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October 2019 (1st Update)

October 2019 First Update: Town Naming Committee


The Brookline Town Naming Committee (link) will hold a public hearing at the Coolidge Corner School in the Multipurpose Room on Wednesday, October 16 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss and potentially recommend a finalist name for the Coolidge Corner School. Public comment will be available until 10:00 p.m. For those that can’t attend, submissions can be sent to:

The Town Naming Committee now takes up all school building names, as filed on the November 2019 Town Meeting Warrant Articles (Starting with Article 26, ending with Article 28). Their meetings are posted here (link). Their guidelines for the selection process can be found here (link). Please note point 10 in the guideline document, which states the following;

"The Committee shall not recommend any name changes of any school unless the School Committee votes to approve of such change." (Source)

In addition, the Select Board will hold a public hearing on these articles on Monday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m. in Brookline Town Hall. The meeting agenda can be accessed here (link).

Click here to learn more about the School Committee's nomination.