Early Intervention Programs
For Children Ages 0-3:Early Intervention programs provide services to children, birth - 3 years, who have a developmental delay or may be at risk for delays. Services include assessments, home visiting, group and family support. Early Intervention Programs are accredited by the state Department of Public Health and are paid for by the family’s insurance and/or by the Department of Public Health.Starting at 2 years and 6 months:Once a child with special needs turns three years of age, they are eligible for services through the Public Schools of Brookline (PSB). You can contact PSB as your child approaches 2 ½ years of age to begin the transition process. For information, call Sarah Moynihan, Brookline Early Childhood Intake Team Facilitator. She may be reached at sarah_moynihan@psbma.orgor 617-713-5473. Program PhoneNumberWebsite Bay Cove Early Intervention 617 371-3000https://www. baycovehumanservices.org/ early-intervention Boston Children's HospitalEarlyIntervention617 919-7872 https://www.childrenshospital. org/programs/early- intervention CriterionEarlyIntervention617 469-3080 Dimock EarlyIntervention617 442-1870Thom Metro EarlyIntervention617 383-6522