Scratch Games
Kiddle - Safe visual search for kids
Thinking Blocks - Solving word problems
Addition and Subtraction
Math Flashcards - Choose addition or subtraction facts; includes one, two and three digit practice.
Multiplication and Division
Concentration - Match numbers, shapes, fractions, or multiplication facts to equivalent representations.
Factor Game - a fun, interactive game that exercises your factoring ability.
Product Game- a fun, interactive game that exercises your skill with factors and multiples.
Multiplication Hidden Picture - Match the problem to the number to reveal a hidden picture. One digit by two digit problems.
Math Flashcards - Choose multiplication or division facts; includes one, two and three digit practice.
Social StudiesExplorers
Native Americans
Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryUnited States
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Canadian Geography Quizzes - practice with different levels of difficulty
Canadian Provinces - time yourself by identifying provinces and territories
SciJinks: It's all about weather!
Science Kids: Weather for Kids
Remember to keep your fingers on home row when you practice! (asdf jkl;)Alphabetic Rain
Free Typing Games
Bubbles Typing GameImages
Copyright-friendly Collections
Photos for Class - Age appropriate images, with automatic citation within Creative Commons
Pics 4 Learning - This collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers. (Grades 1-8)