
  • The Transportation Team coordinates regular pupil transportation for all eligible public school pupils who reside 1 1/2 miles or more in walking distance from their regular assigned school and all English Language Learner and Special Education transportation as approved by the School Committee or required by the State Department of Education. Eastern Bus Company operates the four (4) yellow school buses for home to school, athletic, and field trips.

    RSC Transportation operates the in-town and out-of-town student services transportation. In addition, RSC operates bus routes that are difficult to service with a yellow school bus.

South Brookline BHS Bus Info:

  • Residents of the Baker and Hayes School zones attending BHS are invited to participate in a free transportation service to and from BHS. In order to efficiently offer service, we hope to be able to determine consistent use to determine how many buses are regularly needed. Participation and use of the bus will require registration and survey response responses from families.  

    The pickup and drop off times will be determined after registration is closed and we know how many students will be riding the bus. Bus stops are expected to cover those living in approximately a 0.34 mile radius or less. There are two arrival times and two dismissal times for this program.

    Early AM Arrival - 7:05-7:10 (before Z Block)
    AM arrival – BHS-8:05-8:10
    Regular Departure – Buses Depart BHS at 3:00-3:05 
    Late PM Departure – Buses Depart BHS at 4:00-4:05 

South Brookline BHS Bus Registration link

  • Students that will be attending BHS for the 2024-25 school year, who reside in South Brookline and are more than 1.5 miles from BHS are eligible for transportation to and from BHS. Please inform the PSB Transportation Office of your plans to utilize school bus service for your child(ren) here at the South Brookline BHS Bus Registration link.