• MAIN OFFICE: 617-879-4300
    ATTENDANCE: 617-879-4343 (voicemail only)

    Vanessa Bilello, Principal: 617-879-4303

    Dominique Ferdinand, Vice Principal (K-2): 617-879-4305
    Laura Horst, Vice Principal (3-5): 617-879-4372
    Madeline Billiel, Secretary: 617-879-4301
    Isabel Jones, Office Aide: 617-879-4302
    Hillary Janowski, Nurse: 617-879-4304
    Shannon Loughnane, Nurse: 617-879-4304

    Aleman, Joel: Custodian
    Almeda, Monica: Special Ed. Paraprofessional
    Alper, Kirsten: Technology, 617-879-4306
    Alvarado, Tanya: Spanish, 617-879-4330
    Arthur, Usha: K-3 Learning Center, 617-879-4350
    Ashley, Brigie:
    2A, 617-879-4382
    Margaret: 6A and 6th Grade ELA, 617-879-4349
    Baird-Francescone, Bridget: Special Education Team Facilitator
    Berg-Pappert, Natalie: Grade KO Paraprofessional
    Bishop, Nina: Conservatory Grade 4
    Bjornson, Hannah: 7B and 8th Grade ELA, 617-879-4355
    Blackman-Brown, Dana: Special Ed Grades 6-8, 617-879-4356
    Bogdanov, Tova: Special Ed Grades 5-7, 617-879-4347
    Boyington, Elena: Grade 5, 617-879-4326
    Brandl, Jurgen: Custodian, 617-879-4378
    Burdy Kaufman, Megan: Art, 617-879-4386
    Buttler, Jack: Special Ed Paraprofessional
    Capodilupo, Nadeline: Special Ed. Paraprofessional
    Carpenter, Nora: KC, 617-879-4388
    Caruso, Deborah: Occupational Therapy, 617-879-4362

    Centore, Molly: 4MC, 617-879-4385
    Chieng, Rebecca: Special Ed. Paraprofessional K-3
    Cunha-Cardoso, Karla: 4C, 617-879-4387
    Currle, Suzanne: 1C, 617-879-4313

    Deily, Charles: 8D, 7B and 8th Grade Math, 617-879-4354
    Demarco Olivia: K-3 Paraprofessional
    Demsey, Jill: K-2 Literacy, 617-879-4333
    De Pons, Sarah: Adjustment Counselor, 617-879-4320
    Dubrow, Jessica  (4-5) Special Educator: 617-879-4376
    Dudas, Henrietta: 4-5 Paraprofessional 617-879-4376
    Edward, John: 6-8 Paraprofessional 617-879-4351
    Egna, Shannon: 5E, 617-879-4326

    Fell, Steve: Conservatory
    Fennell, Spohie: Special Ed. Paraprofessional
    Ferguson, John: Conservatory
    Flegenheimer, Susan: Speech and Language 4-8, 617-879-4360
    Gannon-Steckloff, Keryn: 2GS, 617-879-4318
    Gardiner, Mary: LEDP Director, 617-879-4379
    Gokita, Yuki: 1L Paraprofessional, 617-879-4315
    Goldring, Kate: 7-8 Health, 617-879-4386
    Gonzalez, Xiomara: Cafeteria
    Gordon, Jessica: KG, 617-879-4311
    Grenzeback, Katie: Math Specialist, 617-879-4321
    Hardy, Emily: Conservatory
    Hollander, Kate: 8H and 7B & 8th Grade History, 617-879-4353
    Huang, Quhao:  Paraprofessional, 617-879-4347
    Ito, Kanako: 1P Paraprofessional, 617-879-4317
    Johnson, Erica: Cafeteria
    Jung, Yuomi: Paraprofessional KP
    Kale, Mari: ELE Teacher, 617-879-4319
    Kawai-Marbet, Akiko  (1-3) English Language Educator: 617-879-4374
    Kelly, George: Custodian, 617-879-4378
    Kimbro, Maya: 1C Paraprofessional 617-879-4313
    King, Colin: 7th PE and Health, 617-879-4367
    Klump, Anastasia: Special Ed. Paraprofessional
    LaRiccia, Vicki: 6-8 Learning Center, 617-879-4351
    Layne, Casey: KG Paraprofessional, 617-879-4311
    Lew, Caroline: 4MC Paraprofessional, 617-879-4385
    Lieberman, Joanna: 1L, 617-879-4315
    Linhart, Melodie: Music, 617-879-4331
    Mackenzie, Kevin: 6M Social Studies, 617-879-4328
    Manganiello, Rachel: Cafeteria, 617-879-4310
    Martinez, Shaina  (6-8) Guidance: 617-879-4342
    Mastroianni, Jon: 8th Health and PE, 617-879-4367
    Mastroianni, Mary Lee: 3M, 617-879-4322
    Mazzeo, Samantha: Guidance 3-5, 617-879-4381
    McGaughey, Jennie: Paraprofessionsal 1O
    McGraw, Katy:
    Math Specialist, 617-879-4321
    Mercer, Debbie: 5M, 617-879-4325
    Migliozzi, Grace: K-3 Special Ed. Teacher, 617-879-4336
    Miller, Lara: 7LM, ELA and Social Studies
    Monahan, Meaghan: K-2 Guidance, 617-879-4341
    Moodie, Christine: 7M and 7th Math and Science
    , 617-879-4359
    Morin, Russ: K-3 Speech and Language, 617-879-4345
    Muendel, Dianne: 3-8 Literacy Coach, 617-879-4333
    Murphy, Erin: Music, 617-879-4356
    Murray, Jenna: 5&6 Special Ed. Teacher,  617-879-4347
    Nacht, Rachel: 4-5 Special Ed. Teacher, 617-879-4376
    Naryshkova, Irina: Conservatory
    Nguyen, Katherine: 5N, 617-879-4338
    Nicholson, Kayla: K-3 ELE Teacher, 617-879-4319

    Olafsson, Sarah: 1O, 617-879-4314
    Ostreicher, Daniela: KO, 617-879-4369
    Page, Jacob: METCO Adjustment Counselor, 617-879-43452
    Park, Jenny: KP, 617-879-4312
    Penta, Emily: 3P, 617-879-4324
    Perakis, Cara: 1P, 617-879-4317
    Pineault, Heather: French, 617-879-4380
    Preston, Riley: Special Ed. Paraprofessional 
    Robichaud, Abi: Art, 617-879-4335
    Robinson, Kaitlin: 6-8 Spanish, 617-879-4329
    Rollins, Brendan: METCO Lianson, 617-879-4352
    Rossi, Charlotte: 3R, 617-879-4337
    Sammy, Tiffany: Conservatory
    Sanders, Jen:  Librarian, 617-879-4355
    Sank, Sofia: 1C Paraprofessional
    Sayangai, Anna: School Psychologies, 617-879-4361
    Smid, Lora: 6S and 6th Grade Math, 617-879-4348
    Stone, Rick: Conservatory
    Su, Yan: 6YS and 6th Grade Science, 617-879-4365
    Thompson, Abby: 2T, 617-879-4318
    Trudo, Jill: KC Paraprofessional
    Tully, Pam: 1-5 Literacy Specialist, 617-879-4333
    Vebber, Erin: Behavior Specialist, 617-879-4345
    Vish, Willa: Grade 8C and Science 7&8, 617879-4365
    Ward, Jeremy: 3W, 617-879-4323
    Weinberger, Jon: 4W, 617-879-4389
    Wen, Nana: 2W, 617-879-4377
    Wolff, Sarah: 5-8 ELE Teacher, 617-879-4334
    Xhoja, Elton: Conservatory