Archived Program Reviews


    Program Review Schedule


    All curriculum areas and several program areas are currently engaged in the Program Review process. Most programs are in the Implementation and Review phases of Round One of the process.


    Program Review 2.0

    • Pre-K to 8th Grade Mathematics, began January 2018
    • Enrichment and Challenge Support Program, completed June 2015

    2006 - 2013:  Program Review 1.0

    • Mathematics, began September 2006
    • Visual Arts, began September 2007
    • Science, began February 2008
    • English Language Arts, began September 2008
    • Physical Education/Health Education, began September 2008
    • Social Studies, began September 2009
    • Performing Arts, began January 2010
    • Special Education Program, began March 2010
    • English Language Learner (ELL) Program, began September 2010
    • Career and Technical Education Program, began September 2013


  • The Process

    The Program Review process involves four phases. Here's a link to the comprehensive view of the process. You can find an overview of the process below:

    Phase I: Study

    Assess the current state of the program. Create a vision for the future. Determine areas of strength and areas for
    improvement and begin to plan how to address them.

    Phase II: Plan

    Create a plan to address the areas for growth and improvement.

    Phase III: Implement

    Put the plan (strategies/actions for continuous improvement) into place with sufficient resources and professional development.

    Phase IV: Review

    Review the process. Check on the progress of the implementation plans. Collect data on the indicators of success.
    The work of Program Review for each program/curriculum area is carried out by a committee comprised of teachers, parents, and administrators, led by the Director of Program Review and the curriculum/program coordinators for the program under review. Updates on committee work are regularly given to the Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning. Reports on Phase I and Phase II are presented to the School Committee. All reports are published on the Public Schools of Brookline website.
    The Program Review process is also used to examine topics that cut across all program and curriculum areas, schools, and grade levels. For example, an Out-of- School Time Program Review Committee looked at the K-8 afterschool and summer program options available to students and families.