Students Seeking Special Education Evaluation

  • Has your student been referred for or are you requesting a special education evaluation? If your child currently lives in Brookline and attends a private school, or attends a private school located in Brookline, you can request an evaluation and potentially receive services through the Public Schools of Brookline if found eligible.

    The PSB Office of Student Services is a great resource for families who would like more information about our special education services and programs. Learn more.

    All students requesting special education services must register with the Office of Registration and Enrollment. Our office will work with the Office of Student Services to ensure that you and your student have access to our resources and materials.

    Your student will not be enrolled in the Public Schools of Brookline as an active student. They will remain enrolled in their private school while seeking special education services through the Public Schools of Brookline.

Before getting started:

  • Contact a PSB Education Team Facilitator.

    Families seeking special education services or evaluations for their students must speak with an Education Team Facilitator to begin the registration process. The Educational Team Facilitator will help you with the next steps in the process and notify the Office of Registration and Enrollment of your intentions to register. A list of contacts can be found on the column to your right. 

    For grades K-8: Determine which School or Buffer Zone you live in. In Brookline, students are assigned to one of Brookline’s K-8 schools based primarily on the location of their home. Each residence is either in a single School Zone or in a Buffer Zone which includes two or more schools. To figure out which School Zone or Buffer Zone you live in, use our online Where Am I search tool. When using this tool, first search on your address. When the results are displayed, scroll to the right until you see School District and School Buffer Zone section. If there is no School Buffer Zone listed then you live in the School District that is listed.

    For grades 9-12: Please contact the Special Education Office at Brookline High School, at (617)-713-5076. 

    For Early Education (ages 3-5)Please contact Sarah Moynihan at (617)-713-5473 or

  • Eligible students are Brookline residents and/or an actively enrolled at a private or independent PreK-12 institution located within Brookline. 

    You and your student must be active residents in the Town of Brookline and/or an active student at a private or independent PreK-12 school in the Town of Brookline in order to register for special education services.

    During the registration process, you must present documentation of your student’s primary residence in Brookline and/or active enrollment at a private or independent PreK-12 institution located within Brookline to the Office of Registration & Enrollment.

    • If you are planning to move to Brookline, or will be attending school in Brookline, you can begin the registration process once you and your student begin their active residence and/enrollment in Brookline.

    • Temporary residence in the Town of Brookline for the sole purpose of attending the Public Schools of Brookline will not be considered residency.
  • Where do I register my student?

    Any student wishing to register for the Public Schools of Brookline will need to complete the registration process with the Office of Registration and Enrollment. Families will need to present three types of proofs to complete the enrollment of their students. You’ll learn more about what documents are needed in Step 1.

    Go to Step 1

Contact Us

  • Address: 

    Office of Student Services
    Public Schools of Brookline

    2 Clark Road
    Brookline, MA 02445

    Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Phone: (617) 730-2459
    Fax: (617) 730 -2066

  • The Public Schools of Brookline do not discriminate in its programs, facilities, employment or educational opportunities on the basis of race, color, age, disability, pregnancy, homelessness, sex/gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, genetics or military status, and does not tolerate any form of retaliation, or bias-based intimidation, threat or harassment that demeans individuals' dignity or interferes with their ability to learn or work.