• ParentChild+

    ParentChild+ is a two-year home visiting, risk prevention program for low-to-moderate income, culturally diverse families with young children living in Brookline.  The program models for parents how a child learns through play. The focus of ParentChild+ is to prepare young children to enter school “ready to learn.” 
    Home visitors meet with ParentChild+ families for 30 minute sessions twice weekly for a two year period.  Using high quality books and toys that are given as gifts to the family. Parents experience the joy and value of reading, talking and playing with their children and discover their role as their children’s first and most important teachers. All visits take place in the home environment and are scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient to the family and home visitor, so that moms and dads who are working, in school, or in a training program can participate.
    Funding for ParentChild+ is through the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) Grant awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, the Community Block Grant, and generous contributions by the Brookline Community Foundation and private donors.
    For more information about ParentChild+, email matina_lang@psbma.org