June 2019
June 2019 Update: Selection of Finalist Name
On June 19, 2019, the School Committee recommended the Florida Ruffin Ridley School as the new permanent name for the Coolidge Corner School. While there are still a number of steps before Town Meeting votes on a final name, the School Committee moved the process forward by selecting and honoring a woman whose life can serve as a role model for our students, be a source of pride for our community, and inspire us through her work and service to others.
Mrs. Ridley’s selection is the result of a thoughtful and careful collaboration between our school and the Greater Brookline community. Central to this process, however, has always been the involvement of our students. Throughout this past year, our students have been actively participating in the renaming process. They have engaged thoughtfully by putting names forward during the initial nomination process, serving on the Bee-lievers of Change nominations committee, participating in various public meetings and forums, and thinking critically about how one personifies “Work Hard, Be Kind, Help Others”. We are proud that students have embraced the opportunity to step up and become active leaders of their community and modeled for us all positive collaboration and leadership.
In the next few months, the Town Naming Committee will consider the recommendation made by the School Committee and determine whether or not to move it forward at the 2019 Fall Town Meeting. Ultimately, Town Meeting must vote to approve the naming of any Town building before it is permanent. We will continue to keep you informed of the process as the district learns more about the next steps and timeline later this summer, and ensure that the community remains proactive and engaged in their participation.