• Girls On the Run

    Girls On The Run (grades 3-5) and Heart and Sole (grades 6-8) aim to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Over the course of the program, girls will: develop and improve competence, feel confidence in who they are, develop strength of character, respond to others and oneself with care and compassion, create positive connections with peers and adults and make a meaningful contribution to community and society. Such life skills will prevent unhealthy and risky behaviors, such as physical inactivity and negative body image, and promote positive health outcomes (e.g., physical, mental, social and spiritual health).

    The fall season runs from September through late November, with a program- and state-wide 5K in early November. The spring season runs from March through June, with the program- and state-wide 5K in early June. The program meets twice a week for 10 weeks, right after school at Pierce for 90 minutes, led by teacher coaches. 

    In the meantime, if you have any questions, please reach out to our head coach, Sandra Sicard.