• Volleyball

    Extramurals is a league designed for 7th and 8th graders to compete against the other Brookline Elementary schools. 
    All students who are interested in being part of the Lawrence School team should try out.  Students do not need to have past volleyball experience.  The goal is to create an opportunity for students to be active, be part of a team and learn the basic skills, rules and strategies of volleyball.

    Dates: mid-September to mid-November
    Practices/Games: All games will be held on Wednesday and practice day will be determined by the coach.
    Size of Team: 16 (two try-outs prior to season to determine team).
    Expectations: Students interested in competing and representing the Lawrence School must obide by and sign the Lawrence Contract.
    Registration: Need to register online at https://www.familyid.com and submit a physical prior to tryouts.
    Concussion course:  ALL coaches, coordinators, players and parents must complete the online concussion course.  The course is free and takes about 30 minutes. http://www.nfhslearn.com/electiveDetail.aspx?courseID=15000
    Cost: $85.00, scholarships are available.
    Schedule: A practice and game schedule will be provided by the coach.