Business Operations

  • The Business Operations provides financial management for the School Department including the development of financial policies and procedures; acting as fiscal agent for all external funds; procurement; accounting and accounts payable.


    Administrative Manual

    One responsibility of public sector employees is accountability for the resources and procedures we use in our work. Our responsibilities range from arranging for student transportation, through requesting CORI reports for prospective volunteers, to expending funds on textbooks or workshops. The purpose of this manual is to explain and clarify procedures, to provide direction and to provide the forms necessary for taking action. The Administrative Manual is updated annually by the Administration and Finance Office. 

    Fiscal Agent for External Funds

    The Office of Administration and Finance works closely with the Director of Program Review and Grants and the Scholarship Office to ensure the integrity of our external funding sources. The Office of Administration and Finance is responsible for assisting in the preparation of all external funding requests; maintaining an accurate internal accounting system in line with grant awards; preparing monthly and quarterly reports for Grant Managers and external funding sources; and reviewing and approving all financial related documents. 


    The Office of Administration and Finance works closely with the Town Purchasing Department to ensure all purchases are in accordance with applicable bidding laws, such as M.G.L. Chapter 30B.

    Accounting and Accounts Payable

    The Office of Administration and Finance works closely with the Treasurer and Comptroller's Office to ensure timely payment of all invoices. Accounts payable can provide details about current and pending payments such as check numbers, list of invoices paid, encumbrance balances, and vendor status. All vendors must have a W-9 Form on file with the Town Comptroller’s Office. The accounts payable office can provide instructions and blank forms on request.
  • Donna Chisholm
    Budget Analyst/Accounts Payable Manager
    (617) 730-2423 

    Peggy Lee
    Accounts Payable 
    (617) 730-2411