Welcome to the Lawrence P.E. page! The P.E. staff works closely together to deliver a fun, active and safe physical education learning environment for all K-8 students! Our goals align with the Town of Brookline, the State of Massachusetts and the National Physical Education Learning Standards. Overall, we use multiple teaching strategies to deliver activities that are age and developmentally appropriate with a focus starting from spatial awareness and locomotion to fundamental skills to specialized skills, while simultaneously addressing physical fitness and social skills.
PE and Health Team
PE and 7th & 8th Health: Kate Goldring
email: kate_goldring@psbma.orgPE and 7th Health: Colin King
email: colin_king@psbma.orgPE and 8th Health: Jon Mastroiani
email: jon_mastroiani@psbma.org
Fall: Space Awareness, Movement Concepts, Foot-Eye Skills, Levels, Pathways, Evasion Games, Rolling, Throwing, Tossing
Winter: Net Games, Rhythms, Hand-Eye Striking, Yoga, Gymnastics, Group Cooperation, Spatial Orientation
Spring: Striking with implements, Jump Rope For Heart, Tennis, Four/Two-Square, Lacrosse3rd
Fall: Space Awareness, Movement Concepts, Foot-eye ball skills, Agility, Recess Games, Basketball, and Team Handball
Winter: Net Games, Rhythms, Hand-Eye Striking, Yoga, and Gymnastics
Spring: Striking with Implementations, Jump Rope For Heart, Tennis, Four-Square, and Lacrosse4th-5th
Fall: Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Adventure Games, Football
Winter: Rhythms, Fitness, Modified Volleyball, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Gymnastics, and Yoga
Spring: Lacrosse, Tennis, Jump Rope For Heart, Track and Field, Striking with Implements, and Field Day Games6th-8th
Fall: Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Ultimate Frisbee, Football, and Adventure Games
Winter: Rhythms, Fitness Gram, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Gymnastics, Yoga, and Volleyball
Spring: Lacrosse, Tennis, Softball, Track and Field