Justice, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity

  • Welcome!

    We are a volunteer group of Florida Ruffin Ridley (FRR) families working to promote justice and inclusion in celebration of the diversity in our school community.

    The Florida Ruffin Ridley (FRR) Equity Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a volunteer group of FRR families interested in fostering equity work in our school community, including issues of racial and social justice, inclusion, and diversity of backgrounds, abilities, and identities. We are partnered with the FRR Staff Access & Equity Team and aim to complement and support their work.

    The Equity PAC works alongside school teachers and the PTO to center conversations of equity in our community. Last year, we started the Florida Ruffin Ridley Readers & Leaders, a weekly Wednesday night story time featuring FRR student readers as well as special guests. We hope you are able to join us at our for a story time or another Equity PAC event throughout the year.

    For more information, and to join our work, please visit our website: