The Library Department provides intellectual and physical access to information in all formats. Each library procures and processes print and non-print materials, maintains audio-visual equipment, subscribes to on-line databases, and functions as the school-based information center. Library collections and instruction are integrated into the curriculum and teach students strategies to access and evaluate information sources and technologies.
Librarians organize school-based reading events, author visits, public library orientation, student and parent book groups and media literacy classes. Librarians and instructional staff collaborate on collection development that supports the curriculum, enriches instruction for all learners, and develops an appreciation for life-long learning.
Library Address Phone (617) Fax (617) Librarian(s) Sylvia K. Burack Library,Brookline High School115 Greenough Street, Brookline, MA 02445 713-5029 713-5030 Ann Collins
Bridget Knightly
Shelley MainsBHS @ OLS (9th Grade Campus)194 Boylston Street, Brookline, MA 02445 713-5478 Maura McGill Edith C. Baker Library,Baker School205 Beverly Road Brookline, MA 02467 879-4516 879-4505 Dominique Gonyer Jerry Kaplan Library,Florida Ruffin Ridley School345 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 02446 879-4444 730-2475 Julie Seifert Michael Driscoll Library,Driscoll School64 Westbourne Terrace, Brookline, MA 02446 879-4260 739-7502 Anne Reid Heath Library,Heath School
100 Eliot Street Brookline, MA 02467879-4546 739-7570 Lindsay Anderson Amos A. Lawrence Library,Lawrence School27 Francis Street, Brookline, MA 02445 879-4380 879-4390 Jennifer Sanders Barbara J. Shea Library,Lincoln School19 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA 02445 879-4616 739-7505 Deborah Abner John Pierce Library,Pierce School50 School Street, Brookline, MA 02445 730-2586 264-6468 Amanda Kretschmar Martin Sleeper Library,Runkle School50 Druce Street, Brookline, MA 02445 879-4678 739-7675 Colleen Carney