th: Field Day - Rain Date
    • Thursday, October 4th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, October 5th: PTO First Friday Coffee, 8:00-9:00am 

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, September 27th - Friday, September 28th: 7th Grade Trip to Thompson Island

    And now, enjoy the Family Barbecue! A huge thanks to our 1st grade crew for hosting such a great party on this beautiful night! We see your hustle and are appreciative!




    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal



    September 14th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    To begin, it has been so great to see the school continue to come to life and settle into its natural rhythms this week. I have been reflecting quite a bit on the time I spend here during the summer (very quiet and mostly alone save my custodial crew and the school pets: Hawk the gecko and Pinchy and Snappy the hermit crabs) to my time when school is in full effect (having over 500 engagements a day with so many folks about so many things).I love both, and I think it is because I just simply love schools – their systems, their stories, their smells (even the potent ones on steamed broccoli day), the mess, and the joy. As we start the year, I am glad to be here and hope you are, too.

    While you are here, I hope you will ask for help when you need it. This is certainly something we are teaching kids to do, without guile and without shame. I read once that the words humans have the hardest time saying are: “I don’t know.” I have no formal data, but I believe that “I need help” is also incredibly hard for us folks to admit. By normalizing the need to get help and learn how to to help one another we can probably make it easier to then say “I don’t know.”

    While visiting Ms. O’Connell’s fourth grade class this week, I saw evidence that the class was already digging into ways to get help. Check out this collection of ideas and strategies:


    Open Houses

    Here again is the schedule of open houses:


    We hope very much to see you here!

    New Literacy Specialist!

    Christin Wheeler, long-time Heath Literacy Specialist, is taking on a new role here as a K-2 Literacy Coach, providing direct coaching, co-teaching, and professional development to teachers. Thus, we welcome a new Literacy Specialist to the team: Kristin Murray. Here is more about her:

    “My name is Kristin Murray and I am excited to join the Heath School Community as a .8 Literacy Specialist. Prior to coming to Brookline, I was a Literacy Specialist at the Davis School in Bedford, MA. After receiving a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Lesley University, I began my career teaching Kindergarten at the James Russell Lowell School in Watertown, MA. In this role, I discovered that I love teaching children to read and decided to pursue a career focused on literacy. In 2011, I completed a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Reading and Language from the MGH Institute.

    I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with students at the Heath School. My favorite part of my job is that every day, every year, my job evolves and adjusts as the needs of my students do. It is so incredible to watch how much students learn and grow as readers as the school year progresses. When I’m not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, and reading.”

    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, September 18th : Kindergarten Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 18th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, September 19th: School Closed: Yom Kippur
    • Thursday, September 20th : Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, September 20th : Second Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 21st : Third Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 21st: Back to School Barbecue, Playground, 3:00-7:00pm
    • Monday, September 24th: 6-8 Open House, 8:00-9:30am
    • Tuesday, September 25th: First Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 25th: Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Wednesday, September 26th: Fourth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Wednesday, September 26th: CAP Parent Meeting for Grades 1, 3, and 5
    • Wednesday, September 26th: Monthly Para Meeting, 2:30-3:00pm
    • Thursday, September 27th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Friday, September 28th: Fifth Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    Thursday, September 27th - Friday, September 28th: 7th Grade Trip to Thompson Island

    Enjoy the weekend ahead!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 11th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Today is September 11th, a time of reflection and contemplation, ceaseless news cycles, being in awe of how quickly time flies (“…how has it been 17 years already…?”), and personal remembrances of where we were and what we were doing 17 years ago today. For me, I was living in San Francisco and heard the news as I was getting dressed for work. I continued to listen across the Bay Bridge as I commuted into Oakland. I remember we went home very early that day, after having done very little work, yet still feeling exhausted. My day ended by watching the sunset over the Pacific with friends. We were pretty silent as the sun drifted down, down, down into the water. I recall NPR being on wherever I went, the constant reporting, the way everyone was tuned in. The city was on edge and still.

    17 years later. There is not a single Heath student who was alive when the 9-11 attacks occurred. Most students, I dare say, have little idea that the incidents of 17 year ago ever occurred at all. Over the years, I have spoken with many of you about how to have this conversation with your children. My response has always been to share this critical history through storytelling. I just told my own story to you. I have also told my own kids my story. When they ask why it happened, I often tell them how complicated war is, that there are people in the world who see war and anger as a way through, and that there is so much good that surrounds them, and that they are safe – that all of those things can be true at once.

    And we read books. To you I can recommend a few (because these are the books we read in my home), including:

    These are just a infinitesimal fraction of the stories out in the world. What are the books you lean into? What will you try?

    When talking about hard things, and there are many, children can thrive when we emphasize compassion, empathy, and acts of heroism. Kids are not foolish or immune – they know the world is complex. But when engaged in compassionate conversation with caring adults, they can feel safe and held in the chaos that is our world.

    Take care of yourselves.



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    September 7th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community!

    Welcome back to a school year filled with promise, challenge, growth, and connection. While there have been the inevitable start of year hiccups, please know that behind the scenes we are working tirelessly to iron out the final details and help your kids thrive right from the jump.

    Every year we strive for greatness. To paraphrase our Superintendent, it’s when students are surrounded by people who can see greatness in them that greatness truly becomes possible. Our job is to offer chances for children to unleash their greatness. May it be so!

    Parking & Arrival!

    In the mornings, we do not have spaces for parents to park during drop off and pick up. The spaces at Heath are intended for staff. You cannot park in the fire lanes in front, the bus pull-in circle, or along the school in the back lot.  This creates congestion that prevents a smooth flow in the morning.

    Open Houses: Coming Up!

    Open Houses will take place at the school on the following dates between 8 and 9:30am (K-5 open houses are usually done by 9am) and offer a time to meet the teaching team, hear about the learning opportunities that lie ahead for your children, and connect with other families. Please mark your calendars now!

    • Kindergarten - Tuesday, Sept. 18
    • Second Grade - Thursday, Sept. 20
    • Third Grade - Friday, Sept. 21
    • Grades 6-8 - Monday, Sept. 24
    • First Grade - Tuesday, Sept. 25
    • Fourth Grade - Wednesday, Sept. 26
    • Fifth Grade - Friday, Sept. 28


    Congratulations to some members of our teaching crew – Mark Goldner, our 7/8 science teacher, Tanya Gregoire, our ECS specialist, Matt Durant, our EdTech specialist, and Ceara Yahn, former visual arts teacher at Heath (now in western MA) – for being selected to present at the Massachusetts STEM Summit this coming November 14th at the DCU Center in Worcester. They will be sharing their Kinetic Sculpture Project as an example of STEAM integration and collaboration. This is an incredible honor and opportunity for Brookline educators to share publicly the rigorous, engaging learning that all their 8th graders experienced this past school year.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, September 10th : School Closed: Rosh Hashanah
    • Tuesday, September 11th: Faculty Meeting, Cafeteria, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Friday, September 14th: Principal and PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:05-9:00am
    • Friday, September 14th: Room Parent Meeting, Cafeteria, 9:05-9:30am
    • Friday, September 14th: PTO Leadership Committee Meeting, Cafeteria, 9:05-9:30am
    • Tuesday, September 18th : Kindergarten Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Tuesday, September 18th: Service Learning Club, 2:30-3:30pm
    • Wednesday, September 19th: School Closed: Yom Kippur
    • Thursday, September 20th : Second Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 21st : Third Grade Open House, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, September 21st: Back to School Barbecue, Playground, 3:00-7:00pm

    It takes a village to make a school run ... and we are so lucky to be in a community in which all the hands make lighter work. I remain in awe of Jaliz Millet (our secretary), Jurgen Brandl & Mark Power (our custodial crew), and Evelyn Petroski (in our cafeteria). Please, if you haven't already thanked them, do. Also, to the folks on grounds crew who make our school look so beautiful – bravo! We are proud of the work they all do for all of us.

    L’shanah tovah! And see you Tuesday.



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal


    August 24th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    A new school year begins before we know it. While summer offers the chance to rejuvenate and slow the pace of our lives down, returning to school offers us much needed consistency and routine. Whether you flourish in chaos or calm, or a mix of both, it is our sincere hope that you’ll thrive at Heath School.

    But what makes Heath a school where young people, professionals, and parents can thrive? It could be many things –  big school with a small school feel, the feeling that each of us is known and cared for, the schools centrality to the community, a highly professionalized and uber talented staff, safe neighborhood, a willingness to try new things while valuing tried and true pedagogies – or a combination of all of these and more. Whatever it is, folks tend to identify strongly with our school; I know I have tremendous pride in being a member of this community.  

    We are also, collectively and individually, a work in progress. We all have so, so much to learn and in order to grow, we must each understand that:

    • Struggling is a part of learning.
    • The best way to get help is to ask for it.
    • Only one person is responsible for your learning – you.

    In that vein, it is my sincere hope that this year we learn that each of us is:

    • Important as a learner and as a human.
    • Capable of anything.
    • Safe & loved.

    Every person – no matter how young, no matter how old – has a story to tell and a path to follow. On the surface, schools are the place children come to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic – and that is true, especially at Heath. But, in my mind, a good school is a place in which we gather to hear one another’s stories, commit to using those personal narratives to lift each other up, gather to learn how to become deeply human, and understand how to cherish the good each of us has at our core. I am thankful to be in a community that seeks to find the intersection between the two and works hard to do both.

    Here’s to a great new year!



    Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D.

    Heath School Principal

    Some Important Information

    When does school start?

    Please be aware that the 2018-2019 school year starts on Thursday, September 6th for grades 1-8.  All students should plan to arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m., with the exception of those arriving by town-wide buses.

    Please note: Kindergarten students have a split start. Children with last names beginning with the letters A-M start on Thursday, September 6th (with dismissal at 12:40); students with last names beginning with N-Z start on Friday, September 7th (with dismissal at 12:40). The entire Kindergarten attends school beginning September 11th for full days. Lunch will be served on this day for our Kindergarten crew, so plan to buy or bring your lunch with you.

    *On Monday, September 10th we are not in session so that families can observe Rosh Hashanah.*

    Where do I go on day one?

    Families are not permitted to enter classroom hallways until the first bell rings at 7:55. If you are early, please wait in the cafeteria.

    On the first day of school, the cafeteria will be extremely full with lots of families and students. We strongly encourage you to play on the playgrounds, wait outside on the many benches around the school, or talk with new and old friends in front of the school if you arrive before the first bell.

    Where does my student go when the bell rings?

    • Middle school: On the first day of school, students will report to their first period Thursday class, as denoted on their schedule. Schedules will soon be available in the Schedule tab of the Aspen Parent Portal. A message will be coming soon!
    • Kindergarten - 5th Grade: Please report directly to your student’s classroom. K, 1st, and one 2nd grade classroom (Ms. Arsenault) are all on the first floor. Grade 2-5 are on the second floor. There will be ample staff and plenty of families who have been with us for many years who can point you in the right direction. Remember: “When you need help, ask.” During the first few days, families can indeed escort their students to their classes. On September 11th and beyond, we strongly encourage you to let them go to class on their own.

    How can I find out more information about Heath?

    Heath has a really terrific website, chock-full of great information and resources. A few key weblinks are here:



    August 16th, 2018

    I am pleased to finally announce the new team members joining us at Heath School this fall. Below you’ll find a micro-biography written by each of our new teachers, special educators, and specialists! 

    When hiring for new team members, a process we take very seriously, we take our time to find just-right practitioners to join our team. We are confident that this new crop of professionals will add tremendous value to our collective work and vision.

    Each new staff member was hired through a collaborative process: I, again, thank the staff members, parents, and members district leadership for their thoughtful participation in our searches.

    Please reach out to these folks! They’d love to hear from you, hear about your children, and learn more about Heath from your perspective. Each can be reached via email using the following formula: firstname_lastname@psbma.org

    With excitement!



    Ms. Kelly Breen, Middle School (Grade 6) Special Education

    My name is Kelly Breen I am so excited to join Heath as a 6th grade special educator this fall! Before joining Heath I was a Special Education teacher in Boston Public Schools. I can’t wait to meet you and your children – this will be a great school year! See you soon! 

    Ms. Jasmine FitzGerald, Elementary (Grades 3 and 4) Special Education

    Hello Heath Community! My name is Jasmine FitzGerald and I will be joining Heath as an Elementary Special Education teacher. Before joining Heath I was working at Boston Public Schools as a Grade 2 Inclusion teacher. I am so excited for this next adventure in teaching and can't wait to work with the wonderful staff, students, and families I have heard so much about. A little about myself: I am a huge animal lover (especially kitties), I enjoy reading, and I love to travel. I also love learning new things (I am currently learning the art of calligraphy) and tasting different types of food. Most importantly, at least I think, I love to laugh; I aim to live by Charlie Chaplin's famous words, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." I look forward to meeting you all in the near future!

    Mr. Tim Gill, Physical Education

    (1 Year Long-Term Substitute while Ms. Ellis is on leave)

    My name is Tim Gill and I am so glad to join Heath as a physical education teacher. Before joining Heath I was a paraprofessional, a third grade teacher, and a graduate student. After recently finishing my masters degree from Boston University, I am very excited to teach physical education and be a resource for students to stay physically active and healthy! 

    Ms. Amanda Hockensmith, Art Teacher

    I am Amanda Hockensmith and am so happy to join the Heath community as the art teacher. I had the pleasure of being the long-term substitute at Heath last spring and am excited to continue my work with the children here in the fall. When not teaching, I enjoy reading, traveling, and working on my oil paintings in my Somerville studio.

    Mr. Chima Ikonne, Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) Special Educator

    My name Chima Ikonne, and I'm really excited to begin working with students and families of Health. Prior to joining Heath, I spent 12 years working in the Boston Public Schools district, teaching all grades from fourth to 12th. Most of my experience has involved working with special education students and English language learners, and I have used a variety of methods to see to it that students achieve their academic, social, and emotional goals.

    A hobby I picked up a couple of years ago is running, and I currently cover a distance of about 40 miles per week. My goal is to run a marathon (half or full) in all 50 states. Running has shaped my philosophy on teaching and learning; it has taught me that practice may not always make perfect, but it always leads to better. I know that it is highly unlikely that I will ever come first in the Boston Marathon (unless by some bizarre circumstance I'm the only one running that year), but I have set a goal to complete the course some day. I believe that with guidance and consistent encouragement, all students can achieve their academic goals. 

    I live in Hyde Park with my wife, two daughters, and a son, and we enjoy traveling and exploring cities of the world.

    Ms. Alison Kerr, French

    I am Alison Kerr and I am very glad to be joining the team at Heath School as the French Teacher for grades 6-8. Before joining Heath, I was working as a choreographer and completing a Long-term French Substitute teaching position at Westborough Public Schools. I have a dual degree in French and Francophone Studies, and Theater from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where I graduated in 2017. I studied abroad in Paris, France in the 2015-2016 academic year, and lived with a host family in the 13th arrondissement. I hope to go back to Paris to visit them very soon. I am looking forward to getting started at Heath School this Fall!

    Ms. Emily MacNeil, 4th Grade

    (1 Year Long-Term Substitute while Ms. Ouellette is on leave)

    My name is Emily MacNeil and I am so excited to be teaching Fourth Grade at Heath this year. I started at the Heath School last fall as a Special Education grad intern and later became one of the Special Education teachers serving in grades four and five. It has been so incredible being a part of the community here! Before starting at Heath, I studied Elementary Education at Framingham State. During this time, I was lucky enough to intern in various different grade levels and districts through the state. Fourth grade has definitely been my favorite! As I have been enjoying my summer on Cape Cod, I am so looking forward to meeting all of you and having another great year at the Heath School. 

    Dr. Nadene Moll, Special Education Director

    My name is Nadene Moll, and I am one of the Special Education Directors in Brookline. For the past 14 years, I worked at the Runkle School as a school psychologist. My new role brings an even broader opportunity to support Brookline students' needs, and I am very excited to be joining the Heath community in this capacity. I am looking forward to working with all of you this year. 

    Ms. Alissa Ovadia, Guidance

    *In addition to current Guidance staff David Chaet, not replacing

    My name is Alissa Ovadia and I am very excited to join your school community as the new .6 Guidance Counselor.  I've worked at Lawrence, for the past three years, as a School Counselor.  My roles at Lawrence included providing counseling, facilitating snack and lunch groups, teaching whole-class lessons focused on social/emotional development, and meeting with families.  Prior to working at Lawrence, I worked at Maimonides as the Middle School Social Worker and at Big Sister Association where I set up school-based mentoring programs in Boston and ran their High School Mentoring Program. I also have experience in an out-patient setting providing therapy to children, families, and adults.  I have a Master’s in Social Work from The University of Chicago and a Certificate in Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) from Boston University.  I am an LICSW and am certified as a School Adjustment Counselor.  Schools are where I find the most professional enjoyment and I look forward to working alongside all of you to support you, your students, and families.  I can be reached at alissa_ovadia@psbma.org.

    Mr. Kirtan Patel, Vice Principal

    I am Kirtan Patel and it's an honor to introduce myself as the new Vice Principal of Heath Elementary School and to join this extraordinary school community. Before joining Heath, I was completing a Masters in Education through the School Leadership Program at Harvard University. Before Harvard, I was enjoying my time as a middle school math and science teacher in my hometown of Chicago where I earned a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Teaching.

    I credit my entry into the teaching profession to my brother, who applied to Teach for America, but didn't get in. To one-up him, I applied, got in, and fell in love with teaching! As a result, I witnessed the impact strong teachers and school leaders have on children, families, and communities. I am incredibly excited and humbled by the opportunity to continue to bring this same impact by serving the Heath community. 

    At this point, I could share many of my values as a school leader and lengthen this introduction. Instead, I have put together a small video which does the same! I hope you enjoy it.


    I look forward to getting to know the children, staff, and community of the Heath School and help continue the tradition of excellence at Heath! To our students, I cannot wait to meet you all! 

    Profe. Marta Pedrero Motis, K-3 Spanish

    I am Marta (Profe Pedrero)  and am so honored to join Heath as the Spanish Elementary teacher K-3. I am originally from Barcelona, where I majored in Elementary and after graduated with a Masters in Bilingual Education. I moved to Boston in 2016 and have been teaching Spanish since. I am eager to share my love for learning languages and help my students gain motivation to learn Spanish by creating an active learning environment. When not teaching in school, you can also find me teaching swing dancing! Both education and dance are my biggest passions.

    Profe. Victoria Ridge, 6-8 Spanish

    I am Victoria Ridge and am so excited to join Heath as the 6-8 Spanish teacher for the 2018-2019 school year! Before joining Heath, I was working in alternative education, providing ESL and bilingual educational services to under-served communities. When not in the classroom, I enjoy performing improv and sketch comedy, traveling to different countries and meeting people from all over the world, and volunteering for various social issues I am passionate about. 

    I look forward to supporting Heath students as they develop their confidence and skills to engage in a foreign language, and the cultural competencies necessary to succeed in today's world. See you soon! ¡Nos vemos! 

    Ms. Kimberly Sontag, 1st Grade

    (1 Year Long-Term Substitute while Ms. Leo is on leave)

    My name is Kim Sontag and I am so happy to be returning to Heath as a first grade teacher. Last year, I was a second grade teacher at Heath, and previously I worked as a paraprofessional in first grade at Heath. I have loved my time as a part of this amazing community, and I can’t wait for a new year to begin!

    Ms. Elizabeth Stearns, Upper Elementary (Grade 5) Special Education

    I am Elizabeth Stearns and am so glad to join Heath as the 4th and 5th grade Special Education Teacher. Before joining Heath I spent four years serving Boston Public Schools in Dorchester as an upper elementary special education teacher. In my free time, I like to travel the world, read, and spend time with family and friends. I am looking forward to being part of the Heath team and the school’s community!


    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    August 1st, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    It is with great pleasure that I introduce Mr. Kirtan Patel to you as our new Vice Principal. We had the pleasure to meet Kirtan during our spring Vice Principal search and are thrilled he'll be joining us this fall!
    From Kirtan:

    I am Kirtan Patel and it's an honor to introduce myself as the new Vice Principal of Heath Elementary School and to join this extraordinary school community. Before joining Heath, I was completing a Masters in Education through the School Leadership Program at Harvard University. Before Harvard, I was enjoying my time as a middle school math and science teacher in my hometown of Chicago where I earned a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Teaching.

    I credit my entry into the teaching profession to my brother, who applied to Teach for America, but didn't get in. To one-up him, I applied, got in, and fell in love with teaching! As a result, I witnessed the impact strong teachers and school leaders have on children, families, and communities. I am incredibly excited and humbled by the opportunity to continue to bring this same impact by serving the Heath community. 

    At this point, I could share many of my values as a school leader and lengthen this introduction. Instead, I have put together a small video which does the same! I hope you enjoy it.

    I look forward to getting to know the children, staff, and community of the Heath School and help continue the tradition of excellence at Heath! To our students, I cannot wait to meet you all! 


    Kirtan Patel

    P.S. If you'd like to learn more about me, visit my digital portfolio at https://patelkirtanlal.portfoliobox.net/


    Kirtan will be joining us on September 4th from 4-6pm for a community meet and greet. Please come to meet him then! Of course there will be ample opportunities to get to know Kirtan and his work as we launch a new year together.
    With appreciation and excitement,

    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    June 23rd, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    8th Grade Graduation this past week was so wonderful. It was a pleasure to celebrate our new graduates, welcome families into our midst, meet many proud grandparents, and – in many cases – say good-bye to families that have been with us for many, many years. We are so proud of this class of students. They are a tender, connected, authentic, and passionate crew of students. With them, both individually and collectively, what you see is what you get. And what you see/get is really, really good. In my graduation speech I shared:

    “At Heath, we believe that we have helped create the next generation of helpers, people who will stand for what is right, make room in the circle for everyone, and contribute to the common good. Right now, these children are still very young with so much left to learn. They still need to be surrounded by helpers while learning to help at the same time. Thank you for sticking with them in this moral struggle, now and in the years to come.

    And to ALL the parents, thank you for everything you have done to bring your children to this day.  To share some words of wisdom from Mr. Rogers, he says: ‘Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.’”

    May it be so.


    One Heath Book Club

    What a great event we had at the school this past Tuesday! Over 40 people attended our inaugural whole school book club and facilitated conversation. Thank you to our organizers, networkers, and conversation facilitators! And a HUGE thanks to Liz Walker, Boston legend and Brookline resident, who lead us in a facilitated conversation around race and identity and community. Universally, the feedback was, “When are we doing that again?” With that kind of enthusiasm, how can we say no? Please expect many more opportunities to engage, connect, and explore big issues critical to understanding ourselves as individuals and ourselves in relation with each other in this complex time and in this special place.


    A Few New Hires to Announce

    Classroom Teachers, Grades 1 and 4

    • Kim Sontag, who has served as a year-long sub in 2nd grade this year, will join our 1st grade team next year while Jane Leo is on leave next year. Kim is such an exciting educator and I am confident that she’ll contribute mightily to the 1st grade team next year just as she did for the 2nd grade team this year!
    • Emily MacNeil has served this year as a Special Education intern and, later, as one of our Special Education teachers. In those roles, she did very good work for us and really showed her mettle. She is dual-certified Special Education and General Education and next year will join our 4th grade team as a one-year substitute while Ms. Ouellette continues her 2-year leave.

    Art Teacher

    While we will miss Ceara Yahn very, very much we are pleased to announce that Amanda Hockensmith will join our team permanently next year as our Art Teacher. Amanda has been with us since Ms. Yahn began her maternity leave and has shown such skill, grace, and steadfastness these past few months. We conducted a robust search this spring and met with many tremendously talented practitioners. Throughout the process, Ms. Hockensmith’s talents shown through. We are confident that Ms. Hockensmith will continue the Heath tradition of visual arts excellence.

    Additional Guidance Staff

    Mr. Chaet has been such a gift to our school and has worked tirelessly to serve 560+ students. It is with great pleasure that I announce that Heath will be getting an additional .6 Guidance Counselor in the fall. Welcome Alissa Ovadia to our team!

    From Ms. Ovadia:

    Dear Heath School,

    My name is Alissa Ovadia and I am very excited to join your school community as the new .6 Guidance Counselor.  I've worked at Lawrence, for the past three years, as a School Counselor.  My roles at Lawrence included providing counseling, facilitating snack and lunch groups, teaching whole-class lessons focused on social/emotional development, and meeting with families.  Prior to working at Lawrence, I worked at Maimonides as the Middle School Social Worker and at Big Sister Association where I set up school-based mentoring programs in Boston and ran their High School Mentoring Program. I also have experience in an out-patient setting providing therapy to children, families, and adults.  I have a Master’s in Social Work from The University of Chicago and a Certificate in Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) from Boston University.  I am an LICSW and am certified as a School Adjustment Counselor.  Schools are where I find the most professional enjoyment and I look forward to working alongside all of you to support you, your students, and families.  I can be reached at alissa_ovadia@psbma.org.

    Thank you,

    Alissa Greif Ovadia


    Soon I will be able to announce other new staff members, including Special Education, World Language, PE, and more. Please stay tuned for a longer memo from me once all hiring is complete.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Tuesday, June 26th: Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal
    • Thursday, June 28th: PSB will Publish the Progress Reports to Parent Portal for Grades 1-5
    • Thursday, June 28th: Grades 6-8 Report cards will be published

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, June 25th: Grade 7 Field Trip to George’s Island, 8:30am-3:00pm


    The end of the year can be hard, especially for our youngest scholars. My son’s last day of Kindergarten was Thursday and he was so happy for summer!  I guess he cried all Friday morning, finally admitting how sad he was to leave his teachers and friends. So, parents, be good to your kids. While they are probably jumping for joy at the prospect of summer, the end of the year is a huge shift. So, keep them close, listen carefully, and – when all else fails – go out for ice cream.

    ~ Asa

    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    June 15th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Juneteenth is upcoming on June 19th, the day the news finally reached troops in Texas announcing the end of slavery and the Civil War … two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. While true liberation remains a constant struggle, Juneteenth celebrates the possibility inherent in freedom. 


    This past Tuesday was Loving Day, marking 51 years after the Loving v. Virginia case was heard and decided in the Supreme Court, ending the ban on interracial marriage. It is also Eid al-Fitr! the celebration ending of the period of Ramadan in the Muslim faith.

    We are all kinds of people in all kinds of families bound by a shared love and commitment to one another. At Heath, as it should be everywhere, the family is core and all spreads forth from it. However you chose to celebrate your families traditions, build new traditions, and understand our collective histories, may it be with an open heart, insatiable curiosity, and commitment to serve others.


    This is the most hectic time of year, with celebrations happening throughout the school. It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. In these hectic moments, do take the time to reflect with your kids about how the year has gone and to build excitement for the year to come.

    Our biggest transtion is saying good-bye to our 8th graders, which we will do next week. While it will be bittersweet to send off the students, we are losing some really amazing parents along with them. To our departing families, and you know who you are, thank you, thank you, thank you. You have raised good kids, truly, and given so much to the school over your years here. You will be missed.


    Little Fires Everywhere: RSVP!

    If you haven't started to read Celeste Ng's Little Fires Everywherenow is the time to do it!  The first ONE BOOK ONE HEATH is on Tuesday, June 19th! Please RSVP through the link below.

    The evening will be facilitated by none other than Boston/Brookline's very own Liz Walker (http://lizwalker.tv/my_story/). 

    Author Celeste Ng has graciously offered to answer questions generated by the Heath Community.  

    Please RSVP here if you can make it. Even if you haven't read the book, we are designing an event where there will be many entryways into the conversation.

    Look forward to seeing many of you on the 19th!


    Parent Working Group: Equity and Diversity – An Invitation!

    Dear Heath School Parents,

    Please join us at a second district wide meeting of parents to discuss equity and diversity issues on Monday, June 18th from 6-8pm, in Town Hall, Room 103 (first floor), 333 Washington St.  

    At the meeting, we hope to:

    • prioritize issues and discuss strategies, including hiring, curriculum, training, students, community, and other areas that we discussed at our first meeting
    • Learn more about what each school is doing and how they are organized; and
    • Hear from Superintendent Bott about the district’s efforts

    We hope you can attend!  Please RSVP to sgriffen@mindspring.com, and please let us know if you need child care (we are figuring this out a bit as we go!).


    Sarah Griffen

    Baker Parent


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, June 18th: Wax Museum - 3L, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am
    • Monday, June 18th: Grade 8 Celebratory Party at Vine Ripe Grill, 7:00-10:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 19th: One Heath Book Group, Auditorium, 6:30-8:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 20th: Wax Museum - 3F, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am
    •    Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Breakfast, Cafeteria, 8:30-10:00am
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Graduation, Little Field Park, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Graduation Reception, Cafeteria, 5:00-6:00pm
    • Friday, June 22nd: Wax Museum - 3H, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am
    • Tuesday, June 26th: Last Day of School, Noon Dismissal
    • Thursday, June 28th: Grades 6-8 Report cards will be published

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, June 18th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Fenway Park, 9:00-11:45am
    • Tuesday, June 19th: Grade 8 Learning Center Trip to BHS, 11:15am-1:30pm
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 3 Field Trip to Plimoth Plantation, 8:15am-2:20pm
    • Monday, June 25th: Grade 7 Field Trip to George’s Island, 8:30am-3:00pm

    And, finally, happy Incredibles 2 day! It’s not an official holiday, unless you live in my house!  “Where’s my super suit?!?!?!”


    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    June 8th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    This week we hosted our annual Peek and Practice, a chance for our incoming Kindergarten families and students to come and meet the team and see the school. What a crew of kids! Already I can tell this incoming K crew is confident, curious, compassionate, and independent. It feels so good to know this is their new educational home and that we’ll be the folks that have a hand in raising them up.

    My own son finishes his kindergarten year in just a few weeks. Its a big deal. I want every kid who comes to us to get exactly what they need to thrive. My son got it in his school, our new K crew will get it here, AND we will continue to advocate for all children to have high quality early childhood experiences no matter where they start school. It matters.


    Retirement Announcement

    Our uber-paraprofessional, Susan D'Eugenio, is retiring at the end of this school year. During her time at Heath, Susan had given so much to us: dedication, warmth, connectedness, and love. She knows our kids (and us!) and they feel safe in her care. Over the next few weeks, please be sure to thank Susan for her service to us. She'll be missed.


    School Play: A Smash Hit

    You know you’ve got a hit on your hands when the kindergarteners want your autograph! A huge shout-out to our 7th and 8th graders, to Ms. Hockensmith, and to our Director Elena Maimonis for job well done. I think our Wizard of Oz has done the original proud. Thank you.

    Our play could not be possible without our parents, who worked behind the scenes, I am certain, to help their kids get here, learn lines, sew costumes, and more.

    When a school can create the conditions in which children can take risks, perform, stretch, and thrive we are doing things right. Again, our director, Elena Maimonis, did an incredible job establishing those conditions. Sitting in the audience, I felt like I was getting to know each kid on stage anew - seeing a side of them that is not always visible. It is a profound and joyful experience.

    Tony Awards all around!


    Bake Sale Thank You

    “Hi its Sonia W.,

    Thank you all so much for baking, buying and helping with my bake sale (on June 1st). I couldn't have done it with all your help. We raised over 400 dollars! That means that one kid will get English lessons for part of the summer and then his brother will get lessons for the rest of summer!




    Principal Intern, Farewell

    A note from my tireless Principal Intern, Kathy Sillman:

    Dear Heath Community,

    When I started my internship, I had a hunch that Heath was a special place. Now, I know so many reasons why that it is difficult to name just a few. This school is overflowing with passionate and dedicated teachers, supportive colleagues, and all around fantastic people. It was privilege to be in a school where students are consistently guided, supported, and encouraged to develop into the best people they can be. 

    Thank you, thank you for welcoming me into the mix, opening up your practice, and supporting my process!!

    Signing off with my sincere thanks, admiration, and appreciation,



    Little Fires Everywhere: RSVP!

    If you haven't started to read Celeste Ng's Little Fires Everywherenow is the time to do it!  The first ONE BOOK ONE HEATH is on Tuesday, June 19th! Please RSVP through the link below.

    Author Celeste Ng has graciously offered to answer questions generated by the Heath Community.  Please send your questions to Nancy Donahoe NKDonahoe@aol.com or Masu Haque Khan masuhaque95@gmail.com by TUESDAY, JUNE 12.

    Please RSVP here if you can make it.

    Look forward to seeing you on the 19th!


    3rd Grade Pizza Party!

    Today the 3rd graders ate their fill of celebratory pizza and popsicles, a way of thanking them for being the class to raise the most money for our Annual Appeal. They loved it!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Saturday, June 9th: Heath School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Monday, June 11th: Techsploration: Facts of Electricity Show for Grades 3-5, Auditorium, 8:15-9:15am
    • Monday, June 11th: Techsploration: Facts of Electricity Show for Grades 6-7, Auditorium, 9:30-10:30am
    • Wednesday, June 13th: Staff Luncheon, Staff Lounge, 11:00am-2:00pm
    • Thursday, June 14th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Friday, June 15th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am
    • Monday, June 18th: Wax Museum - 3L, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am
    • Monday, June 18th: Grade 8 Celebratory Party at Vine Ripe Grill, 7:00-10:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 19th: One Heath Book Group, Auditorium, 6:30-8:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 20th: Wax Museum - 3F, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am
    • Thursday, June 21st: PSB will Publish the Progress Reports to Parent Portal for Grades 1-5
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Breakfast, Cafeteria, 8:30-10:00am
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Graduation, Little Field Park, 4:00-5:00pm
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 8 Graduation Reception, Cafeteria, 5:00-6:00pm
    • Friday, June 22nd: School Council Meeting, Collaboration Space, 8:00-9:00am
    • Friday, June 22nd: Wax Museum - 3H, Cafeteria, 8:00-8:40am

    Field Trips:

    • Monday, June 11th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Six Flags, 8:15am-4:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 12th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Trampoline Park, 10:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 12th: Grade 4 Field Trip to Edward Kennedy Institute, 9:00am-2:15pm
    • Wednesday, June 13th: Grade 8 Trip to Food Bank (9:00-11:00am) and Zip Lining in Canton (11:00am-3:00pm)
    • Thursday, June 14th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Nantasket Beach, 8:30am-2:30pm
    • Monday, June 18th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Fenway Park, 9:00-11:45am
    • Tuesday, June 19th: Grade 8 Learning Center Trip to BHS, 11:15am-1:30pm
    • Thursday, June 21st: Grade 3 Field Trip to Plimoth Plantation, 8:15am-2:20pm


    Happy weekend and happy Pride!  See some of you on the Pride parade route tomorrow?


    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.




    June 1st, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Happy Pride!

    Today marks the beginning of Pride Month, a period of celebration for folks in the LGBTQ community, our loved ones, and friends/allies. Learn more here:  https://www.loc.gov/lgbt-pride-month/about/

    Want to know about the pride flag, the penultimate symbol of the community? http://www.sftravel.com/article/brief-history-rainbow-flag

    And this, about making the flag more inclusive: https://www.phillymag.com/g-philly/2017/06/08/philly-pride-flag-black-brown/

    The Boston Pride Parade is June 9th, a great party that takes over the city. If you’re thinking about attending this year (and it is usually very family friendly), check out the Pride Guide, here: http://www.bostonpride.org/guide/

    Happy Pride, y'all! 


    Set Tournament!

    Today completed our 3rd annual SET Tournament. Ms. Demont says, “I am always so delighted when all the kids in the school learn one game, everyone takes the game so seriously, teams come ready to compete, and math takes front and center in the school. Because of the nature of the game, children who don’t feel particularly strong in the arithmetic side of math can shine through SET’s visual-special design, allowing them to draw upon on a different set of mathematical strengths.”

    Congrats to 5T, winners of this year’s SET tournament!


    Track & Field

    This week Physical Education teachers Ms. Stewart, Ms. Ellis, and Ms. Barrett brought the 5/6 and 7/8 track teams to the town-wide meet located at Downes Field.  All students did an excellent job representing Heath School core values throughout the meet.  We would like to share with you the results.  GO HEATH HAWKS!!

    Grade 5/6 Track and Field Results:


    Grade 7/8 Track and Field Results:


    We're proud of this crew!

    Judy and Lauren

    "The Dream Team"


    One Heath Book Group: Invites Coming! Major Announcements to Come!

    Be on the lookout for a formal invitation to our inaguarl book club! This event is looking to be massive; stay tuned for exciting news about guest facilitators and more. But first, read the book!

    I finished the book last weekend and immediately wanted a sequel, set ten years into the future. 


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, June 4th: 5th-6th Transition Parent Meeting, 8:30-9:30am
    • Monday, June 4th: GSTA Fundraiser Yoga Class, MPR, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Tuesday, June 5th: Peek and Practice, Auditorium, 12:30-1:45pm, Kindergarten Playground 1:45-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 5th - Friday, June 8th: Grade 7/8 Musical Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 6th: METCO Connections Family Breakfast, Room 209, 7:30-8:00am
    • Wednesday, June 6th: Grades 4-8 Band Concert, Runkle, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, June 7th: School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Performance for grades 3-5, auditorium, 9:00-10:30am
    • Thursday, June 7th: School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Performance for grades 6-8, auditorium, 11:30am-1:00pm
    • Thursday, June 7th: Grades 5-8 Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00pm
    • Friday, June 8th: School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Performance for grades Pre-K-2, auditorium, 9:00-10:30am
    • Friday, June 8th: Heath School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Auditorium, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Saturday, June 9th: Heath School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Monday, June 11th: Techsploration: Facts of Electricity Show for Grades 3-5, Auditorium, 8:15-9:15am
    • Monday, June 11th: Techsploration: Facts of Electricity Show for Grades 6-7, Auditorium, 9:30-10:30am
    • Tuesday, June 12th: Monthly Para Meeting, 2:35-3:00pm
    • Wednesday, June 13th: Staff Luncheon, Staff Lounge, 11:00am-2:00pm
    • Thursday, June 14th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-9:30am
    • Friday, June 15th: PTO First Friday Coffee, Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00am

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, June 5th: Grade 3 Visit to Paul Revere House, 11:00am-2:00pm
    • Monday, June 11th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Six Flags, 8:15am-4:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 12th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Trampoline Park, 10:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, June 12th: Grade 4 Field Trip to Edward Kennedy Institute, 9:00am-2:15pm
    • Wednesday, June 13th: Grade 8 Trip to Food Bank (9:00-11:00am) and Zip Lining in Canton (11:00am-3:00pm)
    • Thursday, June 14th: Grade 8 Field Trip to Nantasket Beach, 8:30am-2:30pm



    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.




    May 25th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Last night I had the honor and privilege of attending Brookline’s inaugural Community Iftar, a time to learn about the holy month of Ramadan and break fast with so many members of our Muslim community. I was deeply moved to see that the event was planned by families not only dedicated to Brookline, but also extremely proud of their school affiliations. Name tags had folk’s names and schools, and organizers all shared which school their kids had attended or do attend. I felt a great pride in being from Heath, but felt so full knowing each school held a place of esteem in these family’s lives.

    I learned so much, not only about Ramadan, but about what we as a community value … and we value each other.

    I can’t wait for the SECOND Annual Community Iftar next year! If you also join, or just want to know more right now, check this out: https://www.thekitchn.com/what-you-should-know-before-attending-your-first-iftar-245656


    Teaching & Learning

    Our teachers are leading extremely interesting work in our classrooms, including:

    • In Mr. Cook’s Social Studies class, students are studying Ancient Rome through exploring 100 artifacts, a unit of study based off of British Museum’s A History of the World in 100 Artifacts (http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/a_history_of_the_world.aspx)
    • 5th graders are working on their own designs for the Brookline’s 9th school. A few asked me what I’d like to see in the new school, and I was clear that it was water slides that lead to foam pits in order the get from the first floor to the second floor. And lots and lots of scooters. And more lizards. I guess we’ll see if School Committee approves my ideas. ;)
    • A unit on oceans exploration in Mr. Miller’s 6th grade science class is allowing students to dive into what lies beneath the surface and how to reverse the damage human are doing to our oceans

    While this work isn’t yet complete, we are archiving student work on our website. Look at more student work, here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/domain/807


    Vice Principal Posting

    Mr. Smith, our Vice Principal, has been serving since his hire in an interim capacity. Keeping in line with hiring best practices and the values of our community it is important that we have a full, open, and inclusive process to fill the position permanently. Mr. Smith is well aware of the process and we will begin our search imminently. If you’re interested  in serving on the committee, please let me know as soon as possible by emailing me at asa_sevelius@psbma.org


    Reading Little Fires Everywhere?

    One Heath is excited to announce One Book One Heath which encourages parents, teachers, and administrators to come together through reading and discussing a single book.  Our inaugural book is Celeste Ng’s best-selling novel Little Fires Everywhere.  This compelling novel explores themes of race, image, identity and family, and will serve as a catalyst for discussion of issues that affect our own community. 

    We will meet to discuss the book over thoughtful and guided discussion with light refreshments at Heath on Tuesday, June 19 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. This is an event you won’t want to miss!

    Our evening will feature a virtual engagement with the author herself, Celeste Ng, as she responds to our questions and comments.  We encourage you to jot your questions down as you read.  So, get your book and start reading now!

    Please note that this is not a book group for children.  We do plan to do a One Book One Heath event in the Fall that includes students.  We hope this event can also be an opportunity for parents to model reading and questioning for their children.

    Two recent pieces that might be of interest to you as you read are here:

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 28th: No School: Memorial Day
    • Tuesday, May 29th: Grades 5-6 Track Meet
    • Wednesday, May 30th - Friday, June 1st: Grade 7/8 Musical Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 30th: Grades 5-6 Track Meet - Rain Date
    • Wednesday, May 30th: Grades 4-8 Strings Concert, Baker School, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, May 31st: Grades 7-8 Track Meet
    • Thursday, May 31st: SET Tournament, Steam Room, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Friday, June 1st: Grades 7-8 Track Meet - Rain Date
    • Friday, June 1st: Bake Sale Fundraiser, 1:40-2:00pm
    • Monday, June 4th: GSTA Fundraiser Yoga Class, MPR, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Tuesday, June 5th: Peek and Practice, Auditorium, 12:30-1:45pm, Kindergarten Playground 1:45-2:30pm
    • Wednesday, June 6th: METCO Connections Family Breakfast, Room 209, 7:30-8:00am
    • Wednesday, June 6th: Grades 4-8 Band Concert, Runkle, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, June 7th: Grades 5-8 Chorus Concert, BHS, 7:00pm
    • Friday, June 8th: Heath School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Auditorium, 6:00-8:00pm
    • Saturday, June 9th: Heath School Play: The Wizard of Oz, Auditorium, 2:00-4:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Thursday, May 31st: Grade 6 Field Trip to Waterworks Museum, 9:15am-2:00pm
    • Tuesday, June 5th: Grade 3 Visit to Paul Revere House, 11:00am-2:00pm


    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    May 18th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    Ramadan Mubarak! This week began the month-long observation of Ramadan, a period of prayer, celebration with friends and family, fasting, and charitable giving in the Muslim religion.  Ramadan ends mid-June with the Eid-al-Fitr festival.  When the new moon arrives, you’ll know its time to celebrate!


    A Message from Ms. Yahn, Our Art Teacher

    Dear Heath Families,

    I'm writing to share the bittersweet news that I will not be returning to teach at Heath after the 2017-18 school year. My husband, new baby, and I will be moving to Western Mass over the summer, where I've accepted a position teaching art. Our hope is to raise our daughter, Fern, in a smaller community closer to family.

    I’ve truly loved being a part of this community and working with your children. They are wonderful people and artists who impressed me every day with their creativity, curiosity, energy and kindness. I will miss each of them very much.

    I’m still on maternity leave, but hope to see many of you before the school year ends! I’ll be attending the Art Show and the 8th Grade Graduation.

    With many thanks and best wishes,

    Ceara Yahn

    We will soon begin the hiring process for our next best-fit Heath Art teacher. If you are interested in serving on the hiring committee, please let me know at asa_sevelius@psbma.org


    5th to 6th Grade Transition Meeting!

    We know what a big deal it is to move out of 5th grade and into our middle school!  5th graders face exciting opportunities and unique challenges and you – their families – need to know a lot about the transition, too, so that you can be a support during this time!  

    A 5th grade parent meeting is scheduled for the morning of Monday, June 4th, beginning at 8:15. At this meeting, the 6th grade team will discuss what to expect in 6th grade, and a student panel will share their perspectives on the shift. The forum should last for approximately an hour after morning drop off. 

    We'll meet in our Auditorium.


    Heath School Art Show

    Wednesday, May 23rd, 20185pm-6:30pm 

    Please visit the Heath School Cafeteria on the evening of May 23rd to enjoy the beautiful art made by our children in grades K-8! We will also have musical performances by some of our Heath students and light refreshments will be served.


    Open Music

    Mrs. Huntley and Ms. Murphy (our Kindergarten Music teacher) report over 500 family members attended Open Music classes this week! We are proud to offer such a high-quality music experience to our students and are very proud of our team, who are so thoughtful about the opportunities they present Heath kids. So glad you could join us!


    One Heath , One Book!

    I’m almost done, are you? Our book group is June 19th in the evening. Mark your calendars now!


    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 21st: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 PBT Session 1 STE
    • Monday, May 21st, Wednesday, May 23rd, and Friday, May 25th : Kindergarten Screenings, Guidance Office/Collaboration Space, 10:00am-2:30pm
    • Tuesday, May 22nd: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 PBT Session 2 STE
    • Tuesday, May 22nd: Grades 6-8 Progress Reports Published
    • Tuesday, May 22nd: Elementary Faculty Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm
    • Tuesday, May 22nd - Friday, May 25th: Grade 7/8 Musical Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 23rd - Friday, May 25th: MCAS: Make Up Testing Day
    • Wednesday, May 23rd: Art Show, Cafeteria, 5:00-6:30pm
    • Monday, May 28th: No School: Memorial Day
    • Tuesday, May 29th: Grades 5-6 Track Meet
    • Wednesday, May 30th - Friday, June 1st: Grade 7/8 Musical Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 30th: Grades 5-6 Track Meet - Rain Date
    • Wednesday, May 30th: Grades 4-8 Strings Concert, Baker School, 7:00pm
    • Thursday, May 31st: Grades 7-8 Track Meet
    • Thursday, May 31st: SET Tournament, Steam Room, 8:00am-2:30pm
    • Friday, June 1st: Grades 7-8 Track Meet - Rain Date
    • Friday, June 1st: Bake Sale Fundraiser, 1:40-2:00pm

    Field Trips:

    • Tuesday, May 22nd: Grade 3 DPW Open House Field Trip




    Dr. Asa C. Sevelius, Ed.D.



    May 11th, 2018

    Dear Heath Community,

    What an amazing May Fair we had last Saturday! I am still riding high on the joy that engulfed our wonderful community and the “all hands on deck” approach to making the day happen. Thank you again to the families that did all the work, from the heavy lifting to the tiny details, to make this tradition so robust and satisfying. My own children love the day, look forward to it, and feel so safe and welcome while they are here. It means a lot to me to belong to a community that makes space for everyone. Plus, I have been able to show off my new Pikachu keychain all week and tell kids I won it myself (no help!) at May Fair.

    One Heath , One Book!

    I’m almost done, are you? Our book group in June 19th in the evening. Mark your calendars now!


    One more time, with gusto! Dressing for the Spring Weather: Dos and Don’ts

    Spring has finally arrived and with it comes the hot weather. Parents, before your students leave the school will you make sure they are dressed for the day ahead? While filp flops and sandals keep feet cool, they are very hard to run in. Shorts, shirts, and skirts should not be excessively revealing, with midriffs and shoulders covered. And we recognize that in the stores it is hard to find shorts that go to the knees for anyone. Please, make sure that shorts are not so short or so baggy that underwear is exposed.  We thank you!

    A Shout Out

    Have you noticed how beautiful our school grounds are?  This doesn’t happen by magic. When you see Jurgen or Mark, our custodians, thank them. When you see the Town of Brookline crew taking care of our lawns and flowers, send a shout out. The magic is actually good, old fashioned hard work and care. Thanks to these folks!

    Upcoming Events:

    • Monday, May 14th - Friday, May 18th: MCAS: Make Up Testing Day
    • Monday, May 14th: 3H Open Music Class, Music Room, 9:25-10:05am
    • Monday, May 14th: 1R Open Music Class, Music Room, 10:15-10:55am
    • Monday, May 14th: 1L Open Music Class, Music Room, 12:40-1:20pm
    • Tuesday, May 15th: 2SO Open Music Class, Music Room, 9:30-10:10am
    • Tuesday, May 15th: 4K Open Music Class, Music Room, 10:45-11:30am
    • Tuesday, May 15th - Friday, May 18th : Grade 7/8 Musical Rehearsals, Auditorium, 3:00-5:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: Grades K-4 Community Day Assembly, MPR, 8:15-8:35am
    • Wednesday, May 16th: 4B Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:40-9:25am
    • Wednesday, May 16th: KF Open Music Class, Auditorium, 11:20am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: KC Open Music Class, Auditorium, 12:30-1:10pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: 2D Open Music Class, Music Room, 12:55-1:35pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: KBK Open Music Class, Auditorium, 1:20-2:00pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: 3L Open Music Class, Music Room, 1:50-2:30pm
    • Wednesday, May 16th: Grades 5-8 Community Day Assembly, Auditorium, 2:00-2:30pm
    • Thursday, May 17th: Parent/Teacher “One Heath” Educational Equity Group, Collaboration Space, 7:15-8:30am
    • Thursday, May 17th: 4OC Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:40-9:25am
    • Thursday, May 17th: 1C Open Music Class, Music Room, 12:40-1:20pm
    • Friday, May 18th: 3F Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:05-8:45am
    • Friday, May 18th: 2S Open Music Class, Music Room, 9:25-10:05am
    • Monday, May 21st: MCAS: Grades 5 & 8 PBT Session 1 STE
    • Monday, May 21st - Friday, May 25th : Kindergarten Screenings, Guidance Office/Collaboration Space, 10:30am-2:15pm


    It is good to have so many reasons to celebrate together. Sunday offers a chance to celebrate our mother’s and motherhood. Recognize and accept, first and foremost, that parenting is hard. Please, whether you are a single mother, one o