
  • BEEP curriculum is theme based, building upon the needs, strengths and interests of the children, while targeting individual goals and objectives. The classrooms are organized to support a variety of learning styles through the use of interest centers. These centers provide focus for activities that actively engage children and align with the state and national curriculum standards.

    Interest Centers

    ♦ Library / Quiet Reading
    ♦ Literacy / Writing
    ♦ Blocks
    ♦ Sociodramatic Play ( the "House Area" - pretend play with peers)
    ♦ Science / Discovery 
    ♦ Table Games (math, puzzles, and perceptual materials/games)
    ♦ Construction Toys
    ♦ Computer
    ♦ Art / Easel
    ♦ Sensory / Sand and Water 


    There are two critical points in understanding and implementing the curriculum:

       1)  Young children learn through play and need to be provided with many varied opportunities to explore and experiment with materials through hands-on activities in their natural environment.
       2)  Through play experiences, young children continually refine their skills and understanding. Teachers observe children's play and provide new stimulation and challenges over the course of the school year.
    The following aspects are crucial in making the BEEP classrooms work for the wide range of students they serve:
    • Low pupil-teacher ratio
    • Reduced class size
    • Appropriate balance of each group (age, gender, individual needs)
    • Specialists' support and consultation
    • Professional development, supervision and consultation
  • The Daily Schedule

    The day is paced according to a daily schedule. The day provides for large group, small group and individual activities. The schedule provides for a balance of active and quieter periods, teacher initiated and child initiated activities. A consistent daily schedule gives the children a sense of security and order.

    Meeting Individual Needs

    Our teachers are trained to meet the needs of diverse learning styles and offer multi-sensory activities to help students achieve their individual goals. A variety of instructional groupings, strategies and adaptations are employed throughout the day. The composition of students and number of staff assigned to classrooms are carefully designed to ensure individual students the outreach and support required for their successful participation in each day's activities.


    BEEP has made literacy a priority and has aligned it with the kindergarten learning expectations, the policies of the National Association for the Education of Young Children on emergent literacy and the International Reading Association and emerging literacy.
    Hallmarks of the early childhood BEEP classroom:
    • A language-, print- and math-rich environment.
    • Use of visual cues with pictures and print to depict the daily routine, label interest centers and materials, and illustrate the sequence of a task/activity. 
    • Use of classroom libraries, big books, and listening centers with books and tapes.
    • Literacy Centers with writing materials where children experiment with print, writing, drawing and story telling.
    • Class books and individual books created from the children's own storytelling.